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09-14 投稿



limulus 发音

英:[?l?mj?l?s]  美:[?l?mj?l?s]

英:  美:

limulus 中文意思翻译



limulus 词性/词形变化,limulus变形

名词复数: limuli |

limulus 短语词组

1、genus Limulus ─── [网络] 鲎属

2、Limulus polyphemus ─── [医] 鲎

3、limulus eye ─── 鲎眼

limulus 相似词语短语

1、limbus ─── n.异色边缘

2、Romulus ─── n.罗穆卢斯(罗马神话中的一个形象)

3、hamulus ─── n.[动]小钩,[解剖]钩;钩状突起

4、famulus ─── n.中世纪魔术师或学者的助手;随从

5、limbous ─── 地狱边境

6、stimulus ─── n.刺激;激励;刺激物

7、mimulus ─── n.沟酸浆属

8、fumulus ─── n.一层薄雾

9、cumulus ─── n.积云;堆积,堆积物

limulus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords chronic periapical periodontitis;root canal preparation;ultrasonic irrigation;endotoxin;kinetic turbidimetric limulus test; ─── 慢性根尖周炎;根管预备;超声冲洗;内毒素;动态浊度法鲎试验;

2、MethodsSerum samples of 45 cirrhosis patients were detected with chromogenic limulus amebocyte lysate assay for LPS and detected with ELISA for LBP, BPI and sCD14. While, serum samples of 15 normal subjects were used as controls. ─── 方法应用基质显色法和ELISA双抗体夹心法 ,检测 45例肝硬化患者血中内毒素脂多糖 (LPS)、LBP、BPI和sCD14水平 ,并以 15例健康献血员作为对照。

3、METHODS: Inhibition and enhancement test was performed with limulus amebocyte lysate manufactured by two different companies. ─── 方法:用两个生产厂的鲎试剂对盐酸罂粟碱氯化钠注射液进行干扰试验研究。

4、Keywords kinetic turbidimetric limulus test;ligustrazin hydrochloride;bacterial endotoxin;Inhibition enhancement test; ─── 动态比浊法鲎试验;盐酸川芎嗪;细菌内毒素;干扰试验;

5、Application of the Kinetic Turbidimetric Limulus test for Cefazolin Sodium for injection ─── 动态浊度法检测注射用头孢唑林钠中细菌内毒素

6、Results Dilution penicillin did not interfere with limulus agent in120diluted concentrations. ─── 结果青霉素稀释液经120倍稀释后对鲎试剂反应无干扰作用。

7、Keywords Shenmai injection;Limulus test agent;Bacterial endotoxins test;Interference test; ─── 参麦注射液;鲎试剂;细菌内毒素;干扰试验;

8、Keywords kinetic turbidimetric limulus test;netilmicin sulfate;bacterial endotoxin;inhibition enhancement test; ─── 动态比浊法鲎试验;硫酸奈替米星;细菌内毒素;干扰试验;

9、Keywords Calcium hydroxide Bacteria endotoxin Limulus amebocyte lysate Kinetic-turbidimetric technique; ─── 氢氧化钙;细菌内毒素;鲎实验;动态浊度法;

10、Kinetic Turbidimetric Limulus Test ─── 动态浊度法

11、Keywords endotoxin;severe hepatitis;limulus polyphemus test; ─── 关键词内毒素;重症肝炎;鲎试验;

12、Keywords kinetic turbidimetric limulus test;bacterial endotoxin;procaine; ─── 动态浊度法;细菌内毒素;普鲁卡因;

13、urine limulus lysis test ─── 尿鲎溶解物试验

14、MethodsUsing kinetic turbidimetric limulus test method to determine the content of bacterial endotoxin. ─── 方法用动态浊度法测定细菌内毒素的含量。

15、Methods:By interfering test, the inhibition enhancement action of Xuesaitong Injection with limulus test agent was studied. ─── 方法:用不同厂家的鲎试剂对不同批号的血塞通注射液分别进行干扰试验,考察确立血塞通注射液细菌内毒素检查法。

16、Keywords kinetic turbidimetric limulus test;clindamycin hydrochloride and sodium chloride injection;bacterial endotoxin;disturbance test; ─── 浊度法鲎试验;盐酸克林霉素氯化钠;细菌内毒素;干扰试验;

17、Results:The injection did not interfere with limulus agent in 5 times diluted concentration. ─── 结果:丹芪注射液经5倍稀释后对鲎试剂反应无干扰作用。

18、agglutinative limulus test ─── 凝胶法

19、Application of the kinetic turbidimetric Limulus test to Ligustrazin Hydrochloride injection ─── 动态比浊法鲎试验定量测定盐酸川芎嗪注射液中细菌内毒素含量

20、METHODS The Limulus test was used to analyze the amounts of LPS in the root canal of pulpitis, under the condition of acute and chronic pulpitis. ─── 方法采用鲎试剂显色技术,定量检测急、慢性牙髓炎症状态下的牙髓腔内细菌内毒素含量,与正常组进行比较,分析内毒素含量与牙髓炎症状态下的临床表现间的关系。

21、Keywords Xuesaitong for injection;bacterial endotoxin test;limulus lysate reagent; ─── 注射用血塞通;细菌内毒素;鲎试剂;

22、From July 1985 to June 1986, We examined 549 samples of large volume parenterals by the limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) method. ─── 摘要本研究为探讨大型输注液内毒素污染的情形,于七十五年间在台湾地区普遍抽购大型输注液549件,以LAL试验法进行其细菌内毒素检测,呈阳性者有9件,佔1.64%。

23、(2)the methods of limulus lysate test and its applications in clinical labolatory examination,including test method,management of plasm/blood,and the specificity of the test; ─── (2)鲎试验方法与临床检验的应用,包括试验方法、血浆/全血的处理方法及试验的专一性;

24、Keywords Injectable ozagrel sodium;Pyrogen;Bacterial enddotoxin;Limulus; ─── 奥扎格雷钠;鲎试剂;细菌内毒素;热原;

25、Keywords disposable syringe;glass syringe;pyrogen;Limulus Amebocyte Lysate test; ─── 一次性使用注射器;玻璃注射器;热原;鲎试验;

26、Methods:By interfering test,the inhibition/enhancement action of amino acid with limulus lysate agent was studied. ─── 方法:用不同厂家的鲎试剂对不同批号的肾必氨注射液分别进行干扰试验,考察肾必氨注射液细菌内毒素检查的影响因素。

27、Limulus amoebocyte lysate (LAL) test ─── 内毒素检测

28、Keywords kinetic turbidimetric limulus test;replacement solution;on-line hemodiafiltration;bacterial endotoxin;inhibition enhancement; ─── 动态比浊法鲎试验;血液透析滤过液;细菌内毒素;干扰试验;

29、Results Isosorbide Mononitrate and Glucose injection did not interfere with limulus agent in two-fold diluted concentrations. ─── 结果单硝酸异山梨酯葡萄糖注射液2倍稀释后无干扰作用。

30、METHODS The interfering action of Clindamycin Hydrochloride Injection and limulus lysate agent from two manufacturers were investigated. ─── 方法采用2个厂家的鲎试剂对盐酸克林霉素注射液进行干扰试验。

31、1 Bacterial endotoxin conforming to national standard: used for arbitration limulus sensitivity and test positive control. ─── 1细菌内毒素国家标准品:用于仲裁鲎试剂灵敏度和试验中阳性对照。

32、When viruses or microbes invade into Limulus, the king crab's blue blood will make a different response. ─── 当病毒或微生物侵入鲎体内后,鲎的蓝色血液会作出不同的反应。

33、Quantitation Measurement of Bacterial Endotoxin in Cefotiam Hydrochloride for Injection by Kinetic Turbidimetric Limulus Test ─── 动态浊度法检测注射用盐酸头孢替安中细菌内毒素的含量

34、Keywords Ilex pubescens compound injection;Bacterial endotoxin test;Interference test;Limulus lysate agents; ─── 复方毛冬青注射液;细菌内毒素检查;干扰试验;鲎试剂;

35、(3)the problems faced to the application of limulus lysate test into clinical labolatory examination,which mostly are the dive... ─── (3)鲎试验进入临床检验领域所面临的问题,主要有内毒素标准的不统一、检测结果的有效性和污染的预防等问题。

36、Objective: To study the bacterial endotoxins test of xylitol injection using limulus lysate agent. ─── 摘要目的:建立快速的木糖醇注射液中细菌内毒素鲎试剂检查法,替代家兔热原检查法。

37、Keywords fluconazole and glucose injection;agglutinative limulus test;bacterial endotoxin;interference test;limulus amebocyte lysate; ─── 关键词氟康唑葡萄糖注射液;凝胶法;细菌内毒素;干扰试验;鲎试剂;

38、Ceratium limulus ─── n. 歪斜角藻

39、Keywords propafenone hydrochloride injection(PHI);bacterial endotoxins;kinetic turbidimetric limulus test;interference test; ─── 关键词盐酸普罗帕酮注射液;细菌内毒素;动态浊度法鲎试验;干扰试验;

40、METHODS Limulus reagent was used to detect pyrogen in recombinant human erythropoietin injection,to observe interference of recombinant human erythropoietin injection to bacterial endotoxin test. ─── 方法应用鲎法检查重组人红细胞生成素注射液中的细菌内毒素,考察重组人红细胞生成素注射液对细菌内毒素检查法的干扰。

41、Keywords dexamethason sodium phosphate;bacterial endotoxin;limulus lysate agent; ─── 关键词地塞米松磷酸钠;细菌内毒素;鲎试剂;

42、Keywords fosfomycin sodium for injection;bacterial endotoxin;limulus amebocyte lysate; ─── 关键词注射用磷霉素钠;细菌内毒素;鲎试剂;

43、The chromogenic substrate limulus amebocyte lysate( ALA) ─── 显色基质鲎试剂法

44、Keywords Multi-enzyme detergent;Pyrogen;Limulus test; ─── 多酶清洗剂;热原;鲎试验;

45、Keywords kinetic turbidimetric Limulus test;Levocarnitine;bacterial endotoxin; ─── 动态比浊法鲎试验;左卡尼汀;细菌内毒素;

46、Keywords Compound Glycyrrhizin and Sodium Chloride Injection;bacterial endotoxin;limulus lysate reagent; ─── 复方甘草甜素氯化钠注射液;细菌内毒素;鲎试剂;

47、METHODS Under the magnifier to examine the cleanliness of the apparatus.According to pyrogen test by standard Limulus lysate,to verify the ultrasound rinsing effect by pyrogen removing. ─── 方法放大镜下检查器械洁净度与根据标准鲎试剂热原监测法,验证超声清洗去除热原的效果。

48、Keywords Azithromycin for Injection;bacterial endotoxin test(BET);limulus amebocyte lysate(LAL);Inhibition; ─── 注射用阿奇霉素;细菌内毒素试验;鲎试剂;干扰;

49、Method: Interference tests in tinidazole injection were performed with limulus test agents provided by different factories. ─── 方法:应用不同厂家鲎试剂对替硝唑注射液进行干扰实验。

50、Abstract: Objective:The kinetic turbidimetric Limulus test was used in the endotoxin assay of Ligustrazin Hydrochloride injection. ─── 摘 要: 目的:应用动态比浊法鲎试验定量测定盐酸川芎嗪注射液中的细菌内毒素含量。

51、Keywords Shuanghuanglian Injection;Kinetic Turbidimetric Limulus Test;bacterial endotoxin test;Interfering test; ─── 双黄连注射液;动态浊度法;细菌内毒素检查法;干扰试验;

52、Keywords Pyritinol hydrochloride for injection;Bacterial endotoxin;Limulus lysate agent;Interference test; ─── 注射用盐酸吡硫醇;细菌内毒素;鲎试剂;干扰试验;

53、Results Yu xing cao injections did not interfere with limulus agent at the 6 times diluted concentration. ─── 结果鱼腥草注射液经6倍稀释后对鲎试剂反应无干扰作用。

54、Kinetic turbidimetric limulus test for determination of bacterial endotoxin in procaine hydrochloride injection and the interferential factors was investigated. ─── 用动态浊度法测定普鲁卡因注射液中细菌内毒素含量及影响因素。

55、Methods Feces from 18 healthy adults and 37 patients with cirrhosis were cultured aerobically and anaerobically.Plasma endotoxin concentrations were determined with a limulus assay. ─── 方法对37例肝硬化患者和18例健康者粪便中8种常见的厌氧菌及需氧菌进行定量研究,以偶氮基质显色法测外周血内毒素。

56、Application of agglutinative limulus test to monitor bacterial endotoxin in fluconazole and glucose injection ─── 凝胶法鲎试验检测氟康唑葡萄糖注射液细菌内毒素

57、Keywords Total saponins from Radix Bupleuri;Endotoxin;Limulus Amebocyte Lysate test; ─── 柴胡总皂苷;内毒素;鲎试验;

58、Limulus polyphemus ─── [医] 鲎

59、Extraction, Purification and Preliminary Activity Assay of Limulus Anti-lipopolysaccharide Factor from Chinese Horseshoe Crabs ─── 中国鲎鲎抗脂多糖因子的提取、纯化及其活性的初步鉴定

60、Keywords Kinetic Turbidimetric Limulus Test;Gentamycin Sulfate;Inhibition Enhancement Test;Bacterial Endotoxin; ─── 浊度法鲎试验;硫酸庆大霉素;细菌内毒素;干扰试验;

61、Methods:Kinetic turbidimetric technique was used to investigate the interference of ofloxacin injection to limulus reagent reaction. ─── 方法:应用动态浊度法考察氧氟沙星注射液对鲎试剂反应的干扰。

62、Keywords The chromogenic substrate limulus amebocyte lysate(ALA);Bacteria endotoxin;Interfering test;Pyrogen; ─── 显色基质鲎试剂法;细菌内毒素;干扰实验;热原;

63、Keywords Dexrazoxane for Injection;Limulus agent;Bacterial endotoxin;Interference test; ─── 注射用右雷佐生;鲎试剂;细菌内毒素;干扰试验;

64、Keywords Cefotiam hydrochloride for injection;bacterial endotoxin;kinetic turbidimetric limulus test; ─── 注射用盐酸头孢替安;细菌内毒素;动态浊度法;

65、If exposed to Vibrio cholerae, Limulus blood will coagulates immediately, stopping the reproduction of bacteria. ─── 如一接触到霍乱弧菌,鲎的血液就会立即凝固,令细菌失去繁殖作用。

66、Application of the kinetic turbidimetric limulus test to ceftazidime injection ─── 注射用头孢他啶细菌内毒素定量法的研究

67、Results; Xueshuantong injection did not interfere with limulus agent in 12 diluted concentration. ─── 结果:血栓通注射液经12倍稀释后对鲎试剂反应无干扰作用。

68、METHODS: Inhibition and enhancement test was performed with limulus ame-bocyte lysate manufactured by two different companies. ─── 方法:用两个生产厂的鲎试剂对盐酸罂粟碱氯化钠注射液进行干扰试验研究。

69、Keywords Cefonicid sodium Injection;bacteria endotoxin;limulus agent;interfering test; ─── 注射用头孢尼西钠;细菌内毒素;鲎试剂;干扰试验;

70、This paper discussed the bio-vision bionics and its application on computer vision.Researched limulus's vision,flies's vision,human's vision and cat's visual cortex primarily. ─── 探讨了生物视觉仿生在计算机视觉中的应用,重点研究了鲎复眼、蝇复眼、人眼视觉及猫视觉皮层的仿生技术。

71、Objective: The kinetic turbidimetric Limulus test was used in the endotoxin assay of Ligustrazin Hydrochloride injection. ─── 目的:应用动态比浊法鲎试验定量测定盐酸川芎嗪注射液中的细菌内毒素含量。


73、Keywords kinetic turbidimetric limulus test;panangin;bacter ial endotoxin;interference; ─── 动态比浊法鲎试验;潘南金;细菌内毒素;干扰试验;

74、Determination of Bacterial Endotoxin in Procaine Hydrochloride Injection by Kinetic Turbidimetric Limulus Test ─── 普鲁卡因注射液细菌内毒素的动态浊度法测定

75、Study on the kinetic turbidimetric limulus tes for chloramphenicol injection ─── 氯霉素注射液动态浊度法鲎试验研究及其限值的确定

76、Keywords the kinetic turbidimetric limulus test;phentolamine;dopamine hydrochloride;Furosemide;bacterial endotoxin;interference test; ─── 关键词动态比浊法鲎试验;酚妥拉明;多巴胺;呋塞米;细菌内毒素;干扰试验;

77、Limulus Amebocyte Lysate assay for endotoxin ─── 内毒素鲎试剂测定法

78、Methods: Kinetic turbidimetric technique was used to investigate the interference of ofloxacin injection to limulus reagent reaction. ─── 方法:应用动态浊度法考察氧氟沙星注射液对鲎试剂反应的干扰。

79、Keywords Compound glycerin injection;Bacterial endotoxin;Limulus reagent; ─── 甘油氯化钠注射液;细菌内毒素;鲎试剂;

80、Method: By interfering test, the inhibition/enhancement action of amino acid with limulus lysate agent was studied. ─── 方法:用不同厂家的鲎试剂对不同批号的肝脑清注射液分别进行干扰试验,考察确立肝脑清注射液细菌内毒素检查法。

81、Keywords diammonium glycyrrhizinate injection;bacterial endotoxins;limulus lysate reagent; ─── 甘草酸二铵注射液;细菌内毒素;鲎试剂;

82、Kinetic turbidimetrie limulus test ─── 动态比浊法鲎试验

83、Serum endotoxin was determined by limulus ameobatic chromogenic assay. ─── 内毒素测定采用鲎试验偶氮基质显色法。

84、Keywords Biosensing technigues;Limulus test;Polymyxin B;Endotoxins; ─── 生物传感技术;鲎试验;多粘菌素B;内毒素类;

85、METHODS Gel clot and kinetic turbidimetric limulus tests were applied. ─── 方法采用凝胶法和动态浊度法鲎试验。

86、Application of the kinetic turbidimetric limulus test to Shen Mai injection ─── 动态比浊法鲎试验定量测定参麦注射液的细菌内毒素含量

87、Quantitative determination of endotoxin in human peripheral venous blood with limulus lysate test ─── 偶氮显色鲎试验定量测定人体外周静脉血微量内毒素的研究

88、1 The sensitivity of limulus batch to be used shall be determined and confirmed to comply with the requirements before the test. ─── 1试验前应该对使用批号鲎试剂的灵敏度应符合规定。

89、Determination of bacterial endotoxin in heparin sodium injection by kinetic turbidimetric limulus test ─── 动态浊度法定量测定肝素钠注射液细菌内毒素的含量

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