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09-14 投稿



theorizes 发音

英:[?θ??ra?z?z]  美:[?θi??ra?z?z]

英:  美:

theorizes 中文意思翻译




theorizes 词性/词形变化,theorizes变形

动词第三人称单数: theorizes |动词现在分词: theorizing |动词过去分词: theorized |名词: theorization |动词过去式: theorized |

theorizes 相似词语短语

1、theories ─── n.理论(theory的复数形式)

2、rhetorizes ─── 修辞

3、theorized ─── vi.建立理论或学说;推理;vt.建立理论

4、theorize ─── vi.建立理论或学说;推理;vt.建立理论

5、theorizer ─── n.理论家

6、theorics ─── 理论

7、theorises ─── vi.建立理论;vt.使理论化

8、theorise ─── vi.建立理论;vt.使理论化

9、etherizes ─── vt.化成为醚;以醚麻醉;化为醚

theorizes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In each case, Dr. Burghardt theorizes, the dogs were using an object, vehicle or person as a "cue" for some violence they had witnessed. ─── Burghardt医生推断,在以上每个场景都有一些物体、车辆、或者人给了这些军犬心理暗示,使它们回想起了目睹过的暴力场面。

2、Ward theorizes that this group couldn't adapt, and died out. ─── 沃德,这组无法适应,并熄灭了。

3、Theorizes that the trading decisions of small investors trading fewer than 100 shares are usually wrong and is a contrary indicator. ─── 零股理论认为低于100股的小投资者的决策通常是错误的,是相反的指示计。

4、Bellieni, who has noticed the distracting effect of television on his own kids, theorizes that being absorbed in television releases pain-reducing hormones in children. ─── 伯利尼已经在他自己的孩子身上发现了电视的这种转移注意力的作用,并得出理论:当被电视吸引时,孩子们可以释放出缓解疼痛的激素。

5、Fisher theorizes that this is a "female mechanism for mate choice. ─── 从外观上无法判断一个男人能否生育。

6、This technique compares the DNA from a breast cancer sufferer with that of a healthy patient and theorizes that the differences are mostly likely linked to genes causing breast cancer. ─── 这一技术对乳腺癌患者和健康病人的DNA进行了比较,并由此得出理论认为两者DNA的差别可能是引起乳腺癌的主要原因。

7、He theorizes that clematis wilt isn't simply a fungal infection, but a failure of the stems to carry enough water to the foliage when the plants are in full leaf and the weather is stressful. ─── 他提出,铁线莲枯萎病并非简单的真菌感染,而是当植株长满叶子并且天气恶劣时,茎干未能成功运送足够的水分到叶。

8、Intelligence seeks to grasp manipulate,re-order,and adjust,while intellect examines,ponders,wonders,theorizes,criticizes,andimagines. ─── 智力寻求的是理解,运用,整合和调节,而才智是审视,思考,怀疑,形成理论,批判和想象。

9、Schein, Organizational Culture and Leadership, 1992) generalizes the psychology literature and theorizes that organizational “culture” is manifest on three levels: ─── 概括了心理学文献和理论,组织“文化”主要体现在三个级别上:

10、Theorizes that the trading decisions of small investors trading fewer than 100 shares are usually wrong and is a contrary indicator. ─── 认为低于100股的小投资者的决策通常是错误的,是相反的指示计。

11、Whereas intelligence seeks to grasp, manipulate, reorder, adjust, intellect examines, ponders, wonders, theorizes, criticizes, imagines. ─── 但是智力寻求掌握, 操作, 重新安排, 调整, 智力审查, 考虑, 想知道, 推理, 批评, 想象。

12、So what keeps marriages and other long-term relationships together? Passionate love must come back intermittently, like small sparks that keep the relationship smoldering, Hatfield theorizes. ─── 那么是什么维持婚姻,维持一份长久地关系呢?根据哈特菲尔德的理论,激情之爱必将反复出现,好像小火花燃期人间烟火。

13、someone who theorizes (especially in science or art). ─── 建立理论的人(特别是在科学和文艺方面)。

14、Elaine theorizes that trolling at work is the problem. ─── 当然,依连推论在工作地点没有俊男是一个原因。

15、Prof Eccles theorizes that the sick students had asymptomatic viruses that turned symptomatic when the chill constricted blood vessels in their nose, allowing the viruses to replicate. ─── 艾科尔斯由此提出一种理论,鼻腔血管因为受凉收缩时,生病学生的无症状病毒会转化为带症状的感冒病毒。

16、She theorizes that perhaps women are simply more clever about not getting caught. ─── 她推断,可能只是女人比较聪明,不会让别人抓住。

17、Fisher theorizes that this is a "female mechanism for mate choice." ─── 费希尔归结说,这是”女人选择男人的机制。

18、She theorizes that it was the unusual strength of Ichigo's spirit that caused him to absorb almost all her powers, thus leaving her stranded in the human world. ─── 但是,离茶渡很远的他们却无能为力。然后,投身于破面的织姫却再次感觉到茶渡的灵压。这时,乌尔奇奥拉进入了织姫的房间。

19、Russell theorizes that super-recognizers and those with face-blindness may only be distinguishable today because our communities differ from how they existed thousands of years ago. ─── 他们发现有一种人可以被称为“超级识别者”,他们能够轻松地认出哪怕是多年前擦肩而过的面孔。

20、Jack theorizes that someone must have broken into Nina's computer. ─── 杰克提出推论,一定是有人黑入了尼娜的电脑。

21、That, Turner theorizes, might have finally given humans the edge, allowing them to encroach further into land thick with hyenas. ─── Turner推理道,那也许会最终给人类以一种优势,使他们能进一步地占据鬣狗密集活动的土地。

22、Intelligence seeks to grasp, manipulate, re-oder, and adjust, while intellect examines, ponders, wonders, theorizes, criticizes, and imagines. ─── 智慧寻求的是掌握,操作,重组和调整,而智力则仔细观察,深入思考,怀疑,理论化,批评和想象。

23、They did this in part, she theorizes, by infecting the wild salmon the orcas eat with parasites called sea lice. ─── 她的理论是,其所以如此,是因为虎鲸吃的野生鲑鱼感染了寄生虫海水鱼虱。

24、The study theorizes about the role of dreams in peoples' lives. ─── 这项研究从理论上说明了梦在人们一生中的作用。

25、Intelligence seeks to grasp, manipulate, reorder, and adjust, while intellect examines, ponders, wonders, theorizes, criticizes and imagines. ─── 智力寻求的是理解、运用、整合和调节,而学识则是审视、思考、探究、形成理论、批判和想像。

26、Brooks theorizes that creating a programming product requires at least thee times more effort than creating a program. ─── Brooks从理论上指出创建编程产品至少需要付出三倍于创建程序的工作。

27、Intelligence seeks to grasp, manipulate, reorder, and adjust, while intellect examines, ponders, wonders, theorizes, criticizes, and imagines. ─── 智力寻求的是理解、运用、整合和调节,而才智是审视、思考、怀疑、形成理论、批判和想象。

28、He revives Schleiermacher, but theorizes translation according to poststructuralist concepts. ─── 异化论始于施莱尔马赫的启发,但理论基础是后结构主义思想。

29、That, Turner theorizes, might have finally given humans the edge, allowing them to encroach further into land thick with hyenas. ─── Turner推理道,那也许会最终给人类以一种优势,使他们能进一步地占据鬣狗密集活动的土地。

30、Davis theorizes the support for stronger immigration enforcement reflects tough times. ─── 戴维斯认为,支持更严格的移民法律,也反映出目前时局的艰难。

31、While the dodder weed doesn't have a nose, De Moraes theorizes that the weed has special receptors that can detect those chemicals. ─── 这些化学物质叫做植物挥发物。如果有人在割草坪,你在附近会闻到割草时发出的清爽味道,那就是植物挥发物。”

32、In response, Rozin theorizes, the brain releases endorphins, natural painkillers that may produce a temporary high. ─── 罗津据此推理,作为回聩反应,大脑会分泌内啡肽,一种天然止痛剂,然后产生一阵情绪高潮。

33、Independent filmmaker theorizes that the virtual space station in an online game will far more than repay his hefty outlay. ─── 独立影片特作人建立的理论是,网络游戏的虚域站带来的回报将远超过投入的重金。

34、Intelligence seeks to grasp, manipulate, re-order, and adjust, while intellect examines, ponders, wonders, theorizes, criticizes and imagines. ─── 智利所寻求的是掌握,控制,再命令,并相应地调整,而智力测验,歇息,好奇,理论的,批评和想象。

35、She theorizes that there may be many undiscovered vegemagi, particularly among witches with botanical names such as Lavender, Lily, Myrtle, Narcissa, Olive, Pansy, and Poppy. ─── 她的理论是,可能有许多未经发现的植物玛格斯,特别是在名字中带有园艺意义的女巫中间,如拉文德,莉莉,桃金娘,纳西莎,奥利佛,潘西和波比。’

36、Dr.Bodvarsson theorizes it's because wages in many of these jobs haven't kept up with inflation. ─── 博德瓦森博士认为,这主要是因为很多此类职业的薪酬上涨幅度不及物价涨幅。

37、Concepts of autonomy and personal rights expand during the teen years, wherever youngsters happen to live, Helwig theorizes. ─── 赫尔维格提出的理论是,无论孩子们生活在什么地方,自主权和个人权利的概念都会在十几岁的时候膨胀。

38、Intelligence seeks to grasp, manipulate, re-order, and adjust, while intellect examines, ponders, wonders, theorizes, criticizes and imagines . (NETEM 2002, Text 2, Paragraph 2 ─── 智力寻求的是理解、运用、整合和调节,而才学是审视、思考、探究、形成理论、批判和想象。

39、But men’s internal maps, Saucier theorizes, most likely date back to our hunting ancestors. ─── 在一次捕猎中,男人会远离家园到不熟悉的地域去捕捉野生动物。

40、Jack theorizes that someone must have broken into Nina's computer. ─── 杰克提出推论,一定是有人黑入了尼娜的电脑。

41、In other words, these criteria constitute the acid test for the potential foundational role of economic theorizes to strategic management discipline. ─── 换言之,这些标准构成了对经济学理论作为战略管理学科的潜在基础性角色的严峻考验。

42、Lead author Guenther Boden, M.D. theorizes that "sick fat" could more fully explain the link between obesity and higher risk of diabetes, heart disease and stroke. ─── 主要作者GuentherBoden博士建立的“病态脂肪”的理论能够圆满地解释肥胖与患糖尿病、心脏病和中风更高的风险之间的关系。

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