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09-14 投稿



hypercritical 发音

英:[ha?p?'kr?t?k(?)l]  美:['ha?p?'kr?t?kl]

英:  美:

hypercritical 中文意思翻译



hypercritical 词性/词形变化,hypercritical变形

名词: hypercriticism |副词: hypercritically |

hypercritical 短语词组

1、hypercritical value ─── 超临界值

2、hypercritical sparking ─── 超临界火花

hypercritical 相似词语短语

1、hypercriticism ─── n.苛评;吹毛求疵

2、overcritical ─── adj.过度指摘的;吹毛求疵的

3、hypercritically ─── 苛求地;吹毛求疵地

4、hypercritic ─── n.苛刻的批评家

5、hypercritics ─── n.苛刻的批评家

6、hypercriticise ─── 苛求

7、hypocritical ─── adj.虚伪的;伪善的

8、supercritical ─── adj.[物][物化]超临界的;吹毛求疵的

9、hypercriticize ─── 过分挑剔

hypercritical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Application of Hypercritical Carbon Dioxide Technique on Extraction of Chinese Herbs Active Pricciple ─── 超临界二氧化碳技术在中药有效成分萃取中的应用

2、If always hypercritical to others, that first is because of your poor self-cultivation. ─── 看别人不顺眼,首先是你自己修养不够。

3、" So perhaps this describes you, and if it does, take a look at the fear that underlies your hypercritical attitude. ─── 也许上面描述了你的情形,如果确实如此,你就去你的吹毛求疵里看看自己害怕什么吧。

4、He would be courageous calm and self assured , but neither pompous nor hypercritical . ─── 他勇敢、冷静、自信,既不傲慢,也不虚为。

5、Inclined to judge too severely; hypercritical. ─── 指责过度的倾向于或过于严厉评判的;苛求的

6、He's as big a geek as Zuckerberg, but of a different type: the hypercritical, even sometimes nasty type. ─── 他与扎克伯格一样,是个超级极客,只不过是另一种类型的:他吹毛求疵,有时甚至令人讨厌。

7、He would be courageous calm and self assured, but neither pompousnor hypercritical. ─── 他勇敢、冷静、自信,既不傲慢,也不虚为。

8、Unfortunately, we are not convinced, often turned into an irresponsible pick nose horizontal vertical hypercritical, just that is just not convinced. ─── 遗憾的是,我们的不服气,常常是变成不负责任的横挑鼻子竖挑眼,仅仅也就是不服气而已。

9、Inclined to judge too severely; hypercritical. ─── 指责过度的倾向于或过于严厉评判的;苛求的

10、hypercritical a. ─── 吹毛求疵的,批评苛刻的。

11、He was hypercritical of others and cherished an exaggerated notion of his own spiritual advancement. ─── 他对其他人吹毛求疵,对自己的灵性进展持有言过其实的想法。

12、6A He is hypercritical of the local political system. ─── 他对本地政治系统有强烈的批评。

13、Women who felt abandoned by their fathers are likely to choose emotionally unavailable husbands, for example, and men raised by hypercritical moms will be drawn to wives who pick on them, he says. ─── 他说,例如,感到被她们的父亲抛弃的女人倾向于选择一个情绪不稳定的丈夫,被苛刻母亲抚养大的男人会选择挑剔他们的人做妻子。

14、it's fine if some ignornant taiwanese don't want to help. but millions people are suffering right now. and you hypercritical people are attacking the mainland. shame! ─── 山体滑坡致使道路不畅,中国自己的救援队伍尚且不能完全进入。惟有尽快建立输送系统那么让日本和台湾的救援队伍进入才有意义。

15、Keywords nanometer powders;drying;hypercritical drying; ─── 纳米粉体;干燥;超临界干燥;

16、hypercritical flow ─── 超临界水流

17、Key Words: Abstractly, Controversial,Value Systems, Hypercritical, Different Kinds of People, Something in Common ─── 关键词:抽象地,有争论的,价值体系,挑剔,不同样的人,有共性的东西

18、The Influence of 600 MW Hypercritical Unit Steam Excitation Shock on the Shafting Stability ─── 浅析600MW超临界机组汽流激振对轴系稳定性影响

19、hypercritical of colloquial speech ─── 对口头过于苛刻的

20、He was hypercritical of others and cherished an exaggerated notion of his own spiritual advancement. ─── 他对其他人吹毛求疵,对自己的灵性进展持有言过其实的想法。

21、when u establish the hypercritical morality, humanity is being trampled. ─── 不以人为本的民族是一个恶心的民族。

22、Inclined to judge too severely;hypercritical. ─── 指责过度的倾向于或过于严厉评判的;苛求的

23、In some extend, I am not a hypercritical person about food. ─── 在某种程度上,我对于食物是一点都不挑剔的。

24、father was hypercritical of his eldest son in order to make him tough. ─── 为了让孩子变得坚强,父亲对他的长子要求十分严苛。

25、hypercritical of colloquial speech; the overcritical teacher can discourage originality. ─── 对口头的语言过于苛刻;吹毛求疵的教师会打击创造性。

26、hypercritical of colloquial speech; the overcritical teacher can discourage originality. ─── 对口头的语言过于苛刻;吹毛求疵的教师会打击创造性。

27、Others argue that too many Wikipedia articles lack any real relevance but instead reflect uncritical fandom or advance hypercritical vendettas. ─── 试想这么多人的工作,仅仅为了说明全球无数方、无数时期对于同一件事的看法?

28、Keywords E911 steel tube;super hypercritical;heat treatment;mechanical properties; ─── E911钢管;超超临界;热处理;力学性能;

29、A man who is always hypercritical to others should improve his self-cultivation. ─── 看别人不顺眼,要调整自己的修养。

30、John looked directly into the light."It would be hypercritical of me to suddenly ask you to treat me as a Christian now.But perhaps you could make the bear a Christian."" ─── John直直的看着光圈,你现在把我变成一个基督信徒,对我来说太苛刻了,也许你可以把这只狗熊也变成一个基督信徒。

31、So perhaps this describes you, and if it does, take a look at the fear that underlies your hypercritical attitude. ─── 也许上面描述了你的情形,如果确实如此,你就去你的吹毛求疵里看看自己害怕什么吧。

32、hypercritical of colloquial speech. ─── 对口语过于苛求的

33、Keywords Photooxidation method Hypercritical oxidation Low temperature plasma chemistry Poor degradable organic compound; ─── 光氧化法;超临界氧化;低温等离子体化学;难降解有机物;

34、I find it a bit hypercritical to say Tom is a most hypocritical person in our town. ─── 如果说汤姆是我们小镇一个极为虚伪的人,我觉得有点苛刻。

35、He would be courageous calm and self assured, but neither pompous nor hypercritical ─── 他勇敢、冷静、自信,既不傲慢,也不虚为。

36、but the girl was not hypercritical; ─── 她对这个大怪物很满意。

37、He is so hypercritical that he corrects every mistake his students made. ─── 他很苛刻,对于学生的每个错误都要纠正。

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