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09-14 投稿



unreconciled 发音


英:  美:

unreconciled 中文意思翻译



unreconciled 网络释义

adj. 未和解的;未取得一致的;不顺从的

unreconciled 相似词语短语

1、reconcile ─── vt.使一致;使和解;调停,调解;使顺从

2、reconciler ─── 调解人

3、unreconcilable ─── 不可调和的

4、unrecognised ─── 被忽略的;未被意识到的

5、unreconcilably ─── 不可调和的

6、reconciles ─── 和解;一致

7、reconciled ─── v.和解;调解(reconcile的过去式和过去分词)

8、irreconciled ─── 不协调的

9、unrecognized ─── adj.未被承认的;未被认出的;未被认可的

unreconciled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Or, you're unreconciled to your failure. ─── 或者说,不甘失败。

2、That's a kind of unreconciled struggle, but was sealed in his dying body. ─── 那是一种不甘心的盘旋,可惜被麻木的身体束缚住了。

3、“ I saw her saying with a tired but unreconciled body, and float by the wind softly. ─── 风如果只是微风那么它带不走叶子,但如果它是狂风那么带只可以带走没有生命的叶子!!

4、A service to help with slow log off and unreconciled profile problems. ─── 帮助解决注销速度慢和配置文件不协调问题的服务。

5、I hate you , am day in the hereafter because of I am unreconciled only when my one people walks. ─── 我恨你,是因为我不甘心以后的日子只有我一个人走。

6、The enemies are unreconciled to their defeat. ─── 敌人并不甘心失败。

7、Once he stays with you, you will be unreconciled. ─── 一旦他留在你身边,你会开始不甘心。

8、Hussein and his unreconciled supporters among Iraq's Sunni minority, there was an explosion of anger. ─── 侯赛因先生及其逊尼派中不甘心的支持者们怒气爆发。

9、That's a kind of unreconciled struggle, but was sealed in his dying body. ─── 那是一种不甘心的盘旋,可惜被麻木的身体束缚住了。

10、Othello. If you bethink yourself of any crime Unreconciled as yet to heaven and grace, Solicit for it straight. ─── 奥瑟罗要是你想到在你的一生之中,还有什麽罪恶不曾为上帝所宽宥,赶快恳求他的恩赦吧。

11、And the loser is unreconciled. ─── 而失败者是不会甘心的。

12、Hussein and his unreconciled supporters among Iraq’s Sunni minority, there was an explosion of anger. ─── 侯赛因先生及其逊尼派中不甘心的支持者们怒气爆发。

13、A service to help with slow log off and unreconciled profile problems. ─── 帮助解决注销速度慢和配置文件不协调问题的服务。

14、I fire a warning shot, the tiger draws back several steps with fear, but unreconciled to leaving away like this, he wanders up and down for a long time, has gone away angry after all . ─── 我鸣枪示警,老虎吓退了几步,但不甘心这样离去,徘徊许久,终悻悻而去。

15、Brief Description A service to help with slow log off and unreconciled profile problems. ─── 简介:能够解决注销关机慢以及不稳定的用户配置文件问题的服务。

16、The unreconciled position and incommensurable standpoint mean there is serious metaphysical crisis in ecological ethics itself. ─── 这种争论的不可调和性及其观点的不可公度性,意味着生态伦理学自身发生了严重的形而上学危机。

17、Or, you're unreconciled to your failure, ─── 或者说,不甘失败,

18、The surviving members of these classes who are unreconciled will inevitably, as Lenin put it, throw themselves with a tenfold furious passion into the battle for the recovery of their lost paradise. ─── 他们人还在,心不死,必然要象列宁所说的那样,以十倍的疯狂,来企图恢复他们失去的天堂。

19、Be unreconciled to rotate around this pool. ─── 却不甘心围著这潭死水转。

20、two warring souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; ─── 永远觉得有两个灵魂、两种思维、两种力量的拉扯;

21、Brief Description A service to help with slow log off and unreconciled profile problems. ─── 简介:能够解决注销关机慢以及不稳定的用户配置文件问题的服务。

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