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09-14 投稿



unspeakably 发音

英:[?n?spi?k?bli]  美:[?n?spi?k?bli]

英:  美:

unspeakably 中文意思翻译



unspeakably 短语词组

1、unspeakably beautiful ─── 难以形容的美丽

2、unspeakably loud ─── 无法形容的响亮

unspeakably 相似词语短语

1、unappeasably ─── 不容易。

2、unbearably ─── adv.不堪忍受地;无法容忍地

3、speakable ─── adj.可说出口的;可以交谈的

4、unbeatably ─── 无法忍受

5、unshakably ─── 坚定不移地

6、unbreakable ─── adj.牢不可破的;不易破损的

7、unappealably ─── 不吸引人的

8、unreadably ─── 不可理喻

9、unspeakable ─── adj.无法形容的;不能以言语表达的;坏透了的

unspeakably 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Those medical staff were unspeakably rude to pull out of the spot when they were badly needed. ─── 在最需要他们的时候,那些医护人员却十分粗鲁地撤离了现场。

2、Unscrupulous merchants collude with corrupt government officials in suppressing and exploiting the people. the common people are suffering unspeakably. ─── 奸商和贪官勾连起来镇压剥削人民, 老百姓苦不堪言。

3、That life suffering unspeakably , feel being that our these life has no way to fanciful in eating , penetrating the 21 more and more good centuries people who lives but now. ─── 那种苦不堪言的生活,是我们这些生活在如今不却吃、穿生活越来越好的21世纪人们无法想像的感受。

4、In our country we have those three unspeakably precious things:freedom of speech,freedom of conscience,and the prudence never to practice either. ─── 在我国,我们拥有三种不可言喻的宝物:言论的自由、信仰的自由、以及使两者均不获履行的精明。

5、The weekend may not be as productive as you'd like it to be, but Sunday is so unspeakably nice that you have no reason to complain. ─── 周末可不像你期望的那么有价值哟,但是周日这天会好的让你没有任何理由去抱怨。

6、unspeakably awful the entire day. -There's more talent in the newspapers. ─── 这一整天说不出地糟糕。报纸上的天才都比这多。

7、' Well, let me remind you that when you believe you're an insignificant bird dropping on the sooty gray pavement of life, you feel unspeakably horrible. ─── 好吧,让我提醒你当你认为自己是一只跌落在人生灰暗道路上一只无足轻重的小鸟,你会感到无可言喻的恐惧。

8、The rice is steamed and is unspeakably delicious. ─── 米饭蒸熟了,好吃得难以形容。

9、Rest assured, however, that a bounty unspeakably glorious shall be conferred upon you. ─── 可是,放心吧,你会得到一项莫名荣耀的恩惠。

10、The novel was unspeakably boring. ─── 这部小说无聊得无法形容。

11、an unspeakably vile habit ─── 不可言状的坏习惯.

12、It was a lime-washed, stone-floored room, unspeakably dreary with its furniture of deal boards and benches, and its prison smell. ─── 这是一间白灰刷墙石头铺地的房子,摆满了饭桌和条凳,说不出的沉闷和乏味,颇有一些监狱的气息。

13、Now I feel my life unspeakably empty. ─── 现今我觉得生活有说不出来的空虚。

14、Is it not unspeakably delightful to view the Saviour in all his offices, and to perceive him matchless in each? ─── 能永远注视我们美丽的主耶稣是何等的尊荣和喜乐啊!

15、The English spelling system is 'absolutely unspeakably awful'. ─── 英文拼写系统“真是一言难尽的糟糕” 。

16、She held my gift for a moment as though it was something unspeakably precious ─── 好一阵子,她捧着我的这份礼物,仿佛这是一件无法用言语形容的最宝贵的器皿。

17、Besides , the invariable squabble for money on Saturday nights had begun to weary her unspeakably . ─── 另外,每星期六都为了钱而发生的争吵已使她开始感到说不出的厌倦。

18、They were unspeakably holy, and worked miracles, and everybody stood in awe of them ─── 他们是说不出来的神圣,而且法力无边,谁见了都得起敬起畏。

19、When we got to the top of the escalator, we saw many huge posters of JHJ -- all unspeakably handsome! ─── 当我们到了自动扶梯的上方,我们看到许多巨大的显宰的海报—全都是无法形容的漂亮!

20、The lake was getting dried and condensed to a salt lake after a long-term evaporation.When we were approaching the pure blue and white world, we feel excited extremely and unspeakably. ─── 当我们越来越靠近这一块放眼望去只有蓝与白的两极世界,内心的兴奋真是难以形容。

21、1. In our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either. ─── 在我国,我们拥有三种不可言喻的宝物:言论的自由、信仰的自由、以及使两者均不获履行的精明。

22、but since that time the revelation He has made of Himself has become unspeakably blessed to me, and I can say from my heart, God is an infinitely lovely Being. ─── 但是自从那时候起,上帝的话对于我便成了说不尽的福乐,我能够从心坎中发出喊声来说,上帝眞可爱极了。

23、The face was unspeakably sad. ─── 脸上是说不出的悲伤。

24、to the Burmese people, the Golden Island is an unspeakably holy place on the Irrawaddy, where the Buddha himself is said to have pointed, announcing that an island would arise. ─── 对缅甸人来说,金岛是伊洛瓦底江上一块无以言喻的圣地,佛祖称自己在这里受到启示,说一座岛将在此升起。

25、Though I have profound remorse that it was through others' pain, I am unspeakably grateful for all that I have learned, and found that I have still yet to learn, because of the people in my life. ─── 虽然我深深感到自责,因为这一点是通过其他人的痛苦得到的,但对我学到的东西,我感到无法言喻的感激,并且由于我生活中的那些人,我发现我仍有很多要学。

26、It is the thought of sin that makes Christ so unspeakably precious, that keeps you every moment dependent on His grace, and gives you the claim to be more than conqueror through Him that loved us. ─── 就是因为想到罪才使基督显得不可言喻的宝贵,使你每时每刻依靠他的恩典并且叫你靠着那爱我们的主作一个得胜有余的人。

27、It seemed to Val unspeakably disgusting to have one's name called out like this in public! ─── 法尔觉得把人家的姓氏在大庭广众之间这样叫出来,简直说不出的可恶。

28、3.Besides , the invariable squabble for money on Saturday nights had begun to weary her unspeakably . ─── 另外,每星期六都为了钱而发生的争吵已使她开始感到说不出的厌倦。

29、God is an artist, and His creation is unspeakably magnificent. ─── 上帝是艺术家,祂的创造神奇无比!

30、3.He was unspeakably impolite. ─── 他极为失礼。

31、Unspeakably glorious is the task of the Missionary! ─── 那传福音的脚踪又是何等佳美!

32、The second day , training , reason why still being the upper part of the body suffer unspeakably. ─── 第二日,仍然是上身的训练,所以苦不堪言。

33、He is unspeakably cruel. ─── 他的残酷难以形容。

34、Narcissists, Freud later wrote, were nearly untreatable. Unspeakably lonely and shackled by grandiose fantasies, they were incapable of forming relationships, not even with a psychoanalyst. ─── 佛洛伊德在之后曾写道自恋者几乎无药可愈。无法言喻的寂寞感加上受到夸张幻想的牵绊,自恋者无法与任何人构成人际关系,甚至包括心理分析师。

35、Who would not be early to rise, and rise earlier and earlier every successive day of his life, till he became unspeakably healthy, wealthy, and wise? ─── 这可以使全国警戒起来,谁不会起得更早,一天天地更早,直到他健康、富足、聪明到了无法形容的程度呢?

36、I thought it must be chuanxiong and moutan that made me suffer unspeakably. ─── 我想:肯定是川芎、丹皮二味令我苦不堪言。

37、Our Father, which art in heaven, Thou who art so unspeakably willing to give us the Holy Spirit in power, hear our humble prayer. ─── 祷告:我们在天上的父,你是极其乐意将圣灵的能力赏赐给我们,求你垂听我们卑微的祷告。

38、It seemed to Val unspeakably disgusting to have one's name called out like this in public! ─── 法尔觉得把人家的姓氏在大庭广众之间这样叫出来,简直说不出的可恶。

39、Let your desire reach out to this everlasting love.The Christ with whom you desire fellowship longs unspeakably to fill you with His love. ─── 试著去触摸到那样的爱,因为耶稣渴望用那说不出来的大爱,充满你的心。

40、and the unflagging thunderpeals came now in ear-splitting explosive bursts, keen and sharp, and unspeakably appalling. ─── 惊雷如潮,震耳欲聋,惊魂夺魄,难以言状。

41、Let your desire reach out to this everlasting love. The Christ with whom you desire fellowship longs unspeakably to fill you with His love. ─── 试着去触摸到那样的爱,因为耶稣渴望用那说不出来的大爱,充满你的心。

42、How ardently days! In these days, on the outside of the window, but on the other side, now, I feel my life unspeakably empty. ─── 这些天里,窗外是多么的热烈!不过现在,我觉得自己的生活有说不出的空虚。

43、4.But for Ronnie and thousands of other interpreters working with the U.S. military, getting out is unspeakably difficult. ─── 但是对于像罗尼这样数千名替美军工作的翻译者来说,离开伊拉克是难以形容地困难。

44、But for Ronnie and thousands of other interpreters working with the U. S. military, getting out is unspeakably difficult. ─── 但是对于像罗尼这样数千名替美军工作的翻译者来说,离开伊拉克是难以形容地困难。

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