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09-14 投稿



retrievable 发音


英:  美:

retrievable 中文意思翻译



retrievable 网络释义

adj. 可取回的;可补偿的;可检索的

retrievable 短语词组

1、retrievable key word ─── [计] 可检关键词

2、retrievable test ─── 可回收性试验

3、retrievable information ─── [计] 可检信息

4、retrievable data ─── [计] 可检数据

5、retrievable drill bit ─── 可回收钻头

6、retrievable item ─── [计] 可检项, 可检字段

retrievable 相似词语短语

1、unreprievable ─── 不可接受

2、retrievably ─── 可挽回地;可恢复地

3、irretrievable ─── adj.不能弥补的;不能复原的;无法挽救的

4、retrievals ─── n.检索;恢复;取回;拯救

5、relievable ─── adj.可减轻的;可救济的

6、irretrievably ─── adv.不能挽回地;不能补救地

7、retrievableness ─── 可检索性

8、reprievable ─── 可复审的

9、retrieval ─── n.检索;恢复;取回;拯救

retrievable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords retrievable bit;casing drilling;field test;Jilin Oilfield; ─── 可更换钻头;套管钻井;现场试验;吉林油田;

2、News is only one form of content that can be distributed with an RSS feed.Other possibilities include discussion forum excerpts, software announcements, and any form of content retrievable with a URL. ─── 新闻只是能用RSS馈送方式分发的内容之一,其他还包括论坛摘录、软件发布和任何一种能用URL检索的内容。

3、The nanoporous silicon membrane is thermally, chemically, mechanically stable and retrievable and can be reused. ─── 纳米多孔硅膜具有优异的耐热性和化学稳定性,且可回收利用。

4、A search query (36) describing potentially retrievable information (22) provided in a plurality of search result languages (37) is received. ─── 接收一描述以复数种搜索结果语言(37)提供的潜在地可检索的信息(22)的搜索查询(36)。

5、inability to exclude the existence of additional studies which used PMI that were not published or not retrievable through MEDLINE; ─── 没有能够明确是否存在一些同样用了PMI但尚未发表或不在MEDLINE数据库中的研究;

6、Among the domestic refuse of Lijiang country, the percentage of organic composition, retrievable materials and landfill materials are 45%, 33% and 22% separately. ─── 丽江县城市生活垃圾成分中,有机物、可回收部分和需填埋部分分别占45%、33%和22%,拟采用高温堆肥加填埋方式加以处理。

7、The legislation also directed DOE to seek a suitable site for construction of an intermediate storage facility, known as a monitored retrievable storage facility, if studies indicate the need for one. ─── 立法也规定如果研究表明确有必要的话,能源部应选择一个合适的场址,建立一个中间的贮存设施,称为监视的弥补性的贮存设施。

8、Refractory Benign Esophageal Stenosis: Treatment with Covered Retrievable Self-Expandable Stents ─── 可回收覆膜支架治疗难治性食管良性狭窄

9、retrievable item ─── [计] 可检项, 可检字段

10、This memory would be searchable, retrievable, and shareable. ─── 这些记忆将能够搜索、复原及分享。

11、double grip retrievable casing packer ─── 双卡瓦可回收式套管封隔器

12、The paper mainly introduces the structure and working principle of retrievable bubble breaker,and expatiate the related problems separately. ─── 介绍了投捞式气泡破碎器的结构及工作原理,并阐述了其特点。

13、retrievable surface storage facility ─── (放射性废物)可回收地面贮存设施

14、The home-made retrievable ZQL-type vena caval filter: results of a prospective pilot study ─── 国产ZQL型可回收式腔静脉滤器的初步临床应用与观察

15、retrievable esophageal stent ─── 可取出式食管支架

16、Keywords retrievable gas lift valve corrugated tube performance test application; ─── 投捞式气举阀;波纹管;性能试验;应用;

17、This property may not exist for this object, or may not be retrievable due to insufficient access rights. ─── 此对象的属性不存在,或没有权限访问。

18、All quality records shall be legible and shall be stored and retained in such a way that they are readily retrievable in facilities that provide a suitable environment to prevent damage or deterioration and to prevent loss. ─── 所有质量纪录应易于阅读,其贮存和保管方法应便于存取,并提供适宜的环境,以减少损坏、变质及防止遗失。

19、single grip retrievable casing packer ─── 单卡瓦可收回式套管封隔器

20、Europe Retrievable Carrier ─── 尤里卡平台(卫星)(欧洲)

21、Keywords retrievable plug;slip fluke;optimization design;contact;dynamics;finite element; ─── 可取桥塞;卡瓦锚爪;优化设计;接触;动力学;有限元;

22、retrievable inner barrel ─── 可回收的内筒


24、pesticide toxicology and environmental chemistry information for the general public - fully searchable and selectively retrievable . ─── 提供杀虫剂毒性与环境化学方面的资讯查询。

25、and the volume of globally retrievable information stored in analog and digital form has expanded by incalculable orders of magnitude. ─── 以模拟和数字形式存储的信息在全球范围内的检索量大幅度增加,增幅难以衡量。

26、A novel way for encrypting optical information based on the principle that rays are retrievable using optical holography is presented. ─── 摘要根据光路可逆原理,利用光全息技术实现了一种新的光学信息加密的方法。

27、retrievable starter ─── 可换式起动器

28、The wireline retrievable drill lock assembly is the heart of the casing drilling system. ─── 带电缆可回收的钻井锁组合是套管钻井的核心部分。

29、Objective: To evaluate the clinical effects of retrievable vena cava filter (r-VCF) used in patients with deep venous thrombosis (DVT). ─── 目的:总结下肢深静脉血栓形成患者植入可回收腔静脉滤器的临床体会。

30、A. Are quality records defined, identified, and retrievable? ─── 是否定义,识别,同时可对质量记录进行追溯?

31、Keywords gas lifting oil production;production fat;retrievable bubble breaker;design; ─── 气举采油;效率;投捞式气泡破碎器;设计;

32、retrievable information ─── 可检索的信息可检信息

33、An animal experimental study on the protective efficiency of the retrievable artery filter ─── 可取出式动脉滤器在颈动脉血管成形术中脑保护效率的动物实验研究

34、The earliest secret memorial retrievable in historic records was under the Xuan Emperor of Western Han Dynasty. ─── 最早的有文献记载的秘密章奏发端于西汉的宣帝时期。

35、Model B Guide The Model B Guide is an integral part of most perminent seal bore and retrievable seal bore packers. ─── B型引鞋大多数永久式和可取式封隔器的一个部件,B型引鞋用于连接安装在封隔器下部的尾管、磨铣延长管、或其他设备。

36、Keywords retrievable packer development characteristic application; ─── 可回收式封隔器;研制;特点;应用;

37、The article is to reveal maximal information abort PQDD-the electron data-bank as well as to introduce the retrievable methods and skills. ─── 文章揭示了电子数据库PQDD所蕴含的丰富的学科信息内容,并详细介绍了查询其内容的检索方法和技巧。

38、retrievable bridge plug of cement squeeze ─── 可取挤灰桥塞

39、retrievable polished-bore receptacle ─── 可收回的抛光座圈

40、In vivo experiment of a new retrievable vena cava filter ─── 可取出式下腔静脉滤器的实验研究

41、"The situation is retrievable and it is not linked to what Jose does. Definitely not. ─── “目前的形势还可以挽回,这和何塞所做的一切都没有关系。一定没有关系。”

42、single string retrievable packer ─── 单管可收回式封隔器

43、retrievable device ─── 可回收装置

44、retrievable bubble breaker ─── 投捞式气泡破碎器

45、retrievable packer ─── 可取出式封隔器

46、Conclusion The use of covered retrievable expandable stent is effective and safe in treating childhood benign esophageal stenosis. ─── 结论应用暂时性支架成形术治疗儿童食管良性狭窄安全、有效。

47、retrievable resin bolt ─── 可回收树脂锚杆

48、The compressed air powered wrench is capable of providing revert-torque to retrievable bolt end and sustain drag force. ─── 该锚杆回收扳手由压气驱动,在给可回收锚杆的尾部提供反扭矩的同时,还可以承受拉力。

49、Method: The seeds of Datura innoxia were set up in retrievable satellites.After returning to earth,the ultrastructural changes were observed by means of electron microscope. ─── 方法:以药用植物洋金花的种子为材料,搭载返回式人造地球卫星,回到地面后用电镜观察其超微结构的变化。

50、he believed the information was retrievable. ─── 他认为这些信息可以被恢复。

51、Today, formal education primarily consists in memorizing data --- data that is now easily retrievable by computer or accessible through data banks ─── 当今的正规教育主要包括记忆资料,而这些资料现在通过计算机或资料库就能轻而易举地重新得到。

52、retrievable bolt ─── 可回收锚杆

53、Performance test and application of Model ZBT-1 retrievable gas lift valve ─── ZBT-1型投捞式气举阀性能试验与应用

54、retrievable storage ─── 可回收贮存

55、A warranty that is not based on proper certification testing documented by electronically retrievable test results only provides hope, not a solid assurance. ─── 在测试布线系统时愿望不是一种保证。

56、WRITTEN: Retrievable electronic or hard copy. ─── 29书面:可恢复的电子文档或硬拷贝。

57、Preliminary experimental study of retrievable nitinol inferior vena cava filter ─── 可回收下腔静脉滤器预防肺栓塞实验研究

58、An experimental study on the embolus-capturing efficiency of a new-designed retrievable artery filter ─── 一种可取出式动脉滤器的实验研究

59、Study on drillable and retrievable packer for water injection ─── 可钻可取式注水封隔器的研究

60、Prevention of esophageal stricture with retrievable esophageal stent after corrosive esophageal burns in dogs ─── 可取出式食管支架预防烧伤后瘢痕狭窄的实验研究

61、Keywords horizontal well;multilateral;retrievable whipstock;structure;application;example; ─── 水平井;多分枝;可回收;斜向器;结构;应用;实例;

62、With a public cloud, data may be stored in unknown locations and may not be easily retrievable. ─── 使用公共云,数据可能会存储在未知位置,不容易检索。

63、To solve these problems,we have developed retrievable bridge plug successfully.This paper gives the development and application of the retrievable bridge plug of cement squeeze. ─── 研制的可取式插管挤灰桥塞(简称可取式挤灰桥塞),经现场应用表明,该工具具有施工简单、安全方便、成本低等特点,经济效益显著。

64、Development and Application of a Wide-Range Retrievable Spear ─── 可退式大范围打捞矛的研制与应用

65、retrievable key word ─── [计] 可检关键词

66、retrievable bit ─── 可更换钻头

67、The first Chinese retrievable satellite was launched. ─── 成功发射中国首枚返回式人造卫星。

68、retrievable satellite ─── 回收式卫星

69、This solution works in most cases, but does break down when the maintainer of a namespace uses a retrievable URI that points to an actual document that describes the format. ─── 在大多数情况下,这种解决方案都有效,但是,当名称空间的维护人员使用指向描述格式的实际文档的可检索URI时,该解决方案却会失效。

70、retrievable bottom-mounted current meter ─── 可回收海底海流计

71、Retrievable protection ─── 抢救性保护

72、Environmental records shall be stored and maintained in such a way that they are readily retrievable and protected against damage, deterioration or loss. ─── 对环境记录的保存和管理应使之便于查阅,避免损坏、变质或遗失。

73、pesticide toxicology and environmental chemistry information for the general public - fully searchable and selectively retrievable. ─── 提供杀虫剂毒性与环境化学方面的资讯查询。

74、retrievable data ─── [计] 可检数据

75、Records removed from current systems have to be accessible and retrievable for the entire period of their retention. ─── 从目前系统移出的档案必须能在整个保存期限内可以被存取与检索。

76、A query (40) defining a search executable on potentially retrievable information (22) is accepted. ─── 定义在潜在可检索的信息(22)上可执行的搜索的查询(40)被接受。

77、Application of Network-Ready CD Mirror Server in Fieldwork of EI Retriev al ─── 网络镜像光盘服务器在EI检索实习中的应用

78、Conclusions The homemade retrievable ZQL vena cava filter can satisfied most of patients who have required it, it should be extended in the clinical practice. ─── 结论 国产ZQL型可回收式滤器可满足不同消费能力的人群需求,具有推广价值。

79、dual string retrievable packer ─── 双管可收回封隔器

80、Keywords rock and soil mechanics;retrievable resin bolt;bonding segment;photoelastic test; ─── 岩土力学;可回收树脂锚杆;锚固段;光弹性;

81、Separate Layer Fracturing Technology Testing with Retrievable Bridge Plug ─── 可捞式桥塞分层压裂工艺试验

82、In most earlier cosmogonies, however, time was cyclic and this meant that the "ideal" original state would one day return or was retrievable. ─── 不过,在更早的宇宙演化论中,时间却是循环式的。这意味着,“理想的”初始状态有朝一日将得以恢复或者重现。

83、retrievable hydraulic-set casing Packer ─── 可收回的液压坐封套管封隔器

84、retrievable production packer ─── 可收回采油封隔器

85、Covered retrievable metal stent in the treatment of refractory benign esophageal stricture ─── 全覆膜可取出金属支架治疗难治性食管良性狭窄

86、Keywords retrievable esophageal stent;esophageal burn;stricture;prevention;dog; ─── 可取出式食管支架;食管烧伤;狭窄;预防;犬;

87、The rest are things like photos and phone calls which are less easily retrievable and usable. ─── 剩余的像照片和电话等形式的信息并不容易地修复以及应用。

88、Theory predicts this event ought to be "imprinted" in the CMB and its detail should be retrievable with sufficiently sensitive instruments. ─── 按照理论预测,这次事件应该在宇宙微波背景上留下印记,足够敏感的探测仪器可以还原其中细节。

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