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09-14 投稿


dumpy 发音

英:[?d?mpi]  美:[?d?mpi]

英:  美:

dumpy 中文意思翻译




dumpy 网络释义

adj. 矮胖的,粗短的;忧郁的n. 矮沙发;短雨伞

dumpy 词性/词形变化,dumpy变形


dumpy 短语词组

1、dumpy bag ─── 垃圾袋

2、dumpy dog ─── 矮胖的狗

3、dumpy level ─── 定镜水准仪

4、dumpy looking ─── 矮胖的样子

5、dumpy eye ─── 矮胖的眼睛

6、dumpy trumpy book of poems ─── 矮 ─── 矮胖的诗集

7、dumpy tree frog ─── 矮胖树蛙

8、dumpy trumpy ─── 矮胖的小鸡

dumpy 相似词语短语

1、dummy ─── n.人体模型;仿制品;蠢货;假动作;橡皮奶头;(桥牌)明手牌;傀儡;沉默的人;(书的)装帧样本;空包弹;(语法中作修饰语)假代的;adj.假的,仿真的;v.(在英式足球中)做假动作

2、jumpy ─── adj.(人)焦虑不安的,神经质的;跳跃的,跳动的

3、duppy ─── 妖精;恶鬼

4、Yumpy ─── 尤比。

5、dumps ─── n.废物,垃圾场(dump的复数);忧郁;v.倾倒(dump的单三形式)

6、dampy ─── 潮湿的

7、humpy ─── adj.多隆肉的;隆起的

8、bumpy ─── adj.颠簸的;崎岖不平的

9、dump ─── v.倾倒;丢下;猛地放下;(向国外)倾销;随便堆放;与(某人)结束恋爱关系;(非正式)抛弃;(非正式)抛售;卸出(数据);(内存信息)转储;n.垃圾场;废渣堆;矿山废石堆;(非正式)脏地方;军需品临时存放处;转储;(非正式)拉屎;n.(Dump)(美)邓普(人名)

dumpy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Shih Tzu must never be so high stationed as to appear leggy, nor so low stationed as to appear dumpy or squatty. ─── 西施不能太高,变成长脚狗,也不能太矮,象个矮脚鸡。

2、dumpy sub-loci nondisjunction ─── 矮胖亚位点不分离

3、a rather dumpy, unprepossessing servant ─── 相当矮胖,不讨人喜欢的仆人

4、Secretary son is a dumpy, snow-white skin (forgive me for using this word. I really can not think of any other adjective) in the division by demons with his hands tremble, Oh, he's too much fat. ─── 局长是个矮胖子,雪白的皮肤(原谅我用这个词,我实在想不到其他的形容词)在按魔师的手下颤动着,呵呵,他身上的肥肉太多了。

5、straight bill, rather dumpy shape, short-legged, crouching posture, and striped head and body. ─── 嘴平直,体形矮胖,腿短,姿态蜷缩,头和身体有斑纹。

6、Stevie was short, a lillte dumpy, with the smooth facial features and thick-tongued speech of Down syndrome. ─── 史蒂维个子不高、墩墩的、官端正,说话时带有唐氏综合症的大舌头音。

7、Other common names for this frog include Australian Green Tree Frog, White's Tree Frog, or Dumpy Tree Frog. ─── 澳洲绿树蛙,白氏树蛙,矮胖树蛙。

8、Stevie was short,a lillte dumpy,with the smooth facial features and thick-tongued speech of Down syndrome. ─── 史蒂维个子不高、矮墩墩的、五官端正,说话时带有唐氏综合症的大舌头音。

9、Why did I wander out to Long Island on a steamy day, traveling some 14 miles from the center of the American restaurant scene to a dumpy place at the end of a New York City subway line? ─── 我为什么要冒着炎炎烈日,从美式餐厅云集的纽约市中心前往长岛,奔波14英里,来到地铁线最末端一个不起眼的小地方?

10、dumpy tree ─── 矮状树

11、In the fifth frame there is much water, the sixth grid is of the dumpy son. ─── 第五格大部分是水,第六格则是矮胖子的地盘。

12、Fairfax pretends that the maniacal noise was made by Grace Poole, a rather dumpy , unprepossessing servant. ─── 但菲尔费克斯太太佯称这狂笑声是格雷斯普尔发出的,她是一个相当矮胖,不讨人喜欢的仆人。

13、when the shades of night fell it flew back to the cage at its parents' repeated calls and, with a twist of its dumpy form, squeezed in between the green leaves. ─── 天色人暮,它就在父母的再三呼唤声中,飞向笼子,扭动滚圆的身子,挤开那些绿叶钻进去。

14、He cannot adopt to the disciplined life and is always finding fault with Dumpy, the servant assigned to look after him. ─── 小老鼠卖入施家,很不习惯那种有规律的生活,更与专门服侍他的仆人馒头作对,令馒头愤然辞职。

15、Bine 4 prism form, coping small music, do not have wool glossily, provide on arris backbone dumpy soft thorn, green, without the leaf. ─── 茎四棱柱形,顶部微曲,光滑无毛,棱脊上具粗短软刺,绿色,无叶。

16、"The place had a dark and dumpy look" (Washington Post) ─── “这地方看起来阴暗而肮脏”(华盛顿邮报)

17、A dumpy person can't live the deeper life. ─── 一个闷闷不乐的人无法活出较深刻的生活。

18、some people seem born to be square and chunky; a dumpy little dumpling of a woman; dachshunds are long lowset dogs with drooping ears; a little church with a squat tower; a squatty red smokestack; a stumpy ungainly figure. ─── 有些人生来就又矮又胖;矮胖的女仆;达克斯猎犬是一种长着下垂耳朵的矮而长的狗;有着四方塔的低矮的教堂;矮短的红色烟窗;矮胖笨拙的形象。

19、Zhang Wanji looks at his dumpy hand, cry very sadly. ─── 张婉姬看着自己粗短的手,哭得很伤心。

20、It was curious how that beetle-like type proliferated in the Ministries: little dumpy men, growing stout very early in life, with short legs, swift scuttling movements, and fat inscrutable faces with very small eyes. ─── 怪得很,各部里满是些甲虫一样的小人儿。 他们短粗矮小,早早变得胖墩墩,拖着两条小短腿儿,快手快脚,跑东跑西,肉嘟嘟的肥脸木然一团,还有双小而又小的眼睛。

21、bawled dumpy little Chou Erh-chieh, poking her head Gut from behind Chien Chiao-lin, but immediately another voice shouted: ─── 钱巧林旁边伸出一个头来高声喊,那正是有名的矮子周二姐。 但是立刻也有人喊道:

22、dumpy sub-loci mutation rate ─── 矮胖亚位点突变率

23、dumpy sub-loci induced mutations ─── 矮胖亚位点诱发突变

24、"Hiss -- , small voice point, you don't forget, this but the excrement of Lyu3 Bu4's adult, ability with general does the regulation treat?"A soldier of dumpy scholar shape say. ─── “嘘--,小声点,你别忘了,这可是吕布大人的屎,能以一般规律看待吗?”一个矮胖的书生模样的士兵说道。

25、brick dumpy silo ─── 砖圆仓

26、She is a bitch who is fat and dumpy,just like a female pig. ─── 他(她)的确有点贱,根本不考虑其他业主的痛苦。不知是人是鬼。

27、dumpy level ─── 定镜水准仪

28、dumpy sub-loci sex determination ─── 矮胖亚位点性决定

29、Cissie was round-shouldered and dumpy. ─── 茜茜驼背而矮胖。

30、So when I made it out of the house and started for work, I felt pretty dumpy and despondent. ─── 所以我走出家去上班的时候,相当失望和沮丧。

31、dumpy sub-loci lethal survivors ─── 矮胖亚位点致死存活者

32、dumpy sub-loci gynandromorph ─── 矮胖亚位点雌雄嵌体

33、His long dumpy face wrinkled in a scowl. ─── 那长下巴的胖圆脸皱起了眉头。

34、Humpy-Dumpy fell downstairs, and yet he married the princess! ─── 泥巴球滚下了楼梯,然而他娶到了公主。

35、dumpy sub-loci pleiotropism ─── 矮胖亚位点多效性

36、A dumpy Japanese is asking for you. ─── 有个矮矮胖胖的日本人在找你。

37、She was short and dumpy. ─── 她又矮又胖。

38、dumpy sub-loci gene localization ─── 矮胖亚位点基因定位

39、Peduncular and dumpy, grow 5-10 millimeter, without wool; ─── 花梗粗短,长5-10毫米,无毛;

40、As demand for rubber soared small dumpy river towns like Manaus, Brazil, were transformed into over night into bustling centers of commerce. ─── 由于对橡胶的需求急速增长,象巴西马瑙斯那样的肮脏破旧的河畔小镇一夜之间就变成了热闹的商业中心。

41、The place had a dark and dumpy look(Washington Post) ─── 这地方看起来阴暗而肮脏。

42、dumpy sub-loci genic interaction ─── 矮胖亚位点基因相互作用

43、She was short and dumpy. ─── 她又矮又胖。

44、Dumpy have been in there for two hours going over back issues of "hudson. ─── 已经在那儿查过期的"Hudson"。有两个小时了。

45、He used to be dumpy, but he became thin after he grew up. ─── 他小时候胖墩墩的,长大以后却瘦了。

46、some people seem born to be square and chunky; a dumpy little dumpling of a woman; dachshunds are long lowset dogs with drooping ears; a little church with a squat tower; a squatty red smokestack; a stumpy ungainly figure ─── 有些人生来就又矮又胖;矮胖的女仆;达克斯猎犬是一种长着下垂耳朵的矮而长的狗;有着四方塔的低矮的教堂;矮短的红色烟窗;矮胖笨拙的形象

47、With all your friends saying they work in dumpy offices with peeling paint and computers that were made in 1964, they won't want to hear about your shiny now palatial setting, so don't rub it in! ─── 不过要提醒一点的是,可能你的朋友们所处的环境不如你的好,所以你尽量少在他们面前提及到这一些或过分炫耀就会伤到朋友之间的感情。

48、Troll Male -"I like my women dumpy and droopy with halitosis." ─── 我希望我的女朋友身材矮胖精神萎靡,还要充满口臭味。

49、dumpy sub-loci sterility ─── 矮胖亚位点不育性

50、After a few hours of work, we'd managed to turn a dumpy useless room into an actual guest room. ─── 经过几小时忙活,我们把一个没用的小屋变成了名副其实的客房了。

51、a dumpy little dumpling of a woman; ─── 矮胖的女仆;

52、dumpy sub-loci ─── 矮胖亚位点

53、She was short and dumpy, had one leg a bit shorter than the other, and her eyebrows met in the middle. ─── 她长得又矮又矮胖,一条腿比另一条要短些,两条眉毛都连到了一起。

54、One day, Jane hears a shrill, blood-curdling laugh coming from the room, but Mrs. Fairfax pretends that the maniacal noise was made by Grace Poole, a rather dumpy, unprepossessing servant. ─── 一天,简听见一阵令人毛骨悚然的尖笑声,是从那个房间里传来的。但菲尔费克斯太太佯称这狂笑声是格雷斯·普尔发出的,她是一个相当矮胖,不讨人喜欢的仆人。

55、He dated a girl with a dumpy figure. ─── 他与一个身材矮胖的姑娘约会。

56、He had a dumpy office and taught mostly unimpressive students. ─── 办公室破旧不堪,而学生呢,多数资质平平。

57、The knot is a dumpy, short-legged, wading bird. ─── 滨鹬是一种矮胖的短脚涉禽。

58、The soldier of dumpy scholar shape hurriedly take out notes bottom. ─── 矮胖的书生模样的士兵赶紧掏出笔记下。

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