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09-14 投稿



insistent 发音

英:[?n?s?st?nt]  美:[?n?s?st?nt]

英:  美:

insistent 中文意思翻译



insistent 网络释义

adj. 坚持的;迫切的;显著的;引人注目的;紧急的

insistent 词性/词形变化,insistent变形

副词: insistently |

insistent 短语词组

1、at sb's insistent request ─── 在某人一再要求之下

insistent 相似词语短语

1、insisting ─── 坚持

2、insisted ─── 坚持

3、insister ─── 坚持

4、consistent ─── adj.始终如一的,一致的;坚持的

5、insistence ─── n.坚持,强调;坚决主张

6、insipient ─── adj.愚蠢的;笨的

7、insistently ─── adv.坚持地;强求地

8、inexistent ─── adj.不存在的

9、insistency ─── n.坚持;显著或紧急之事;强迫;强调

insistent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They were insistent on having a contract for the work. ─── 他们坚持要就这项工作立一份合同。

2、If you insist then I'll endure it. ─── 假如你要坚持到底,那么我也将奉陪。

3、Oh,very well, then, if you insist. ─── 啊,那好吧,如果你坚持的话。

4、It was an extraordinary confrontation between the country's most dominant figure and a powerless but insistent adversary. ─── 这真是一场非同寻常的对决,在权倾一国的大人物与无权无势但不屈不挠的异见人士之间展开。

5、She insist that it do not make any difference to her. ─── 她坚持认为对她来说没对区别。

6、But wear it they must, if the peasants insist. ─── 但农民不依时,还是要戴。

7、But I insist on do myself protagonist. ─── 但我却坚持要做自己的主角。

8、When one acquaintance became too insistent on trying to send a gift to thank Mr. Jobs for his friendship, he was asked to stop calling. ─── 当一个熟人变得很急切地试图给乔布斯先生礼物来感谢他的友情,他因此被拒绝拜访。

9、She was insistent that I was wrong. ─── 她硬说我错了。

10、Man seems to insist on ignoring the lessons available from history. ─── 人类似乎一直都在漠视历史带给我们的教训。

11、Anyhow I must insist that you cannot steal. ─── 不管怎么说, 你都不能偷东西。

12、Why are you so insistent that we leave tonight? ─── 你为什么一定要我们今晚离开?

13、Husband: Yes dear. If you insist. ─── 丈夫:哦,亲爱的。如果你坚持的话。

14、The quality or condition of being insistent; urgency. ─── 坚持性坚持的性质或状态; 紧迫性

15、They were guests of the BioCruiser, and he never liked to start out a mission by being insistent. ─── 他们是生态游艇的客人,他也不想在执行任务时显得过于急躁。

16、They faced the insistent resistance. ─── 他们遭受到顽强的抵抗.

17、They insist on playing their music late at night. ─── 他们执意地演奏他们的音乐直到深夜。

18、He insist that they give him a receipt. ─── 他坚持要他们给他一个收据。

19、I insist that you shall be present. ─── 务必请您到

20、He was insistent on walking home. ─── 他坚持走回家。

21、"You're very insistent, but I'm very busy," I said. ─── “你可真有点固执,但是我很忙啊,”我说。

22、They insist that I stay there for supper. ─── 他们坚决要求让我留下吃晚饭。

23、They insist on our staying there a bit longer . ─── 他们坚持要我们再呆一会儿。

24、Anyhow I must insist that you don't steal. ─── 不管怎么说,你都不能再偷东西。

25、You must come with us, I insist. ─── 你必须和我们一起来,我坚持这一点。

26、He was insistent that I go alone. ─── 他坚持要我单独去。

27、Dear friend, please believe me, I will insist! ─── 亲爱的朋友,请相信我,我会坚持的!

28、I'm afraid we have to call the whole deal off if you still insist on your original quotation. ─── 如果你们仍然坚持原来报价,我们就只好放弃这笔交易。

29、Well, if you insist, thank you very much indeed. ─── 好吧,如果您坚持的话,非常感谢。

30、You paid last time. This is on me, I insist. ─── 上次你付过,这次该我付账。

31、BABS: All right! If you insist. ─── 如果你们坚持要听的话,那好吧。

32、She didn't want to go but her brother was insistent. ─── 她不想去,但她哥哥非得要她去。

33、They have insist on a full pictorial coverage of the event. ─── 他们坚持要用图片来报导这些事件。

34、No, no. This is on me, I insist. ─── 不,一定得让我请。

35、As she spoke her voice became harsh, insistent, angry. ─── 她越往下说,声调越是严历、坚决、气愤。

36、Well,if you insist,sir. Thank you very much indeed. ─── 好吧,先生,如果您坚持的话,实在非常感谢。

37、Do you insist that liverpool shall is the loading port? ─── 你方坚持要把利物浦作为装货港吗?

38、He was insistent that he was innocent. ─── 他坚持说自己无罪。

39、The doctor demurred, but Piercey was insistent. ─── 医生表示异议,但是皮尔西坚持不懈。

40、They insist on sticking to the letter of the law. ─── 他们坚持严守法律的字面意义。

41、He can certainly insist his decision. ─── 他一定会坚持他的决定。

42、He insist on our setting off at once. ─── 他坚持要我们马上动身。

43、But if you insist,we can make it a separate clause. ─── 不过如果你方坚持,我们可以单独列一项。

44、You must not be late,because he was most insistent about that. ─── 你万不可迟到,因为他对这一点最严格。

45、"Whether I'm insistent or not is my business. ─── “我坚不坚持是我的事。

46、They always insist on a high standard. ─── 他们一贯坚持高标准。

47、The quality or condition of being insistent;urgency. ─── 坚持性坚持的性质或状态;紧迫性

48、I insist that you (should) see the doctor. ─── 你一定要看医生。

49、We all insist that we not rest until we finish the work. ─── 大家都坚决要求不完工就不休息。

50、We can use wooden cases for packing if you insist. ─── 如果你们坚持,我们可以使用木箱包装。

51、If you insist on leaving now, please go ahead. ─── 你一定要走,那就请便吧。

52、Tell her, you insist upon them marrying. ─── 告诉她,你坚持他们俩成婚。

53、However most importantly still need to insist. ─── 不过最重要的还是要坚持啊。

54、The insistent demands of the army for more funds. ─── 军队需要增加军费的紧急要求。

55、She's a most insistent person; she won't take `no' for an answer. ─── 她是个说一不二的人,决不容别人反对。

56、We were both to be blamed, if you insist. ─── 如果你一定要这么说,那我们双方都有错。

57、If you insist, we have to declare the meeting off. ─── 如果你坚持的话, 我们不得不取消这次会议。

58、It sings its sweetest, most insistent song, like the Sirens trying to draw Odysseus and his crew onto the rocks. ─── 她唱着最甜蜜最坚持不懈的歌曲,正如塞壬试图令奥德修斯和他的手下迷惑,让航船触礁沉没。

59、To be obstinately repetitious, insistent, or tenacious. ─── 坚持不变倔强地重复、坚持或固执

60、Insist on keeping the outsiders? ─── 为什么吉达要挽留这些外来的人?

61、If you insist, I will have some more. ─── 好吧,既然您一再坚持,就来一点点。

62、I will have another glass if you insist. ─── 你硬要劝我,我只好再喝一杯。

63、Why did you insist upon a reply from them? ─── 为什么你一定要他们答复?

64、All right,if you insist,let's work on it. ─── 好吧,假如你坚持的话,我们就来讨论它吧。

65、"I did not insist to be called-up for Donetsk! ─── “其实我并没有坚持要进入对顿涅茨克的大名单!

66、Why are you so insistent that we leave tonight? ─── 你为什么一定要我们今晚离开?

67、Insist on the high starting point , high standard. ─── 坚持高起点,高标准。

68、It is very bad form to insist on talking about oneself. ─── 一味讲自己如何如何是很不礼貌的。

69、He insist on do physical training. ─── 他坚持体育锻炼。

70、I won't kick if you insist on paying the Bill. ─── 如果你坚持付帐我不反对

71、Insist on the use of English as the. ─── 坚持使用英语为教学语言。

72、The speaker did not insist on that point. ─── 发言者未支持那一点。

73、He is insistent on the advocacy of new scientific methods. ─── 他坚持提倡新的科学方法。

74、He was very insistent that I should spend the entire evening with him so that I would not have to set off again until the following day. ─── 他一直坚持要我跟他一起度过那个夜晚,让我第二天再走。

75、Go on to do sth. Insist on doing sth. ─── 原来做的事。

76、You must not be late ; he was most insistent about that . ─── 你万不可迟到,他对这一点最严格。

77、Anyhow I must insist that you do not steal . ─── 不管怎么说,你都不能再偷东西。

78、I shall insist that they do from now on insist v. ─── 坚持要求,坚决主张。

79、They insist that I pay them ten pounds a year. ─── 他们坚持我每年付给他们十磅。

80、"We insist on seeing someone in authority. ─── “我们一定要见到里头的人!

81、Well,if you insist,let's have our picnic today. ─── 好吧,如果你坚持的话,我们今天就去野餐吧。

82、Insist on yourself; never imitate. ─── 坚持自己,决不要模仿。

83、He insist on do the work himself. ─── 他坚持由他自己做这工作。

84、They insist to solve problem themselves. ─── 他们坚持自己解决问题.

85、The verb “insist” is often construed with “on” or “upon”. ─── 动词 insist 经常与on或upon连用。

86、Noisy and insistent; vociferous. ─── 喧闹的,大声叫喊的;喧嚷的

87、moreover, so insistent was the spur within me that to stop my poetic adventure was a matter of sheer impossibility. ─── 而且,我内心抒发情感的激情如此迫切,若要阻止我写作诗歌的冒险的历程简直是不可能的事情。

88、English: Do you still insist on your price? ─── 中文:你们仍然坚持自己的价格吗?

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