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09-14 投稿



prevaricate 发音

英:[pr?'v?r?ke?t]  美:[pr?'v?r?'ket]

英:  美:

prevaricate 中文意思翻译



prevaricate 网络释义

vi. 搪塞;支吾其辞,闪烁其辞

prevaricate 词性/词形变化,prevaricate变形

动词过去式: prevaricated |名词: prevarication |动词第三人称单数: prevaricates |动词过去分词: prevaricated |动词现在分词: prevaricating |

prevaricate 相似词语短语

1、prefabricates ─── v.预先制造,预制构件;人造

2、to prevaricate ─── 推诿

3、prevaricates ─── vi.搪塞;支吾其辞,闪烁其辞

4、prevaricated ─── vi.搪塞;支吾其辞,闪烁其辞

5、prefabricated ─── adj.预制构件的;v.预先建造组合(prefabricate的过去分词)

6、prefabricate ─── v.预先制造,预制构件;人造

7、prevaricator ─── n.说话搪塞的人;说话支吾的人

8、prevaricating ─── v.支吾搪塞,闪烁其辞(prevaricate的现在分词)

9、prevaricative ─── 推诿

prevaricate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But this one reason is platitude already, "It is early two years ago, when Sai Di medium should oppugn its gain ability to the market, it is reason prevaricate with this all the time. ─── 但这一原因早已是老生常谈,“早在两年前,赛迪传媒应对市场质疑其盈利能力时,就一直以此为理由搪塞。”

2、speak evasively; hum and haw; make an ambiguous statement; prevaricate one's statement ─── 支吾其词

3、They should be declared invalid and certainly not be abused as a bureaucratic hurdle to prevaricate in a dangerous crisis . ─── 应宣布它们无效,同时,当然也不应作为在一场危险的危机中推诿搪塞的官僚障碍被滥用。

4、make a gentleman find decorate company argue , can decorate a company with channel of replenish onr ' s stock different give prevaricate. ─── 许先生找到装修公司说理,可装修公司以进货渠道不一样予以搪塞。

5、'Don't prevaricate,'said Mr. Lorry. ─── 不要支吾其辞了,”罗瑞先生说。

6、Tell us exactly what happened and do not prevaricate. ─── 有什麽就原原本本地告诉我们吧,别躲躲闪闪的.

7、didn't prevaricate But answered forthrightly and honestly. ─── 毫不欺骗而是坦言相告

8、" You prevaricate. ─── 你支吾着。

9、would prevaricate, but it would be in the line of her feelings at least. ─── 搪塞,她也得找个和她心情一致的借口。

10、Tell us exactly what happened and don't prevaricate. ─── 有什麽就原原本本地告诉我们吧,别躲躲闪闪的。

11、Lu some prevaricate a few words hanged the phone. ─── 卢某搪塞了几句话把电话挂了。

12、" Amin knew that wrong, prevaricate for a long time also spit up a word, simply Duanzuo On the ground do not speak. ─── 阿明自知理亏,支吾了半天也吐不出一个字,干脆端坐在地上不说话。

13、To practice trickery or cunning; prevaricate. ─── 搪塞支吾,推诿;含糊其词

14、Many of the new production date seems to be intent to prevaricate: either use the same color font callout production date, or date stratopheric fallin'on seal, the very brief memory of its own. ─── 不少产品的生产日期似乎存心躲躲闪闪:要么使用同色字体标注生产日期,要么就将生产日期打在封口处,但印记极浅。

15、The instantaneous lo leads Zhang Jin Bao still prevaricate, some aversion of a knot the brows. ─── 一时瞧过张金宝还躺着,有些嫌恶的一皱眉。

16、Amin knew that wrong, prevaricate for a long time also spit up a word, simply Duanzuo On the ground do not speak. ─── 阿明自知理亏,支吾了半天也吐不出一个字,干脆端坐在地上不说话。

17、And the student that builds a website expresses, they ever called to teach bureau report circumstance to Hangzhou city before, but be gone by prevaricate. ─── 而建网站的学生表示,之前他们曾打电话到杭州市教育局反映情况,但被搪塞过去。

18、To practice trickery or cunning;prevaricate . ─── 搪塞:支吾,推诿;

19、" A reporter asked whether any issue, "Notice to prevail," prevaricate. ─── 不论记者问什么问题都“以公告为准”搪塞。

20、She would prevaricate, but it would be in the line of her feelings at least. ─── 所以即使掩饰搪塞,她也得找个和她心情一致的借口。

21、He loudly opposes torture while his Republican colleagues prevaricate. ─── 当他的同事们闪烁其词时,他大声反对刑讯。

22、Is small to work properly son you nice variety, incredibly challenge to my Sa monstrous prevaricate favor this? ─── 小灵子你好样的,居然敢对我撒这样的弥天大谎?

23、2. Instead of admit his guilt, he prevaricate . ─── 他不但不承认,反而支吾其词。

24、If come up against leader call to attend a meeting, when everybody reports a case, also be in prevaricate, content is told casually, but person of it doesn't matter is carried out really. ─── 假如碰到领导招呼开会,大家汇报情况时也都在搪塞,内容随便讲讲,但没什么人真的去执行。

25、i think those who know is how account wu system is installed , do not come with gibberish please prevaricate . thank. ─── 我想知道的是帐务体系如何设置,请不要用废话来搪塞。谢谢。

26、Zhang Yun passes a phone to contact, but the other side uses all sorts of reason prevaricate all the time. ─── 张芸通过电话联系,但对方一直用各种理由搪塞。

27、prevaricate v. ─── 搪塞;

28、Please do not prevaricate with politeness and courtesy, however. ─── 但是,请不要总是待之以礼却拒人于千里之外。

29、3.Its leaders cannot prevaricate over diplomacy for ever; ditching their anti-Semitic charter would help too. ─── 它的领导人在外交上不能总是支支吾吾;抛弃他们反犹太的主张将会有所帮助。

30、There has been enough time to prepare for this, and we cannot afford to prevaricate any longer. ─── 我觉得香港亦必须采取此态度,不要以为我们有了输入专才的计划,便可以静待国内的专才来申请。

31、If you tell me any lies, or attempt to prevaricate in any way, or even fall below your usual level of intelligence , you will cry out with pain, instantly. ─── 如果你向我说谎,或者不论想怎么样搪塞,或者甚至说的不符合你平时的智力水平,你都会马上痛得叫出来。

32、To prevaricate and make excuse ─── 支吾托词

33、Its leaders cannot prevaricate over diplomacy for ever; ─── 它的领导人在外交上不能总是支支吾吾;

34、But men do not seem to meet here, the old men to go to prevaricate with singing, and said that he pay, saying that the three encountered a rare beauty! ─── 但男人们似乎并不满足于此,老男人支吾着要去唱歌,还说他买单,说什么难得遇到三个美女!

35、to falter; to prevaricate; to equivocate; to stall; to hum and haw ─── 支吾

36、It does not help that the European Union is continuing to prevaricate in the long-drawn-out talks about Turkey's membership application, sapping enthusiasm for reform in Ankara. ─── 欧盟与土耳其旷日持久的入盟谈判还是含糊没进展,侵蚀着安卡拉当局的改革热情。

37、when I ask you questions, you don't prevaricate me . If you stall off me, you will find that I 'm not going to find you answer and anthor trails by. ─── 我问你问题时,不要搪塞我.如果您搪塞我,您会发现我不再向您求教而另寻他径了.

38、You are sure not to be more really than but at this time , that he has looked for only is not to prevaricate you coming very better qualified reason. ─── 而你这时千万不要当真,他只是找了个不是很高明的理由来搪塞你。

39、When the question is boiled down to which comes first between People &Process , most of them would try to equivocate or prevaricate, refusing to give straightforward answers. ─── 当问题是归结到人民第一与过程中,他们大多会尝试说模棱两可的话或搪塞,拒绝提供简单的答案。

40、But developers are looking for every excuse to prevaricate back. ─── 但每次都被开发商找借口给搪塞了回去。

41、Then prevaricate with the other to watch the film! ─── 然后说些了无关紧要的话去看电影去了!

42、Average person can use a few strange immature manage origin prevaricate. ─── 一般的人都会用一些奇怪的不成熟的理由来搪塞。

43、avoid saying yes or no; prevaricate ─── 不置可否

44、She saw no reason to prevaricate. ─── 她认为没有必要闪烁其词。

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