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galenical 发音

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galenical 中文意思翻译




galenical 短语词组

1、galenical preparation ─── [医] 盖仑 ─── [氏]制剂, 植物制剂

galenical 相似词语短语

1、galenicals ─── adj.(药物)天然的;盖仑制剂的;n.天然制剂;盖仑制剂

2、arsenical ─── adj.砷的,含砷的;n.砷化合物;砷剂

3、alogical ─── adj.非逻辑的

4、canonical ─── adj.按照宗法教规的;真经的;经典的;(数学表达式)最简洁的;准确的;权威的;公认的;与公理有关的;与教会有关的,与教士有关的;n.教士的法衣(常复数)

5、Galenical ─── adj.(药物)天然的;盖仑制剂的;n.天然制剂;盖仑制剂

6、galenic ─── adj.古希腊名医伽林(Galen)的,其医术的;方铅矿的

7、calendrical ─── adj.日历的;历法的(calendar的形容词形式)

8、galvanical ─── adj.电流的;通电的

9、Xenical ─── n.塞尼可,罗氏鲜(一种减肥药)

galenical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Galen rs system of medicine ─── 盖仑氏学说

2、Galen lived in constant fear of his master, who kept the boy locked up within the bowels of his starship, the still under construction Executor. ─── 伽伦被师父锁在他的太空船,当时仍然在建造的“执行者”号的深处,生活在对他持续的恐惧之中。

3、Great cerebral vein of Galen ─── Galen大脑大静脉(脑静脉干)

4、Galen's ventriculus ─── 盖仑(氏)室:喉室

5、The article mainly reviews application of galenical deodorizer in animal production, and . ─── 本文主要综述了植物型除臭剂在动物生产中应用现状,并指出了其应用的前景。

6、Galen's nerve ─── [医] 盖仑氏神经(喉上、下神经交通支)

7、Veratrine, its salts and galenical preparations ─── 藜芦碱,其盐类及其草药制剂

8、galenical preparations ─── 盖仑制剂, 植物制剂

9、Design Principle, Model and Methods of Galen Teaching ─── 加涅教学设计的原理、模式与方法

10、foreword by Galen Rowell. ─── 作者声明: Andrew Hudson ;

11、What oppressed group of people does Galen Tyrol stand up for in "Dirty Hands"? ─── 在“劳苦大众”里,伽伦·泰罗尔支持的是哪一群受压迫的人?

12、An outline on the early pharmaceutical development before Galen ─── 盖伦以前的早期药学发展概论

13、AZ Alkmaar have persuaded Barry van Galen to commit his future to the club. ─── --------------------------------------- 荷甲AZ俱乐部劝说Barry van Galen放心的把自己的未来交给俱乐部。

14、"Medical treatment on the human body in the Roman Veria is part of a long tradition that began with Hippocrates up to Roman doctor Celsus and Galen," he said, cited in the Ta Nea newspaper. ─── 星期三,希腊新闻媒体报道称,考古学家在希腊北部出土了一个年轻女性的头盖骨并认为该女性在三世纪时就进行拉脑科手术。

15、Galen rs vein ─── 盖仑氏静脉, 加仑静脉

16、great vein of Galen ─── 大脑大静脉

17、Mountain Light by Galen Rowell Screen Saver ─── 享受美丽的山景

18、introduction by Galen Rowell. ─── 作者声明: John Muir ;

19、galenical pharmacy ─── 制剂学

20、10.Time period of Galen, whose work influenced the medical community for 1500 years. ─── 盖仑时期,他的工作影响了医学界1500多年。

21、2 cases of Galen vein malformation. ─── Galen静脉瘤2例。

22、USC put up the Galen Center and shocked everyone in last spring's Sweet 16 under Tim Floyd, leading North Carolina by 16 points in the second half before falling. ─── WSC新建了Galen中心后,球队战绩在去年春天也震惊了大家。凭借TimFloyd在比赛下半场的16分,击败北卡大学进入了16强。

23、Purpose To evaluate the imaging feaature of vein of Galen thrombosis. ─── 目的 探讨Galen 静脉血栓的影像学特点。

24、But with genies, urn-riders, and secrets around every turn, can they reach Galen in time? ─── 在这里,孩子们已经把自己的命运完全和月亮融合在一体了。

25、Now living in complete exile, Galen's parents relocated to Kashyyyk, where they were befriended by the native Wookiees. ─── 于是,盖伦的父母过起了流亡的生活。他们移居卡西克,受到当地伍基人的扶助。

26、Galen's innominate gland ─── [医] 盖仑氏腺, 泪腺眶部

27、galen wants to go to sea and travel around the world. ─── 盖伦希望当水手,环游世界

28、Galen's aponeurosis ─── 盖仑(氏)腱膜:颞肌附着的腱膜

29、aneurysmal malformation of vein of galen ─── 大脑大静脉动脉瘤样畸形

30、Pilocarpus jaborandi holmes and its galenical prepara-tions ─── 毛果芸香及其草药制剂

31、When Galen was injured, Vader ignored the boy's pain and attacked even more viciously. ─── 盖伦受伤后,维德非但不顾及他的伤情,甚至会加大攻击力度。

32、The article mainly reviews application of galenical deodorizer in animal production, and point out the prospect of application in animal science. ─── 本文主要综述了植物型除臭剂在动物生产中应用现状,并指出了其应用的前景。

33、In ancient Rome, the physician Galen warned against the dangers of masturbation. ─── 在古罗马时代,内科医生盖仑警告说手淫是危险的。

34、Galen: No. But I've been to Shanghai. ─── 没有。但我去过上海。

35、Galen's ventricle ─── [医] 盖仑氏室, 喉室

36、New Study of the Anatomic Classification of the Galen Nervous Ansa in Human Larynx ─── 人喉盖仑神经吻合支新解剖分类研究

37、Galen:Six innatural things can be influenced by the will of a man and his own actions:: 1.Air;2.Motion and rest;3.Sleeping and waking;4.Food and drinks;5.Filling and evacuation;6.Emotional excitation. ─── 盖仑:健康和疾病和人本身的意愿和行动能影响的六个因素有关:空气,运动和休息,睡眠和觉醒,食物和饮料,满足和撤离,情绪性兴奋。

38、aneurysm of the vein of Galen Galen ─── 大静脉瘤

39、Professor Van Galen breaks home schoolers into two groups. ─── 专家范盖伦把家庭教育都分为两类。

40、Galenical enzyme ─── 格林酶

41、"As hypothesized by Galen, the four cardinal humours were blood, phlegm, choler (yellow bile), and melancholy (black bile). ─── 据加伦假设,四种主要体液是血液、黏液、黄胆汁和黑胆汁。

42、200 A.D. Aloe becomes an important Roman medicine. Used by physicians such as Galen, Antyllus, Aretaces, and many other southern European physicians. ─── 公元200年,芦荟成为罗马人一种非常重要的药材,被盖伦.安菲波利斯以及欧洲许多内科医生使用。

43、Galen's pore ─── [医] 腹股沟管

44、galenical preparation ─── 盖仑氏制剂

45、Galen was pretty sure about the fumigation thing. Pink Floyd. ─── 对那个烟熏消毒的事也很肯定呢。

46、Galen's foramen ─── 盖仑(氏)孔:心前静脉口孔

47、All Galen products are made in U.S.A. ─── 全部产品欧美材料、科技、设计、制造、包装。

48、They had learned little since the time of Galen in the 2nd century A. D. ─── 从公元2世纪加伦那个时代以来,他们在这方面的的学问长进不大。

49、10. Time period of Galen, whose work influenced the medical community for 1500 years. Galen worked on a theory of personalities, and was the first to classify emotions. ─── 盖仑时期,他的工作影响了医学界1500多年。他提出一种人格理论,并首先对情感进行分类。收藏指正

50、Galen: Yes. Shanghai is a beautiful city. ─── 愉快。上海是个美丽的城市。

51、Galen : Yes. Hualien is a beautiful city. ─── 盖伦:愉快。花莲是个美丽的城市。

52、Galen: No. But I've been to Hualien. ─── 盖伦:没有。但我去过花莲。

53、Time period of Galen, whose work influenced the medical community for 1500 years. Galen worked on a theory of personalities, and was the first to classify emotions. ─── 盖仑时期,他的工作影响了医学界1500多年。他提出一种人格理论,并首先对情感进行分类。

54、Hi, galen and Kyle as well as Camu, ur experiences are very interesting. Sharing more about them, if you would like, will be a great plus. ─── 发表于2007-10-921:52只看该作者看帖回帖是一种美德,您的回帖是对楼主最大的支持。

55、Galen's ampulla ─── [医] 盖仑氏壶腹(大脑大静脉的膨大部)

56、One Case:Aneurysm-like Malformation of Cerebri Magna Vein(Galen) ─── 大脑大静脉动脉瘤样畸形1例报告

57、Keywords galenical deodorizer;feces;stench;animal production; ─── 植物型除臭剂;粪便;臭气;动物生产;

58、Under these torturous conditions, Galen began to forget his past life. ─── 在这种痛苦的环境下,盖伦开始忘记自己的过去。

59、Galen's bandage ─── [医] 盖仑氏绷带(用于头部的六头带)

60、Galen's foramina ─── [医] 心前静脉口

61、Galen's mother was killed a few years later while trying to protect a group of Wookiees from slavers; ─── 几年后,盖伦的母亲在保护一群伍基人免遭奴隶贩子侵害时牺牲;

62、Galen vein ─── 大脑大静脉, Galen静脉

63、Galen's vein ─── 加仑静脉盖仑氏静脉

64、When Galen's mother learned she was pregnant, she and her husband quietly left the Order, hoping to raise their child in peace somewhere in the Outer Rim. ─── 当伽伦的妈妈知道自己怀孕以后,她和她的丈夫悄悄离开了绝地组织,希望在外环的某个地方平静地抚养他们的孩子。

65、Galen veins ─── 盖伦静脉(脑静脉干)

66、Galen innominate gland ─── 盖仑腺

67、Galen's doctrine of temperament ─── 盖伦气质学说

68、Vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation: a case report and review of literatures ─── Galen静脉动脉瘤样畸形一例并文献复习

69、The peried before Galen (including his time) is known as andent herbal period of pharmacy, which is an important component in the developing history of pharmacy. ─── 盖伦以前的时期(包括他所在的时期)称之为药学的古本草时期,是药学发展史中的重要组成部分。

70、By the time he was 15, Galen began undertaking dangerous missions for his master. ─── 从15岁起,盖伦开始为师父执行危险的任务。

71、aneurysm of galen vein ─── 大脑大静脉动脉瘤

72、Galen. Galen on the Natural Faculties (Brack, A.J. Trans) [M]. London: William Heinemann. 1928 ─── 伊本-胡尔达兹比赫,道里邦国志(宋砚译注)[M].北京:中华书局.1991

73、Galen worked on a theory of personalities, and was the first to classify emotions. ─── 他提出一种人格理论,并首先对情感进行分类。

74、The medical system based on the theories or practices of Galen. ─── 盖伦学说基于盖伦理论或实践的医学体系。

75、Galen anastonosis ─── 加伦吻合

76、Vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation is rare anomalies of intracranial circulation that constitute 1% of all intracranial vascular malformations. ─── Galen静脉动脉瘤样畸形是一种少见的血管性疾病,约占颅内血管畸形的 1%。

77、Galen nerve ─── 加伦神经

78、Methods:16s and 28s protocol for cerebral CTA and CTV was proposed according to the time density curves of internal carotid artery (ICA) and Galen vein of 47 volunteers. ─── 方法:参照47例患者脑颈内动脉、大脑大静脉时间密度曲线,选择16s和28s为脑动、静脉成像扫描延迟时间。

79、Galen ventriculus ─── 加伦室, 喉室

80、Even when Vader was away, Galen was tested, quickly learning that his only trusted companion -- PROXY -- was actually programmed to attempt to kill him, over and over again. ─── 甚至当维达不在的时候,伽伦也会遭到考验。他很快发现它唯一可能信赖的同伴“代理”其实被指令为一次次试图杀死他。

81、Galen's anastomosis ─── [医] 盖仑氏吻合(喉上下神经的交通支)

82、Galen's cerate ─── [医] 盖仑氏蜡膏

83、Effect of Galenical Enzyme Added to Ration on Liveweight Gain of Lamb ─── 饲料中添加格林酶对羔羊增重效果的影响

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