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09-14 投稿



inadequateness 中文意思翻译



inadequateness 反义词


inadequateness 同义词

incompetently | poorly | hopelessly | scantly | scantily | unsatisfactorily | defectively | ineffectually | inefficiently | imperfectly | scarcely |insufficiently | ineffectively

inadequateness 词性/词形变化,inadequateness变形

副词: inadequately |

inadequateness 相似词语短语

1、inadequate ─── adj.不充分的,不适当的

2、inanimateness ─── n.无生性;非动物(inanimate名词)

3、inaccurateness ─── 不准确

4、inarticulateness ─── 无关节;(腕足动物的介壳)无铰;不善言辞;含糊其辞;非言语能表达;说不出话

5、adequateness ─── 熟练

6、insensateness ─── 无感

7、inadequately ─── adv.不适当地;不够好地

8、inadequacies ─── n.不足;缺陷

9、indelicateness ─── 粗俗

inadequateness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Conclusion introduces how the ideas of the thesis came into being and its writing process, and also states the inadequateness in writing. ─── 结束语介绍了本文的构思及写作过程,表明写作上的不足。

2、Without the perceived need for gaining more money, more possessions, more power, then we are released from the pressure of obtaining them and the feelings of inadequateness. ─── 如果没有获得更多金钱、更多财物和更多权力的需求,那么我们可以从渴望获得所有这一切的压力和不恰当的需求中获得解放。

3、Secondly, it briefly analyzes some major inadequateness of ideology and morality presently existing in the rural youth, which incorporates the two parts of daily lives and public lives. ─── 其次简单分析新时期农村青年思想道德存在的突出问题,包括日常生活和公共生活两大方面的问题;

4、Inadequateness and Improvement of IRR in Project Investment Decision ─── 内含报酬率法在项目投资决策中的不足与完善

5、Inadequateness and Improvement of IRR in Project Investment Decision ─── 内含报酬率法在项目投资决策中的不足与完善

6、In the third section, the author will propose her own suggestions on improving Chinese criminal legislation of commercial bribery to overcome its current defects and inadequateness. ─── 第三部分:针对我国刑事立法上的缺陷和不足,提出应当从以下三个方面对我国商业贿赂犯罪的刑事立法加以完善。

7、But the recent mathematical models have their limitations and inadequateness. ─── 但是,目前所提出的数学模型都存在其局限性和不足之处。

8、This paper is, basing on the inadequateness of the minor guardianship system, to interpret the recent development of the trust and guardian systems and then to reveal the significance of trust system. ─── 本文试以未成年人监护制度规范上之不足为远因,并说明近代信讬与监护之发展,显现出信讬之重要性。

9、The inadequateness of management and the measures to solve the problems for protection of the ancient and famous trees were also discussed. ─── 文中同时指出福州市古树名木管理的不足以及整改的有关措施。

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