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09-10 投稿



estrade 发音

英:[[es'trɑ:d]]  美:[[es'trɑ:d]]

英:  美:

estrade 中文意思翻译



estrade 相似词语短语

1、newstrade ─── 新闻贸易

2、estra ─── n.(Estra)人名;(俄)叶斯特拉

3、estral ─── 额外的

4、estray ─── n.迷失的人;迷失的家畜;vi.迷路

5、estrades ─── n.讲坛,房间中高起的部分;台子;n.(Estrade)人名;(法、西、葡)埃斯特拉德

6、estrange ─── vt.使疏远;离间

7、estridge ─── 固执的

8、estrapade ─── 埃斯特拉帕德

9、estacade ─── estacade公司

estrade 常见例句(双语使用场景)


2、Cooperation in building estrade reveals the network of social relationship between villagers . ─── 合作修建台子的过程,体现了村民的社会关系网络。

3、Irrigation works had been built by the government since 1950s, therefore the flood in Hanjiang river was eliminated basically, and no more estrade was built. ─── 20世纪50年代以来国家组织下的水利建设,基本消除了汉江的水患,也导致了不再有新的台子修建。

4、On estrade when him the station is decided, the altogether that discovery includes choir inside came only when 10 believer, in the heart very angry. ─── 当他在讲坛上站定,发现包括唱诗班在内的一共只来了10个信徒时,心中颇为恼怒。

5、In order to keep out the flood, estrade was built as a unique form of village spatial structure. ─── 为了防御洪水,产生了台子这一独特的村落空间结构形式。

6、Three axes rotational estrade ─── 三轴转台

7、Next, the content of expert estrade involves trade of whole and interactive entertainment. ─── 其次,专家讲坛的内容涉及整个互动娱乐行业的。

8、The ring for boy is used topaz which symbolize bright and warmness, and the estrade i designed specially likes brick type to indicate the only focus affection. ─── 男生的戒指我采用的是象征光明跟温暖的黄宝石,台子我特别设计成砖型,表示专情。

9、Do not think estrade of a hunderd schools tells a few classes to be able to review a country to learn, hair of a book restores a country 10 thousand times how many to learn namely. ─── 不要以为百家讲坛讲几堂课就可以重温国学,一本书发多少万册就是恢复国学。

10、With the estrade, people on the Hanjiang river could farm and live a stable life. ─── 有了台子,当地居民得以在经常泛滥的汉江边上生产生活。

11、The center of the bulgy estrade is disposed with a hole, a slice of stainless steel was put beside the hole; ─── 所述凸台中间设置有一个通孔,在通孔的一方贴封有不锈钢片;

12、Cooperation in building estrade reveals the network of social relationship between villagers. ─── 合作修建台子的过程,体现了村民的社会关系网络。

13、Next, the content of expert estrade involves trade of whole and interactive entertainment. ─── 其次,专家讲坛的内容涉及整个互动娱乐行业的。

14、The political disturbance of this result estrade left endless reflection to later generations. ─── 这场起于讲坛的政治风波给后人留下了无尽的思考。

15、Above all, expert estrade faces entire industry to open. ─── 首先,专家讲坛是面向全行业开放的。

16、Above all, expert estrade faces entire industry to open. ─── 首先,专家讲坛是面向全行业开放的。

17、We offer products of estrade,council desk,office desk,end table,screen work table,rotary chair,couch and hotel furniture.If you are interested in our products,please contact us. ─── 公司供应班台、会议桌、办公桌、茶几、屏风工作位、转椅、沙发、宾馆家具等产品,如果有意向的客户请与我联系。

18、In order to keep out the flood, estrade was built as a unique form of village spatial structure. ─── 为了防御洪水,产生了台子这一独特的村落空间结构形式。

19、A moment ago so I see estrade of all previous culture has in video introduction model when old scene, special deep feeling. ─── 所以刚才我看到历届文化讲坛视频介绍中有范老的镜头时,非常感慨。

20、Priest people it is her kill in ground of all with one voice on estrade " Babylonian meretricious " . ─── 教士们在讲坛上异口同声地把她诛为“巴比伦的娼妓”。

21、The noise in the heart clucks, the listen respectfully below the estrade that when can sit in you your present instruction is lucky. ─── 心里响咕,几时能坐在你的讲坛下聆听你的当面教诲就幸运了。

22、punching failure cone of comer column is approximately 1/4 round estrade, that of border column is approximately 1/2 round estrade and that of center column is completely one round estrade. ─── 角柱冲切破坏锥体近似1/4圆台体,边柱冲切破坏锥体近似1/2圆台体,中柱冲切破坏锥体为一个完整的圆台体。

23、Automatic Estrade ─── 自动转台

24、Be in transpacific United States, the economic analysis of the law serves as a course, fashionable is famous the estrade of university law courtyard. ─── 在太平洋彼岸的美国,法的经济分析作为一门课程,风靡著名大学法学院的讲坛。

25、With the estrade, people on the Hanjiang river could farm and live a stable life. ─── 有了台子,当地居民得以在经常泛滥的汉江边上生产生活。

26、The actual function of the second generation PACS system has already being openned widely, endowed with new realistic meaning.It become large estrade of the modern hospital. ─── 第二代PACS系统实际作用已被极大的拓宽,被赋予新的现实意义,成为现代医院大型支撑平台。

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