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hysteric 发音

英:[?h??ster?k]  美:[h??ster?k]

英:  美:

hysteric 中文意思翻译




hysteric 网络释义

n. 癔病患者;歇斯底里患者adj. 歇斯底里的;癔病的;亢奋的

hysteric 短语词组

1、hysteric apepsia ─── [医] 癔病性消化停止, 神经性厌食, 神经性食欲缺乏

2、hysteric criminal ─── 歇斯底里的罪犯

3、hysteric ataxia ─── [医] 癔病性共济失调, 歇斯底里性共济失调

4、hysteric aphonia ─── [医] 癔病性失音, 歇斯底里性失音

5、hysteric amblyopia ─── [医] 癔病性弱视

6、Hysteric Blue ─── 神秘蓝色

7、hysteric stigmata ─── [医] 癔病性特征, 歇斯底里性特征

8、hysteric insanity ─── [医] 癔病性精神病, 焦虑性癔病

9、hysteric angina ─── [医] 癔病性心绞痛, 假性心绞痛

10、hysteric gangrene ─── [医] 癔病性坏疽

11、hysteric hemiplegia ─── [医] 癔病性偏瘫, 歇斯底里性偏瘫

12、hysteric glamour ─── 歇斯底里的魅力

13、hysteric amaurosis ─── [医] 癔病性黑蒙

14、hysteric joint ─── [医] 癔病关节

15、hysteric lethargy ─── [医] 歇斯底里性嗜眠

16、hysteric pregnancy ─── [医] 精神 ─── [因素]性假妊娠

17、hysteric torticollis ─── [医] 癔病性斜颈

hysteric 词性/词形变化,hysteric变形


hysteric 相似词语短语

1、hyster- ─── n.海斯特(美国叉车制造公司)

2、hysteria ─── n.癔病,歇斯底里;不正常的兴奋

3、hysteretic ─── adj.滞后的

4、hysterics ─── n.歇斯底里症的发作;发疯

5、hysterical ─── adj.歇斯底里的;异常兴奋的

6、hysterias ─── 歇斯底里

7、hystero- ─── 子宫

8、hystericky ─── 歇斯底里地

9、hysteroid ─── adj.癔病似的;类歇斯底里的

hysteric 常见例句(双语使用场景)


2、7.We cannot remain a passive onlooker to the hysteric moves of the enemies. ─── 我们不能对敌人目中无人的行动坐视不理。

3、The hysteric sobs which issued from beneath the veil, and the convulsive attitude of grief of the whole figure, however, at once exposed the absurdity of the suspicion; ─── 可是面纱后无法抑制的悲泣,和女人因为悲伤的阵阵痉挛。立刻让他明白这个想法是多么的荒唐。

4、Objective: To investigate the understanding of hysteria among undergraduates in Beijing, and to compare the attitudes to hysteric patients between medical and non-medical students. ─── 目的:调查并比较北京地区部分医学生及非医学生对于癔症的了解程度以及对于癔症患者的态度。

5、18 Patients with hysteric syncope treated with acupuncturing on RENZHONG ─── 针刺人中治疗癔病性晕厥18例

6、hysteric delirium ─── 癔病谵妄

7、hysteric fits ─── 癔病性抽搐

8、Being poor, his wife couldn’t stand his dark future so she became hysteric. ─── 这两天看了个可爱的动漫。

9、hysteric hemiplegia ─── 癔病性偏瘫

10、hysteric loop ─── 滞回曲线

11、’ In another word, if Sisyphus is hopeless and hysteric, shouting malicious curses during his rolling, his significance would not exist. ─── 同时他的写实主义也不具有对现实的幽默批判态度,“玩世”在他这里重新又变成了严肃。

12、hysteric torticollis ─── [医] 癔病性斜颈

13、HYSTER is the first U.S. lift truck manufacturer to receive ISO9002 registration. ─── 如今海斯特的影响已经遍布美国和世界各国。

14、hysteric energy ─── 滞回耗能

15、hysteric major ─── 癔病大发作

16、A Clinical observation on the therapeutic effect of combined therapy with acupuncture for hysteric aphonia ─── 癔病性失音的针灸综合治疗

17、She needs to realise that she has done the wrong thing, and being hysteric, shouting, yelling and abusing won’t work. ─── 据我的同事说,这些东西都不怕霜冻,但是不适合挪地方,所以选好一个地方种下去,就不要再移了。

18、hysteric conversion ─── 癔症性躯体障碍

19、She wasn't really an hysteric . She simply thought she ought to react that way, so she did. ─── 她并不是真的疯了,她只是觉得她只有这样才能让那些人停止发问,所以她开始装疯。

20、hysteric aphonia ─── 癔病性失音

21、hysteric stigmata ─── [医] 癔病性特征, 歇斯底里性特征

22、South East Motors, Shanghai GM and other HYSTER forklift used. ─── 东南汽车,上海通用等均有使用HYSTER叉车。

23、I am a jerk, a hysteric jerk, cheating myself that you still care about me.“There are millions of couples in this world, millions of relationships. ─── 原因在于文章的词非常之专业,文章难懂不能为学生提供一个大的语境去理解和融合信息。

24、hysteric amblyopia ─── [医] 癔病性弱视

25、amblyopic hysteric paralysis syndrome ─── 弱视癔病性麻痹综合征, 拉塞格(氏)综合征

26、The HYSTER story began in 1929 in the North American Lumber industry, with the supply of logging winches. ─── 海斯特于1929年起源于北美林木业,最早的产品是轮式起重机。

27、Shanghai HYSTER has been active in China for many years. ─── 上海海斯特在中国已成立多年。

28、Hysteric in flames in the hold of the life of another live; ─── 在狂烈的火海里抱出又一个鲜活的生命;

29、hysteric stigma ─── 癔病性特征

30、Keywords tall building;hybrid structure;seismic energy response;damping model;input energy spectra;hysteric energy;seismic damage index; ─── 高层;混合结构;地震能量反应;阻尼模型;总输入能量谱;滞回耗能;地震破损指数;

31、hysteric apepsia ─── 癔病性消化停止神经性厌食

32、The damage process and hysteric propertied of several typical cross-sections were analyzed and cumulative damage was computed and evaluated. ─── 选择合适的损伤变量和损伤演化方程对典型截面的损伤累积性能进行了研究。

33、Objective To understand family characteristic and psychogenesis of hysteric. ─── 目的了解癔症患者的家庭特征及其心理机制。

34、This article summarized the causes and prevention,treatment and nursing strategies for postoperative urine retention of patients after undergoing extensive or sub-extensive abdominal hyster... ─── 本文综述了广泛及次广泛子宫切除术后尿潴留发生原因及预防、治疗护理对策。

35、hysteric copiopia ─── 癔病性眼疲劳

36、Methods 24 case with hysteric patient were investigate by family cohesion and adaptability scale,faith in people scale and attribution. ─── 方法对24例癔症患者的家庭亲密度与适应性及归因、信赖度进行调查。

37、People in society asked my sister offensive questions about the whole incident, and she became an hysteric. ─── 交际界的人用无礼的方式向我妹妹逼问整个事件的经过,我妹妹也变疯了。

38、After a flash he is gone, but it has been enough to beat my heart hysteric. ─── 一闪过后他便走了,但这已足够我的心脏狂烈跳动。

39、HYSTER China will use its worldwide resources to serve the domestic and multinational corporations in China with the first-class products and services. ─── 海斯特将运用其全球集团优势为中国的国内企业和跨国企业提供最优质的产品及服务。

40、hysteric ataxia ─── [医] 癔病性共济失调, 歇斯底里性共济失调

41、hysteric angina ─── [医] 癔病性心绞痛, 假性心绞痛

42、Hysteric curve of the structure showed superior performance of ductility and energy dissipation. ─── 最后,采用改进了的非线性杆单元模型编写了程序,对筒中筒结构进行了非线性分析。

43、hysteric effects ─── 滞后

44、We, HYSTER China with such a proud heritage will strive hard to make sure that doesnt change. ─── 我们在中国进行大规模投资以实现服务于客户的承诺。海斯特中国总部设在上海。

45、You, my dear, are an unhinged hysteric. ─── 你,我亲爱的,是个歇斯底里的疯子。

46、maximum magneticflux density in a hyster ─── 磁滞环线中的最大磁通密度

47、After 70 years of development, HYSTER brands, product quality. ─── 经过70多年的发展,HYSTER的品牌,产品质量。

48、hysteric gangrene ─── [医] 癔病性坏疽

49、In his paintings, there are simply ordinary and unremarkable sceneries, rather than hysteric fury or idyllic charm. ─── 我们所看到的风景画就应是王洪云画中所表现的那些最普通的角落。

50、hysteric pregnancy ─── 精神性假妊娠

51、hysteric criminal ─── 歇斯底里犯罪人

52、hysteric lethargy ─── [医] 歇斯底里性嗜眠

53、Fiber-endoscope treat for Hysteric Aphonia in 20 Cases ─── 纤维内窥镜下治疗癔病性失音20例

54、hysteric personality ─── 歇斯底里性格

55、He tried hypnotism with his hysteric and neurotic patients, but gradually discarded the practice. ─── 他试图用催眠疗法去治疗患有歇斯底里症和神经质的病人,但后来他却逐步地摒弃了这种疗法。

56、Hysteric Blue。 ─── 暴暴蓝。

57、Analysis of family cohesion, adaptability and attribution of hysteric ─── 癔症患者的家庭亲密度与适应性及归因分析

58、I don't react instantly, but something in her voice tells me that she is not hysteric, that there must be a serious threat. ─── 我没有即刻作出反应,但在她的声音告诉我,这事她不是歇斯底里,必须有一个严重的威胁。

59、Almost half of the students disliked hysteric patients, and many of them would keep far away from the patients. ─── 分别有41%和37%的医学生和非医学生对癔症患者感到同情,也有相当一部分人(14.6%的医学生和19.6%的非医学生)选择敬而远之。

60、Equations for polarization curve and the height of hysteric ring were derived and examined. ─── 推导并验证了极化曲线和滞后圈高度的方程式。

61、The Transient Response of a Bilinear Hysteric System under Non-Periodic Excitation ─── 双线性滞后系统在非周期激励下的响应

62、So she becomes hysteric whenever Ji-woo pays the slightest attention to another woman. ─── 雪希把这一切都归咎于自己一成不变的外貌。

63、hysteric pseudodementia ─── 癔症性假性痴呆

64、Methods 24 case with hysteric patient were investigate by family cohesion and adaptability scale, faith in people scale and attribution. ─── 方法对24例癔症患者的家庭亲密度与适应性及归因、信赖度进行调查。

65、A hysteric resisting force displacement model with considering the asymmetry is developed. ─── 适用于用等效静力法及弹塑性静力分析法进行抗震设计。

66、hysteric amaurosis ─── [医] 癔病性黑蒙

67、hysteric zone ─── 癔病带

68、Through the calculation get the ratio of hysteric energy to input energy spectra, which is 40% to 60% for common structure; ─── 计算出在不同位移延性系数条件下结构的滞回耗能比谱,得出一般结构的滞回耗能占总输入能的比例在40%-60%之间;

69、Hysteric Blue ─── 暴暴蓝,来自日本的流行组合

70、We, HYSTER China with such a proud heritage will strive hard to make sure that doesn't change.Our commitment to serving our customers has led us to make a major investment in China. ─── 海斯特公司是在叉车和仓储设备领域居世界领先地位的企业,拥有70多年专业物料运输经验,专业提供给客户高质量的产品和一流的服务。

71、hysteric catalepsy ─── 癔症性硬化症

72、hysteric arc ─── 癔病弧

73、The damage process and hysteric propertied of several typical cross-sections were analyzed and cumulative damage was computed and evaluated. ─── 选择合适的损伤变量和损伤演化方程对典型截面的损伤累积性能进行了研究。

74、hysteric joint ─── 癔病关节

75、Acupuncture Treatment of Hysteric Voice Loss with Electric Apparatus: 17 Cases ─── 电针治疗癔症性失音17例报告

76、Here we have a society that permits divorce and seems to have plentiful free day care, and yet an otherwise functioning member of that society acts like a Victorian hysteric. ─── 在这里,我们有一个社会,允许离婚,似乎有充足的免费日托,但运作的其他社会成员的行为象一个维多利亚歇斯底里。

77、It cannot be the case, either, that the hysteric's division, symptomatic tearing apart, is motivated as the production of knowledge. ─── 歇斯底里症的分裂,受到病症的撕裂,被激发起来,作为生产的真理论述的认知,也不可能是这种情况。

78、hyster arch ─── 履带式拱钩

79、As the world's first three HYSTER Forklift strong. ─── HYSTER作为世界叉车前三强。

80、Keywords Hysteric aphonia Combined therapy Acupuncture; ─── 癔病性失音;综合疗法;针刺;

81、Our Times is hysteric at times. ─── 我们的时代就是时不时发个疯。

82、mechanical hyster ─── 机械滞后效应

83、HYSTER has been building lift trucks for over 70 years. ─── 海斯特已经有70多年叉车生产的历史。

84、I am a jerk, a hysteric jerk, cheating myself that you still care about me. ─── 但我疯狂地,歇斯底里地疯狂着,我自欺欺人地以为你仍是在乎我的。



英文中好多词都是两个词性,即是动词又是名词。举个简单的例子,I work hard. 和 I don’t like hard work。这两句话中都有work和hard这两个词,但却是两个词性。如果记单词还要记词性,那就加大了记忆量,增加记忆难度。

那么怎么解决词性问题呢,很简单,掌握句法结构,学会各成分之间的关系,单词的词性自然就懂了。上例第一句话中,work是谓语,hard修饰work 是状语,英文中作状语的词一般是副词,这就能判断出hard是副词。第二句话谓语是don’t like,work作宾语,英文中作宾语的有名词和代词,word一定不是代词,所以是名词。修饰名词的是形容词,所以,hard是形容词。







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