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09-14 投稿


cram 发音

英:[kr?m]  美:[kr?m]

英:  美:

cram 中文意思翻译





cram 网络释义

adj. 填鸭式学的vi. 狼吞虎咽地吃东西;死记硬背功课vt. 填满,塞满;死记硬背;猛吃n. 死记硬背;极度拥挤n. (Cram)人名;(英、德)克拉姆

cram 词性/词形变化,cram变形


cram 常用词组

cram school ─── 补习班;补习学校,强化学校

cram for ─── 临时抱佛脚;填鸭式地学习;死记硬背

cram 短语词组

cram into/with

1. 塞满

The box was crammed with letters.


1、cram o matic recipes ─── 填鸭式食谱

2、cram hole ─── 填塞孔

3、cram drop ─── 补习班

4、cram oneself with food ─── 填饱肚子

5、cram sth. down sb.'s throat ─── 反复对某人灌输某事

6、cram fighter ─── 填鸭式战斗机

7、Cram's rule ─── [化] 克拉姆规则

8、cram elementary ─── 补习班

9、cram oneself ─── 吃饱,充饥

10、ice cram ─── 冰激凌

11、go to cram school ─── 去补习班

12、cram o matic ─── 填塞还是胡扯

13、cram-full a. ─── 塞满了...的

14、cram in ─── 补习勉强塞入

15、cram full ─── [网络] 塞满了

16、cram meaning ─── 填鸭式教学法

cram 习惯用语

1、sit up late cramming ─── 开夜车准备功课, 搞疲劳战术

2、cram oneself ─── 吃饱, 填饱肚子

3、cram up ─── 死记硬背(功课), 临时抱佛脚

4、cram into ─── 勉强塞入, 填满

cram 相似词语短语

1、cream ─── n.奶油,乳脂;精华;面霜;乳酪

2、crams ─── v.填满,塞满;(应考)突击准备,死记硬背;(人)挤满;猛吃;n.(应考)突击准备,死记硬背;极度拥挤;n.(Cram)(美)克拉姆(人名)

3、Cram ─── v.填满,塞满;(应考)突击准备,死记硬背;(人)挤满;猛吃;n.(应考)突击准备,死记硬背;极度拥挤;n.(Cram)(美)克拉姆(人名)

4、crame ─── 奶油

5、scram ─── v.(非正式)快走开,快滚;(尤指为避免被抓)迅速离开;(核反应堆)紧急停堆;n.(核反应堆的)紧急停堆

6、coram ─── prep.在……面前;n.(Coram)(美、英)科拉姆(人名)

7、Bram ─── n.布拉姆(男子名)

8、Aram ─── n.阿兰姆(人名)

9、cramp ─── n.痉挛,绞痛;[五金]铁夹钳;vt.束缚,限制;使…抽筋;以铁箍扣紧;adj.狭窄的;难解的;受限制的;n.(Cramp)人名;(英)克兰普

cram 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Software solutions have become more bloated in an attempt to cram myriad features into a more complicated OS. ─── 在企图将大量的特性塞进更复杂的操作系统中时,软件方案变得更加力不从心。

2、I have to cram up six subjects for my examinations. ─── 为了考试我得刻苦复习6门课程。

3、I got to cram for a test tomorrow. ─── 今天晚上我又要狂学了。

4、Cram:american chemist. He shared a 1987 Nobel Prize for creating artificial molecules that can mimic vital chemical reactions. ─── "克拉姆:美国化学家,他创造了能够模仿主要的化学反应的人造分子并因此与人共获1987年诺贝尔奖"

5、To make labial quality more everlasting, regard labial line pen as lipstick, cram is whole labial ministry. ─── 为了使唇色更持久,将唇线笔当作唇膏,填满整个唇部。

6、You can vary this idiom quite a bit, and creative software designers are doing just that in the never-ending bid to cram more functions onto screens that are always too small. ─── 你可以稍微调整这种习惯用法,具有创造力的软件设计师总是不断探索,将更多的功能填满总是太小的屏幕。

7、The aim is to reduce the importance of costly tutors and cram schools, partly to help students enjoy a more normal high-school life. ─── 目的是降低昂贵的家教和补习班的重要性,部分是为了帮助学生享受更正常的高中生活。

8、Cram laughed at the Judge. ─── 克拉姆嘲笑法官。

9、She had a few days to cram for a hazing most candidates spend years preparing for. ─── 对于大多数候选人需要准备数年才能接受的责难,佩林却只有十几天的时间面对这些。

10、With my cram session at an end, Mr. O'Donovan leaves me with a laugh and a warning: "You're heading down the rabbit hole. " ─── 我的培训课程结束时,奥多诺万丢过来一个大笑,警告我说:“你正在走向一个无底洞。”

11、If the angels know the VCs that is fine, but if not, then the VCs may cram down the angels, and that's tough on you and those early investors that you've built a great relationship with. ─── 如果天使知道风险投资是好的,但如果没有,那么,风险投资可能填满下来的天使,那就是强硬的对你和那些早期投资者,你已经建立了一个伟大的关系。

12、In the teaching of idle time, Xu Ruolan often come two in a nearby neighborhood of migrant workers, giving the children of migrant workers cram schools. ─── 在二中教学的空闲时间,许若兰经常来到二中附近的一处进城务工人员聚居区,给农民工的孩子补习文化。

13、In China, primary school students trend to go to Cram school and use extra-curricular time to improve their english skills. ─── 在中国,小学生多倾向利用课外时间到补习班加强英语能力。

14、They had a pretty good idea of what to expect,'' says principal Itaru Ishii of the Entrepreneur School, a juku cram that prepares children for Waseda Jitsugyo Elementary's entrance exams. ─── 企业家学校,一家帮助学生复习应付早稻田实业小学入学考试的补习学校的校长石井至说:“他们很清楚将面临什么。

15、Attending ordinary high school would make it imperative for me to cram for the Joint College Entrance Examination. ─── 就读普通高中将使我必须为大学联考而恶补,这就意味着另外三年的苦读和牺牲以换取接受高等教育的机会。

16、Good morning, madam, I am Brian Cram, I've come to apply for the position as computer engineer at your firm. ─── 你好,女士。我是布莱恩·克拉姆,我来应聘贵公司电脑工程师一职。

17、Cram run a fine race to take the gold medal ─── 克拉姆在赛跑中成绩突出夺得金牌

18、To fill up tight; cram. ─── 堆满装满或塞满以致于过剩。

19、I have got to cram for a test tomorrow. ─── 为了明天的考试,我得背多少东西呀!

20、The advertisement because of this a lot of transnational corporation and consumable enterprise almost cram the advertisement of website of each big invite applications for a job. ─── 因此很多跨国公司和消费品企业的广告几乎填满了各大招聘网站的广告位。

21、Idioms are crystallizations of a nation's wisdom and the cram of its language. ─── 习语是一个民族智慧的结晶,是语言中的精华。

22、Cram for a chemistry test. ─── 为应付化学考试而临时抱佛脚。

23、Sensor nodes always break down due to hardware failure and disturb from outer environment. The existing fault-tolerant routing protocol CRAM employs multiple cluster-head nodes by turns to achieve the aim of fault tolerance. ─── 传感器节点由于硬件缺陷和外部环境的干扰而在实际应用中经常失效,已有的容错层次路由协议CRAM协议采用多节点轮换作簇头达到容错的目标。

24、As summer holiday is around the corner, a great number of children will have to devote themselves into cram schools. ─── 伴随着暑假的到来,万千的学子即将投入到纷繁的英语补习班中。

25、Relying mainly on expanding in static behavior on later stage to cram and feed through holes through the liquid phase material, adjust and optimize the structure of hole, we successfully improved the strength and reduced the hole rate. ─── 后期以静态膨胀为主,通过液相物质填堵连通孔,调整优化孔结构,提高强度,降低孔隙率。

26、Analysis shows HBVC is superior to CRAM in many aspects, such as expandability, network delay, maximum system throughput, support to traffic engineering, compatibility and implementation complexity. ─── 分析表明HBVC在可扩展性、网络时延、系统最大吞吐率、对流量工程的支持、兼容性、系统实现复杂性等方面均优于CRAM

27、In the winter, children squeeze two to a chair around our big kitchen table and the mothers cram into the living room. ─── 在冬天里,孩子们聚集在厨房里大桌子旁边的两张椅子上,母亲们则填满了客厅。

28、For many students, cram schools are a big part of their after-school lives. ─── 对许多学生而言,补习班是他们放学后生活的一大部份。

29、You ask a lot of your feet.You cram them into shoes that often don't fit well or are uncomfortable, subjecting your skin to friction and pressure. ─── 你对脚的要求太多,经常把它们挤进不合适或不舒服的鞋里,磨损你的皮肤,让它受压。

30、Ann : My first college entrance exam score was so low that I had to study at a cram school for a year and retake it. ─── 安:我第一次大学联考成绩差到我还得去补习班补习一年,来年重考。

31、Cram laughed at the Judge. That counted against him. ─── 克拉姆嘲笑法官。那对他是不利的。

32、The room' s full ; we can' t cram any more people in. ─── 屋里满满的, 再也挤不进去人了.

33、This lush day cram helps skin to strengthen its natural defense system, bringing it back to its ideal state. ─── 帮助皮肤加强它自然防御系统,带它回到理想的状态。

34、The approximate calculation of Joule?Thomson coefficient is analyzed. The production reasons of hydrate and icing cram when compressed natural gas is throttled in winter and eliminating methods are discussed. ─── 分析了焦耳-汤姆逊系数的近似计算,讨论了冬季压缩天然气减压后在管道内产生水化物和冰堵的原因和消除方法。

35、Do not "cram" for the exams. ─── 对考试不要灌得太满。

36、I have to cram all night for tomorrow's exams. ─── 为了明天的考试,我得熬夜临阵磨枪。

37、Chip fabricators today can cram a million transistors and10 meters of wire onto a square millimeter of silicon. ─── 今天的晶片制造商有能力将100万个电晶体与10公尺长的电线,塞入一平方公釐的矽晶片。

38、a teacher who is paid to cram students for examinations. ─── 为了学生考试给学生填满知识的教师。

39、After good furniture is put in so large space, can leave tomorrow blank office, and need not anxious go cram all corners. ─── 在偌大的空间里摆放好家具后,可以把空白处留给未来,而不用着急去填满所有的角落。

40、If you study all the semester, you won't need to cram for the examination. ─── 假如你整学期都很用功,你就不需要在考试前抱佛脚。

41、Enough he said to himself. How many problems can I cram into my one small brain after all? ─── “算了罢,小小的脑筋里哪儿装得下这么多的事情!

42、I have to cram for an English test tonight. ─── 今天晚上我得死记硬背准备英语考试。

43、He had to cram them all together. ─── 他只好把这些全挤在一堆。

44、They go to school all day and attend cram schools at night. ─── 他们白天整天上学,晚上上补习班.

45、Take the time to enjoy all that, and you'll be far happier than if you spent every spare minute trying to cram in more. ─── 花点儿时间欣赏享受所有这一切,这样做会比你用尽每分每秒去得到更多要快乐的多。

46、Howeer, it is a pity that he should always cram at the eleenth hour. ─── 例:然而?很可惜的是他总是临时抱佛脚。

47、It isn't so much that they want to cram frequently used commands into their heads, as much as it is unavoidable. ─── 并不是他们主动想将所有经常使用的命令记在脑子里,但是,这却不可避免的发生了。

48、I attended a college entrance cram school for one year before I went to college. ─── 上大学之前,我参加过一年的高考补习班。

49、The experiences of English learning in language centers or cram schools are crucial for the English learners in Taiwan. ─── 对台湾英语学习者而言,在语言中心或补习班学习英语的经验者是重要的。

50、If you cram your head with too many new words at a time, some of them are bound to be crowded out. ─── 如果你一下子把太多的生词塞进头脑,必定有一些生词会被挤出来。

51、If you want to cram for anything, I should be troubled to recommend you to a better adviser than Loo Bounderby. ─── 你要想速成哪一门知识,我倒很难给你介绍个比露?庞得贝更好的顾问给你。

52、Substitute “whippersnapper” for your chosen sexist or racist epithet and then imagine how many job interviews you can cram into your sudden abundance of free time. ─── 。用“自以?是的年?人”,?代替你??的?有性?歧?或种族歧?的蔑?,然后?想一下,在你陡然充裕的?暇??里,能?加多少工作面?。

53、Some brave volunteers cram themselves on the edge of a multi-storey car park in Austin, USA. ─── 一些勇敢的志愿者把他们自己塞在美国奥斯汀的多层停车库的边缘。

54、To cram the waste into what space eventually opens up, nuclear scientists and engineers have been working on various methods to segregate the extremely dangerous wastes from the merely hazardous ones. ─── 为了将核废料塞入任何找得到的空间,核子科学家与工程师已经著手研究各种方法,将极为危险的废料与风险较低的废料分离开来。

55、Gideon: And then you have to cram really hard for the exam. ─── 基甸:到最后一分钟才啃书本,非拚命不可。

56、There is a tendency for Chinese elementary school students to reinforce their English in a cram school after regular school hours. ─── 在中国,小学生多倾向利利用课外时间到补习班加强英语能力力。。

57、Thou detestable maw, thou womb of death, gorged with the dearest morsel of the earth, thus I enforce thy rotten jaws to open, and, in despite, I'll cram thee with more food! ─── 你无情的泥土,吞噬了世上最可爱的人儿,我要擘开你的馋吻,(墓门掘开)性让你再吃一个饱!

58、Why are you always trying to cram your own ideas down my throat? ─── 你为什么老想把你自己的想法强加给我呢?

59、If you try to cram a whole bunch of words on your website, guess what? ─── 假设你的网站充斥着密密麻麻的文字,猜想结果怎样?

60、She filled them with family stories and advice, trying to cram a lifetime of love into a few precious hours. ─── 她往磁带里录了一些家庭故事和对孩子们的建议,试图把她一生一世对孩子们的爱压缩到宝贵的几个小时里。

61、Cram ran a fine race to take the gold medal. ─── 克拉姆在赛跑中成绩突出夺得金牌。

62、The room is full,we can't cram any people in. ─── 屋里满满的,再也挤不进去人了。

63、"Cram then if you want. ─── "随你去抽筋吧。

64、However, it is a pity that he should always cram at the eleventh hour. ─── 例:然而,很可惜的是他总是临时抱佛脚。

65、The comparison of HBVC and CRAM, another VC merging scheme that can be used in MPLS, is made. ─── 与另一种可应用于MPLS中的VC合并方案CRAM作了比较。

66、Clyde can clean Cloe's clothes, but can Clyde cram Cloe's clothes into Cloe's closet? ─── 克莱德可以洗净克罗伊的衣服,可是他能把克罗伊的衣服塞到她的衣橱里吗?

67、Because it’s easy to cram so many controls into a tabbed dialog, the temptation is great to add more and more tabs to a dialog. ─── 因为你可以在标签对话框中填充如此多的控件,在对话框内添加更多窗格的诱惑很大。

68、To make up for the mediocrity, zealous parents send their kids to the expensive cram schools. ─── 为了弥补平庸,积极的父母把孩子送到昂贵的补习班。

69、Joanne: Well, you still have time to cram things into your brain anyway. ─── 乔安妮: 哦,毕竟你还是有时间往脑子里塞东西嘛。

70、Outside the No 55 Middle School on Monday there were some nervous pupils, many of whom had taken extra classes to cram for the exams. ─── 周一在第55中学的外面,有一些神情紧张的学生,其中一些人已经参加完了一些额外的考试。

71、It was apparently of a jocular nature, for he felt impelled to slap his leg and cram his fist into his mouth. ─── 很明显地,出于一种滑稽的天性,他感觉被某种力量驱使着,去拍打自己的大腿,把拳头塞进嘴里。

72、The company makes a pager-like gadget called Digital Angel that does both those things,and its engineers are doing their darnedest to cram Digital Angel's functions into a package small enough to implant. ─── 公司已经制成了一个称为“数码天使”的呼机状小装置,它具有上述的两个功能。公司的工程师们正在用尽解数将数码天使的功能压缩到一个小得足以植入人体的装置中。

73、But, when I tested it, I did find it cumbersome to use in coach seats on airplanes and to cram into small briefcases. ─── 不过,我在测试时却发现,在飞机座位上使用有些笨重,也不容易塞进小行李箱中。

74、How can a clam cram in a cran cream can? ─── 如何把蛤蜊塞进干净的奶油罐子里?

75、Using Cram?r some techniques,obtained the result on moderate deviations for the maximum likelihood estimators under random censorship. ─── 在一些正则性条件下、利用Cram?r方法的某些技巧得到了在随机删失数据下极大似然估计的中偏差.

76、She had a few days to cram for a hazing most candidates spend years preparing for. ─── 对于大多数候选人需要准备数年才能接受的责难,佩林却只有十几天的时间面对这些。

77、The room's full;we can't cram any more people in. ─── 屋里满满的,再也挤不进去人了.

78、Solaris 8 System Administration I Cram Course ─── 8系统I管理员强化课程

79、You can' t cram eight people into that car ! ─── 你不能把八个人全部塞进那辆汽车!

80、He went through on that purely superficial "cram", and got compliments too, while others, who knew a thousand times more than he, got plucked. ─── 就凭这点儿纯粹是表面功夫的“临时抱佛脚”他过了关,而且还受到赞扬; 而别人呢,虽然比他强1000倍,却被淘汰了。

81、It somehow manages to hit record ridership levels (on an average weekday, 5m souls cram in) while using antiquated and neglected tracks and tunnels. ─── 尽管使用的是些年久失修的铁轨和地道,这个地铁网络却不知怎的竟打破了公交工具载客人数的历史纪录(平均每工作日500万名乘客)。

82、After dinner, it's time to hit the books again—at one of Seoul's many so-called cram schools. ─── 晚饭后,又到了在首尔众多所谓的一个补习班里读书的时间了。

83、Well before 1914 a Londoner could leave home in the early morning, lunch in Paris, cram in some shopping, and still be home in time for dinner. ─── 在1914年以前,伦敦市民可以早上离家,在巴黎午餐,顺便去购物,填满购物袋,仍然按时抵家晚餐。

84、The company makes a pager-like gadget called Digital Angel that does both those things, and its engineers are doing their darnedest to cram Digital Angel's functions into a package small enough to implant. ─── 公司已经制成了一个称为"数码天使"的呼机状小装置,它具有上述的两个功能。 公司的工程师们正在用尽解数将数码天使的功能压缩到一个小得足以植入人体的装置中。

85、But to cram all his superstars into the starting lineup, Parreira has had to forsake solidity for sheer talent. ─── 但是该怎样安排这么多巨星首发出场,佩雷拉不得不放弃放弃球队的稳定,以使用天才球员。

86、Remember : whenever a question seems to be particularly difficult to answer, do not try to cram it. ─── 请记住:如果一个问题人让你觉得很难回答,不要试图记住它。

87、One user jokingly suggested that the gaffe was actually an attempt to cram more racial backgrounds into a single image. ─── 其中一名用户开玩笑地说道,这个过失实际上是一种尝试,试着把更多的种族背景塞进一张图片中。

88、Love, only one possible regulator enables brutal individual ambition annihilated and cram among peoples who has accquire ambitions. ─── 2能使凶险的个人野心湮灭和塞满实现野心的人流之间,只有一样是可能的调节剂,那就是“爱”。

89、He tried to cram as many things as possible into his traveling bag. ─── 他尽量把东西都塞进旅行包。

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