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09-14 投稿



invalidating 发音

英:[?n?v?l?de?t??]  美:[?n?v?l?de?t??]

英:  美:

invalidating 中文意思翻译



invalidating 词性/词形变化,invalidating变形

动词过去式: invalidated |动词现在分词: invalidating |动词第三人称单数: invalidates |名词: invalidation |动词过去分词: invalidated |

invalidating 反义词


invalidating 同义词

nullify | refute | repeal | vitiate | overturn | discredit | quash | cancel | countermand | abrogate | undo | overthrow |annul | void | avoid | undermine | revoke

invalidating 相似词语短语

1、intellidating ─── 可懂度

2、invaliding ─── adj.无效的;有病的;残疾的;n.病人;残疾者;vt.使伤残;使退役;vi.变得病弱;因病而奉命退役

3、insalivating ─── vt.使混涎(咀嚼时使食物与唾液混合)

4、invalidate ─── vt.使无效;使无价值

5、validating ─── n.确认;adj.确认的;有效的;v.验证(validate的ing形式);确认

6、revalidating ─── vt.使重新生效;使重新有法律效力

7、invaginating ─── v.使入鞘;收进鞘中;使内陷;使成囊腔;adj.入鞘的;摄取的;缩入的;(器官或部位)套叠的

8、intimidating ─── adj.使人望而生畏的态度;令人紧张不安的;令人胆怯的

9、invalidation ─── n.失效;无效

invalidating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To make ineffectual or invalid;nullify. ─── 使无效果或无用;使无效

2、She has been caring for her invalid mother for many years. ─── 他照顾有病的妈妈有好些年了。

3、"Server spool directory location is invalid. ─── "指定的服务器后台打印目录位置无效。

4、His invalid father is becoming a burden . ─── 他父亲体弱多病, 渐渐成了累赘.

5、"The name is invalid because it ends in a slash or backslash. ─── "由于是以斜杠或反斜杠结束的,该名称是无效的。

6、Rejected, possibly due to an invalid purpose. ─── 已拒绝,可能由于不合法目的。

7、To make ineffective or invalid;nullify. ─── 使无效使不起作用或无效;否决

8、The dialog box data block was missing or invalid. ─── 对话框数据块不存在或无效。

9、The logon script path you typed is invalid. ─── 您键入的登录脚本路径无效。

10、All such memories were related to her mother's gift of being invalidating . ─── 所有这些记忆都与她母亲“贬低”的天赋有关。

11、Hint '%ls' on object '%.*ls' is invalid. ─── 对象 ''%2!'' 上的提示 ''%1!'' 无效。

12、Command-line error: Invalid frequency for timer 0. ─── 命令行错误:计时器0的频率无效。

13、She was an invalid, stuck in a rocking chair. ─── 她是一个不能自理的人,被困在摇椅上无法行动。

14、Is Incentives to Management Really Invalid? ─── 对高级管理团队的激励真的无效吗?

15、An invalid file handle was associated with %1. ─── 与%1关联的文件句柄无效。

16、This can include invalidating sessions, canceling timers, canceling callback handlers or cleaning up any data structures that may need it. ─── 清理可能包括终止会话、取消计时器、取消回调处理程序或清理可能需要的任何数据结构。

17、Invalid option for the mount command. ─── 安装命令的无效选项。

18、She gave up her job to look after her invalid mother. ─── 她辞去工作去照顾她有病的母亲。

19、You must be able to correct yourself without invalidating or condemning yourself, to accept results and improve on them. ─── 你必须能不否定或谴责自己的情况下纠正自己,接受结果、不断改进。

20、Events to alert the user to invalid input. ─── 事件来警告用户输入了无效值。

21、This thought-form also causes one to challenge or confront the truth of another, invalidating another's truth. ─── 这一思想形态也导致另外一些人挑战或对抗他人的真相,让他人真相失效。

22、The base priority was set to an invalid value. ─── 基优先级被设置为无效值。

23、Your action has rendered our contract invalid. ─── 你们的这种做法导致双方的合同失效.

24、She has been tied to the house for weeks looking after her invalid father. ─── 几个星期来她一直呆在家中照顾有病的父亲。

25、She looks after her invalid mother. ─── 她照看病弱的母亲。

26、Invalid format used to set value of. ─── 值的格式无效。

27、An invalid character was found in text content. ─── 在文本内容中发现一个无效字符。

28、He was too much an invalid to leave alone. ─── 它病得太重,不能没人陪着。

29、Authenticating a user at the server without first invalidating existing sessions can lead to what is termed session fixation. ─── 在服务器上验证一个用户之前,如果没有首先使现有会话失效,可能会导致所谓的会话固定。

30、He had to look after his invalid brother. ─── 他不得不照看他有病的弟弟。

31、Invalid jvm file name specified in LAUNCH. ─── 如果安装时出现"Error in instruction.

32、English: Invalid input for hostname. ─── 主机名输入错误.

33、The storage control block address is invalid. ─── 存储控制块地址无效。

34、His claim to ownership is invalid. ─── 他的所有权是无效的。

35、The security descriptor is invalid. ─── 安全描述符无效。

36、The domain name you typed is invalid. ─── 您键入的域名无效。

37、Invalid name of the symlink, skipping. ─── 04无效的符号连接名,跳过。

38、Theme is set to an invalid theme name. ─── Theme被设置为无效的主题名称。

39、"Yes, yes, yes," motioned the invalid. ─── “是的,是的,是的

40、The XML input is invalid or malformed. ─── 不明白是不是输入的格式有问题。

41、A String naming the invalid class. ─── 命名无效类的字符串。

42、The current directory is invalid. ─── 当前目录无效。

43、OBEX protocol error: Recieved invalid packet. ─── 31 OBEX协议错误:接收到无效包.

44、The IP address pool you've entered is invalid. ─── 您输入的IP地址池无效。

45、"You entered an invalid subnet mask. ─── "您输入一个无效的子网掩码。

46、The insurance was invalid for the invalid. ─── 保险对于伤残者是无效的。

47、You have provided an invalid text qualifier. ─── 您提供了一个无效的文本限定符。

48、His father is a bed-ridden invalid. ─── 他父亲是个缠绵病榻的人。

49、The noise played on the old invalid's nerves. ─── 噪音刺激着这个老年病人的神经。

50、Passing an invalid path to Existsl returns false. ─── 将无效路径传递到Exists将返回false。

51、The RPC pipe object is invalid or corrupted. ─── RPC管道对象无效或已损坏。

52、The security ID structure is invalid. ─── 安全ID结构无效。

53、His invalid father is becoming a burden (to him). ─── 他父亲体弱多病, (对他)渐渐成了累赘.

54、Christine was an invalid all her life. ─── 含义:她已不在人间。

55、Unsigned attributes can be modified without invalidating the signature. ─── 可对未签名属性进行修改,这不会导致签名无效。

56、A long illness had emaciated the invalid. ─── 久病使这病人消瘦了。

57、She thought of the old invalid gentleman. ─── 她想起了生病的老先生。

58、He never fully recovered, and had to spend the rest of his life as an invalid. ─── 他没能完全康复,于是不得不成了一名残疾者度过余生。

59、This may also be able to confirm that DCE is not invalidating your results. ─── 这还可以确认DCE没有歪曲测试结果。

60、Your Nero serial number is invalid. ─── 您的尼禄顺序编号是无效。

61、He helps to look after his grandfather who is an invalid. ─── 他帮助照看他病弱的祖父。

62、English: Invalid string matrix (at most one column! ─── 不正确的字符串矩阵(最多一列!)

63、An invalid key was passed to the speech engine. ─── 一个无效项被传给了语音引擎。

64、Will try to commit the invalid cell value. ─── 会试图提交该无效的单元格值。

65、The password or user name is invalid for %1. ─── 密码或用户名在%1无效。

66、The security descriptor structure is invalid. ─── 安全描述符结构无效。

67、DNS name contains an invalid character. ─── dns 名称含有无效字符。

68、The password you typed is invalid. ─── 您键入的密码无效。

69、SQL query syntax invalid or unsupported. ─── sql 查询语法不正确或不被支持。

70、You have entered an invalid e-mail. ─── 您输入了一个无效的电子邮件地址。

71、Which, if any, of the following names are invalid? ─── 下面的哪个,有的话,名称是无效的?

72、Invalid message for single-selection list box . ─── 单一选择列表框的无效消息。

73、Claim which has been declared invalid. ─── 已被宣布无效的要求。

74、All such memories were related to her mother's gift of being invalidating. ─── 所有这些记忆,都是与她母亲不认同的天性有关的。

75、Your license is invalid because it expired. ─── 你的执照是无效的,因为它到期了。

76、Failure to do so will result in an invalid license! ─── 不这样做将导致一个无效的许可证!

77、One of the domains listed appears invalid. ─── 域名列表中存在无效的域名。

78、Parameter contains an invalid character. ─── 参数包含无效字符。

79、A Dim statement contains an invalid keyword. ─── Dim语句包含无效的关键字。

80、Invalid datafile name for DNS zone. ─── dns 区域的无效数据文件名称。

81、His invalid father is becoming a burden. ─── 他父亲体弱多病, 对他来说渐渐成了累赘。

82、Invalid MSI file. Installation cannot continue. ─── MSI文件无效,安装程序无法继续。

83、He has been an invalid all his life. ─── 他终身残废。

84、The RPC protocol sequence is invalid. ─── RPC协议序列无效。

85、Invalid information found in the phone book. ─── 在电话本中存在不可用内容。

86、The system volume path you typed is invalid. ─── 您键入的系统卷路径无效。

87、He became invalid as the result of ill health and lack of exercise. ─── 他由于不良的健康状况以及锻炼的匮乏而生了病。

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