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09-14 投稿



hypostatic 发音

英:[?ha?p??st?t?k]  美:[?ha?p??st?t?k]

英:  美:

hypostatic 中文意思翻译



hypostatic 短语词组

1、hypostatic pneumonia ─── [医] 坠积性肺炎

2、hypostatic store ─── 实体店

3、hypostatic ectasia ─── [医] 坠积性 ─── [血管]扩张

4、hypostatic abscess ─── [医] 坠积性脓肿, 游走性脓肿

5、hypostatic albuminuria ─── [医] 坠积性蛋白尿

6、hypostatic gene ─── 下位基因

7、Hypostatic model of personality ─── 人格的催眠模型

8、hypostatic congestion ─── [医] 沉下性充血, 沉积性充血

hypostatic 相似词语短语

1、hypostatical ─── 下位的

2、hyperstatic ─── adj.超静定的;超稳定的

3、hydrostatic ─── adj.流体静力学的;静水力学的

4、hypostatise ─── 皮下组织

5、apostatic ─── adj.背信的;变节的;弃教的

6、enhypostatic ─── 增强型

7、gyrostatic ─── adj.陀螺的

8、cytostatic ─── adj.抑制细胞生长的;n.细胞抑制剂

9、hypostatize ─── vt.使…具体化;使…实体化

hypostatic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Disjunctive sky is produced use single hypostatic wall no longer, glass also makes the main material that builds dimensional structure. ─── 分隔空产不再使用单一的实体墙,玻璃也成为构筑空间结构的主要材料。

2、a moment to cause a harm possibly also to hypostatic economy, if cause bubble economy, the influence such as screwy resource configuration. ─── 也可能对实体经济造成危害 ,如导致泡沫经济 ,扭曲资源配置等影响。

3、Hypostatic bronchopneumonia ─── 坠积性支气管肺炎

4、“Word” = not hypostatic Word (in context). Warfield 366. ─── 道不是指有位格的道(道成肉身的道)。

5、Hao Mingyi: To me, all literature book is in hypostatic world and digital world may collateral existence. ─── 郝明义:对我来说,所有文学书在实体世界和数字世界可能并行存在。

6、Tian Yiwen the target inside 3 years is combinative network and hypostatic inn, take the development way of stereo network, long-term plan it is the hope can popularize his brand. ─── 田依雯3年内的目标是结合网络和实体店,走立体网络的发展道路,长远之计则是希望能将自己的品牌推广开。

7、" the importance that this word points out land, what also pointed out hypostatic economy is important. ─── 这句话指出土地的重要性,也指出了实体经济的重要。

8、The Old and Well-known Family of the Early Stage Doctors in Hypostatic Union of Chinese and Western Medicine: CHEN Ding-tai and His Grandchild ─── 早期中西医汇通世家--陈定泰祖孙

9、hypostatic abscess ─── [医] 坠积性脓肿, 游走性脓肿

10、Be in China, the directest is hypostatic to China economy brought negative effect. ─── 在中国,最直接的就是对中国实体经济带来了负面影响。

11、Like other cosmetic trademarks, he also holds an illusion to hypostatic shop sale. ─── 与其他的化妆品品牌一样,他也对实体店铺销售抱有幻想。

12、The formation of electronic business affairs, the mark is worn Internet from fictitious a kind of transition that resembles hypostatic world. ─── 电子商务的形成,标志着互联网从虚拟像实体世界的一种转型。

13、The user can apply for discount ticket through trying the platform of garment net, use at be being used when hypostatic inn shops. ─── 用户可以通过试衣网的平台申请折扣券,用于在实体店购物时使用。

14、Regard business affairs of a pure electron as the website, beijing east hypostatic without inn, accordingly, operation cost photograph sells than the tradition considerably cut. ─── 作为一家纯电子商务网站,京东没有一家实体店,因此,运营成本相比传统卖场大幅缩减。

15、Xi Guohua thinks: "Although the reason of two incident happening is differ, but essence is identical, it is fictitious economy development is excessive, break away from hypostatic economy badly. ─── 奚国华认为:“虽然两个事件发生的原因不一,但本质相同,就是虚拟经济发展过度,严重脱离实体经济。”

16、Global economy crisis lets hypostatic economy encounter serious blow, internet became minority to carry the trade of growth. ─── 全球经济危机让实体经济遭遇沉重打击,互联网成了少数保持增长的行业。

17、The conduction of net inn charter, actually He hypostatic inn does business of charter apply for and Mo different. ─── 网店执照的办理,其实和实体店营业执照的申请并无两样。

18、hypostatic gene ─── 下位基因

19、To water and electricity, taxation graduate is praedial duty, namely duty of hypostatic power station is not manufacturing duty. ─── 对于水电 ,税收逐渐变为不动产税 ,即实体电站税而不是生产税。

20、Since the half an year after 2008, the hypostatic economy that accompanies global banking crisis to cause is adjusted, posed grim challenge to all industries. ─── 自2008年后半年以来,伴随全球金融危机引发的实体经济调整,对所有行业都提出了严峻的挑战。

21、But show current and hypostatic inn to sell an electron lesser cigarette, it is to carry the sale on the net commonly. ─── 但现目前实体店都比较少卖电子烟的,一般都是通过网上销售。

22、hypostasis The situation in which the expression of one gene (the hypostatic gene), is prevented in the presence of another, nonallelic, gene (the epistatic gene). ─── 下位:指一个基因(下位基因)阻止另一个非等位基因(上位基因)表达的现象。

23、On one hand, hypostatic economy gets very big impact. ─── 一方面,实体经济受到很大冲击。

24、I claim in the website that has hypostatic store saw good clothing. ─── 我在一间自称有实体店的网站看了不错的衣服。

25、So rising shopping passion, see in hypostatic inn not only, also not be short of on network inn. ─── 如此高涨的购物激情,不仅在实体店中可见,在网络店上也不缺。

26、Initiative cost is lower, do not need hypostatic shop. ─── 初始成本比较低,不需要实体店铺。

27、The Essence, Hypostatic Alienation and Liberation of Man ─── 人的本质、本质的异化及人的解放

28、Report from our correspondent (reporter Peng Wu) Baidu C2C platform " have ah " released hypostatic inn attestation to plan yesterday, encourage buyers and sellers to make trade below first time line. ─── 本报讯 (记者彭梧)百度C2C平台“有啊”昨天发布实体店认证计划,鼓励买卖双方进行第一次线下交易。

29、"I do charter to have a lot of doubt to the set up shop on the net: Hypostatic inn had business charter, does the shop on the net also want to do? ─── “我对网上开店办执照有好多疑问:实体店有了营业执照,网上店铺也要办吗?

30、The personage inside course of study thinks, what this action will be core with hypostatic channel to element is fast sell moral course of study to produce major effect. ─── 业内人士认为,此举将对素以实体渠道为核心的快销品行业产生重大影响。

31、Alone hypostatic wall was done not have, break even glass even also be abandoned. ─── 单独的实体墙没有了,甚至连玻璃断也被抛弃。

32、These alleles are given here in order of dominance, where Black is the most dominant (epistatic) and Black and Tan is the most recessive (hypostatic). ─── 这些基因按显性次序给出,其中,黑色最显性(强势)而黑+栗色最隐性(弱势)。

33、hypostatic association ─── 虚拟性交往

34、He points out, mix this year had differred somewhat last year, when hypostatic economy glides, buffer fund does not have the effect. ─── 他指出,今年和去年已经有所不同,在实体经济下滑时,平准基金是没有效果的。

35、Every arrive economic crisis, regarding parasitism as the Internet economy on hypostatic economy get hurt the most easily, this are not strange. ─── 每到经济危机,作为寄生于实体经济之上的互联网经济是最容易受伤的,这一点并不奇怪。

36、Analysis of Wuhan Dress Hypostatic Sameness Phenomenon ─── 汉派服装同质化现象探析

37、But, if carry prepares misgovern, fictitious economy grows generation possibly also to hypostatic economy the ruinous action with negative huge even effect, its model causes bubble economy namely. ─── 但是,如果运筹管理不当,虚拟经济也可能对实体经济发展产生负面作用甚至巨大的破坏性作用,其典型就是引发泡沫经济。

38、In April the middle ten days of a month, they opened the first hypostatic store in city of Beijing Xidan exultation. ─── 4月中旬,他们在北京西单大悦城开了第一家实体店。

39、hypostatic world and phenomenon world ─── 本质世界和现象世界

40、hypostatic pneumonia ─── 坠积性肺炎

41、The Gothic Art which was derived from church architecture in the middle age of Europe is one kind of cultural existence as architectural hypostatic form. ─── 起源于欧洲中世纪教堂建筑中的哥特艺术,是以建筑实体形式凝固下来的一种文化存在。

42、What we face is hypostatic shopkeeper consumption, still consume on Internet, it is very big change. ─── 我们面对的是实体的零售商消费,还是在互联网上消费,是非常大的变化。

43、He becomes full-time merchant in the abdication 3 years ago already, own the shop on two nets and a hypostatic store now. ─── 他早已在3年前辞职做全职店主,现在拥有两家网上店铺和一家实体店。

44、Net inn buys petty gain, because compressed the hire of hypostatic inn,everybody can think of above all is, decorate and the operation cost such as counterjumper salary, can have price advantage so. ─── 网店购买便宜,大家首先会想到是由于压缩了实体店的租金、装修以及店员工资等运营成本,所以会有价格优势。

45、The conduction of net inn charter, actually He hypostatic inn does business of charter apply for and Mo different. ─── 网店执照的办理,其实和实体店营业执照的申请并无两样。

46、hypostatic splenization ─── 坠积性脾样变

47、Clean out treasure to want hypostatic shop, preparation leaves mature C2C business to the line extend. ─── 淘宝要开实体店了,准备把成熟的C2C业务向线下拓展。

48、It is even over there company of partial small record, result from the sales revenue that the income of Internet had surpassed hypostatic record. ─── 甚至在部分小唱片公司那里,源于互联网的收入已经超过了实体唱片的销售收入。

49、Accordingly, electronic commerce industry together hypostatic and professional market will make a kind of trend increasingly. ─── 因此,电子商务企业联手实体专业市场将日益成为一种趋势。

50、Alone hypostatic wall was done not have, break even glass even also be abandoned. ─── 单独的实体墙没有了,甚至连玻璃断也被抛弃。

51、Nursing observation of prevention and treatment of hypostatic pneumonia in Patients of high paralysis using postural drainage ─── 体位引流防治高位截瘫患者坠积性肺炎的护理观察

52、Still can use in hypostatic metope to make local decoration additionally. ─── 另外还可以用在实体墙面做局部装饰。

53、In addition, fictitious money is right of hypostatic money move to also cause certain impact normally. ─── 此外,虚拟货币对实体货币的正常运行也造成一定冲击。

54、hypostatic congestion ─── 坠积性充血

55、In addition, mobile phone B2C is new hypostatic inn also had broken through gain bottleneck below the string that army north fights mobile phone net. ─── 此外,手机B2C新军北斗手机网的线下实体店也已经突破了盈利瓶颈。

56、"I am looking forward to this case to enter the cognizance phase of hypostatic problem as soon as possible, if I apply for rehear, achieved Baidu fitly the purpose of protracted lawsuit. ─── “我盼望着本案尽快进入实体问题的审理阶段,如果我申请再审,就恰好达到了百度拖延诉讼的目的。

57、Fu Yi tells a reporter: "Clean out treasure net inn now at ordinary times sales volume has been equivalent to a common hypostatic inn, on holidays sales volume is apparent excel substance inn. ─── 付易告诉记者:“现在淘宝网店平时的销量已经相当于一家普通的实体店,逢年过节销量则明显优于实体店。”

58、Continue to leaving this hypostatic store, also be to see the need of objective with turn back guest. ─── 继续留着这个实体店,也是为了以后顾客看实物的需要。

59、He thinks, no matter be net inn or hypostatic inn, an inn temperament can be mirrorred from the picture come out. ─── 他认为,无论是网店还是实体店,一家店气质从图片上就能反映出来。

60、Arrive from hypostatic inn net inn, guan Jianquan sees efficiency very again. ─── 从实体店到网店,官鉴权把效率看得很重。

61、As we have learned, patriot ideal flies upwards at present have not gain, contact more it is venture capital investment, and patriot number frequency basically will accept hypostatic investment. ─── 据了解,爱国者理想飞扬现在尚未赢利,接触更多的是风险投资,而爱国者数码音频将主要接受实体投资。

62、A crackajack website, with hypostatic company, the image that needs whole is packed and design. ─── 一个杰出的网站,和实体公司一样,需要整体的形象包装和设计。

63、Say really, no matter how does science and technology progress, hypostatic article always is more than watching computer a feeling. ─── 说真的,不论科技如何进步,实体物品总是比看电脑多了一份感觉。

64、To Woerma character, this means the dilate of hypostatic inn, to cleaning out treasure character, it is the addition of server and bandwidth. ─── 对沃尔玛而言,这意味着实体店的扩张,对淘宝而言,则是服务器和带宽的增加。

65、5.At the sight of the vehemence of the building lord, I feel that the building lord infuses the water in the community together of that has the hypostatic difference for small bludger! ─── 一看到楼主的气势,我就觉得楼主同在社区里灌水的那帮小混混有着本质的差别!

66、It is preceded by bronchial infection and is commonest in children (measles and whooping cough) and the elderly (chronic bronchitis and hypostatic pneumonia in debilitated patients in bed). ─── 发病之前有支气管感染,这在儿童(麻疹及百日咳)及老年人(慢性支气管炎及卧床不起者的体位性肺炎)最常见。

67、Ceaseless nibble wears network bookshop the market share of hypostatic bookshop. ─── 网络书店不断蚕食着实体书店的市场份额。

68、Society justice is a socialism hypostatic inherent request. Society justice with Chinese communist's basic aim has consistency. ─── 从理论的维度看,社会公正是社会主义本质的内在要求,它与中国共产党的基本宗旨具有一致性。

69、Before 2003, progress of his hypostatic retailing shop is great, but a SARS threw into confusion thoroughly original program. ─── 2003年之前,他的实体零售店发展顺利,但是一场非典彻底打乱了原有规划。

70、Current, "Inductive network " having similar research with other company, their target is to be the map with hypostatic world similar scale. ─── 目前,“感应网络”和其他公司正在进行类似的研究,它们的目标是为实体世界绘制类似的地图。

71、hypostatic justice ─── 实体公正

72、hypostatic ectasia ─── [医] 坠积性[血管]扩张

73、" although the reporter made an explanation one time, consumer king musical instrument still thinks, shop to hypostatic inn more reliable. ─── 对此,程剑平表示,家园网真正的优势在于可充分利用东方家园实体店的资源,实现优势互补。

74、hypostatic allele ─── 下位等位基因

75、There are both the inevitable contact and the hypostatic differences between the theory of harmonious society of Marx and Engels and utopian socialism. ─── 摘要马克思恩格斯的和谐社会观同空想社会主义和谐社会理论既存在必然的联系,也有着本质的区别。

76、Of course today's financial crisis is affected to hypostatic economy not only, also produced certain effect to network economy more or less. ─── 当然今天的金融危机不仅对实体经济影响,或多或少对网络经济也产生了一定的影响。

77、It is to will guide illicit collect fund to be hypostatic economy service, serve for the industry. ─── 一是将引导私募基金为实体经济服务,为产业服务。

78、The 3rd kind is inn of the estate intermediary company that has hypostatic storefront's enlightened on the net net of house property intermediary. ─── 第三类是拥有实体店面的房地产中介公司在网上开通的房产中介网店。

79、Even is left brief open Wu Tai, the person's living manner will also take place hypostatic variety. ─── 即使是离出了短暂开悟态,人的生活态度也会发生本质的变化。

80、Because of this Wen Zhoumin endowment the new investment direction certainly will that seek will turn for fictitious with hypostatic economy syncretic start field of agree illicit collect. ─── 因此温州民资寻求的新的投资方向势必将转为虚拟和实体经济合一的创投和私募领域。

81、hypostatic albuminuria ─── [医] 坠积性蛋白尿

82、The Hypostatic Philosophy Thinking of Cosmos and Its Infinite Regulation ─── 宇宙及其无限性规律的元哲学思考

83、Current, "Inductive network " having similar research with other company, their target is to be the map with hypostatic world similar scale. ─── 目前,“感应网络”和其他公司正在进行类似的研究,它们的目标是为实体世界绘制类似的地图。

84、"The sale of hypostatic last year disc dropped again than the year before last year 15% , but record company still does not have too big change in profit respect. ─── “去年实体唱片的销售额比前年又下跌了15%,但唱片公司在利润方面依然没有太大变化。”

85、Of course today's financial crisis is affected to hypostatic economy not only, also produced certain effect to network economy more or less. ─── 当然今天的金融危机不仅对实体经济影响,或多或少对网络经济也产生了一定的影响。

86、The mainest is tectonic and simple, more adiabatic than hypostatic material housetop drops in temperature the effect is good. ─── 最主要的是构造简单,比实体材料隔热屋顶降温效果好。

87、Yesterday, shopping platform of the network below Baidu banner " have ah " announce hypostatic inn attestation plans, encourage buyers and sellers to make trade below first time line. ─── 昨日,百度旗下网络购物平台“有啊”宣布实体店认证计划,鼓励买卖双方进行第一次线下交易。

88、If do hypostatic shop, earlier investment is very big, the store on the net can let their leave out this part is devoted, and let a product realize sale and gain first. ─── 如果做实体店,初期投入是很大的,网上商城可以让他们省去这部分投入,而先让产品实现销售和盈利。

89、The song and this far-flung and sorrowful land were a hypostatic union; ─── 它全然是和这片辽阔而令人怆然的土地融合在一起的;

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