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09-05 投稿



punctuality 发音

英:[?p??kt?u??l?ti]  美:[?p??kt?u??l?ti]

英:  美:

punctuality 中文意思翻译



punctuality 网络释义

n. 严守时间;正确;规矩

punctuality 同义词

timekeeping | regularity |promptness | reliability

punctuality 短语词组

1、levels of punctuality ─── 准时程度

2、punctuality pays ─── 守时是值得的

punctuality 反义词


punctuality 词性/词形变化,punctuality变形

副词: punctually |名词: punctuality |

punctuality 相似词语短语

1、punctual ─── adj.准时的,守时的;精确的

2、punctualists ─── 守时者

3、punctually ─── adv.准时地,如期地

4、factuality ─── n.实在性;事实性

5、mutuality ─── n.相互关系,相关;亲密

6、actuality ─── n.现状;现实;事实

7、punctuate ─── vt.不时打断;强调;加标点于;vi.加标点

8、punctualist ─── 守时者

9、unpunctuality ─── n.不守时

punctuality 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You are punctual for a wonder. ─── 你居然准时到,真让人想不到。

2、Because people are very punctual. ─── 因为人们都是守时的。

3、He falls short in a number of respects in punctuality, in courtesy, and in attention to his work. ─── 他在守时、礼貌和专心工作等几方面都有不足之处。

4、He was punctual to the minute. ─── 他非常守时。

5、He is a person who is punctual to the minute. ─── 他是一个非常守时的人。

6、She asked us a question about punctuality. ─── 关于准时的问题。下面是他的提问。

7、Being neurotic about punctuality,they begin(and end)meetings exactly when scheduled. ─── 他们十分讲究准时,完全按时开会和散会。

8、Not being punctual is his greatest shortcoming. ─── 不守时间是他的最大缺点。

9、The buyer demanded punctual shipment of 10 000 m.t.Phosphate Rock. ─── 买方要求1万公吨的磷酸岩如期装运。

10、His habit of punctuality has not changed since he was eight years old. ─── 他守时的习惯自八岁以来一直没改。

11、Should a chauffeur always be punctual? B: Yes, a chauffeur must be punctual. ─── 司机应该守时吗?是的,司机必须要守时。

12、B: He isn't a punctual person. We may have to wait for a little while. ─── 他不是个准时的人。我们可能得等一会儿。

13、His idea be that we be punctual . ─── 他的意见是我们要准时。

14、Punctual as a clock, he works like a galleyslave at his lectures. ─── 像时钟一样准时的他,讲起课来如同船上的奴工。

15、He is always late on principle, his principle is that punctuality be the thief of time. ─── 原则上他一向迟到,他的原则就是认为守侯等于浪费时间。

16、He's always punctual, and I'm always late. ─── 他总是很准时,我总迟到。

17、In this sort of situation it's tempting to try to get your friend to shift to the punctuality equilibrium. ─── 在这种情况下,试图让你朋友转向准时的均衡状态,似乎是有吸引力的。

18、The author believes that relaxing the rule of punctuality in factories would lead to great confusion. ─── 作者认为,放松工厂的守时规则会导致极大的混乱。

19、Two o'clock on the dot!How's that for punctuality! ─── 两点整!够守时吧!

20、It is important to be punctual . ─── 准时很重要。

21、He is always punctual as the Big Ben. ─── 他总是守时如大本钟。

22、Please be punctual in future. ─── 今後请准时.

23、He gave the child a lecture on the importance of punctuality. ─── 他教训孩子们严守时间的重要性。

24、A clerk worked very hard and was usually very punctual. ─── 一位职员工作十分努力上班总是十分准时。

25、You are a very punctual man. ─── 你是一个十分守时的人。

26、Don't make a merit of being punctual - - it's only what we expect of you. ─── 你不要以为准时就该受表扬,这只不过是你应该做的而已。

27、A punctual missionary is more likely to be successful. ─── 一个准时的传教士比较会成功。

28、He was always late on principle, his principle being that punctuality is the thief of time. ─── 原则上他一向迟到,他的原则就是认为守候等于浪费时间。

29、They place a high value on punctuality. ─── 他们对守时极为重视。

30、The most lovable and hateful thing in him is his punctuality. ─── 他这个人最可爱和最可恨的一点都是他的守时。

31、The farmer promised to be punctual to his appointment. ─── 农民答应按约定好的时刻准时到来。

32、The Chinese are always punctual. ─── 中国人历来是十分守时的。

33、Punctual people always make a point of being a little early. ─── 准时的人总是有意识地稍微早一点儿。

34、To ensure punctuality , this barrier may be closed up to one minute prior to departure of each train . ─── 为确保准时发车,此门在发车前一分钟关闭。

35、You'd better arrive 15 minutes before the interview because many companies lay great stress on punctuality. ─── 你最好在面试前15分钟到达,因为很多公司非常重视守时。

36、Hes very punctual always arrives on the dot. ─── 中文:他很守时--总是按时到.

37、The nightmares appeared to him with celestial punctuality every single night he spent in the squadron . ─── 他睡在中队里的每个晚上,恶梦总象日月星辰运转那样准时地找上他来。

38、The nightmares appeared to him with celestial punctuality every single night he spent in the squadron. ─── 他睡在中队里的每个晚上,恶梦总象日月星辰运转那样准时地找上他来。

39、The aim of the company is punctuality, professional and devotion. ─── 公司拥有一批业务素质高,责任心强,经验丰富,敬业爱岗的员工。

40、Punctuality is a necessary habit in all public affairs of a civilized society. ─── 准时是文明社会各项公共事务中一个必不可少的习惯。

41、Please be punctual in futurity. ─── 今后请准时。

42、Punctual delivery is vital to us. ─── 准时交货对我们而言是至关重要的。

43、You should be more punctual. ─── 你该更守时些。

44、High-quality service consists in punctuality, reliability and regularity. ─── 优质服务主要体现在准时,可靠和规范。

45、You should be punctual for appointments. ─── 你应该准时赴约。

46、His punctuality has become proverbial. ─── 他的准时,众所周知。

47、Punctuality may not assure success but tardiness guarantees failure. ─── 准时的人未必成功,但不准时的人一定失败。

48、He likes his guests to is punctual. ─── 他喜欢客人守时.

49、Punctuality is a necessary habit in all public affairs in civilized society. ─── 准时是文明社会中进行一切社交活动时必须养成的习惯。

50、You are late again. Be punctual! ─── 你又迟到了。要严格遵守时间。

51、You might try to be a little more punctual in future. ─── 以后你可以稍微准时一点儿。

52、They're very hot on punctuality at work. ─── 他们很重视工作守时。

53、Punctuality is a virtue that shall be practised by those who will succeed in life. ─── 准时应该是那些生活成功人士所遵循的一个美德。

54、How's that for punctuality? ─── 你对遵守时间有什麽看法?

55、Besides being on the up-and-up, punctuality is always something he prides himself in. ─── 他除了自已光明磊落,真诚可靠外,还常以遵守时刻,引以自傲。

56、To be punctual in covering all hearings, meetings, and conferences. ─── 准时进行所有的聆审和会议.

57、He was dismissed,because he had been warned to be punctual but was late again. ─── 他被解雇了,因为他不听规劝要严守时刻,又迟到了。

58、The group of mostly retired Chinese is led by an elderly gentleman who mixes strict punctuality with a certain eastern mysticism. ─── 这群人大多数是退休的中国人,牵头的是一位老先生,他把严格的时间规定和某种东方神秘色彩结合在了一起。

59、He's becoming more and more obsessive about punctuality. ─── 他对守时要求越来越过分了。

60、He is not a particularly punctual person; punctual payment. ─── 他不是一个特别准时的人。

61、He is punctual to a proverb. ─── 他严守时间是人所共知的。

62、To ensure punctuality, this barrier may be closed up to one minute prior to departure of each train. ─── 为确保准时发车,此门在发车前一分钟关闭。

63、Why wasn't the meeting punctual to start? ─── 会议为什么没有准时开始?

64、Punctuality is an important constituent of good character. ─── 准时是优良品格的一个重要成分。

65、You may rely upon it that he will be punctual. ─── 你可以放心,他会准时到的。

66、The person who is usually punctual is seldom late. ─── 一个通常准时的人很少迟到。

67、A: Should a chauffeur always be punctual? ─── 司机应该守时吗?

68、Are you punctual and people can usually rely on you to be on time? ─── 你是否很守时而且人们通常可以确定你会准时?

69、It goes without saying that punctuality is utmost importance in our hectic daily lives. ─── 不用说,在繁忙的日常生活中守时是极为重要的。

70、He reminded me to be punctual. ─── 他提醒我要准时。

71、He's very punctual always arrives on the dot. ─── 他很守时--总是按时到。

72、He is always punctual for appointments. ─── 他总是准时赴约。

73、C. Both of you are equally punctual. ─── 你们俩人都同样准时。

74、He stressed the point that we must be punctual. ─── 他强调我们必须准时。

75、He's been taken to task for his habitual lack of punctuality. ─── 他因为经常不准时而受到批评。

76、He piqued himself on being punctual. ─── 他为自己守时而感到自豪。

77、A punctual person always finishes everything ahead of time. ─── 一个守时的人总是把事情提前做好。

78、He is becoming more and more obsessive about punctuality. ─── 他对守时要求越来越过分了。

79、He was emphatic about the importance of being punctual. ─── 他强调严守时间的重要性。

80、She said bitterly to me that this was as bad as being praised for punctuality. ─── 她忿忿地对我说,这就跟被称赞守时一样糟糕。

81、To be punctual for all scheduled classes. ─── 准时上课。

82、He stressed the point that we should be punctual. ─── 他强调的一点是我们必须准时。

83、He was asked to be punctual in payment of his rent. ─── 他被要求准时付租金。

84、His punctuality is a proverb. ─── 他严守时间是有名的。

85、He is always punctual, he will arrive as he promised. ─── 他一向很准时,一定会如约到达的。

86、His idea is that we are punctual. ─── 他的意见是我们要准时

87、He likes his guests to be punctual. ─── 他喜欢客人守时。

88、He was active and punctual, which made him more of a New Englander. ─── 他这个人又活泼,又守时,这就使他更像一个新英格兰人。

89、He gave read the child a lecture on the importance of punctuality. ─── 他对那个孩子训话遵守时间的重要。

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