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09-06 投稿



omnivorous 发音

英:[ɑ?m?n?v?r?s]  美:[?m?n?v?r?s]

英:  美:

omnivorous 中文意思翻译



omnivorous 网络释义

adj. 杂食的;什么都读的;无所不吃的

omnivorous 同义词

omnivorous 短语词组

1、omnivorous habit ─── 杂食性习惯

2、omnivorous insect ─── 杂食性昆虫

3、omnivorous animal ─── 杂食性动物

4、omnivorous dentition ─── 杂食牙[齿]系

5、omnivorous character ─── 杂食性性格

6、Stratified Charge Omnivorous Rotary Engine ─── 分层电荷杂食旋转引擎

omnivorous 词性/词形变化,omnivorous变形

名词: omnivorousness |副词: omnivorously |

omnivorous 反义词

herbivorous | insectivorous |carnivorous

omnivorous 相似词语短语

1、ossivorous ─── 食氧的

2、ranivorous ─── 食蚁的

3、panivorous ─── adj.以食面包为生的

4、omnivorously ─── adv.随手地

5、omniparous ─── 万能的

6、carnivorous ─── adj.食肉的;肉食性的

7、seminivorous ─── adj.食种子(为生)的

8、omniferous ─── 无所不在的

9、omnivores ─── n.杂食者(omnivore的复数)

omnivorous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、omnivorous nocturnal mammal native to North and Central America. ─── 原产于北美和中美夜间活动的杂食性哺乳动物。

2、But the omnivorous beast is rampant still. ─── 但是这只杂食动物依然毫无节制.

3、Although omnivorous, they mostly eat seeds and feed on or near the ground. ─── 虽然几乎无所不吃,他们最常吃的是种子且捡食靠近地上的食物。

4、Moore's omnivorous poems claim for poetry all the subjects that she mentions here and indeed many, many more. ─── 摩尔包罗万象的诗中,要求诗歌拥有她在此提及的所有事物,实际上还有更多。

5、raccoon-like omnivorous mammal of Mexico and the southwestern United States having a long bushy tail with black and white rings. ─── 墨西哥和美国西南部形似浣熊的杂食性哺乳动物,长而多毛的尾巴上有黑色和白色的环。

6、Omnivorous, the staple food of various weed seeds, stems root, and eat insects, molluscs and worms. ─── 杂食性,主食各种杂草种子、茎根,兼吃昆虫、软体动物和蠕虫等。

7、Omnivorous opossum of the eastern United States,noted for feigning death when in danger,esteemed as food in some areas,considered same species as the crab-eating opossum of South America. ─── 美国东部的杂食性负鼠,以危险时装死而闻名,在有些地区被当作珍贵的食物,南美洲的一些品种被当作食蟹负鼠。

8、omnivorous nocturnal mammal native to North and Central America ─── 原产于北美和中美夜间活动的杂食性哺乳动物

9、slow-moving omnivorous nocturnal primates of tropical Asia; usually tailles ─── 亚洲热带地区夜间缓行杂食灵长类动物;通常无尾

10、We are aware of his omnivorous diet, his intimate knowledge of his surroundings, his southern domicile, his age and state of health, the season of his death, and something of his environment. ─── 我们知道他的食性是杂食,他对生活环境有扎实的知识,他住在南方,他的年纪与健康状况,他死亡的季节,连他的生活环境我们都知道一些。

11、However, suspicion would be caston this theory after cave bears were proved to be omnivorous. ─── 但是,如果证实了洞熊是杂食性动物,这种观点将受到质疑。

12、The omnivorous, immobile beast is almost entirely concealed beneath the desert sands. ─── 这只不动的杂食野兽几乎完全隐藏在沙漠下。

13、bear head of prey, bears are omnivorous Branch of the large mammals to meat-based. ─── 翻译熊,食肉目,是属于熊科的杂食性大型哺乳类,以肉食为主。从寒带到热带都有分布。

14、Any of several omnivorous,burrowing,edentate mammals(family Dasypodidae),native to southern North America and South America and characterized by an armorlike covering consisting of jointed,bony plates. ─── 犰狳,一种杂食性的,掘河隐居的贫齿目哺乳动物(犰狳科),生于北美洲南部和南美洲,特征为全身有连续的,角质鳞片组成的盔甲状保护层。

15、4.A cockroach is generally accused of being pesky to eradicate. Often reviled with derogatory remarks , the ubiquitous bugs with their unique redolent aroma are omnivorous . ─── 除蟑螂通常被认为是件麻烦事。经常被贬低的言语辱骂,这种普遍存在的,带着它独特芬芳气味儿的昆虫对什么都感兴趣。

16、The appearance of hydrophyte and miscellaneous fishes is the highest, accounting for 68%; the others account for 40%, 20%, 12%, and 4% respectively. The crab is an omnivorous animal. ─── 食物种类的出现率以植物和小杂鱼为最高,占68%,其余分别为40%,20%,12%和4%,为杂食性甲壳动物。

17、omnivorous mammal of Central and South America. ─── 中美和南美的杂食性哺乳动物。

18、Corvidae ravens and other birds, like a noisy, action positive, omnivorous, to rodents, insects, grains, eggs, etc. for food. ─── 鸦科乌鸦和其他鸟类,如噪音,行动积极,杂食性,以啮齿动物,昆虫,谷物,鸡蛋等食物。

19、Cassowaries feed mainly on fruits, though all species are truly omnivorous. ─── 食火鸡的主要食物是水果,尽管所有的物种实际上都是杂食的。

20、The common North American bear(Euarctos or Ursus americanus) that lives in forests, is omnivorous, and has a glossy black or dark brown coat. ─── 黑熊:一种普通的北美熊(黑熊或美洲黑熊),居住在森林中,杂食且有光滑的黑色或深褐色皮毛

21、Vegan women are no more likely to experience anemia than omnivorous women during pregnancy. ─── 在怀孕期间纯素食的妇女不会比杂食的妇女更容易得贫血。

22、omnivorous opossum of the eastern United States; noted for feigning death when in danger; esteemed as food in some areas; considered same species as the crab-eating opossum of South America. ─── 美国东部的杂食性负鼠;以危险时装死而闻名;在有些地区被当作珍贵的食物;南美洲的一些品种被当作食蟹负鼠。

23、massive plantigrade carnivorous or omnivorous mammals with long shaggy coats and strong claws. ─── 结实的食肉或杂食性跖行哺乳动物,皮毛长而粗糙,爪有力。

24、Tilapia are omnivorous fish. ─── 罗非鱼属杂食性鱼类。

25、2390. omnivorous : eating both plant and animal food; ─── 2390 。杂食性:吃植物和动物食品;

26、pandas are omnivorous by nature, so they don't just eat bamboo. keep that in mind. ─── 四川人可能听说过熊猫偷吃农民家的羊的事情?

27、The omnivorous White-Headed Weng has already gradually invaded the territory of the Wu-T'ou Weng. ─── 杂食性的白头翁已逐渐入侵乌头翁的领域。

28、Not only are humans omnivorous, they have also shown remarkable ingenuity in identifying and preparing nutritious foods out of unpromising materials. ─── 不仅是人类的杂食性,他们也表现出非凡的聪明才智在确定和准备营养食品的不利材料。

29、For the balance food chain has been first broken among herbivorous because of pollution, and this even brought on some of the carnivorous' or omnivorous' extinction indirectly. ─── 因为污染,生物链在食草动物首先中被破坏,这种情况间接甚至导致了食肉动物和杂食动物的灭绝。

30、omnivorous habit ─── 杂食性

31、The spines of the omnivorous pencil-spined urchin (Eucidaris thouarsii) extend outward from its body. There are some 700 species of sea urchins worldwide. ─── 意译:海胆类:在自然界模式。这个脊骨的杂食的铅笔-有刺的海胆从它的身体延伸向外。全世界约有700种类的海胆。

32、Ma has been referred to as " omnivorous " by critics, and possesses a more eclectic repertoire than is typical for classical musicians. ─── 马被批评家称为“无所不吸收的”,有许多比古典音乐家更折衷的典型曲目。

33、Silvereyes are omnivorous but have a particular fondness for fruit. ─── 灰胸绣眼鸟是杂食性的但是尤其喜爱食用植物的果实。

34、He is omnivorous of books. ─── 他什麽书都读。

35、Studies on food niches of omnivorous fishes in the Gehu Lake ─── 滆湖杂食性鱼类食物生态位的研究

36、Human beings are omnivorous animals , but vegetables and fruits do not contain all the nutrition we should take to live a healthy life . ─── 人类是杂食动物,但是蔬菜水果并不包含我们拥有健康所需的全部营养。

37、Any omnivorous aquatic turtle of the family Emydidae, especially the diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin). ─── 水龟科杂食性水生龟的统称,尤指菱纹背水龟(M. terrapin)。

38、She has a wide interest and is an omnivorous reader. ─── 她“兴趣广”这一上文和被修饰的reader一词,可大概判断omnivorous具有“兴趣广、什么书都喜欢读”等含义。

39、omnivorous character ─── 杂食动物

40、Ma has been referred to as “omnivorous” by critics, and possesses a more eclectic repertoire than is typical for classical musicians. ─── 马被批评家称为“无所不吸收的”, 有许多比古典音乐家更折衷的典型曲目。

41、But cats are from the noble lineage Carnivora and, unlike some of its lesser members, such as omnivorous bears or, even more appalling, herbivorous pandas, they exclusively eat meat. ─── 因为甜味是富含碳水化合物的标志,对食草动物和人类这样的杂食动物而言,碳水化合物都是一个重要的能量来源。

42、omnivorous fish ─── 杂食性鱼类

43、* Some animals, including humans, are omnivorous and eat both meat and vegetables; ─── *一些动物,包括人类,是杂食性,吃两个肉类和蔬菜;

44、An omnivorous person or animal ─── 杂食动物或杂食的人

45、She has always been an omnivorous reader. ─── 她一向阅读兴趣广泛。

46、It was an omnivorous grazer, sweeping up drifting fish, jellyfish and dead carrion as well as plants. ─── 它是一种什么都吃的动物,清扫漂浮的鱼、水母、腐肉和植物。

47、omnivore omnivorous animal ─── 多食性动物

48、an omnivorous diet/animal ─── 荤素都有的饮食;杂食动物

49、I am an omnivorous reader.I read all kinds of books. ─── 我是个无所不读的读者,我各种书都看。

50、And many other crustaceans like crabs usually Omnivorous, more food rot. ─── 与许多其他甲壳动物一样,蟹类通常为杂食性,多食腐。

51、omnivorous dentition ─── 杂食牙系

52、omnivorous insect ─── 杂食性昆虫

53、massive plantigrade carnivorous or omnivorous mammals with long shaggy coats and strong claws ─── 结实的食肉或杂食性跖行哺乳动物,皮毛长而粗糙,爪有力

54、Some animals, including human beings, are omnivorous and eat both meat and vegetables; others are either carnivorous or herbivorous. ─── 包括人在内的一些动物是杂食动物,既吃肉类,也吃蔬菜;而其它动物则或是食肉动物,或是食草动物。

55、Human beings are omnivorous animals, but vegetables and fruits do not contain all the nutrition we should take to live a healthy life. ─── 人类是杂食动物,总吃蔬菜水果诚然可以填饱肚子,但没有动物肉又何以做到营养全面?

56、The carp has widely takes in food ability, is the omnivorous habit fish. ─── 鲫鱼有着广泛的摄食能力,属杂食性鱼类。

57、They are omnivorous, eating anything available including insects, small animals, fallen fruits and vegies. ─── 它们是随处吃任何可以吃的东西,包括昆虫, 小型动物, 树上掉下的水果和植物。

58、Stratified Charge Omnivorous Rotary Engine ─── 分层负荷的多用旋转发动机

59、May divide into according to turtle's culinary the turtle the animalistic turtle, the vegetative turtle, the omnivorous habit turtle 3 kinds. ─── 按龟的食物性可将龟分为动物性龟、植物性龟、杂食性龟3种。

60、an inquiring, omnivorous mind ─── 一个喜爱探究一切的头脑

61、This type of tiger subsists on herbivorous and omnivorous mammals living in cool temperate zones.The Amur tiger mainly targets wild boars, roe deer, and other deer. ─── 这种虎总是单独跟随在寒温带草食、杂食哺乳动物群后面,终年在森林中游荡;

62、The eclectic, omnivorous diets of people in China meant there were few unwanted, inexpensive chicken parts for the crocodiles, which meant feeding them expensive breasts. ─── 在中国,人们什么都吃的饮食习惯导致没有太多鸡身上的某些部分没人要或者很便宜来喂鳄鱼,这也就意味着不得不喂鳄鱼们昂贵的鸡胸肉。

63、Any of several omnivorous, burrowing, edentate mammals(family Dasypodidae), native to southern North America and South America and characterized by an armorlike covering consisting of jointed, bony plates. ─── 犰狳一种杂食性的,掘河隐居的贫齿目哺乳动物(犰狳科),生于北美洲南部和南美洲,特征为全身有连续的,角质鳞片组成的盔甲状保护层

64、Shui Qigui kind of feeding habits are generally an omnivorous habit, like turtle, Huang Houni terrapin and so on; ─── 水栖龟类的食性一般为杂食性,如乌龟、黄喉拟水龟等;

65、an omnivorous reader ─── 博览群书的人

66、They are stout-bodied short-legged omnivorous animals. ─── 它们是身体矮胖、腿短的杂食性动物。

67、2, Recovery of the populations of herbivore and omnivorous mammals there, espacially wild boars. ─── 2、必须在放归地区恢复草食、杂食哺乳动物野生群。主要是野猪群。

68、raccoon-like omnivorous mammal of Mexico and the southwestern United States having a long bushy tail with black and white rings ─── 墨西哥和美国西南部形似浣熊的杂食性哺乳动物,长而多毛的尾巴上有黑色和白色的环

69、Human teeth are omnivorous in design, yet more closely resemble primate teeth whose possessors live largely on fruit and plants. ─── 人类牙齿的设计属杂食,但更类似于主要以水果和植物为食的灵长类牙齿。

70、any of four species of omnivorous mammals of the genera Nasua or Nasuella of South and Central America and the southwest United States,related to and resembling the raccoon but having a longer snout and tail ─── 长鼻浣熊,杂食性的四种豿属或浣熊属的哺乳动物之一,产于南美洲和中美洲以及美国西南部,与浣熊有关且类似,但有更长的口鼻部和尾

71、omnivorous ant of tropical and subtropical America that can inflict a painful sting. ─── 美国热带和亚热带地区的杂食性蚂蚁,被其叮咬会引起疼痛。

72、To be omnivorous is one pole of true love; to be exclusive is the other ─── 真正的爱情,一极是吸收一切,一极是排斥一切。

73、Any of various usually omnivorous mammals of the family Ursidae that have a shaggy coat and a short tail and walk with the entire lower surface of the foot touching the ground. ─── 熊一种通常具危险的熊科哺乳动物,有浓密的毛发和短尾巴,行走时脚的较低表面触地

74、Adults are omnivorous and feed on aquatic vertebrates, invertebrates such as snails, clams and shrimp, and algae (Ref. 36739). ─── 成鱼是杂食性的而且吃水生的脊椎动物无脊椎动物例如蜗牛,蛤与虾 , 与藻类。

75、omnivorous ant of tropical and subtropical America that can inflict a painful sting ─── 美国热带和亚热带地区的杂食性蚂蚁,被其叮咬会引起疼痛

76、Man is an omnivorous animal ─── 人是肉类与蔬菜均食用的动物。

77、An omnivorous reader in his youth, he came in time under the influence of both confucianism and Taoism. He was a good swordsman too ─── 少年时代博览群书,接受儒、道两家的思想,还学过剑术。

78、But Huang Yuanhe the turtle, Huang Ehe the turtle is actually an omnivorous habit. ─── 而黄缘盒龟、黄额盒龟却是杂食性。

79、Cat food are omnivorous, love fish and lean lean, if throw a fruit or vegetables to it, like a sniff sniff it only then went away. ─── 猫吃的是杂食,最爱鱼和瘦肉,倘若扔一个水果或蔬菜之类的给它,它只是嗅一嗅便走开了。

80、stout-bodied short-legged omnivorous animals. ─── 身体矮胖、腿短的杂食性动物。

81、Any of four species of omnivorous mammals of the genera Nasua or Nasuella of South and Central America and the southwest United States, related to and resembling the raccoon but having a longer snout and tail. ─── 长鼻浣熊杂食性的四种豿属或浣熊属的哺乳动物之一,产于南美洲和中美洲以及美国西南部,与浣熊有关且类似,但有更长的口鼻部和尾

82、Snakes are omnivorous animals. ─── 蛇是一种杂食动物。

83、omnivorous animal ─── 杂食性动物

84、slow-moving omnivorous nocturnal primates of tropical Asia; usually tailless. ─── 亚洲热带地区夜间缓行杂食灵长类动物;通常无尾。

85、The Use of Omnivorous Mirids for Biological Control of Pests ─── 杂食性盲蝽在生物防治上的应用

86、omnivorous leaf tier ─── 杂食卷叶蛾

87、Like most of the omnivorous animals, they hibernated only after storing enough energy. ─── 跟大多数杂食性动物,它们只在储存了足够的能量后才冬眠。

88、Mao was an accomplished scholar of Classical Chinese, an omnivorous reader, a deep student of philosophy and history. ─── 毛泽东还是一个精通中国旧学的有成就的学者,他博览群书,对哲学和历史有深入的研究。

89、Some animals,including human beings,are omnivorous and eat both meat and vegetables;others are either carnivorous or herbivorous. ─── 包括人在内的一些动物是杂食动物,既吃肉类,也吃蔬菜;而其它动物则或是食肉动物,或是食草动物.

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