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09-14 投稿



undertone 发音

英:['?nd?t??n]  美:['?nd?ton]

英:  美:

undertone 中文意思翻译



undertone 网络释义

n. 低音;浅色;小声;潜在的含意

undertone 短语词组

1、undertone operation ─── 低音操作

2、undertone luffy ─── 低音luffy

3、firm in the undertone ─── [法] 坚挺而稳

4、undertone sans ─── 低音SAN

undertone 词性/词形变化,undertone变形

第三人称单数:undertones 名词复数形式:undertones

undertone 相似词语短语

1、undergone ─── v.经历(undergo的过去分词)

2、underfong ─── 下划线

3、underbore ─── 子孔径

4、undertones ─── n.低音;浅色;小声;潜在的含意

5、underdone ─── adj.半生不熟的;未煮透的;v.不尽全力做;使…不煮透(underdo的过去分词)

6、underborne ─── 船底

7、underline ─── vt.强调;在…下面划线;预告;n.下划线;下期节目预告

8、underdose ─── n.(药物等的)不足剂时;vt.给…用药剂量不足

9、undertoned ─── undertoned

undertone 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Methods and Significance of Undertone Training in Vocal Music Teaching ─── 声乐教学中的小声训练方法及其意义

2、9.The nose is full of bright berry fruit and violets with green pepper and a soft tobacco-like undertone. ─── 富有鲜美的干果仁水果味及伴有轻微青椒和柔软烟草味的紫罗兰香味,就像在窃窃私语。

3、"Just look behind you," he said in an undertone. ─── “往后瞧瞧,”他悄声说。

4、"I knew you would be here," answered Pierre. "I'm coming to supper with you," he added in an undertone, not to interrupt the vicomte who was still talking. "Can I? ─── “我知道您会光临。”皮埃尔答道,“我上您那儿吃夜饭,”他轻声地补充一句话,省得妨碍子爵讲故事,“行吗?

5、There is an undertone of regret in what he said. ─── 他的话中带有悔意。

6、Cool skin types have a blue undertone in their skin. ─── 冷色的肤色有蓝色的基调。

7、He added in an undertone to the Queen, "Really, my dear, YOU must cross-examine the next witness." ─── 他又低声对王后说:“真的,亲爱的,下一个证人必须你来盘问了。”

8、Typical of the Kashmir colour is a pure, intense blue with a very subtle violet undertone, which is intensified yet more by a fine, silky shine. ─── 克什米尔蓝宝石的颜色是呈矢车菊的蓝色,也就是微带紫的靛蓝色。典型的克什米尔蓝宝石,其纯净且浓艳的蓝色。

9、It was this profound and continual undertone that gave the clergyman his most appropriate power. ─── 牧师正是靠了这种深邃而持续的低沉语调而获得了恰到好处的力量。

10、It began to be said in an undertone, in the women's workroom, that Fantine "wrote letters" and that "she had ways about her. " ─── 在女车间里,大家开始叽叽喳喳谈论起来了,说芳汀“天天寄信”,说她有一些“怪举动”。

11、But this also carries a demeaning and offensive undertone: that these people are only half-real, they are neither completely Chinese nor actually white. ─── 但它具有贬损和冒犯人的含义:这些人只是一半真实的人,他们既不是完全的中国人也不是真正的白人。

12、Undertone training is a good means for students to master the correct methods of pronunciation and it plays an important role in the health protection of students' voices. ─── 小声训练法是学生掌握正确发声方法的很好途径,且它对学生的嗓音保健具有重要作用。

13、He soliloquized in an undertone of peevish displeasure, while relieving me of my horse. ─── 他接过我的马时,别别扭扭地不高兴地低声自言自语着。

14、Big sofa is not blue, striped with dark red undertone small Suihua design, providing a square-side tables, most occupied indoor area. ─── 大沙发是不耀眼的深红底色上有条纹与小碎花的图案,配上方形大茶几,占据了室内大部分面积。

15、Village sets of furniture to the general style of the purchase, control and appropriately based undertone particularly prominent. ─── 加上乡村家具一般以套系风格购买,基础底色的控制和适度尤其突出。

16、But it is a blessed burden, and it is a groan whose undertone is praise and unutterable joy. ─── 我们所背负的,并不是翅膀,乃是重担。

17、pink with an undertone of mauve ─── 略带淡紫色的粉红.

18、Reports of renewed soviet enquiry for up to one million tones of community grain added to the steadier undertone. ─── 前苏联重新问津欧共体高达100万吨谷类的报,助长了较坚稳的市场动向。

19、All day the birches bend to hear The river's undertone; ─── 每天杨树弯腰倾听那河流低沉的音调;

20、And all of them innocents, caught up in the net,' he added in an undertone, for fear that the soldiers might hear him. ─── 他说到“无辜株连”四子,声音压得甚低,生怕给押囚车的官兵听见了。

21、' And he added in an undertone to the Queen, `Really, my dear, YOU must cross-examine the next witness.It quite makes my forehead ache!' ─── 然后他对王后耳语说:“真的,亲爱的,下一个作证人必须你来审讯了,我已经头疼得无法忍受了。”

22、Roy:So, what, placing a classified ad didn't have the right undertone of personal violation for you? ─── 噢,难道说贴个分类广告会违背你内心潜在的叛逆感么?

23、When he saw Tu Wei-yueh coming out, he looked round to make sure there was no one within earshot, then shifted closer to him and asked in an undertone, "You're not going to surrender to Chien Pao-sheng like this, are you, Mr. Tu?" ─── 看见屠维岳出来了,又看看四边没有人,桂长林就靠上前来轻声问道:“屠先生,难道就这么投降了钱葆生?”

24、Dark ruby-garnet in color, the wine has an intense, complex bouquet packed with cherry and cassis, and an undertone of wood spices. ─── 宝石般的深红色泽,此酒蕴含复杂而浓郁的樱桃、黑醋栗与些许淡雅的木香。

25、His soft words contained an undertone of warning. ─── 他温和的话中蕴涵着警告之意。

26、after-session undertone ─── 落市后市场趋势

27、The bouquet is extremely persistent and appealing, with a precious, spicy undertone, reminiscent of cinnamon. ─── 气味: 酒香非常持久而诱人,带少许辛香和桂皮味。

28、“I'm in your way, though,” he said to him in an undertone;“let us have a talk about my business, and I'll go away. ─── “不过,我使你觉得不自在,”他对他轻声地说,“我们同去谈谈一件事儿,谈完之后我就要走了。”

29、The design and improvement of television's overweight undertone sound system ─── 电视机音响系统超重低音设计和改善

30、The noise occultation was significant, and the undertone was the easiest one to be occulted. ─── 噪音对信号的掩蔽作用显著,其中低音最易被掩蔽。

31、"I expected something like this all along," replied Shang Chung-li in an undertone, slowly stroking his beard and shooting Liu Yu-ying an appraising glance. "That's why I advised you to keep a firm grip on Hsu Man-li." ─── “我早就料到有这一着,所以我上次劝你耐心笼络曼丽。” 尚仲礼也轻声说,慢慢地捋着胡子,又打量了刘玉英一眼。

32、sentiment undertone ─── 市场潜在趋势,行情走势,市场行情

33、She wrote often, and this was noticed. It began to be said in an undertone, in the women's workroom, that Fantine "wrote letters" and that "she had ways about her. ─── 她时常寄信。这就引起旁人的注意。在女车间里,大家开始叽叽喳喳谈论起来了,说芳汀“天天寄信”,说她有一些“怪举动”。

34、He said this in the same gentle undertone, but it came as a great shock to Chu Kuei-ying, and the colour drained from her cheeks. ─── 屠维岳仍旧很客气,而且声音很低; 可是朱桂英却听着了就心里一跳,脸色完全灰白。

35、She seized Fanny with maternal fierceness and eagerness, and uttered some rapid abuse to the girl in an undertone ─── 她带着做母亲的严厉和焦急,抓住芬妮,压低了嗓音,连声责备女儿。

36、But, throughout it all, and through the whole discourse, there had been a certain deep, sad undertone of pathos, which could not be interpreted otherwise than as the natural regret of one soon to pass away. ─── 但是,贯穿布道词始终的,一直有某种低沉、哀伤的悲调,使人们只能将其解释为一个即将告别人世的人的自然的忏悔。

37、carbon black undertone of titanium dioxide; ─── 名称 二氧化钛炭黑法底色;

38、"Well, " she said with the same undertone of contempt that seemed to pull her apart from him. ─── “好了,”她仍然带着一些鄙夷的语调说,这种语调似乎正在把她从他身边拖走。

39、It is the thought of sin that will keep you low at His feet, and give the deep undertone to all your adoration. ─── 就是因为想到罪,才使你低声俯伏在他脚前,深深地降服敬拜他。

40、She can always smell it, a hollow undertone of potions and hopelessness. ─── 它总是挥之不去,满是魔药的余味和绝望。

41、He had a loud voice, but he deliberately muttered in an undertone at the moment. ─── 他本来嗓门挺大,但是此时却故意用了低调。

42、He had a loud voice , but he deliberately muttered in an undertone at the moment . ─── 他本来嗓门挺大,但是此时却故意用了低调。

43、It was a low dome of sonorous blue, with an undertone of sultry sulphur-colour, because of the smoke that dimmed the air. ─── 低低的深蓝色的穹苍,带着一点儿闷热的硫磺气味,因为空气被烟弄得昏暗了。

44、'I don't think she's been told yet,' he said in an undertone. ─── “我认为还没有人告诉她呢, ”他低声说道。

45、I began to sense in it something mocking, an undertone I had not heard at first. ─── 起初,我把它当做某种嘲弄般的声音,低沉得自己都听不到。

46、overall room color very uniform, except as undertone White, the owner went red as the main colour of the room. ─── 房间的整体色调非常统一,除了作为底色的白,主人竟将红色作为各房间的主要颜色。

47、"She caught the low undertone, as of the wind sinking down to repose itself; ─── 如今她聆听着那低低的音调,犹如大风缓吹,逐渐平患一般;

48、He wished them "Good morning" in an awkward hesitating undertone as if he were doubtful how his greetings would be received. ─── 他尴尬地向他们问好,声音很低,又有些犹豫,好象担心他们会不睬他。

49、But there is a definite political undertone. ─── 但这里也存在着明确的政治意味。

50、honey undertone ─── 甜蜜底香

51、His voice sank down to a steady and reproachful undertone. ─── 他的声音降了下去,变得平稳了,里面还带着点儿责备。

52、What d'you think?" she asked in an undertone. ─── 你觉得呢?”她低声问。

53、Warm skin types have a yellow undertone in their skin. ─── 暖色的肤色有黄色的基调。

54、"How delightful this little princess is!" said Prince Vassily in an undertone to Anna Pavlovna. ─── “这个身材矮小的公爵夫人,是个多么讨人喜欢的人啊!”瓦西里公爵轻言细语地对安娜·帕夫洛夫娜说道。

55、an undertone of horror ─── 恐惧的成分

56、A remark made in an undertone so as to be inaudible to others nearby. ─── 窃窃私语小声说出以不让旁边其他人听到的话。

57、perseverance is the undertone players in the field he found his fanaticism and more unusual perseverance. ─── 坚韧不拔是陈智的底色,在他认定的领域里,他狂热而超乎寻常的坚毅。

58、“I knew you would be here,” answered Pierre. “I'm coming to supper with you,” he added in an undertone, not to interrupt the vicomte who was still talking. “Can I?” ─── “我知道您会光临。”皮埃尔答道,“我上您那儿吃夜饭,”他轻声地补充一句话,省得妨碍子爵讲故事,“行吗?”

59、The discharge printing process using reactive dyes to dye the ground shade and to discharge the undertone was discussed. ─── 探讨了棉织物以活性染料染底色,仍以活性染料印花入色的拔染印花工艺。

60、He replied, laughing but with a undertone of regret. ─── 他笑着答道,不过笑声中带有一丝后悔的味道。

61、They talk about "The Sleeping Giant".About "The Birth of the New SuperPower" or "The Awakening of the Red Dragon".Often with a strange kind of undertone,which is supposed to frighten us. ─── 他们谈论的“沉睡的巨人”,关于“诞生的新超级大国”或“觉醒的红龙”,往往是一种奇怪的声音,这是为了使我们感到害怕。

62、The Mood of poets can cover every link and process of creative activities with a film of emotional undertone. ─── 摘要心境会给诗人在创作活动中的各个环节和过程都敷上一层情绪的底色。

63、“I'm coming to supper with you,” he added in an undertone, not to interrupt the vicomte who was still talking.“Can I? ─── 皮埃尔答道,“我上您那儿吃夜饭,”他轻声地补充一句话,省得妨碍子爵讲故事,“行吗?”

64、The exhaust has a barbaric undertone and the power on tap at any given time is plentiful. ─── 排气的野蛮耳语和电源开发在任何特定时间是充足的。

65、Huimai gradually diminished, the sky slowly yield undertone. ─── 灰霾逐渐减退,天空慢慢显出底色。

66、He turned back to the boy and said in a trusting and secretive undertone: "Let's not pay any attention to him OK?" ─── 他又转向男孩,用一种信任而机密的口气小声说,“咱们别理他,嗯?”

67、Caught in the undertone, just caught in the undertone ─── 在小声中发现,就在小声中发现

68、He simply looked at the sea dully and swore in an undertone ─── 他只是呆呆地注视着海面低声诅咒着。

69、undertone n. ─── 低声;浅色;

70、"Well," she said with the same undertone of contempt that seemed to pull her apart from him. ─── “好了,”她仍然带着一些鄙夷的语调说,这种语调似乎正在把她从他身边拖走。

71、gentle undertone, but it came as a great shock to Chu Kuei-ying, and the colour drained from her cheeks. ─── 屠维岳仍旧很客气,而且声音很低;可是朱桂英却听着了就心里一跳,脸色完全灰白。

72、undertone training ─── 小声训练

73、The king went on to himself in an undertone. ─── 国王随后又轻轻地自言自语。

74、He wished them "Good morning" in an awkward hesitating undertone as if he were doubtful how his greetings would be received. ─── 他尴尬地向他们问好,声音很低,又有些犹豫,好象担心他们会不睬他。

75、speak, murmur, etc in an undertone ─── 低声说话﹑ 低语

76、"-" Bush became the current property market undertone. ─── “观望”成了当前楼市浓重的底色。

77、On a broader scale, we sense that this undertone of frustration has significant political implications, for it cuts across ages, generations, races, and political and economic groups. ─── 在个人的层次上,学生、家长和关心学生的老师都感觉到一种基本的承诺并没有被信守。

78、Art and the main color is red undertone, a (light effects), especially lighting effects to the best position to take; ─── 艺术品的主色则和墙面底色、朝向(光线效果)有关,特别是光线效果尽量取到最佳位置;

79、He spoke in an undertone. ─── 他低声说话。

80、' Often with a strange kind of undertone, which is supposed to frighten us. ─── 常常是带着一种要吓到别人的怪怪的意味。

81、His soft words contained an undertone of warning. ─── 他温和的话中蕴涵着警告之意。

82、Still, despite the laid-back atmosphere in most bars, a haunting undertone remained in most people's minds about the last time New Yorkers were forced out onto the streets. ─── 尽管大多数酒吧里气氛轻松,但是很多人的脑海中经常浮现出上次纽约人被迫涌上街头的情景。

83、There was an undertone of bitterness in his words. ─── 他话中有刺。

84、There is also a suspicion that Chuan Ying Lou seems to carry an erotic undertone--does it in any way reflect my romances? ─── 又怀疑着这钏影楼三字,好像是个香艳的名词,有没有我的什么罗曼史在里面?

85、It was a low dome of sonorous blue, with an undertone of sultry sulphur-color, because of the smoke that dimmed the air. ─── 低低的深蓝色的穹苍,带着一点儿闷热的硫磺气味,因为空气被烟弄得昏暗了。

86、He wished them "Good morning" in an awkward hesitating undertone as if he were doubtful how his greetings would be received ─── 他尴尬地向他们问好,声音很低,又有些犹豫,好象担心他们会不睬他。

87、'I must leave now,' he said in an undertone. ─── “我现在得走了。”他轻声地说。

88、Now she caught the low undertone, as of the wind sinking down to repose itself; ─── 如今她聆听着那低低的音调,犹如大风缓吹,逐渐平缓一般;

89、Being careful not to wake up the mate, whose room was opposite, I spoke in an undertone. ─── 为了不致吵醒对面房里的大副,我只得低声说话。

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