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09-14 投稿



inextinguishable 发音

英:[?n?k'st??gw???b(?)l; ?nek-]  美:[,?n?k'st??gw???bl]

英:  美:

inextinguishable 中文意思翻译



inextinguishable 网络释义

adj. 压不住的;不能消灭的

inextinguishable 同义词

inextinguishable 词性/词形变化,inextinguishable变形

副词: inextinguishably |

inextinguishable 反义词


inextinguishable 相似词语短语

1、inextinguishableness ─── 无情

2、inextinguishably ─── 无情地

3、distinguishably ─── 可区别地

4、indistinguishable ─── adj.不能区别的,不能辨别的;不易察觉的

5、indistinguishably ─── adv.不能识别地;无差别地

6、distinguishable ─── adj.可区分的;隐约可辨的

7、extinguishable ─── adj.可熄灭的;可灭绝的

8、undistinguishable ─── adj.难区别的;分别不清的;无特征的

9、extinguishant ─── n.灭火剂

inextinguishable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、All that shone for them was an inextinguishable and terrifying fire and, in their terror, when this vision ended, they imagined their situation to be worse than it was. ─── 在幻像不见之后,他们幻想之所见,比所见的实物更为可怕。

2、Because of your inextinguishable love. ─── 因为你那无法阻绝的爱。

3、burning with an inextinguishable ardour ─── 燃烧着一股不可扑灭的热情

4、Yet to Grossman the spirit of freedom was inextinguishable. ─── 然而,对于格罗斯曼来说,自由的精神是不能消灭的。

5、Because of your inextinguishable love. ─── 因为你那无法阻绝的爱。

6、The traditional philosophy of the Three Principles of the People is the ever-lasting inextinguishable truth, and also the full confidence in winning the final victory of National Revolution. ─── 三民主义的传统哲学,是永久不灭的真理,亦为国民革命最后胜利的左券。

7、It is the biggest and most important enterprises in our lives.It needs life time struggle and inextinguishable endeavour. ─── 既使遭受不平对待,也要三默其口,打掉牙和血和眼泪一并吞下;

8、A single word may be a spark of inextinguishable thought. ─── 即使是一个简单的词汇,也可能是涌动的思想所闪烁出的火花。

9、Bloodthristers are the perfect embodiment of Khorne's infinite anger, of his unparalleled martial discipline and of his inextinguishable lust for blood. ─── 嗜血者是恐虐无尽怒火,空前战欲和永无满足的嗜血贪欲的完美体现。

10、He has an inextinguishable passion for knowledge. ─── 他有一股强烈的求知欲。

11、Human beings have an inextinguishable capacity to be cruel to one another, particularly in groups. ─── 人类具有对其他人残忍相加的不可熄灭的能量,尤其是组群之间。

12、an inextinguishable flame; an inextinguishable faith. ─── 扑不灭的火焰;永恒的信念

13、But I think there nevertheless remains an inextinguishable, if perhaps a tiny, hope. ─── 不过,我认为希望毕竟还是存在的,即使有些渺茫。

14、the inextinguishable flame of liberty ─── 不可扑灭的自由之火

15、Paladins smite enemies with divine authority, bolster the courage of nearby companions, and radiate as if a beacon of inextinguishable hope. ─── 圣武士借神的权能打击敌人,激发增强附近战友的勇气,闪耀希望犹如不灭的灯塔。

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