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09-14 投稿



ingrate 发音

英:['?ngre?t; ?n'gre?t]  美:[?n'ɡret]

英:  美:

ingrate 中文意思翻译



ingrate 网络释义

adj. 忘恩的;不知恩的n. 忘恩负义的人

ingrate 词性/词形变化,ingrate变形

动词过去式: ingrained |动词过去分词: ingrained |动词第三人称单数: ingrains |动词现在分词: ingraining |

ingrate 相似词语短语

1、ingate ─── n.入口孔,马头门;内浇口;输入门

2、inaurate ─── 黄金光泽

3、ingrafts ─── v.接枝,嫁接;灌输(等于engraft)

4、ingrafted ─── v.接枝,嫁接;灌输(等于engraft)

5、ingrates ─── n.忘恩负义的人;adj.忘恩负义的,不知感恩的

6、ingrately ─── 忘恩负义

7、aggrate ─── vt.使满意;使高兴

8、indurate ─── v.使变硬,硬化;使坚固,巩固;使冷酷;adj.僵硬的,麻木的

9、integrate ─── vt.使…完整;使…成整体;求…的积分;表示…的总和;vi.求积分;取消隔离;成为一体;adj.整合的;完全的;n.一体化;集成体

ingrate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ingrate! a woman who laughs is such a good thing! ─── 你真不识好歹!一个老笑着的女人有多好!

2、She gathered her belongings and headed to the gate, refusing to look back at the ingrate thief. ─── 她收拾好了行李,走向登机口,根本不想再看一眼那忘恩负义的小偷。

3、How could you be so ungrateful!Ingrate! ─── 你怎么可以这么无情!忘恩负义的家伙!

4、She had never known when she had been so galled, And sighed with relief when her flight was called.She gathered her belongings and headed to the gate, Refusing to look back at the thieving ingrate. ─── 当他的航班通知登机时,她如释重负般松了口气,她收拾起自己的物品走向门口,拒绝回头再看一眼那个“偷窃而且忘恩负义的人”。

5、I'm not an ingrate. ─── 当时我则是另一种反应。

6、This ingrate attitude and the unhealthy consumption negatively impact. ─── 这种对于父母的不孝态度和不健康的消费习惯对于学生们有很大的负面影响。

7、Thus it can be seen, all kinds of arts either independent each other or affect each other, and they show varid and ingrate feature. ─── 由此可见,各艺术门类在发展过程中既相互独立又相互影响,体现出了多维性和统一性的特征。

8、Therefore be patient with constancy to the Command of thy Lord, and hearken not to the sinner or the ingrate among them. ─── 故你应当忍受你的主的判决。你不要顺从他们中任何犯罪的人,或孤恩的人。

9、Every time I full a vacant office, I make ten malcontents and one ingrate. ─── 每当朕+提出一个新任命,即造成十个不满分子与一个忘恩负义之徒。

10、It would take an ingrate great courage to work on ways to dispel such measures. ─── 一个不知感激为何物的人理直气壮的否定这些措施。

11、She is such a liar .... Either that or she is the world biggest ingrate after MJ giving her the highest ratings in the history of her show, from what I understand. ─── 我综合的外国网友的评论。。。“她是个骗子”。即使她不是骗子,她也是个忘恩负义的人,想当初是mj创造了她脱口秀收视率的最高历史记录!”

12、Every time I full a vacant office, I make ten malcontents and one ingrate. ─── 每当朕+提出一个新任命,即造成十个不满分子与一个忘恩负义之徒。

13、By making it a policy and working closely with Malay organisations intent on improving the community, it would take an ingrate great courage to work on ways to dispel such measures. ─── 政府也和致力改进马来社会的马来组织紧密合作。只有一个不知感激为何物的人,才能理直气壮的否定这些措施。

14、That gentleman is a knave, a wretched scoundrel, a vain little ingrate, a heartless, soulless, haughty, and wicked man!" ─── 这位先生是个怪物,是个无赖,是个没天良爱虚荣的小子,没有良心,没有灵魂,是个骄横恶劣的家伙!”

15、open ingrate ─── 开盘汇率

16、Ingrate! A woman who laughs is such a good thing! ─── 好歹!一个老笑着的女人有多好!

17、Yet they attribute to some of His servants a share with Him (in his godhead)! truly is man a blasphemous ingrate avowed! ─── 他们把他的一部分仆人,当作他的分子;人确是明显的孤恩者。

18、The British savaged salvage team came to Spain in 2002 to recover tin ingrate ingots from the wreck of the Friesland, a Dutch vessel which sank in the Atlantic in the late 19 century. ─── 这支文物营救队伍2002年进入西班牙,目的是修复弗里斯兰一艘沉船上的锡锭,这艘沉船是19世纪晚期在大西洋沉没的一支荷兰舰。

19、Dave: Beneath you! Why you little ingrate ! I gave you a job and this is how you repay me?? ─── 有失你的身份?你真是忘恩负义!我给了你一份工作,而这就是你回报我的方式?

20、Too late to apologize, she realized with grief, that she was the rude one, the ingrate, the thief. ─── 她悲哀地意识到,道歉已经太晚,她才是那个不讲理的、忘恩负义的、偷了曲奇饼的人。

21、Too late to apologize, she realized with grief, that she was the rude one, the ingrate, the thief. ─── 她悲哀地意识到,道歉已经太晚,她才是那个不讲理的、忘恩负义的、偷了曲奇饼的人。

22、Too late to apologize, she realized with grief, that she was the rude one, the ingrate, the thief! ─── 要道歉也太晚了,她这时候才明白,那个窃贼竟是她自己,那个粗鲁的,忘恩负意的,窃贼!

23、29 For the hope of the ingrate melts like a wintry frost and runs off like useless water. ─── 因为,不知恩者的希望,就如冬天的霜,势必消溶,逝去有如无用的流水。

24、Every time I fill a vacant office, I make ten malcontent and one ingrate. ─── 每当朕提出一个新任命,即造成十个不满分子与一个忘恩负义之徒。

25、Thanksgiving is a small German, ingrate is evil. ─── 感恩是小德,忘恩是大恶。

26、What notice?Little ingrate up and left.Working for that tabloid rag. ─── |什么辞职?

27、"You are an ingrate, Enjolras. ─── " “你太不识好歹了,安灼拉。”

28、She gathered her belongings and headed to the gate, refusing to look back at the thieving ingrate. ─── 她抓起自己的行李,冲向登机口,根本不想再回头看那个窃贼一眼。

29、Thanksgiving is a small German, ingrate is evil. ─── 感恩是小德,忘恩是大恶。

30、ingrate herself ─── vt. 讨好

31、" "You are an ingrate, Enjolras. ─── “你太不识好歹了,安灼拉。”

32、And he says to me the ingrate, to me the forgetful, to me the pitiless, to me the guilty one: Thanks! ─── 而对我这忘恩负义的人,对我这个健忘的人,对我这个残酷的人,对我这个罪人,他却说:‘谢谢!’

33、Sam : Then why don't you stop being such an 3)ingrate? ─── 山姆:那妳为什麽不能别再忘恩负义?

34、She gathered her belongings and headed to the gate, refusing to look back at the thieving ingrate. ─── 她抓起自己的行李,冲向登机口,根本不想再回头看那个窃贼一眼。

35、Go on get out of here bald boy, you ingrate, you bald ingrate, go out and rot for all I care, go. (To Tantor) What are you looking at? ─── 走吧走吧,没毛的怪家伙,你这个忘恩负义的,没毛没良心的,滚开吧,烂掉我也不管了,走吧。(对丹冬说)你在看什么?

36、Above the ingrate world and human fears. ─── 超越了忘恩的尘世和人间的忧惧。

37、You heartless ingrate. ─── 你这没良心忘恩负义的东西。

38、When he found out that I was not improving, he called me an ingrate and a mistake of my parents. ─── 但他发现我没有改进,他把我说成忘恩负义之人并且是我父母的一个错误。


应该没有这单词,相近的有 grate 英[gre?t] 美[ɡret] vt. 磨碎,压碎; 装格栅; vi. 发出刺耳的摩擦声; 使人烦恼难受; n. 炉格,炉箅; 刺耳的声音; [网络] 壁炉; 摩擦; 格子; [例句]A wood fire burned in the grate. 木柴在炉栅中燃烧着。

[其他] 第三人称单数:grates 复数:grates 现在分词:grating 过去式:grated过去分词:grated gift 英[g?ft] 美[ɡ?ft] n. 天赋; 赠送; 赠品,礼物; 天资; vt. 赋予; 向…赠送; 天赋权力(或才能等); 授予; [例句]They believed the unborn child was a gift from God. 他们认为腹中的孩子是上帝赐予的礼物。[其他] 复数:gifts

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