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09-14 投稿



Hyacinthus 发音

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Hyacinthus 中文意思翻译



Hyacinthus 短语词组

1、Hyacinthus orientalis albulus ─── [网络] 风鬣蜥

2、genus Hyacinthus ─── [网络] 风信子属

3、hyacinthus orientali ─── 东方风信子

4、Hyacinthus candicans ─── [网络] 风信子

5、Hyacinthus orientalis ─── [网络] 风信子;东方风信子;葡萄风信子

Hyacinthus 相似词语短语

1、hyacinthine ─── adj.风信子的;紫青色的

2、hyacinths ─── n.[宝]红锆石;风信子属植物;[园艺]风信子(hyacinth的复数)

3、Hyacinthus ─── n.(希腊神话人物)雅辛托斯

4、hyacinthin ─── n.苯乙醛;风信子质

5、hyacinth ─── n.风信子;[宝]红锆石;紫蓝色

6、acanthus ─── n.爵床属;莨苕叶形的装饰;叶形装饰

7、hyacinth beans ─── 扁豆

8、jacinths ─── n.橘红色;风信子石;[宝]红锆石;n.(Jacinth)人名;(英)贾辛丝

9、Zacynthus ─── 扎辛瑟斯。

Hyacinthus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I know Hyacinthus, whom Apollo loved so madly, was you in Greek days. ─── 我了解,阿波罗热恋的情人雅辛·托斯,就是你在希腊彼时的前世。

2、As Apollo spoke these words, the blood flowing from Hyacinthus' wound turned the ground red. ─── 就当阿波罗说这些话时,海辛瑟斯伤口的鲜血流到地上,染成了一片红。

3、Any of the approximately 30 species of bulbous ornamental herbaceous plants that make up the genus Hyacinthus (lily family), native primarily to the Mediterranean region and tropical Africa. ─── 百合科风信子属约三十种观赏植物的统称,原产地中海地区和热带非洲。

4、Hyacinthus watched it fly and chased after it. He wanted to throw the discus back to Apollo. But when the discus finally fell, it struck him on the head. ─── 海辛瑟斯一边望着铁饼飞行一边追着,想要把它丢回给阿波罗。但当铁饼最后掉落时,打中了他的头部。

5、Cutting propagation of five varietal hyacinthus orientalis bulbs which introduce from Holland was studied. ─── 摘要以荷兰引进的5个品种风信子种球为试材进行了风信子鳞片扦插试验。

6、It was said that Zephyrus (the west wind), who was also fond of Hyacinthus and jealous of his preference of Apollo, blew the quoit out of its course to make it strike Hyacinthus. ─── 据传说仄费洛斯(西风)也很喜爱雅辛托斯,但雅辛托斯与阿波罗较诸与他来往得亲密,他因而产生了妒意。就是他把铁饼吹偏了方向,使它打到雅辛托斯头上的。

7、Keywords Hyacinthus orientalis L.;ovule;gene expression;functional analysis;hormone; ─── 风信子;胚珠;基因表达;功能分析;激素;

8、An endophytic fungus resistance to penicillin was isolated from Hyacinthus orientalis by culturing on a preliminary screening medium and it vitro cultured and its anti-microbial activity was detected. ─── 摘要通过用初筛培养基培养,从风信子叶子中分离出一种抗青霉素的内生菌,进行离体培养和抑菌活性检测。

9、Hyacinthus enjoyed doing things for Apollo. ─── 海辛瑟斯喜欢为阿波罗做事。

10、Candy Bianca Rose, Inzell Tulip, Snowball, Hyacinthus,Blue Mona Lisa, Pink Mini-Peony, Mini Yellow Gerbera,Big Sea Holly, Sandersonia, Pink Lysimachia,Pink Nerine, White Bouvardia ─── 浅粉玫瑰,白郁金香,绿小绣球,风信子,蓝蒙娜丽莎,粉小牡丹,迷你黄太阳菊,大高麻,橙吊铃,粉老鼠尾,粉焕锦,白十字

11、Acropora hyacinthus ─── n. 风信子鹿角珊瑚

12、He was passionately fond of a youth named Hyacinthus. ─── 他十分喜爱一个名叫雅辛托斯的少年。

13、a bulbous Mediterranean plant(Hyacinthus orientalis) having narrow leaves and a terminal raceme of variously colored,usually fragrant flowers,with a funnel-shaped perianth ─── 地中海地区所产的一种(风信子风信子属)球茎植物,叶片狭窄,总状花序,其花有多种颜色,通常有香味,花被呈漏斗状

14、An endophytic fungus resistance to penicillin was isolated from hyacinthus orientalis by culturing on a preliminary screening medium. ─── 通过在初步筛选的培养基上培养,从风信子中分离出对青霉素的内生真菌抗性。

15、A plant, perhaps the larkspur, gladiolus, or iris, that sprang from the blood of the slain Hyacinthus. ─── 风信子花一种从被杀死的海厄辛忒斯的血中生长出来的植物,可能是飞燕草、剑兰或鸢尾花

16、Apollo saw what had happened and called to him, but Hyacinthus could not answer. ─── 阿波罗看到当时的情景,于是大声叫他,但是海辛瑟斯一句话也未答。

17、Apollo, the son of Zeus, was fond of a young man named Hyacinthus. ─── 阿波罗是宙斯之子,他喜欢一个名叫海辛瑟斯的少年。

18、Apollo, the son of Zeus, was fond of a young man named Hyacinthus. ─── 阿波罗是宙斯之子,他喜欢一个名叫海辛瑟斯的少年。

19、Aqua Rose, Allium, Ageratum, White Freesia, Hyacinthus, Ammi Majus, Bupleurum &Greens ─── 紫玫瑰,紫葱头花,法国无忘我,白较剪兰,风信子,白飞香,小象耳及衬叶

20、Isolation and Transgenic Phenotype Analyses of HoSEP1 Gene of Hyacinthus Orientalis L. ─── 风信子HoSEP1基因的分离及超表达植株的表型分析

21、Hyacinthus watched it fly and chased after it.He wanted to throw the discus back to Apollo. ─── 海辛瑟斯一边望着铁饼飞行一边追着,想要把它丢回给阿波罗。

22、Isolation, Screening and Activity Detection of an Endophytic Fungus Resistance to Penicillin in Hyacinthus orientalis L. ─── 风信子中抗青霉素内生菌的分离、筛选和活性检测。

23、Isolation , Screening and Activity Detection of an Endophytic Fungus Resistance to Penicillin in Hyacinthus orientalis L . ─── 风信子中抗青霉素内生菌的分离、筛选和活性检测。

24、Purple Tulip, Lisianthus, Viburnum, Pink Hyacinthus, Beargrass, Willow ─── 紫郁金香,洋桔梗,绿小绣球,粉风信子,熊人草,银柳

25、Effects of Perianth Explant Ages on Differentiation of Floral Organs in Hyacinthus orientalis L. ─── 风信子花被外植体年龄对花器官分化的影响。

26、Bouquet of Yellow Calla Lily, White Tulip, Purple Hyacinthus, Achillea, Salal ─── 黄马蹄兰,绿白郁金香,紫风信子,咖哩,沙巴叶

27、Keywords HoMADS2;hormone;Hyacinthus orien talis L.;in vitro flower; ─── 激素;风信子;离体花发育;

28、9. A bulbous Mediterranean plant(Hyacinthus orientalis) having narrow leaves and a terminal raceme of variously colored, usually fragrant flowers, with a funnel-shaped perianth. ─── 风信子地中海地区所产的一种(风信子风信子属)球茎植物,叶片狭窄,总状花序,其花有多种颜色,通常有香味,花被呈漏斗状

29、Apollo said to Hyacinthus, @My friend, Hyacinthus, you were robbed of your youth by me. I can do nothing for you. ─── 阿波罗对海辛瑟斯说:“我的朋友啊!我夺走了你年轻的生命,却束手无策,

30、Blue Hyacinthus, Freesia, Ranunculus, Veronica, Small Pittosporum ─── 蓝风信子,较剪兰,小牡丹,老鼠尾,小海棠叶

31、Effects of Perianth Explant Ages on Differentiation of Floral Organs in Hyacinthus orientalis L. ─── 风信子花被外植体年龄对花器官分化的影响。

32、Apollo saw what had happened and called to him, but Hyacinthus could not answer. Hyacinthus was dying. He had been wounded very badly. ─── 阿波罗看到当时的情景,于是大声叫他,但是海辛瑟斯一句话也未答。他快死了,他伤得很重。

33、Apollo and Hyacinthus enjoyed playing different kinds of sports together. ─── 他们两人喜欢在一起做各种不同的运动。

34、ECIWO phenomena occurs in culture of Hyacinthus orientalis' clone seedling was studied, the results were follows: amount and frequency of induced buds were gradual in the different part of cut dollop; ─── 摘要风信子试管苗,取其芽体及切块在离体培养时存在全息现象,主要表现为,在风信子芽体的不同位置的切段上,不定芽发生的数量和频率呈梯度变化;

35、Tissue Culture from Ovary of Hyacinthus orientalis L ─── 风信子子房的组织培养(英文)

36、Keywords Hyacinthus orientalis,regenerated floral bud,ABC gene,auxin,cytokinin; ─── 风信子;再生花芽;花器官;ABC基因;生长素;细胞分裂素;

37、Four sympatric Acropora corals, including A. muricata, A. valida, A. hyacinthus, and A. humilis, were studied in the Chinwan Inner Bay, Penghu Islands from 2002 to 2005. ─── (三)染色体数目的资料显示青湾内湾轴孔珊瑚并无多倍体或非整倍体的存在,不支持在澎湖青湾海域的四种轴孔珊瑚之间有杂交种存在的可能性。

38、Apollo saw what had happened and called to him, but Hyacinthus could not answer. Hyacinthus was dying. He had been wounded very badly. ─── 阿波罗看到当时的情景,于是大声叫他,但是海辛瑟斯一句话也未答。他快死了,他伤得很重。

39、hyacinth | [Latin] Hyacinthus orientalis ─── 风信子

40、The discus landed, but having fallen from such a great height it bounced and violently struck Hyacinthus in the head. ─── 铁饼落地了,但是它的落距如此地大,它回弹了起来并重重击中了雅辛托斯的头部。

41、He was passionately fond of a youth named Hyacinthus. ─── 他十分喜爱一个名叫雅辛·托斯的少年。

42、Even though Apollo was a god, he and Hyacinthus were the best of friends. ─── 即使阿波罗是神,他和海辛瑟斯仍是最好的朋友。

43、Apollo and Hyacinthus ─── 阿波罗与海辛瑟斯

44、Apollo and Hyacinthus went to the big field near Apollo's house. ─── 阿波罗和海辛瑟斯到阿波罗家附近的大田径

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