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09-14 投稿



horrifying 发音

英:[?h??r?fa???]  美:[?h?r?fa???]

英:  美:

horrifying 中文意思翻译




horrifying 网络释义

adj. 令人恐惧的;使人惊骇的v. 令人恐惧;使人毛骨悚然(horrify的ing形式)

horrifying 短语词组

1、horrifying train station ─── 可怕的火车站

horrifying 词性/词形变化,horrifying变形

动词过去分词: horrified |动词第三人称单数: horrifies |副词: horrifyingly |名词: horrification |动词过去式: horrified |动词现在分词: horrifying |

horrifying 相似词语短语

1、corporifying ─── 增体

2、chondrifying ─── v.软骨化

3、fortifying ─── v.加强(fortify的ing形式);构筑防御工事

4、copurifying ─── 交配

5、torrefying ─── v.烘干,烘烤(药品、矿石等)

6、terrifying ─── adj.令人恐惧的;骇人的;极大的;v.使害怕,使恐怖(terrify的现在分词)

7、mortifying ─── adj.禁欲苦修的;使人难为情的,令人尴尬的;痛心的;v.使……羞愧;抑制,克制(肉体需要,情感);(肌体)坏死(mortify的现在分词)

8、horrifyingly ─── adv.令人恐惧地;叫人毛骨悚然地

9、cornifying ─── 角化

horrifying 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Causing disgust or shock; horrifying. ─── 可怕的让人厌恶或震惊; 吓人的

2、At the same time, even a horrifying explanation may be less frightening than inexplicable death. ─── 同时,即使死亡原因的惊人解释也比无来由的死较少令人恐惧。

3、I saw in the book a mirror in which the world,life itself,and my own soul were all reflected with horrifying fidelity. ─── 在书中,我仿佛看到了一面镜子,这个世界、生命本身,还有我自己的灵魂都映在其中,真实得可怕。”

4、Some of these dimensions may seem horrifying and very frightening. ─── 这些维也许似乎有些惊骇和非常的惊恐。

5、Natural disasters that occurred in the nature of the anomaly it to the human society the harm caused by the often horrifying. ─── 留学解答资讯网:自然灾害是指自然界中所发生的异常现象,它给人类社会所造成的危害往往是触目惊心的。

6、In short, it has all traces of random miscellanea that made Shanghai simultaneously a fascinating, wonderful, and horrifying place to be. ─── 简而言之,你可以在书中找到上海杂录的所有细节故事,它们集当时上海的雍容华贵,喧嚣繁华与鱼龙混杂于一身。

7、Sure enough, by late 2002, the huge gains had turned to horrifying losses . ─── 果然,到了2002年末,一路高歌猛进的大涨变成了一泻千里的大跌。

8、It's horrifying to see such poverty. ─── 看到这种贫困状况令人震惊。

9、To prove to her sister, Anna, that she isn't delusional again, Danielle sets out to document the haunting with horrifying results. ─── 为了证明她的妹妹,安娜,她是不会妄想再次,达尼埃尔列明,以文件的困扰与骇人听闻的结果。

10、It is horrifying what an skilled manipulator of blood can do to you.. He can cause your every vein to burn. ─── 特别提示:本单位在作战时可以从对手身上吸血以补充自己的生命值。

11、Romania tragedy,in the capital the victims heart of successive were dredged, the priest's secret has been exposed to the Bible horrifying predictions for the future, so scared to death. ─── 罗马尼亚的首都发生惨案,接二连三被害人的心脏被挖去,神父的秘密圣经上显露出骇人的未来预言,以致惊吓致死。

12、And, in what may be the most horrifying tale ever told by the prolific science fiction writer, Isaac Asimov (1989) reported on the true state of scientific understanding and knowledge by Americans. ─── 而且,多产的科幻作家、伊萨克阿西莫夫(1989)曾经讲述过的可能是最骇人听闻的故事,反映了美国人在科学理解和知识上的真实状态。

13、making one's flesh creep; horrifying ─── 瘆人

14、Finally, it seems, Spain is ready to confront a horrifying aspect of its recent past. ─── 最终,西班牙似乎已准备面对其不堪回首的过往。

15、Many ordinary citizens face the horrifying price increases can only hope that the Housing helplessly, and relevant experts also warned that the Nanjing property market "bubble" has to be ignored. ─── 许多普通市民面对令人咋舌的房价升幅,只能望房兴叹,而相关专家也告诫,南京的房产市场“泡沫”已不容忽视。

16、As investors have discovered over the past year, investments like emerging-market stocks, real-estate investment trusts and high-yield junk bonds can post horrifying short-term losses. ─── 正如投资者们在过去一年中所发现的一样,向新兴市场股票、房地产投资信托和高收益的垃圾债券等投资可能会在短期带来令人震惊的巨额损失。

17、The story of the village of Covington, Pennsylvania in 1897 and the horrifying legend of "mythical creatures" that live in the woods beyond the village. ─── 1897年宾州,一处守望相助的社区,发现了骇人听闻的事实,一种上古神秘怪物就群聚在社区周围的林间。

18、"The Girl Who is Contagious"? When one of the participants contracts a horrifying, contagious skin condition that disfigures her face, the other models are sent into a complete panic and fear for their own safety. ─── 今次有一名参赛者出现具传染性的皮肤病,少女们人人自危,不只担心皮肤受感染,最怕影响到面部外貌,全部人霎时进入惊恐状态,人人想办法保障自己安全。

19、"watchdog" Li Jinhua also opened a horrifying "list". ─── “看门狗”李金华又开出触目惊心的“清单”了。

20、That huge piece, too, had been created in response to a horrifying disease, a mysterious affliction called St.Anthony's Fire. ─── 这副庞大的作品反映了当时一起令人震惊的疾病,也是一场神秘的苦难,它被叫做圣安东尼之焰。

21、Horrifying high price that has formed the Shanghai Pudong real estate commercial housing apartment high-grade type of export-oriented investment and marketing new pattern. ─── 令人咋舌的高价位表明,浦东房地产业已形成上海公寓类高档商品房外向型投资和销售的新格局。

22、“Oh my crikey some of these comments are horrifying,” the two sides bleated. ─── “噢,我的天呀,有些评论太恶心了。”双方都这么感叹。

23、I find their ignorance horrifying. ─── 我感到他们简直愚昧到了极点.

24、And it is horrifying to see the cruelty happening while we are working so hard to change it. ─── 而且当我们在努力改变狗狗的境遇的同时还能发生这样残忍的事情是很可怕的。

25、Equally horrifying was the death toll of ill-treated laborers in factories and mines run by imperialists across China. ─── 列强在中国各地开办的工程和矿山中肆意虐杀华工的记录骇人听闻。

26、Modem high-explosive shells proved of a horrifying destructive power. ─── 现代高爆炮弹显示了骇人的杀伤力。

27、Someone was grabbing on to my arm, I slowly turned my head and a horrifying face startled me. ─── 有人抓住了我的胳膊,我缓缓地转过头来,那张可怕的脸吓得我魂不附体。

28、Hutchison Whampoa's in the real estate business in the Mainland expansion, the money is a horrifying interpretation. ─── 和记黄埔属下之地产业务近年在内地的扩张,无疑是一场令人咋舌的大手笔演绎。

29、He made a grim jest at the horrifying nature of his wound(Reginald Pound)See Synonyms at ghastly ─── 他对他可怕的创伤报以狰狞的一笑(雷金纳德 庞德)参见

30、The possibility of war is too horrifying to contemplate. ─── 战争的可能性太可怕了,真不堪细想。

31、It is horrifying to think that students graduate without a thorough understanding of the subject matter . ─── 想到学生对主题没有透彻地理解就毕业了是令人震惊的。

32、His disregard for the consequences of such a terrible sin was horrifying. ─── 他对这样一项罪行的后果如此忽视,令人震惊。

33、There is a horrifying number of traffic accidents. ─── 交通事故多得惊人。

34、Then a group of flying objects glide through overhead with a horrifying squeal, at the same time that glamorous noise is speeding up towards the rest of the city. ─── 忽然一些什么东西尖叫着飞过罗恩头上的破屋顶,吓了他一跳,而那喧哗声也渐渐在向全城漫延。

35、Also, it is not completely proper to put the works of Wei Yong in this show.Although his works feels rotten, but a little more like horrifying allegory. ─── 同样,把魏言的作品放在这个展览也不尽合适,画面虽然有烂乎乎的感觉,但似有一点恐惧式的寓言感觉。

36、But it can be a horrifying and cheapening incident for your daughter or son if you’re taking your antagonism out on them. ─── 如果你将怒气出在你的儿子或女儿身上,会另他们感到恐惧和害怕。

37、XH: Don't laugh like that, it's horrifying. ─── 你别这样笑,它让我害怕。

38、It was a horrifying sound. ─── 那声音真是吓人。

39、Although it is a gentle and nice word, it represents a horrifying landscape. ─── 如此温柔美好的名字,却代表著一个骇人的惊心景观。

40、It is horrifying, too, that it is guaranteed by the taxpayer, even as it returns to business as usual. ─── 同样让人震惊的是,纳税人还为该行业提供著担保,即使其已恢复正常运营。

41、One of the better known facts about Konrad Curze was that he was cursed by visions of horrifying potency throughout his life. ─── 一个显而易见的事实是,克兹毕生都被一种可怕的关于未来的幻象所纠缠着,诅咒着。

42、Nonetheless, in the interest of public knowledge, I give the following horrifying account. ─── 不过,为了大众的利益,我还是得说出这个可怕的经验。

43、In a single horrifying night, Michael Myers' masked reign of terror changed Halloween forever! ─── 他在六岁的时候,就被恶灵控制,把他的姐刺死在血泊之中。

44、It's horrifying to see such poverty. ─── 看到这种贫困状况令人震惊。

45、Most commercial housing area is too great, the price too high, horrifying. ─── 大多数商品房面积过大,价格过高,令人咋舌。

46、This crazy, satirical epic full of horrifying iron humorously portrays several eras in European history. It proceeds with the same actors appearing in similar roles at different periods. ─── 这一疯狂而讽刺的历史题材作品中充满可怖的铁器,幽默地描绘了欧洲几个时代的历史图景。电影使用同样的演员饰演不同时期相似的人物。

47、In a report to the United Nation's Security Council, the chief prosecutor of the ICC listed a horrifying catalogue of atrocities that have come to his staff's attention. ─── 在一个递交给联合国安理会的报告中,国际刑事法庭的首席检察官列出了一份令人震惊的引起他全体职员关注的罪行表。

48、This is the most horrifying bit that got filtered out before the tale reached both the Grimm's and Perrault (and in fact, only made it into a few written texts). ─── 在格林兄弟和贝罗看到这个故事之前,最可怕的部分已经被删掉了(实际上,他们只是把他们听到的记录下来而已)。

49、The clinging nature of her garments was borne in on her with horrifying clarity. ─── 她清晰地感觉到她的衣服有一种令人厌恶的粘腻感。

50、It is possible that these similarities could escalate into something horrifying. ─── 这些(和克伦威尔时代相同)共同点可能逐渐恶化。

51、A shrill cry suddenly carried through the air.Wen Xiang had heard this sound when he was on Mars.This was the horrifying sound that had made Li Busu lose control of himself. ─── 突然半空传来一阵呼啸之声,这声音文祥在火星上曾听过,李不俗就是在这毛骨悚然的啸声下失去本性的。

52、After grandmother fell asleep, mother told me something very horrifying. ─── 她睡的时候,妈妈告诉我一个可怕的事。

53、It comforts and reassures us that psychosis is at the root of these horrifying acts and that "normal" people did not commit them. ─── 可以肯定的是,精神病是这些恐怖行为的根源,“一般人”都不会说要让他们担责任。

54、He followed this up with a few horrifying anecdotes from his own past. ─── 他接下去讲了几件有关自己过去的令人震惊的轶事。

55、I saw in the book a mirror in which the world, life itself, and my own soul were all reflected with horrifying fidelity. ─── 在书中,我仿佛看到了一面镜子,这个世界、生命本身,还有我自己的灵魂都映在其中,真实得可怕。

56、Shanghai Gold Lot carefully opened a new residential area horrifying high price : 30 million. ─── 上海黄金地段徐汇区新建住宅开出了令人咋舌的高价位:30万元。

57、There they huddle, migrants in the favellas and barrios of Latin America, in shanty towns in Africa, in those horrifying encampments one sees on the outskirts of Calcutta and Bombay. ─── 在那里,他们作为移民拥挤在拉丁美洲的贫民窟和城市的郊外,在非洲简陋的村镇里,在一些你可以在加尔各答和孟买郊区看到的那些可怕的难民营里。

58、Lack of sunlight causes a horrifying list of chronic diseases like prostate cancer, breast cancer, osteoporosis, schizophrenia, and heart disease. ─── 缺乏阳光会导致很多慢性疾病的发生,如前列腺癌、乳癌、骨质疏松症和心脏疾病。

59、Those who saw this horrifying punishment were always scared! ─── 凡是看过这种酷刑的人没有不害怕的!

60、Yet the object of his search would exact a heavy price from its new master, beginning a horrifying descent into damnation. ─── 然而他所追寻的目标将会令它的新主人付出沉重的代价,坠入万劫不复的诅咒之中。

61、If the idea of giving up TV for a week is horrifying, you may be addicted to television. ─── 如果一周不看电视的想法是令你恐惧,那么你很可能已经看电视上瘾了。

62、That undershirt with an extremely horrifying tranquility was put. ─── 他对加盟米兰表现得异常冷静。

63、many students pass examinations by relying on nothing more than rote memorization . It is horrifying to think that students graduate without a thorough understanding of the subject matter . ─── 最近的一项研究显示了一个令人惊讶的事实:许多学生仅仅依靠死记硬背通过考试。想到学生对主题没有透彻地理解就毕业了是令人震惊的。

64、It is horrifying to think that the huge liabilities of failing institutions have now been loaded on to the backs of taxpayers: a case, as far as speculators are concerned, of heads, we win; ─── 想到接连倒闭的机构的巨额负债现在已经落到纳税人的肩上,不禁让人不寒而栗:目前的情况就像投机者在抛硬币,如果是正面朝上,我们就赢了;

65、"The idea of the cemetery niche, the worms, was always horrifying to me," Ana Alonso, a widow from the Spanish town of Logro? ─── 西班牙罗格罗诺市的一名丧偶妇女将丈夫的骨灰做成了两只心形的钻石耳环。

66、But it can be a horrifying and cheapening incident for your daughter or son if you're taking your antagonism out on them. ─── 如果你将怒气出在你的儿子或女儿身上,会另他们感到恐惧和害怕。

67、They couldn’t be too horrifying or the networks would not broadcast the video. ─── 画面不能过于骇人,否则电视媒体将拒绝播放。

68、"White rain" is a regional dialect word for the Storm and the thunderstorms in western of China. Although it is a gentle and nice word, it represents a horrifying landscape. ─── 我简单做了一个调查,儿童自杀的原因让人难以理解.可能是被污蔑偷窃别人的一个橡皮,可能是要好的朋友背叛了他,也可能是遭到暗恋女孩的拒绝.或是被家长辱骂.

69、It's another to feel a sense of horrifying disappointment in a military so out of discipline that we became the bad guys. ─── 但由于美军毫无军纪,美国成了坏人的象征,让人感觉到恐惧又失望,这又是另一回事了。

70、Often, says Schneider, "these are parents who are leading very, very difficult lives with all kinds of horrifying problems to deal with, and the child is only part of the difficulty of their lives. ─── 经常的情况是,施耐德说:“这些父母过着非常非常艰难的生活,要应付各种可怕的问题,孩子只是他们生活困难的一部分。

71、She shrank back from the horrifying spectacle ─── 她看到那可怕的景象就往后退。

72、He presents his horrifying experience with a noble dispassion. ─── 他以令人佩服的平静语气,叙述自己骇人听闻的经验。

73、and there they huddle, migrants in the favellas and barrios of Latin America,in shanty towns in Africa, in those horrifying encampments one sees on the outskirts of Calcutta and Bombay. ─── 在那里,他们作为移民拥挤在拉丁美洲的贫民窟和郊外,在非洲的简陋的村镇里,在一些你可以在加尔各答和孟买郊区看到的那些可怕的难民营里。

74、It is horrifying to think that students graduate without a thorough understanding of the subject matter. ─── 学生对主题没有透彻地理解就毕业是令人震惊的。

75、One relative who took the body of his nephew to a hospital said the site of the attack was horrifying. ─── 一个亲戚送自己的侄子赶到医院,他说这场袭击真是太可怕了。

76、a horrifying disaster [murder] ─── 可怕的灾害 [谋杀]

77、Horrifying as as that is what he can do to your spirit is worse. ─── 本单位拥有高命中率的魔法攻击能力。

78、These were horrifying experiences. ─── 这些都是令人震惊的经历。

79、"He made a grim jest at the horrifying nature of his wound" (Reginald Pound) ─── “他对他可怕的创伤报以狰狞的一笑”(雷金纳德·庞德)。

80、LAST year, as Kenya slid into mayhem, the words that sputtered forth from crude transmitters were cryptic but, to those in the know, horrifying. ─── 去年,肯尼亚陷入混乱,粗糙的收音机里喷溅出的话都是暗语,但是对熟悉暗语的人来说,内容却让人不寒而栗。

81、More horrifying is that the average price shops along the street have reached 30,000 yuan / m2. ─── 更令人咋舌的是,沿街商铺的平均单价已经达到了3万元/平方米。

82、The main characteristics of the earthquake disasters in the world in 1995 are great earthquakes rocking modernized cities,causing heavy casualties and horrifying amount of economic losses, making great impact on the society. ─── 1995年世界地震灾害的主要特点是大地震袭击现代化城市,人员伤亡惨重,经济损失数额惊人,杜会影响深远,是有史以来地震灾情最严重的年份之一。

83、It was a horrifying suggestion ─── 提醒这点真是怵目惊心。

84、Toldfrom the point of view of their video camera, the film is a document oftheir attempt to survive the most surreal, horrifying event of theirlives... ─── 由于本片以创新手法拍摄,场面极度逼真震撼,而且画面会有摇晃效果,可能引致少数观众在观影时感到不适。

85、Disclosure embroidered the city, pandering to carve Meng, Kuang Shan original as its surplus, Sichuan Xu its horrifying attention. ─── 披绣闼,俯雕甍,山原旷其盈视,川泽盱其骇瞩。

86、Security companies like ours uncover horrifying new threats and devastating new attacks, every day. ─── 保安公司,像我们揭露骇人听闻的新的威胁和破坏性的新的袭击,每一天。

87、The list of illnesses you can cause yourself by eating dead animals, eggs, and dairy products is long and horrifying. ─── 你吃肉,蛋,奶制品可以造成的疾病可以列一张又长又可怕的单子。

88、When Scott's crew finally reached the South Pole on the 78th day,they were greeted by a horrifying sight: a Norwegian flag that Amundsenhad planted in the ice 33 days before. ─── 斯科特的小队最终在78天后到达了南极点,迎接他们的是一幅惊人的景象:挪威的国旗早在33天前就被阿蒙森插在了那里。

89、I just got back from KL today, and Mdm Guan from Shin Min Daily called me up with a very horrifying question.She said “I heard MC King passed away”.And I had this very ominous feeling. ─── 今天刚丛吉隆坡回来,新明日报管大妈给了我一个很吓人的问题”听说MCKing过世了”立刻有一股很不祥的感觉。

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