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09-14 投稿


alkalis 发音

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英:  美:

alkalis 中文意思翻译



alkalis 短语词组

1、alkalis lye ─── 碱液

2、alkalis meaning ─── 碱的意思

3、alkalis def ─── 碱性def

4、alkalis heal ─── 碱疗愈

5、color fastness to alkalis ─── [化] 耐碱牢度; 耐碱色牢度

6、alkalis and ─── 碱和

7、alkalis means ─── 碱性意味着

8、colour fastness to alkalis ─── [化] 耐碱牢度; 耐碱色牢度

9、alkalis food ─── 碱性食品

alkalis 词性/词形变化,alkalis变形


alkalis 相似词语短语

1、alkalic ─── adj.碱性的

2、alkalise ─── 碱化

3、alkali ─── n.碱;可溶性无机盐;adj.碱性的;n.(Alkali)人名;(冈、乍、尼日利)阿尔卡利

4、alkalised ─── 碱性

5、alkalin ─── 碱性

6、alkalies ─── n.碱金属,碱性液(alkali的复数,等于alkalis)

7、alkalises ─── n.碱质,碱金属

8、alkalizes ─── vt.使成碱性;使碱化;vi.碱化;成碱性

9、alkaliser ─── 碱化剂

alkalis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、All the leakage fixers adopt stainless steel, the sealers adopt silicon rubber, which can withstand oil, acid alkalis, and high temperature. ─── 所有外露紧固件均采用不锈钢,密封件采用硅橡胶,耐油、耐酸、耐碱、耐高温。

2、In the granites and related rocks the alkalis are, of course, noticeably in excess of the femic constituents. ─── 在花岗岩及有关的岩石中,碱质当然显著地超过铁镁组分。

3、Their oxides are frequently amphoteric , and react with both acids and alkalis. ─── 他们的氧化物通常是两性的,和酸、碱都能反应。

4、A good acid and alkali - resistant, heat resistant properties, is more popular on the market a fluorescent brighteners. ─── 具有较好的耐酸,耐碱,耐高温性能,是目前市场上比较流行的一种荧光增白剂。

5、Some potentially active materials should be added into the mud and MTC paste should be used in strong alkalis condition,in order to get good solidification. ─── 为了提高固化效率,泥浆中应预先掺加潜在活性的材料,并在强碱性环境中使用MTC浆。

6、Corrosion inhibition property study of mannich alkali and its combinational system in phosphoric acid medium. ─── Mannich碱及其复配体系在磷酸介质中的缓蚀性

7、In the granites and related rocks the alkalis are, of course, noticeably in excess of the femic constituents . ─── 在花岗岩及有关的岩石中,碱质当然显著地超过铁镁组分。

8、BJ-1001 is alkali degreaser used for surface of metal treatment. ─── BJ-1001系金属表面处理用的强碱性脱脂剂。

9、Meanwhile, its salt-tolerant alkalis, coloring gentle, good levelness, good rubbing fastness and soaping fastness are quite good. ─── 同时,其耐盐耐碱性能良好,上色温和,匀染性好,耐摩擦牢度和皂洗牢度都比较好。

10、There are nearly 80 percent glutelin in rice protein, which are soluble in alkali. ─── 大米蛋白中80%以上是碱溶性谷蛋白,采用碱法提取具有提取率高、成本低的优点。

11、Libra's cell salt is sodium phosphate, which equalizes the balance of acids and alkalis in the body and rids the body of waste material. ─── 对天秤座最重要的矿物质是磷酸钠,可以调节酸和碱在身体的平衡并能赶走体内不需要的废料。

12、In alkali, triglycerides Break down to form glycerol and three molecules of soap (saponification). ─── 在碱的条件下,甘油三酯水解成甘油和3分子肥皂(脂肪酸盐)。

13、The nitrocellulose filters are then placed on wet filter paper containing alkali, which denatures the DNA. ─── 再将硝酸纤维素滤膜置于含碱的湿滤纸上,碱的作用是使DNA变性。

14、It was stability to acid (pH=2) and alkali (pH=10), and keeping its quality. ─── 抗生素2507具有较好的稳定性,能耐酸碱和储存。

15、methods to prevent alkalis from jeopardizing are provided . ─── 预防碱金属危害的方法。

16、All the alkali metals have a single s-electron outside a closed shell. ─── 所有的碱金属都在闭合壳层之外有一单个S电子。

17、It was surprise when the alkali spectra showed unmistakable doublets. ─── 当碱金属光谱显示出不容怀疑的双线结构时,是令人惊奇的

18、It can exist in alkali or high-condensed condition without furring. ─── 可在碱性和高浓缩倍数下运行而不结垢。

19、The more alkalis the solution contain and the more reactive of alkali ions are, the more the mortar bars expand. ─── 养护碱溶液质量分数愈高、碱离子活度愈高,试样膨胀愈大;

20、Through the acid or alkali processing, the wettability of WPC can be improved. ─── 其中通过酸碱处理,可以提高木塑复合材料的润湿性。

21、Addition of alkali hromates to flour also prevents excessive softening of gluten during dough making. ─── 在制作面团的过程中向面粉中添加碱性溴酸盐也会阻止面筋的过度软化。

22、Immersion service in acids,alkalis or solvents. ─── 不能用于酸、碱和溶剂浸渍的环境下。

23、Weak alkalis ionize partly (

24、Permeates deeply, bear alkali good, Excellent waterproof function.Do formarble and granite and sandstone. ─── 优秀的防水性、耐碱性和渗透性,适合大理石、花岗石和砂岩。


26、For example:Similar clear aquo,alkali,salt,food sewage,bittern processing. ─── 例如:类似清水酸、碱、盐、食品污水、卤水处理。

27、Knitted goods for reactive printing need even scouring, complete alkali removal and high capillary effect. ─── 摘要针织物活性染料印花对印坯的前处理要求较高,如煮练匀透,去碱净,毛效高。

28、Among them, the acid buffer action is stronger than the alkali buffer action. ─── 且对酸的缓冲能力强于对碱的缓冲能力。

29、Libra's cell salt is sodium phosphate, which equalizes the balance of acids and alkalis in the body and rids the body of waste material. ─── 对天秤座最重要的矿物质是磷酸钠,可以调节酸和碱在身体的平衡并能赶走体内不需要的废料。

30、Dongping gold deposit occurs in the internal contact belt between Shuiquangou alkali mixtite and old layers. ─── 东坪金矿床赋存于水泉沟碱性杂岩体与老地层的内接触带上。

31、The distribution and reaction of alkalis metals in BF are discussed. ─── 发现高炉中的碱金属主要由烧结矿和燃料(焦炭、煤粉)带入,通过炉渣排出;

32、For safety,AASC-SWF(Alkali Activated Slag Cement-Solidified Waste Form) should have a high thermodynamics stability,i. ─── 出于安全性的考虑,高放废液碱矿渣水泥固化体应该具有较高的热力学稳定性,要求在一个不太长的时间内使处于介稳态的矿渣玻璃体完全水化转化为热力学稳定的水化产物。

33、Small admixture, completely water soluble, low alkali, apparent reducing effect on the alkali-aggregate reaction. ─── 掺量小、无载体、全水溶、低碱,对碱一骨料反应有明显的减少作用。

34、The goods are rinsed with hot and cold water to remove residual alkali. ─── 产品用热水和冷水漂洗,以除去残留的碱。

35、Some suggestions removing the red colour of the platy alkali were made. ─── 提出了保证片碱外观颜色达标的对策。

36、It is soluble in acids but not in alkalis. ─── 它可以溶解于酸性溶液,但不溶解于碱性溶液。

37、All the leakage fixers AC adopt stainless steel, sealers adopt silicon rubber, they can withstand oil, acid alkalis, high temperature. ─── 所有外露紧固件均用不锈钢,密封件采用硅橡胶,耐油、耐酸、耐碱、耐高温。

38、The tests of extraction aluminium from alumstone with alkali fusion method were carried out. ─── 对用碱熔法从明矾石中提取铝进行了实验。

39、When you perspire, the acid can transform the alkali; will cause the change of the color after the fabric dry. ─── 当你出汗的时候,酸就会转变成碱,在织物干了之后就会引起颜色上的改变。

40、The key problem is how to overcome alkali in the soil. ─── 关键在于控制土壤里的碱分。

41、The two blue pigments we have are Berlin Blue and Alkali Blue Lake. ─── 我们有两种蓝色颜料,分别为柏林兰和碱性蓝色淀。

42、KMV method can test wool acid, alkali injury. ─── KMV法可测试羊毛的酸、碱损伤程度;

43、An alkali or ionised cleaning or emulsified agent. ─── 一种碱或表面活性剂。

44、The ethylhexyl p hosphate salt markedly raised the alkali resistance when composed with other aux iliaries. ─── 异辛醇磷酸酯盐与其它助剂复配后,可明显提高其耐碱性.

45、Properties : red powder , good heat resistance , good alkali resistance and penetration-proof. ─── 性能简介:红色粉末,具有良好的耐热性,耐碱性和耐渗化性。

46、In other words the whole spectrum of levels is just like that of an alkali turned upside down. ─── 换句话说,整个能级谱恰好就像是上下颠倒的碱金属能级谱一样。

47、Hobbs D W. Alkali silica reaction in concrete.London: Thomas Telford, 1998. ─── 唐明述,许仲梓,等.我国混凝土中的碱集料反应.建筑科学报,1998(1).

48、Gloss, Weatherability, Water and alkali resistance, pigment dispensability. ─── 光泽,耐候性,耐水性,耐碱性,颜料分散性

49、Superior corrosion resistance, no corrosion in acids,alkali and aqua regia. ─── 具有优异的耐蚀性,各种酸,碱甚至王水都很难侵蚀它.

50、It was surprising when the alkali spectra showed unmistakable doublets. ─── 当碱金属光谱显示出不容怀疑的双线结构时,是令人惊奇的。

51、Rhizoma polygonati polysaccharide was extracted by boiling in water、soakage in alkali and sonifier cell disrupter. ─── 分别采用水煎煮法、碱液提取法、超声波细胞粉碎仪提取黄精多糖。

52、It benefited the stabilities of emulsions in neural or mild alkali conditions. ─── 中性或偏碱性条件有助于提高乳状液的稳定性。

53、Paper saturated with turmeric and used to detect the presence of alkalis, which turn the paper brown, or boric acid, which turns it red-brown. ─── 姜黄试纸:一种用姜黄抽出液浸渍过的纸,用以测试碱性物质时试纸变成棕褐色,用来测试硼酸时,试纸变成红褐色

54、Carbon dioxide is reported to absorb primarily onto surface alkali or alkali-containing constituents. ─── 据报道CO2吸附主要在碱性表面或含碱成分的表面上。

55、Non-alkali cloth made form aluminum boron silicate glass contains less than 0.8% of alkali metal oxide. ─── 无碱布采用铝硼硅酸盐玻璃成份,其碱金属氧化物含量不大于0.8%。

56、Star Maling Epoxy Micaceous Iron Oxide Intermediate Coating is an excellent general anticorrosion prime and intermediate coating with good resistance to salts, water and alkalis. ─── 本产品是性能优异的通用防锈底漆和中涂,具有非常好的耐盐水、耐淡水和耐碱性能。

57、It is in the most lively alkali, oxygen and can generate multiple vigorous reaction, a mixture of oxide. ─── 在碱金属中它是最活泼的,能和氧发生剧烈反应,生成多种氧化物的混合物。

58、Macroporous resin is a kind of do not dissolve in acids, alkalis and various organic solvents of the organic polymers. ─── 大孔吸附树脂是一种不溶于酸、碱及各种有机溶剂的有机高分子聚合物。

59、Epoxy paint:The strong adhesive force ,acidproof,alkali resistant ,salt resistant and oil resistant are better. ─── 性能:该漆附着力好耐酸、碱、盐耐油性佳。

60、Resound through inside the same industry by chemical mullite brick which has unique strong anti acid and alkali. ─── 以独特抗酸碱腐蚀性强的化工莫来石而驰名业内。

61、Entire stainless steel structured, acid and alkali resistant, elegant and durable. ─── 全不锈钢结构,耐酸耐碱,美观耐用。

62、The RPP pump is suitable for the strong alkali and the common acid alkali salts and the derivative. ─── RPP泵适用于强碱及一般酸碱盐类及其衍生物等。

63、ionize ) in water to give hydroxide ion. ─── 在水中部份电离,放出氢氧离子。

64、Corrosion is aggravated locally by pollutants deriving from the operation of a plant (for example acids, alkalis or salts, organic solvents, aggressive gases and dust particles). ─── 工厂里出来的污染物使腐蚀局部恶化(如:酸,碱或盐,有机溶剂,侵略性气体和尘粒。)

65、It can stand against cauterization from acid, alkali, salt and all organic compound except strong oxidation material. ─── 一种为碳素石墨,以称碳石墨,其特点是质硬、脆;另一种为石墨化石墨,以称电化石墨,其特点是质软、强度低,自润滑性能好。

66、Are using lime as the cheapest alkali. ─── 最廉价的碱。

67、Zhen He,Zongjin Li.Influence of alkali on early-age cracking of cement-based materials[J].Cem Concr Res,2003;33. ─── 何真,等.一种研究水泥基材料早龄期裂缝的新试验方法[J](待发表).

68、It was concluded that both acid and alkali can promote the gelatinization,w... ─── 可知酸、碱可以促进黑血糯的糊化,而蔗糖则有一定的抑制作用。

69、All the leakage fixers adopt stainless steel, the sealers adopt silicon rubber, which can withstand oil, acid alkalis, and high temperature. ─── 所有外露紧固件均采用不锈钢,密封件采用硅橡胶,耐油、耐酸、耐碱、耐高温。

70、The soil transformed from acid to alkali. ─── 土壤由弱碱性向弱酸性演替;

71、As well as being resistant to treatment, they can also survive attack with acids, alkalis and detergents. ─── 不仅对药物抵抗,它们在酸、碱和去污剂中同样能很好存活。

72、Its characteristics are never-faded and withstanded eroding of acid &alkali. ─── 其特点是饰纹永不褪色,又不怕酸、碱腐蚀。

73、Both food and alkalis relieve the pain initally,although relief is greater in a duodenal than in agastric ulcer. ─── 在发病的最初阶段,由于食物和碱性物质的作用,患者的疼痛症状可得到减轻,而且十二指肠溃疡比胃溃疡的减痛效果更好。

74、Limitedly resistant to strong acid, strong alkali, strong oxidizing solution and strong solvent. ─── 但对强酸、强碱、强氧化液和强溶剂忍耐度有限。

75、The mathematical model of cocurrent multieffect evaporation for light alkali concentration technology was established. ─── 建立了并流多效蒸发淡碱浓缩工艺优化设计的数学模型。

76、Properties: high tensile strength, alkali resistance, good structure stabilization and strong and easy to apply. ─── 产品性能:耐碱,高强,尺寸稳定性好,粘结力强。

77、The alkali without natrium synthesizes separate n amizeolite colloid and the alkali with natrium forms the congeries. ─── 无钠碱源形成分立的纳米沸石胶体,有钠碱源形成聚集态纳米沸石。

78、There was a synergism among alkali,surfactant and polymer. ─── 显微照片验证了含驱油剂的乳液存在多重乳状液。

79、Apply : apply to hot water, acids, alkalis, and sewage and other types of medium Nianchou measurements. ─── 备注:多用被动语态.

80、aluminium, and alkalis. Ignites spontaneously in the presence of red fuming nitric acid, and with sodium. ─── 异氰酸酯;强酸和强氧化剂;含铁、锌、铝和碱金属的溶液。在存在红色发烟硝酸和钠时自燃。

81、Dihydroxynaphthalene was synthesized by sulfonation and alkali fusion using refined naphthalene as raw material. ─── 以精萘为原料,通过磺化、碱熔制得高纯度的1,5-二羟基萘。


83、Pure surfactant was added into the alkali solution in order to simplify the flooding system. ─── 在碱溶液中添加单一的表面活性剂,简化了驱油体系。

84、Will alkalis, salt soluble in water and surface pressure by rolling out the light stick after wiping with vegetable oil, up 30 minutes after rolling into noodles. ─── 将碱、盐溶于水中和面,用擀杖压出光亮后,抹以植物油,醒30分钟后擀成面条。

85、Not resistant to inorganic acid, alkali and strong oxidizing solutions. ─── 对强溶剂(如:酮、酯类)及植物油的耐度有限。

86、Alkali soil is suitable for this kind of crop. ─── 卤质土壤适合这种作物生长。

87、Effect of Saline Alkali Soil Stress on Zea mays L. ─── 土壤的盐碱化对玉米的胁迫作用。

88、dissolve readily in water, dilute acids, and alkalis but do not coagulate readily on heating. ─── 在水中很容易溶解,其水溶液呈弱酸性和碱性,加热时不立即凝结。

89、When alkali is added to such compounds a series of proton dissociations occurs. ─── 当碱加到这类化合物中,将发生一系列质子离解作用。

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