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09-14 投稿



intravenous 发音

英:[,?ntr?'vi?n?s]  美:['?ntr?'vin?s]

英:  美:

intravenous 中文意思翻译



intravenous 短语词组

1、intravenous administration ─── 静脉内给药

2、intravenous anesthetic ─── 静脉麻醉药

3、intravenous intracavitary ─── [医] 静脉注射疗法

4、intravenous block ─── 静脉阻塞

5、intravenous route ─── 静脉进入

6、intravenous inoculation ─── 静脉接种; ─── 静脉内接种

7、intravenous pathogenicity index ─── 静脉致病性指数

8、intravenous anesthesia ─── [医] 静脉麻醉

9、intravenous injection ─── [医] 静脉注射

10、intravenous fluid ─── 静脉注射液

11、intravenous pyelogram ─── 静脉注射肾盂造影图; ─── 静脉肾盂造影(照)片; ─── 静脉肾盂造影片; ─── 静脉肾盂造影照片

12、intravenous therapy ─── 静脉注射疗法

13、intravenous drip ─── [医] 静脉滴注法

14、intravenous feeding ─── 静脉营养法

15、intravenous narcosis ─── [医] 静脉麻醉 ─── [法]

16、massive drip intravenous treatment ─── [医] 集体治疗

17、intravenous pyelography ─── [医] 静脉肾盂造影术

18、massive drip intravenous intracavitary ─── [医] 大量静脉滴注疗法

19、intravenous tension ─── [医] 静脉张力, 静脉压

intravenous 词性/词形变化,intravenous变形

副词: intravenously |

intravenous 相似词语短语

1、interspinous ─── adj.椎间的;棘突间的

2、intravenously ─── adv.静脉注射地;通过静脉

3、intravenous drips ─── 静脉滴注法

4、intrapreneurs ─── n.内部创业者(intrapreneur的复数)

5、interacinous ─── adj.腺泡间的

6、intrapreneur ─── n.公司内的企业家,企业开拓者

7、intracutaneous ─── adj.皮内的

8、ravenous ─── adj.贪婪的;渴望的;狼吞虎咽的

9、intravenous drip ─── 静脉滴注法

intravenous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was unable to sit still for more than a few minutes and sleep was impossible even with intravenous sedatives. ─── 他不能静坐数分钟以上,即使静脉注射镇静剂,也不能睡觉。

2、Evaluation of clinical efficacy and tolerability of intravenous high dose thymopentin in advanced melanoma patients. ─── 大剂量静脉注射TP5在进展性黑色素瘤患者中的临床应用及...

3、She would thrash around in her hospital bed and remove her intravenous line. ─── 她会在医院的病床上剧烈扭动并拔掉静脉注射管。

4、It would also compete with J&J's own Remicade, which is given by intravenous infusion. ─── 它还将与竞争 强生公司自己是Remicade ,这是由静脉滴注。

5、Ll set up an intravenous infusion and you should have an intravenous drip. ─── 我现在把静脉注射用品准备好,然后给您进行静脉点滴。

6、Intravenous urography is one of the best modality to diagnose the blind-ending bifid ureter. ─── 在诊断盲枝输尿管裂的检查方法之中,静脉注射泌尿道摄影是所有最好的检查法当中的其中一种。

7、Some can give intravenous injections while others can't and know only how to give subcutaneous injections. ─── 有一些医生连皮下都不敢动手,就在那个皮上面。

8、They say intravenous delivery, a more likely route in humans, would be much more likely to reach the heart. ─── 他们说静脉内的递送,人类的一条比较有可能的路径,会是更加有可能达成心。

9、And people who are intravenous druy users may infect HIV virus too. ─── 并且吸毒者通过静脉注射也可以传播艾滋病毒。

10、Intravenous administration of furosemide was employed to eliminate the retained urinary FDG activity. ─── 初步影像显示右肾有异常之葡萄糖积聚,电脑断层亦无法完全排除是否为尿液干扰。

11、Methods: An intravenous injection of LMWH (fraxiparine) was made prior to administration of hemodialysis. ─── 方法:采用LMWH在透析开始一次性注入。

12、You may see they in the sunlight, under the moonlight, are relating joyful and the happy intravenous drip together! ─── 你可以看到他们一起在阳光,一起在月光下,诉说着快乐与幸福的点滴!

13、EO group and EL group received intravenous injection of oleic acid or lipopolysaccharide respectively. ─── EO组和EL组分别注射油酸0.175ml/kg和脂多糖2.5mg/kg。

14、Method Intravenous urography(IVU)and retrograde pyelography(RGP)are important methods for diagnosing ureteric polyps. ─── 方法IVU,RGP是诊断输尿管息肉的重要方法,本病应与输尿管癌、阴性结石及血凝块相鉴别;

15、The ceiling of the President's bedroom will be designed for two intravenous hookups. ─── 总统卧室的顶部有两个静脉注射器挂钩;

16、That a coat hanger,in a pinch,makes a good rack for an intravenous bag. ─── 例如,必要时一个挂衣架就能当静脉输液支架用。

17、Objective: To analyze the prescriptions refused to be dispensed in pharmacy intravenous admixture service (PIVAS). ─── 摘要目的:分析静脉药物配置中心处方拒配的原因。

18、Method 90 cases were performed intravenous pyelography with digital laminography. ─── 方法采用数字化成像体层摄影对90例患者进行静脉肾盂造影检查。

19、Intravenous fluid repletion allows oral fluids to be offered sparingly. ─── 允许口服液体补充静脉体液量。

20、Intravenous injection pitocin need not beyond 5 U in caesarean section. ─── 择期剖宫产病人静注催产素不必超过5U。

21、Discover beautiful metre from the banality of the intravenous drop. ─── 从平凡的点滴中发掘美的韵律。

22、As if to meet aesthetic across time and space, is still extended, some warm intravenous drip, always inadvertently haunting. ─── 仿佛相聚时的唯美穿越了时空,为我静静延伸,一些温馨的点滴,总是不经意地萦绕心头。

23、She subsequently developed complete atrioventricular block and a temporary intravenous pacemaker was applied. ─── 接着,她出现完全性房室传导阻滞,使用临时性静脉起搏器。

24、The amnestic effect of intravenous midazolam is powerful, and patients may not remember having seen their surgeon. ─── 咪唑安定顺行性遗忘作用很有用,病人可以不能回忆已经见到的手术医生。

25、Methods In the guidance of color Doppler flow imaging, the cyst was punctured with intravenous cannula. ─── 方法在彩色多普勒超声引导下,静脉留置针穿刺甲状腺囊肿,抽尽囊液,冲洗囊腔,注入无水乙醇。

26、Commonly used for administration of arterial injection and intravenous drip. ─── 常用给药途径为动脉注射和静脉滴注。

27、Methods Forty-eight intravenous drug users (IDUs) were interviewed by using questionnaires. ─── 方法对四川省某市戒毒所内强制或自愿接受戒毒的48人进行问卷调查。

28、In the past, only intravenous drug users and prostitutes were considered at-risk or high-risk groups. ─── 在过去,仅仅是静脉注射的吸毒者和妓女被认为是危险人群或高危人群。

29、Method 52 venipuncture failure critically ill patients,after the open-incrision under intravenous needle casing. ─── 方法 对52例静脉穿刺失败的危重病人,采用静脉切开后直视下进行套管针穿刺。

30、Methods: Ninety patients with AMI were treated by intravenous infusion of urokinase in CCU. ─── 方法:在冠心病监护病房行静脉溶栓治疗。

31、ChorelaCholera is easily treated with all rehidration sorts oral rehydration salts or intravilars intravenous fluids. ─── 口服再水化盐或打点滴可以轻易治愈霍乱。

32、The attending doctor orders an intravenous antibiotic to help me deal with the infection, and asks if I feel better. I say, no, not really. ─── 主治医师开了静脉抗生素以对抗感染,然后问我是否感觉好些,我说不、不、一点也不好。

33、Repeated intravenous injections are dependent upon the ability to maintain a patent vein. ─── 反复注射有赖于静脉保持通畅。

34、The pharmacokinetics of the liposome after intravenous injection was studied. ─── 同时考察包合物脂质体的体内药物动力学性质。

35、Capital routes of administration are intravenous injection(IV) and hypodermic injection(IH). ─── 主要给药途径有静脉注射和皮下注射。

36、Treprostinil, a prostanoid, may be delivered via either continuous intravenous or subcutaneous infusion. ─── 曲罗尼尔,一种类前列腺素制剂,可以通过持续静脉输注给药,也可以通过皮下注射。

37、An old picture stimulates. Beforehand intravenous drip! ─── 一张老照片激发起.以前的点滴!

38、Meanwhile, his pet is hooked up to an intravenous unit, but is expected to fully recover. ─── 与此同时,他的宠物猫咪也在宠物医院打点滴,不过很快就可以康复了。

39、A bound-in CD-ROM contains over 100 monographs on intravenous drugs. ─── 在界限里的CD-ROM 包含多于100关于静脉内的药的专题。

40、Methods To review the effect of intravenous pamidronate therapy on two patients with osteogenesis imperfecta in 2007. ─── 方法对2007年我院收治的2例成骨不全症的治疗进行回顾分析。

41、Title: Efficacy of intravenous propofol sedation during routine colonoscopy in children and hypertensive patients. ─── 关键词:儿童;高血压;结肠镜检查;丙泊酚

42、Methods: Fentanyl - Etomidate intravenous anesthesia were used for induced abortion in 120 patients. ─── 方法:对120例人工流产术患者实施芬太尼-乙咪酯静脉麻醉。

43、The doctor has ordered a vasoconstrictor. It'll be added to the intravenous drip to stop the bleeding. ─── 中译)医生已经指示一个血管收缩剂。他将被加入静脉点滴注射来停止出血。

44、Radioactive seeds are to be implanted into the tumor; DC is to be injected through intravenous injection. ─── 放射性粒子是植入到肿瘤里面去的,DC细胞是通过静脉注射的。

45、A dental examination before patients begin therapy with intravenous bisphosphonates is advisable if possible. ─── 建议在病人在开始静脉注射双磷酸盐之前进行牙科检查。

46、Then, parents took me to the hospital where the best, whether or not serious, every time an intravenous drip. ─── 然后,父母带我去那里最好的医院,无论是否严重,每一次都要打点滴。

47、For emergency, the first big dosage of both intravenous and intravenous injection can be used simultaneously. ─── 凡遇急救性情况,第一次可大剂量静脉注射和静脉滴注同时应用。

48、After intravenous antibiotics 2 weeks after discharge continues to serve,ciprofloxacin 1 months. ─── 术后静脉应用抗生素2周,出院后继续服环丙沙星1个月。

49、How much intravenous fluid has she had? ─── 静脉流体做了多少?

50、He was kept alive with intravenous dripping of fluid. ─── 他靠输液维持着生命。

51、Nurse: Good morning, Mr. Zhang. It's time for me to give you intravenous infusion. ─── 护士:张先生,上午好!该给您输液了。

52、Patients with severe hyperte ion are generally managed with titratable intravenous medicatio . ─── 有严重高血压的病人通常采用可滴定静脉给药法进行处理。

53、That a coat hanger, in a pinch, makes a good rack for an intravenous bag. ─── 例如,必要时一个挂衣架就能当静脉输液支架用;

54、Nursing Care of Intravenous Photocoagulation of Varicosis of Great Saphenous Vein[J]. ─── 引用该论文 师兰香,董艳芬,潘孝霞,王春喜.

55、N. Tape the intravenous tubing in place. ─── 将导管盘在合适的位置。

56、I'm going to give you an intramuscular injection./ intravenous infusion/ hypodermic injection. ─── 我要给您做青霉素皮试.如果您感到痒或气短,请立刻告诉我./十五分钟后看结果./要给您做破伤风皮试.

57、We need to put a tube in to pump his stomach immediately and start an intravenous fluid. ─── 我们必须马上放一条管子到胃里去清洗,并且开始静脉注射。

58、Abstract: Objective : To compare oral and intravenous indomethacin for closure of patent ductus axteriosus . ─── 文章摘要: 目的比较口服和静脉应用消炎痛治疗新生儿动脉导管未闭的疗效。

59、Good morning, Mr. Zhang. It's time for me to give you intravenous infusion. ─── 张先生,上午好!该给您输液了。

60、Mental confusion has been reported after intravenous administration of cimetidine in geriatric patients. ─── 但是已经有报道老年病人静脉给予西咪替丁后有精神错乱的发生。

61、Most patients tolerated the transition from intravenous to inhaled prostanoid therapy. ─── 大多数患者耐受类前列腺素治疗由静脉到吸入的改变。

62、Previously, i was given cephalothin intravenous injection and cephaloridine medication by the chinese doctor. ─── 之前中国医生给我进行先锋霉素的静脉注射。然后给我开了头饱霉素吃。

63、Clinical Investigations Intravenous Lidocaine Infusion Facilitates Acute Rehabilitation after Laparoscopic Colectomy. ─── 利多卡因静脉输注促进腹腔镜结肠切除术后患者的早期恢复。

64、Objective: To improve the accuracy of image diagnosis by intravenous pyelography. ─── 摘要目的:提高静脉尿路造影诊断水平。

65、AVB occurred either in the process of intravenous drip infusion,or3months after medication. ─── AVB可出现在静脉滴注过程中,或用药3mo后;

66、It is also an excellent method to study the non-functioning kidney which cannot be seen in the intravenous pyelogram. ─── 又对功能不好,以静脉肾盂摄影术无法照出的肾臓亦可用超音波图作进一步的探讨,很适合小儿科学上的使用。

67、We'll put you on an intravenous drip. We'll also give you a blood transfusion if necessary. ─── 中译)我们将为你做静脉点滴注射。如果有必要的话,也会顺便为你做输血的动作。

68、Also will remember.. Has occurred intravenous drip.. ─── 也会想起...发生过的点点滴滴..

69、The final products had no haemolytic reaction and Pyrogen reaction,It fit for requirement of intravenous injection. ─── 无溶血现象发生,无热原反应。最终产品质量符合静脉注射要求。

70、Treament of acute ischemic cerebral vascular disease with urokinase intravenous dissolving blood-cork. ─── 尿激酶静脉溶栓治疗急性缺血性脑血管病31例临床分析

71、The patient is sedated with intravenous use of sedative drugs. ─── 这名患者在静脉注射了镇静剂后镇静了下来。

72、One patient admitted to intravenous drug use (IVDU) and a second was suspected of IVDU. ─── 其中一个病人承认自己是静脉吸毒者,另一个病人被怀疑是静脉吸毒者。

73、L. Tape the intravenous tubing in place. ─── 把静脉导管盘在合适的位置。

74、Mechanism of varicosity treated by semiconductor laser intravenous irradiation[J]. ─── 引用该论文 卢启鹏,侯宝忠,朱琳琳.

75、Attempts are being made to obtain intravenous access.At this time, he vomits and appears to aspirate. ─── 医务人员正在试图建立静脉通道,此时,患者出现呕吐并发生误吸。

76、Ll give you an intravenous injection. ─── 我要给您静脉注射。

77、Recombinant staphylokinase(r-SAK) was administered at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg through intravenous injection in 30 min. ─── 双侧股动脉血栓随机分为重组葡激酶组(单用药组)和重组葡激酶加超声组(超声助溶组)。

78、Most of the volatile and intravenous anesthetics potentiate the function of GABAA receptor to different extent. ─── 大多数吸入性和静脉麻醉药对GABA_A受体有不同程度的增强调制作用。

79、In premature infants an intravenous (IV) medication called indomethacin may help close a patent ductus arteriosus. ─── 对早产儿,静脉(滴注)消炎痛可能有助于动脉导管的闭合。

80、Periphery feels grateful all, was they lets you understand the life intravenous drip, was they lets you know oneself. ─── 感恩周围的一切,是他们让你明白了人生的点点滴滴,是他们让你认识自己。

81、Methods All 82 patients received intravenous urokinase (UK) for acute ischemic stroke. ─── 方法 82例急性脑梗死患者接受尿激酶 (UK)静脉溶栓治疗。

82、Pain and Regional Anesthesia Low-dose Intravenous Ketamine Potentiates Epidural Analgesia after Thoracotomy. ─── 低剂量静脉用氯胺酮增强开胸术后硬膜外的镇痛效果。

83、Caspofungin should be administered by slow intravenous (IV) infusion for approximately 1 hour. ─── 卡泊芬净用法是:缓慢静脉推注近1小时。

84、So if you want to do something modulating inflammation, it would be fine to do it with intravenous delivery. ─── 因此,如果想要调节炎症反应的话,静脉输注干细胞是可以的。

85、Intravenous drip urography of large dose was more effective. ─── 大剂量静脉滴注尿路造影效果更好。

86、Results:ICUS showed all of the target lesions with moderate or severe stenosis after intravenous thrombolysis. ─── 冠脉内超声能清晰地显示急诊植入支架的大小、覆盖范围、扩张程度等。

87、He was put on intravenous drip to treat his dehydration. ─── 他打点滴来治疗脱水。

88、We also determined the uptake of NBP into the brain after intravenous and intranasal administration in rats. ─── 并通过研究NBP脂质体经鼻给药的生物利用度及向脑内转运的途径对实验设想予以证实。

89、Jackson told Metzger near the end of his life that intravenous anesthetics were the only thing that could give him sleep. ─── 杰克逊与梅次格说,在杰克逊生命的最后一段时光里,他只能靠注射静脉麻醉剂来帮助自己入睡。

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