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09-14 投稿



hodgepodge 发音

英:['h?d?p?d?]  美:['hɑd?pɑd?]

英:  美:

hodgepodge 中文意思翻译



hodgepodge 网络释义

n. 大杂烩;混煮;一团糟vt. 使混乱

hodgepodge 相似词语短语

1、Coleridge ─── n.柯勒律治(英国湖畔派诗人)

2、Orange Lodge ─── 奥兰治小屋

3、lodgepole ─── n.洛奇波尔松(美国的一种松树);(土木工程)以洛奇波尔松为原材料的杆

4、ridgepole ─── n.栋梁;房屋的栋木

5、hodgepodges ─── n.大杂烩;混煮;一团糟;vt.使混乱

6、to dislodge ─── 驱逐

7、lodgepoles ─── 房柱

8、hodge-podge ─── n.大杂烩;混煮;一团糟;vt.使混乱

9、to repledge ─── 复制

hodgepodge 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A mixture or medley; a hodgepodge. ─── 大杂烩;混杂物

2、The result will be a hodgepodge of corporate logos, taglines and packaging.Customers will be confused and the company will look disorganized. ─── 导致的结果就是出现混乱的企业商标,标语以及包装,消费者被误导,企业自身也变得散乱。

3、Almost all pages have been unlocked, MabiWiki has again become the Mabinogi Encyclopedia that any player can edit, just like when it was established by YY Hodgepodge. ─── 几乎所有页面都已经解除锁定,麻痹怒气维基又成为了所有人都可以编辑的洛奇百科全书,就像从前一样。

4、Model between visitors, who will find any buyers so beautiful house, because it is the intention of a simple, no hodgepodge can not throw things anywhere. ─── 参观样板间时,任何买房人都会觉得房子那么漂亮,其原因是由于那是一种单纯化的示意,没有杂七杂八又不能甩的东西乱放。

5、Nothing frustrates nontechnical people more than having to navigate an uncoordinated hodgepodge of screens and approaches. ─── 没有一样东西比必须在各种屏幕和方法不协调的大杂烩中漫游,更能使非技术人员沮丧。

6、The millions of Web pages out there make up an eclectic hodgepodge of information and opinion. ─── 数以百万计的网页组成了一个信息的大杂质烩。

7、The first problem to attack is that of the current hodgepodge device support where the X server itself is responsible for parsing the raw bytestreams coming from the disparate input devices. ─── 第一个要解决的问题,是当前X server自己负责分析来自各种各异的输入设备的原始数据流这种大杂烩式的设备支持方式。

8、Students at other universities often complain that an introductory course in psychology is a bewildering hodgepodge of unconnected facts and theories. ─── 其他大学的学生常抱怨说心理学的导论课程是个让人糊涂的大杂烩,一堆互不相干的事实和理论。

9、One may argue that if America was full of Japanese and Germans rather than a hodgepodge of immigrants, it may be even stronger. ─── 有人说,如果美国全是由日本人和德国人而不是现在这样的移民杂碎组成的,是否会比现在更强大。

10、Fang Hung-chien wished he could have said, No wonder your honorable work is such a hodgepodge. ─── 方鸿渐恨不能说:“怪不得阁下的大作也是那样斑驳陆离。

11、Subsequently, "Egg and potato hodgepodge meet person of kill with poison " the view is passed bubbling with noisely in place. ─── 随后,“鸡蛋和土豆混煮会毒死人”的说法在当地被传得沸沸扬扬。

12、A jumble; a hodgepodge. ─── 杂乱的一大堆;杂烩菜

13、All dreams exist in hodgepodge of possibility surrounding the physical plane. ─── 所有梦想,都存在于围绕物质层周围的可能性大杂烩中。

14、Can imagine, once those professional sites are done big, such hodgepodge in A still has the sense of how many existence. ─── 可以想象,一旦那些专业站点都做大了,阿里这样的大杂烩还有多少存在的意义。

15、If it's like most offices, amid the hodgepodge of cutting-edge technology are quite a few dinosaurs that seem pulled from yesteryear. ─── 它可能像大多数办公室一样,在高科技设备中潜伏着几条从昨天走来的恐龙。

16、Fang Hung-chien wished he could have said, No wonder your honorable work is such a hodgepodge ─── 方鸿渐恨不能说:“怪不得阁下的大作也是那样斑驳陆离。

17、In short, it's a bit of a hodgepodge, full of stark contrasts. ─── 简而言之,有点儿像大杂烩,反差强烈。

18、Certainly, also has many net friends to suspect this is only “old impossible” hypes, in the cat throws in the hodgepodge, had the net friend to recognize in the picture girl. ─── 当然,也有不少网友怀疑这只是“老叵”的一场炒作,在猫扑大杂烩里,有网友认出了照片里的女孩子。

19、The writing itself is no doubt a strange hodgepodge, having been jotted down by fits and starts, over a period of nine months or more. ─── 文体大概很杂乱,因为是或作或辍,经了九个月之多。

20、The cat attacks, every every company, website can do community, so the cat attacks as a hodgepodge, as a platform, its user nature should satisfy the requirement of SNS. ─── 猫扑,每个公司、每个网站都可以做社区,所以猫扑作为一个大杂烩,作为一个平台,它的用户自然要满足SNS的需求。

21、But the day of festivities was like that, full of contrasting images and a hodgepodge of sometimes contradictory slogans. ─── 但是,当天的庆祝活动充斥着对比强烈的图象和相互矛盾的口号大杂烩。

22、We actually advise against this as it will create a hodgepodge of too many rays and keys all at once, many of which one may not be ready for. ─── 事实上我们反对这样做,因为这样它将立刻创建一个太多光线和太多钥匙的大杂烩,对其中很多,许多人都还没有准备好。

23、The region became a hodgepodge of languages and dialects, some from the East, some from the South and some from other countries entirely. ─── 这个地区成为语言和方言的大杂烩,有些来自东部,有些来自南部,而有些完全是来自别的国家。

24、Singapore is an extraordinary hodgepodge of health care principles, but it's also a city-state whose health care system is comprised of fewer than 30 hospitals. ─── 新加坡的医疗体系不仅仅是一个各种医疗政策的大杂烩,可惜新加坡本身只是一个仅有30家医院的城市国家。

25、But Medivh hadeverything in a hodgepodge, as if he didn’t really need it. ─── 但麦迪文把什么东西都扔一块儿,好像他实际上根本不需要它们。

26、The album is a hodgepodge of live material and new studio recordings that furthers the band's experimentation with American music styles and recognize many of their musical influences. ─── 该专辑是一个包括乐队现场和录音室录音的大杂烩,体现了乐队在美国音乐风格上的实验,承认了他们众多的音乐影响力。

27、A mixture of diverse or unrelated parts or individuals; a hodgepodge ─── 混杂不同的或不相关的部分或个人的混合;搀杂物

28、Then, the cat attacks hodgepodge was initiated collect post, draft the will of TA. ─── 于是,猫扑大杂烩发起了征集帖,征集TA的愿望。

29、Because Malta stands at the crossroads between Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East, it has always been home to a hodgepodge of cultures and languages. ─── 由于马耳他位于欧洲、北非和中东的交汇处,它一直是各种文化和语言的交融地。

30、Over time the surface of the soil has become a historical hodgepodge: bits of late Bronze Age oil jars are mixed indiscriminately with eighteenth-century Roman roof tiles. ─── 随着时间的流逝,这些土壤已经变成了一个历史大杂烩:青铜时代晚期的油罐碎片同18世纪罗马屋顶瓦片混杂在一起。

31、The residential district of Tali is a hodgepodge of high-rise apartment buildings, fields, and factories. Some residents worry that the mix ture is causing the quality of life to deteriorate. ─── 在大里到处可见高楼的住宅区中夹有一小块农田、或农田中有四五家工厂,还有的住家、工厂、农田全都混在一块儿,有的乡民担心三者混杂,将使生活品质日渐低落。

32、Left to their own devices in a culture dish, ES cells will spontaneously differentiate into a hodgepodge of tissue types. ─── 培养皿中的胚胎干细胞,在独立生长时,会自动分化出混杂了各种组织的形式;

33、Your last paragraph made it very clear to me that Benjamin's work is basically a hodgepodge from Kantian rationality through to more updated theories. ─── 你最后一段话让它很清楚的告诉我,本雅明的工作是基本上一个大杂烩,从康德的批判理性一直到更新的理论。

34、A miscellaneous collection; a hodgepodge. ─── 杂烩,杂聚各种各样的收集;杂烩

35、“The Castle in the Forest” is a gleeful hodgepodge of ideas, held together by this satanic conceit. ─── 《林中城堡》是一本令人愉悦的观点大杂烩,以这种邪恶怪诞的想法拼凑在一起。

36、SBV decided to stake the survival of Bio2 on the design tenet that an extraordinarily diverse hodgepodge of living creatures would settle into a unified stability. ─── 面对这些挑战,SBV决定把生物圈二号的存亡问题,托付给这样一条设计原则:生命体大杂烩那不寻常的多样性能够走上正轨,适应统一的稳定性。

37、Infographics are always a bit of a hodgepodge of statistics culled from a variety of sources. ─── 因为原数据五花八门,信息图表展示的统计结果难免给人些许大杂烩的感觉。

38、The information in that chapter is all you'll ever need for most applications.However, you can do a lot more with DLLs.In this chapter, we'll discuss a hodgepodge of techniques that relate to DLLs. ─── 虽然对于大多数应用程序来说,只要了解上一章介绍的知识就足够了,但是还可以使用DLL进行更多的工作。

39、The society is a hodgepodge, where people differ from people. ─── 在社会这个大熔炉里,形形色色的人都有。

40、For years, a hodgepodge network of seed banks has been amassing seed and shoot collections in a haphazard manner. ─── 多年来,很多庞杂的种子库网络一直以随意的方式收集种子和苗芽。

41、The bluish touch light flashing on the hodgepodge of hair and clothes created a strange phantasmagoria of color, making the cave seem incomparably unique. ─── 再加上青濛濛的火光,照射在五颜六色的须发、衣物上,炫化出奇异的幻彩,显得无比的诡谲。

42、The Castle in the Forest" is a gleeful hodgepodge of ideas, held together by this Satanic conceit. ─── 林中城堡》是一本令人愉悦的观点大杂烩,以这种邪恶怪诞的想法拼凑在一起。

43、The Personal Shop is a hodgepodge of items deemed "too good for communal use". ─── 私人商店出售各种各样的好东西,在许多情况下作用颇大。

44、That's because a tumor is made up of a hodgepodge of cells containing different genetic mutations, each of which allows it to wreak a different brand of havoc. ─── 因为肿瘤是不同的基因变异细胞组成的混合物,每一个细胞会产生不同的混乱变异。

45、In so doing, the hodgepodge of rays and keys cause the mineral alter not to support you as well as it could otherwise. ─── 当这样做,光线和钥匙的大杂烩导致矿物变得反而不支持你。

46、hotchpotch, mishmash, hotpotch, farrago, jumble, hodgepodge ─── 混杂。混杂物。杂烩。

47、From counteryard house to hodgepodge house ─── 从四合院到大杂院

48、This box is a hodgepodge of books, old toys and things. ─── 这个箱子里,书、旧玩具及其他物品混杂在一起。

49、I do not come out on a hodgepodge. ─── 不要一上来就搞一个大杂烩。

50、A collection or mixture of unrelated things; a hodgepodge. ─── 混杂物不相关的事物的集合或混合;大杂烩

51、The attempt was ultimately a failure, but it set back the Republican cause by many years and fractured China into a hodgepodge of squabbling warlord factions. ─── 江湖浩荡山绵连,勋华揖让开尧天,亿万年。

52、Customers get "one throat to choke" for product support and better integration--long the bane of big companies attempting to assemble their IT departments from a hodgepodge of components. ─── 用户获得了“一包到底”的产品支持以及更好的综合产品服务。

53、A public houses by the sale price will not be too high, with the hodgepodge of taxes and fees, the money does not really get more; ─── 一则公房出售价格不会太高,加上各种杂七杂八的税费,真正到手的钱并不多;

54、I left my home after the death of their parents two old cottage, which is a hodgepodge house, as well as the city's slums. ─── 我住着父母去世后留给我的两间旧平房,那是一个大杂院,也是这个城市的贫民区。

55、a collection or mixture of unrelated things; a hodgepodge ─── 不相关的事物的集合或混合;大杂烩

56、But this kind of exhibition is easyly to be made into hodgepodge. ─── 但是这种展览也容易做成大杂烩。

57、A mixture of diverse or unrelated parts or individuals; a hodgepodge. ─── 混杂不同的或不相关的部分或个人的混合; 搀杂物

58、Until recently, the Department of Education could do nothing about this hodgepodge of methods for counting dropouts. ─── 直到最近为止,联邦教育部对于这些五花八门的旷课统计方法没有做出任何规定。

59、The college journals lack academic influence because of their hodgepodge character. ─── 要改变这种局面,只有走专业化、特色化的道路。

60、A motley collection; a hodgepodge. ─── 杂烩混杂的收集物;杂烩

61、The hodgepodge system we have now demeans nearly all those who touch it. It is time to tear it down and start again. ─── 目前这种杂乱的体系,会让几乎所有接触到它的人都有失身份。是时候拆毁重来了。

62、The hodgepodge system we have now demeans nearly all those who touch it. ─── 目前这种杂乱的体系,会让几乎所有接触到它的人都有失身份。

63、Often be in so unified over increase a diversity, means need is begged in change unified, avoid at becoming hodgepodge. ─── 所以常在统一之上加一个多样,意思是需要在变化之中求统一,免于成为大杂烩。

64、Left to their own devices in a culture dish, ES cells will spontaneously differentiate into a hodgepodge of tissue types. ─── 培养皿中的胚胎干细胞,在独立生长时,会自动分化出混杂了各种组织的形式;

65、And like most, it springs up from a hodgepodge of information gleaned by speculators in a country that lacks open forums for debate and analysis. ─── 和其他的阴谋论一样,在这个没有公开论坛可供分析或辩论的国家,这个论点也来自于从不同管道收集到的种种混杂资讯。

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