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09-14 投稿



damask 发音

英:[?d?m?sk]  美:[?d?m?sk]

英:  美:

damask 中文意思翻译






damask 短语词组

1、damask rose hydrosol ─── 锦缎玫瑰水溶胶

2、summer damask rose ─── [网络] 夏季锦缎玫瑰

3、damask rose water mist ─── 锦缎玫瑰水雾

4、Damask steel ─── 大马士革钢

5、damask rose celsiana ─── 锦缎玫瑰

6、damask rose oil ─── 锦缎玫瑰油

7、damask violet ─── [网络] 锦缎紫罗兰

8、damask rose n. ─── 大马士革蔷薇

9、damask rose floral water ─── 锦缎玫瑰花水

damask 词性/词形变化,damask变形


damask 相似词语短语

1、damasks ─── n.锦缎;花缎;adj.缎子的;粉红色的;vt.使织出花纹;vi.织花纹

2、abask ─── adv.暖洋洋地;在舒适的温暖中

3、damans ─── 丹麦语

4、camass ─── 卡马斯

5、damage ─── n.损害;损毁;赔偿金;vi.损害;损毁;vt.损害,毁坏

6、damasked ─── n.锦缎;花缎;adj.缎子的;粉红色的;vt.使织出花纹;vi.织花纹

7、dismask ─── 除去面罩

8、daman ─── n.蹄兔(等于hyrax,产于非洲和中东);n.(Daman)人名;(西、塞、尼、英)达曼

9、damaskin ─── 达马斯金

damask 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Gardens utility: Horn azalea is damask to white, florescence is longer, blade bottle green, have taller view and admire value. ─── 园林用途: 喇叭杜鹃花淡红色至白色,花期较长,叶片深绿色,有较高的观赏价值。

2、"The silk fabrics have more than 10 different varieties, including crepe de chine, satin, brocade, damask and silk gauze. among these, brocade is very famous for its special elegance, luxury and delicate beauty." ─── 丝织品有工0多种不同品种,如双绉绸,缎子。锦、锦缎和细绢。其中。织锦以其精美华丽和优雅而著称。

3、"Let them all be taken away and changed, then, with the exception of the sleeping-chamber which is hung with red damask; you will leave that exactly as it is." ─── “那么就把它们都换掉吧,不过挂着红缎窗帷的卧室不必换,那个房间你一点儿都不要去动它。”

4、In this announcement's name list, the candidate who Los Angeles settles on also has between Ma Ta, the palace the damask silk; ─── 在此次公布的名单中,洛杉矶看中的人选还有玛塔、宫间绫;

5、His furniture is all damask, including the cupboards in the kitchen. ─── 他的家俱全都是淡红色的,包括厨房里的碗橱。

6、silk damask shoes [with cloud pattern toe] ─── 云头锦鞋

7、The colorful garments made from expensive materials, such as brocade, damask and velvet were richly patterned and lavishly decorated with ribbons, braids, trimmings, embroi- dery and lace. ─── 丰富多彩的服装广泛采用锦缎、花缎及天鹅绒等华贵的面料,并镶嵌人量缎带、滚边、丝带、刺绣及花边等装饰材料。

8、mixed damask ─── 交织锦缎

9、duplex damask ─── 双面同花锦缎

10、table damask ─── 台布花缎

11、the two windows, hung with yellow damask, were still occupied by the persons whom the count had invited ─── 于是他们回到了罗斯波丽宫,但伯爵和那个戴蓝色半边面具的人已不见了。

12、Among which pure cotton damask down-proof corduroy series, silk and cotton mixed damask down-proof corduroy was appraised as the technologically new product. ─── 其中全棉贡缎防羽绒布、棉丝交织防羽绒贡缎被评为科技新产品。

13、In the evening, I went into the cotton quilt carefully, just like put a very rare vessel into a small box with damask. ─── 晚上,我万分小心地钻进棉花网套里,就像把一件珍贵器皿放进衬着缎垫的锦匣中一样。

14、The sheets are of the finest quality damask in design. ─── 床单在设计方面是用最好材质的绸缎。

15、to damask foul books ─── 把黄色下流书盖戳销毁

16、furniture damask ─── 家具花缎

17、grey damask ─── 大提花贡缎坯

18、She says: "A Mei, my cerements early prepared, it is a that when black damask has bud silk, nevertheless so wore honest very regrettablly, you can cut the reverse side, make a vest wear to yourself. ─── 她说:“阿梅,我的寿衣很早就预备了,是黑缎子有蕾丝的那一件,不过就这么穿走了实在很可惜,你可以把背面剪去,给你自己作件背心穿。”

19、damask ,of noil silk ─── 抽丝花缎

20、Damask steel ─── 大马士革钢

21、He had been before in drawing- rooms hung with red damask , with pictures "of the Italian school " . ─── 从前他见过不少这样的客厅,墙上是红色锦缎,上面挂着“意大利流派”的画。

22、Ferreous mesua is qualitative firm and heavy, duramen is damask, pith line fine beauty, make furniture with its, wear well. ─── 木质坚而沉重,心材淡红色,髓线细美,用其制作家具,经久耐用。

23、Fabric of makings of velvet, damask, jacquard weave, lacy adornment can give a person with elegant, gorgeous feeling. ─── 丝绒、缎料、提花织物、花边装饰会给人以雍容华贵、富丽堂皇之感。

24、He had been before in drawing-rooms hung with red damask, with pictures "of the Italian school". ─── 从前他见过不少这样的客厅,墙上是红色锦缎,上面挂着“意大利流派”的画。

25、Foliaceous back provides fluff, vein is thicker, stipule is damask. ─── 叶背具柔毛,叶脉较粗,托叶淡红色。

26、Why is damask steel that was so widely spread in the beginning of the last century is now a rare thing? ─── 为什么大马士革钢在上世纪初还广泛使用而如今则少有人问津?

27、Long damask curtains with a red foundation and three colors, like those on the bed, hung at the windows of the first floor. ─── 楼上窗子上,挂的是和帐幔一致的三色深红花缎长窗帘,底层屋子里是毛织窗帘。

28、single damask ─── 五枚花缎

29、A bed supported on massive pillars of mahogany, hung with curtains of deep red damask, stood out like a tabernacle in the centre; ─── 一张红木床赫然立于房间正中,粗大的床柱上,罩着深红色锦缎帐幔,活像一个帐篷。

30、Literacy of magnifico bully wife is not much, a wrapping with yellow damask almanac that takes out him to get ready early says: "Imperial edict here. ─── 大官欺老婆识字不多,拿出他早预备好的用黄缎子包着的一本历书说:“圣旨在此。”

31、Japanese type style is mixed in Chinese style, feel relaxedly with a kind to the person, the try every means in the damask face cushion that can bringing aculeate embroider adds this kind of element. ─── 中国风格中加入日本式格调,给人以一种清爽的感觉,可以在带有刺绣的缎面靠垫中想方设法加入这类元素。

32、The less girl have to see into the room within.She saw the table spread with a snow-chalkiness damask cloth, whereon were ranged shining china-dishes; ─── 小女孩可以看到房间的东西,桌上铺着雪白的台布,上面放着精致的瓷碟,还有填满梅子和苹果、冒着热气、香喷喷的烤鹅。

33、She was the only laundress left who knew how to do up damask ─── 她是仅有的一位懂得如何洗净锦段的洗衣妇。

34、Ferreous mesua is qualitative firm and heavy, duramen is damask, pith line fine beauty, make furniture with its, wear well. ─── 铁力木质坚而沉重,心材淡红色,髓线细美,用其制作家具,经久耐用。

35、Damask of the Shang Dynasty ─── 商代纹绮

36、But properties of damask steel still make it the leading material used in cold weapon manufacture. ─── 但是,大马士革钢因为其品质而仍然是制造冷兵器的顶级材料。

37、3.The workers are damasking damask on the damaskdamask. ─── 工人们正在那张粉红色的缎子上织上波形花纹.

38、half damask ─── 半丝花缎

39、He puts a damaskdamask on the table. ─── 他在桌子上铺了一张粉红色的缎子.

40、double damask ─── 八枚花缎

41、They use the cushion for leaning on of Chinese style classicism commonly silken, damask, silk, hemp make material, the surface uses embroidery or printing design makes decoration. ─── 中式古典风格的靠垫它们一般用绸、缎、丝、麻等做材料,表面用刺绣或印花图案做装饰。

42、Damask and embossed tablecloths tnt &for pizzerias, napkins, table mats, wrap &adhesive paper... ─── 分类标题:免洗纸和塑料餐具用品|餐具...

43、union damask ─── 交织装饰布

44、damask ,silk, containing 85% or more by weight of silk or of silk waste (incl. silk) ─── 丝锦缎,含蚕丝或废话丝重量达85%以上(包括细丝)

45、damask gloves, PVC gloves, and etc.) , 100% of which are sold in Europe, the US, Asia, and etc. ─── 手套、梭织斜纹布手套、PVC胶布手套等;

46、a vacuum flask on the damask table - cloth. ─── 桌布上放着一个保温瓶。

47、She wore a dress of black damask, a cape of the same material,and a bonnet of white crape. ─── 她穿一件黑花缎裙袍,一件同样料子的短披风,戴一顶白绉纱帽子。

48、Printing Technique about the New Products of Discolored Damask Silk ─── 变色绮丽绸新产品印花技术

49、So there are many kinds of antique silks, such as damask, satin, brocade etc, and each kind has its own characteristic. ─── 本文从两个方面着手进行研究,一是结合纺织史博物馆内的丝织品文物,开展清洁与储存方面的实验研究。

50、Franz glanced rapidly towards the three windows. The side windows were hung with yellow damask, and the centre one with white damask and a red cross. ─── 弗兰兹很快地向那三个窗口瞟了一眼,旁边两个窗口挂着黄缎窗帘,中间那个是白缎的,上面有一个红十字。

51、His furniture is all damask, including the cupboards in the kitchen. ─── 他的家俱全都是玫瑰红色,包括厨房里的碗橱。

52、damask swiss organdy ─── 仿花缎印花织物

53、damask printing ─── 印花仿锦缎

54、She saw the table spread with a snow-white damask cloth, whereon were ranged shining china-dishes; ─── 墙上那块被火光照着的地方,忽然变得透明,象一块薄纱。

55、full-harness damask ─── 单把吊提花缎

56、damask rose ─── n. 〈植〉大马士革蔷薇

57、The pillow of use damask face is covered, there won't be furrow on the face when can letting your morning rise, and the hair also won't sleep random. ─── 使用缎面的枕头套,能够让你晨起时脸上不会有皱纹,而且头发也不会睡乱。

58、Damask rose Ⅲ ─── 大马士革Ⅲ玫瑰

59、Very few somebody can associate to silk to also can serve as the door plank of chest, the filar damask with much colorful appearance glows and dream, vogue is gotten conspicuous. ─── 很少有人会联想到丝也可以作为衣柜的门板,多姿多彩的丝缎色彩斑斓和梦幻,时尚得引人注目。

60、multicoloured damask ─── 彩色花缎

61、Here, a Poiret chemise dress made of blue silk damask and once worn by Denise Poiret is on view. ─── 图中是波烈设计的蓝色绸缎长裙。

62、her damask cheek ─── 她那粉红色的脸颊

63、cream damask ─── 奶油色亚麻花缎

64、Still hanging a damask gem at the same time on this button, the Huang Sui that two bundles of silk are done waves to fall and fall from gem, spic end is two good-looking pellet. ─── 在这枚扣子上同时还挂着一颗淡红色的宝石,有两束丝绸做的黄穗从宝石上飘落而下,穗尾是两颗好看的圆球。”

65、twill damask ─── 斜纹锦缎

66、Star product: Feather Xi Liang damask is moist lipstick, colour developing spends beautiful, ensure wet result pretty good also. ─── 明星产品:羽西亮缎滋润唇膏,显色度佳,保湿效果也不错。

67、all stiff, affectedly grave, formal, dressed out in velvet and damask, ─── 本正经的样子,举止生硬刻板,身著丝绒和锦缎的盛装艳服,

68、They could only place at his disposal a wretched village sacristy, with a few ancient chasubles of threadbare damask adorned with imitation lace ─── 他们只能把简陋的乡间圣衣库供他使用,那里只有几件破旧的、装着假金线的锦缎祭服。

69、Her gaze fell on the Book, of Rewards and Punishments in its yellow damask case lying on a tow rectangular table before her, picked it up, and began turning over the pages of neat characters written on high-grade Chinese paper. ─── 放在一张长方形的矮脚琴桌上的黄绫套子的《太上感应篇》首先映入她的眼内。她拿起那套书,翻开来看。是朱丝栏夹贡纸端端正正的楷书。

70、They passed close by the unhappy being, who, concealed behind the damask curtain, almost felt Mercds dress brush past him, and his son's warm breath, pronouncing these words,--"Courage, mother! ─── 他们经过那个人的身边,将军躲在门帘后面,几乎感觉到美塞苔丝的衣服擦过他的身体,和他儿子讲话时的那股热气,这时阿尔贝正巧在这时说:“勇敢一点,妈!

71、The most outstanding characteristic is geometrical element apply: Fu go up with the headboard of damask face, arranging the long diamonds of equidistance; ─── 最突出的特点是几何元素的运用:覆以缎面的床头板上,排列着等距离的长方块;

72、He had been before in drawing-rooms hung with red damask, with pictures "of the Italian school" ─── 从前他见过不少这样的客厅,墙上是红色锦缎,上面挂着“意大利流派”的画。

73、satin damask ─── 厚花缎

74、"Well, did you notice two windows hung with yellow damask, and one with white damask with a red cross? ─── “好了,您有没有注意到两个挂黄缎窗帘的窗口和一个挂白缎窗帘上绣红十字的窗口?

75、She knows how to do up damask. ─── 她会洗烫锦缎。

76、Examples of fabrics woven by Jacquard techniques include damask, tapestry, brocade, brocatelle, and some bedspread fabrics. ─── 利用提花工艺织造的织物包括锦缎、花缎以及一些床单织物。

77、silk damask ─── 丝锦缎

78、Floor Length Evening Gown ------ This gown is made from brown silkete damask and white artificial sheepskin, creating a contrast in texture. ─── 大量啡色丝光缎面和白色仿羊皮的搭配,从质感上使服装有了变化。

79、rayon twill damask ─── 人丝花绸

80、As on the preceding day, she wore her damask gown and her crape bonnet. ─── 她呢,和昨天一样,花缎裙袍,绉纱帽。

81、flax damask ─── 亚麻花缎

82、drapery damask ─── 提花厚锦缎

83、At the centre window, the one hung with white damask with a red cross, was a blue domino, beneath which Franz's imagination easily pictured the beautiful Greek of the Argentina. ─── 在中间那个挂白缎窗帘上绣红十字的窗口里,坐着一个戴蓝色半边面具的人,这个人,弗兰兹很容易认出就是戏院里的那个希腊美人。

84、The dun-colored walls are set off by panels of blue damask and columns of finely veined marble. ─── 暗褐色的墙映衬着蓝缎子镶板和精致的木纹大理石柱。

85、Damask silk; a silk fabric resembling satin but thinner ─── 像缎子而更细薄的丝织品

86、Of or relating to damask. ─── "波形花纹的,或与之有关的"

87、his furniture is all damask , including the cupboards in the kitchen. ─── 他的家俱全都是玫瑰红色,包括厨房里的碗橱。

88、" The sun, which was glowing through the crevices in her shutters, and turning the damask curtains crimson, reassured her to such an extent that everything vanished from her thoughts, even the stone. ─── 太阳光从板窗缝里强烈地照射进来,把花缎窗帘照得发紫,使她完全恢复了自信心,清除了她思想中的一切,连那块石头也不见了。

89、Discuss on Damask Loom Reformed by MaJun and Meaning of "Tweezers", "Heddle" ─── 关于马钧改革绫机与"镊"、"(聂)"、"蹑"含义的探讨

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