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09-14 投稿



ingratiating 发音

[ ?n'ɡre??et??]

英:  美:

ingratiating 中文意思翻译



ingratiating 网络释义

adj. 逢迎的,讨好的;迷人的,吸引人的

ingratiating 词性/词形变化,ingratiating变形

副词: ingratiatingly |

ingratiating 短语词组

1、ingratiating manner ─── 讨好的态度

2、ingratiating in speech ─── 嘴甜 ─── 嘴上春风

3、ingratiating personality ─── 讨好的性格

ingratiating 相似词语短语

1、ingratiated ─── vt.使迎合;使讨好;使逢迎

2、instantiating ─── v.为……的例证;例示;举例说明(instantiate的现在分词)

3、ingraining ─── vt.使…根深蒂固;就…原料染色;生染;n.固有品质;原纱染色;生染的纤维;adj.生染的;原纱染色的;根深蒂固的;n.(Ingrain)人名;(法)安格兰;(西)因格拉因

4、ingratiatingly ─── adv.讨好地;奉承地

5、uningratiating ─── 不教化

6、ingratiate ─── vt.使迎合;使讨好;使逢迎

7、gratinating ─── 光栅

8、ingrafting ─── v.接枝,嫁接;灌输(等于engraft)

9、ingratiation ─── n.逢迎;讨好

ingratiating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To shrug the shoulders and offer an ingratiating smile ─── 胁肩诌笑

2、someone with an assured and ingratiating manner. ─── 有确实的和迷人的举止的人。

3、He's very good at reading people and ingratiating himself with his superiors. ─── 他善于察言观色,讨好上司。

4、Mao declared his theory that neither of speaking for the rich nor the poor is at fault, the real wrongdoing is telling lies for ingratiating himself with the rich or poor. ─── “为富人说话或为穷人说话都没有错,错在为了讨好富人或讨好穷人说假话”,茅于轼再次重申自己“既为富人说话,也为穷人办事”的宗旨。

5、with open arms and an ingratiating smile. ─── 迷人地微笑着张开手臂。

6、An ingratiating, indulgent tone lollops into the narrative whenever it settles on this woman, the story’s prime mover, if not its prime focus. ─── 每当故事讲到她时都从逢迎纵容的口气变为叙述,她就算算不上主要焦点,至少也是推动故事的主要人物。

7、He said this with an ingratiating smile. ─── 他说这个的时候面带讨好的微笑。

8、I am a Chinese boy, here in the hope that you can meet and understand, behaving I am ingratiating myself partnership. I like swimming, Internet. ─── 我是一个中国男孩,希望在这里能和你相遇,认识,交心,结伴,我喜欢游泳,上网。

9、'No one owes you anything, so you need to be as ingratiating as you can, ' says Glickman. ─── 格利克曼说,没有人欠你的,所以你要尽可能地迎合别人。

10、Clever talk and ingratiating manner are seldom found in a virtuous man. ─── 巧言令色,鲜仁矣。

11、So now he contrived an eager, ingratiating smile, which he bestowed on Mr. Squires. ─── 因此他就装出急切的、迷人的笑,并投向史奎尔先生。

12、a bland, ingratiating manner ─── 和蔼而又迎合的态度

13、attentive in an ingratiating or servile manner. ─── 殷勤,举止逢迎、奴性。

14、Then there had been his fellow soldier who had resented his knack for ingratiating himself with officers and getting easy and safe assignments. ─── 后来与他一起当兵的伙伴对他善于阿谀奉迎上司,轻松捞取安全的差使深感厌恶;

15、Experts say ingratiating behavior is bound to be on the rise in the workplace as workers fret about keeping their jobs in tough economic times. ─── 在经济不景气,人人但求自保的时候,办公室里逢迎和巴结的声音有所增加并不奇怪。

16、Too anxious to please;ingratiating ─── 很想讨好的;谄媚的

17、But suddenly he showed an ingratiating smile for fearing that the police would fine him. ─── 那哥们儿很是不爽。待反应过来,才露出“具有中国特色的微笑”。

18、make up to: To make ingratiating or fawning overtures. ─── 献殷勤,巴结:提出献殷勤或讨好的建议。

19、What we refer to here is a sincere and kind smile from the bottom of our heart, nor an ingratiating one, nor a sinister one with bad intention, much less a murderous smile. ─── 我们所讲的微笑,是发自内心的诚挚和善良的笑容,而不是为讨好别人的媚笑,也不是存心不良的奸笑或皮笑肉不笑,更不是带有杀机的笑里藏刀。

20、While we were waiting for the coffee, the head waiter, with an ingratiating smile on his false face, came up to us bearing a large basket full of huge peaches. ─── 就在我们等咖啡的时候,那个领班谗笑着拿着一篮子大桃子走了过来。

21、It means "ingratiating in speech". ─── 让人听起来很舒服。

22、Sugary or ingratiating words;flattery. ─── 甜言蜜语;奉承

23、Shen Wansan said with an ingratiating smile, “Your Majesty, this is 'Wansan Ti(Shen Wansan's foot)'”. ─── 沈万三一脸堆笑,谄媚地说:“回皇上,这是'万三蹄'。”

24、18. Rospigliosi, quite set up with his new dignities, went with a good appetite and his most ingratiating manner. ─── 罗斯辟格里奥赛真是受宠若惊,乐得忘乎所以了,他穿上最漂亮的衣服,准备赴宴。

25、unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech ─── 在言语或态度上过度的令人不快的讨好或逢迎

26、The softer and the more ingratiating Natasha's face became, the more serious and stern became the face of Sonya. ─── 娜塔莎的面部表情愈益温柔而谄媚,索尼娅的面部表情就愈益严肃而庄重。

27、There was such an ingratiating tone about Hurstwood's voice, the insinuation was so perceptible that even Carrie got the humour of it. ─── 赫斯渥说话时带着讨好的口气,他的意思那么明显,连嘉莉也听出了话中的诙谐意思。

28、He obviously means the Old Emperor!'Tell me,' said the old man, beginning to sound positively ingratiating, 'were you ordered to go to Wutai, or are you going on your own accord? ─── 老婊子什么事都说了出来,除了顺治皇帝,还有哪一个比瑞栋的来头大上万倍?”

29、6.He contrived an eager, ingratiating smile, which he bestowed on Mr. Squires. ─── 译文:他装出一副殷勤、讨好的笑脸,并把它投向史奎尔斯先生。

30、Sugary or ingratiating words; flattery. ─── 甜言蜜语;奉承

31、an ingratiating smile ─── 迷人的微笑

32、9.unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech. ─── 在言语或态度上过度的令人不快的讨好或逢迎。

33、Treasure elder sister compares Lin Meimei ingratiating in speech; ─── 宝姐姐比林妹妹嘴甜;

34、an unctuous, ingratiating manner ─── 虚情假意的,逢迎的方式

35、Mollenhauer cast him an ingratiating smile, and as he stepped out Senator Simpson Walked in. ─── 当他跨出去参议员辛浦生走进来的时候,莫仑霍对他巴结地一笑。

36、In some cases, it is because they bully only downwards - behaving horribly towards subordinates but ingratiating themselves with their superiors. ─── 在某些情况下,是因为他们只是欺负下属,而对上司则竭力讨好。

37、Hook tried a more ingratiating manner. ─── 胡克采取了一种更讨好的态度。

38、Even worse, Hopkins started ingratiating himself with President ─── 更糟糕的是,霍普金斯开始巴结总统。

39、He wrote an ingratiating letter to his victim offering empathy, rather than just apologies。 ─── 他写了一封虚情假意的信给受害者,显示出自己的同感同情,而不仅仅表达歉意。

40、But by the new century he was ingratiating himself. ─── 但是进入新世纪后,他开始迎合献媚。

41、She dropped into an ingratiating smile ─── 她下意识地露出讨好的笑容。

42、It's also possible that our experience was not at all representative of the charm and ingratiating qualities pit bulls can demonstrate. ─── 当然也有可能,即,以我们的经历,还够不上匹配斗牛犬所表现出来的那种迷人魅力以及谄媚能力。

43、Artfully contrived to gain favor or confidence; ingratiating. ─── 谄媚的巧妙地设法取得好感或信任的; 讨好的

44、Artfully contrived to gain favor or confidence; ingratiating ─── 谄媚的巧妙地设法取得好感或信任的;讨好的

45、An ingratiating young university student meets a young beauty whose bizarre ─── 一个逢迎的大学生遇到一个古怪女孩

46、Polchenko is civil, almost ingratiating, as he argues with the leader ─── 波尔钦科和这个头头辩论时也彬彬有礼,甚至有点迎合奉承。

47、While we were waiting for the coffee, the head waiter , with an ingratiating smile on his false face, came up to us bearing a large basket full of huge peaches. ─── 当我们在等咖啡是,领班服务员提着一大筐的大桃子向我们走来,虚假的脸上堆满了讨好的笑容.

48、1.Artfully contrived to gain favor or confidence;ingratiating . ─── 谄媚的巧妙地设法取得好感或信任的;

49、He has no interest in ingratiating himself in the foreign-policy establishment. ─── 他对取悦于外交政策当局毫无兴趣。

50、He contrived an eager , ingratiating smile , which he bestowed on Mr. Squires . ─── 他装出一副殷勤、讨好的笑脸,并把它投向史奎尔斯先生。

51、To make ingratiating or fawning overtures. Used with to ─── 献殷勤,巴结:提出献殷勤或讨好的建议。和to连用

52、He contrived an eager, ingratiating smile, which he bestowed on Mr. Squires. ─── 他装出一副殷勤、讨好的笑脸,并把它投向史奎尔斯先生。

53、The managers have effects more than non-managers.Finally, innovative culture has effects on rational persuasion, image management, and ingratiating. ─── 接著进一步,将组织文化类型与向上影响行为进行影响性的分析,藉以了解不同组织文化类型中,会产生何种向上影响行为。

54、This may be an annoying boss, an ingratiating fan, a spineless co-worker, a difficult client, an abrasive in-law, and any number of people with any number of faults. ─── 这样来说,你有你的使命,任何使你在完成你的使命时感到分心的事务都会减少你自身的价值。

55、He was suave and ingratiating ─── 他举止文雅,善于奉迎。

56、" he volunteered, in a sort of ingratiating and help-me-out kind of way. ─── 他以一种讨好和求助的口气说,显得很是主动。

57、There was such an ingratiating tone about Hurstwood's voice, the insinuation was so perceptible that even Carrie got the humour of it.26quot; ─── 尽管斯宾塞和现代自然哲学家们已经作了大量分析,我们对道德的理解仍很幼稚肤浅。

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