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09-05 投稿



grayling 发音

英:[?ɡre?l??]  美:[?ɡre?l??]

英:  美:

grayling 中文意思翻译



grayling 网络释义

n. 眼蝶;河鳟;褐色蝶类

grayling 短语词组

1、Woodland Grayling ─── 伍德兰·格雷林

grayling 词性/词形变化,grayling变形


grayling 相似词语短语

1、strayling ─── 箭头

2、gealing ─── 亮度

3、grabbling ─── vi.搜索;爬;匍匐;vt.抓住

4、grappling ─── n.擒拿;探线;锚定;v.抓钩;扭打;握牢(grapple的ing形式)

5、gabling ─── n.三角墙,山墙;(坡顶墙的)三角形建筑部分;三角形顶棚;三角形饰物;n.(Gable)(美、英、法、加拿大)加布勒(人名)

6、gaoling ─── n.监狱,监禁(同jail);v.把……投入监狱,监禁(同jail);n.(Gaol)(美、印)高娅乐(人名)

7、graying ─── n.泛灰色;v.使成灰色(gray的ing形式)

8、graveling ─── n.碎石;砂砾;vt.用碎石铺;使船搁浅在沙滩上;使困惑;n.(Gravel)人名;(英、法、西)格拉韦尔

9、graylings ─── n.茴鱼,河鳟;鳟眼蝶,褐色蝶类

grayling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、One of the lakes along the trail abounds in grayling, surface feeders with long dorsal fins. ─── 这个小径旁的湖里有很多茴鱼。茴鱼是一种背鳍很长的水面食客。

2、Chris Grayling, the employment minister, said the figures showed the importance of keeping the UK economy growing. ─── 英国就业部长克里斯·格雷灵(ChrisGrayling)表示,这个数字说明了保持英国经济增长的重要性

3、Mr Grayling accepts that some legislative powers may be necessary to counter specific threats. ─── 格雷林承认为了对抗特定的威胁,某些立法权力可能是必要的;

4、A water lily carpeted pond edges Grayling Lake Trail, north of Seward, Alaska. One of the lakes along the trail abounds in grayling, surface feeders with long dorsal fins. ─── 满塘的睡莲点缀着阿拉斯加斯沃德北部的格雷林湖小径边缘。格雷林湖是小径沿道的湖泊之一,盛产河鳟鱼,一种长背鳍的浮食鱼类。

5、Chris Grayling, shadow home secretary, said he had fears about the abuse of the data. ─── 影子内政大臣Chris Grayling说,他担心数据会被滥用。

6、"A water lily carpeted pond edges Grayling Lake Trail, north of Seward, Alaska. ─── 在阿拉斯加苏厄德北部的格雷林湖的小径旁,有一处开满了荷花的池塘。

7、Woodland Grayling ─── 白斑蛇目蝶(蛱蝶科)

8、Grayling is far less sanguine. ─── C.格雷林可远没有这般乐观。

9、One of the lakes along the trail abounds in grayling, surface feeders with long dorsal fins. ─── 这个小径旁的湖里有很多茴鱼。茴鱼是一种背鳍很长的水面食客。

10、Amur grayling ─── 黑龙江茴鱼

11、Mr Grayling accepts that some legislative powers may be necessary to counter specific threats. ─── 格雷林承认为了对抗特定的威胁,某些立法权力可能是必要的;

12、But whereas Mr Grayling does not exaggerate the threats to liberty, he makes too little of the growing resistance to them. ─── 但是,虽然格雷林并未夸大自由面临的威胁,但他却对这种威胁受到的、不断增长的抵抗语焉不详。

13、This is extremely worrying and the sign that the system has gone wrong," Grayling said today. ─── 这表明我们的整个系统出了问题,这点让人十分担心。”格雷林今天说。

14、"A water lily carpeted pond edges Grayling Lake Trail, north of Seward, Alaska. One of the lakes along the trail abounds in grayling, surface feeders with long dorsal fins." ─── 这是阿拉斯加的一个鳟鱼湖沿线的一个莲花池。有的池中有大量的鳟鱼,它们会浮出水面捕食。

15、Grayling Michigan Regional Chamber of Commerce - Serves businesses in the City of Grayling, Village of Frederic, Village of Lovells, and Crawford County. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

16、Chris Grayling, his Tory opposite number, quickly responded with a chilling promise to confiscate the bicycles of bad teenagers. ─── 他的托利党(Tory)竞选对手克里斯.格雷林(ChrisGraying)迅速以一个吓人的承诺作为回应,即没收不良青年的自行车。

17、Mr Grayling says that people who think differently must either lump it or go and live somewhere else. ─── 格雷林指出,对此问题有不同看法者,必须在勉强接受与远走他乡之间做出选择。

18、Chris Grayling, the new shadow home secretary, has made manly noises about wanting “fewer rights, more wrongs”. ─── 部长们将回应右翼势力有关移民问题的说辞,而不是完全否认他们的说法,这一点不足为奇并让人感到可悲;

19、Photo Gallery: Alaska A water lily-carpeted pond edges Grayling Lake Trail, north of Seward, Alaska. ─── 意译:阿拉斯加图片画廊。睡莲在毛毯池塘边格雷林湖小径,北部苏厄德,美国的阿拉斯加。

20、Mr Grayling's book is the latest reminder of why it must not flag. ─── 反击已经开始,格雷林的著作是对这一攻势为何不能减弱的最新提醒。

21、water lily-carpeted pond edges grayling lake trail, north of Seward, Alaska. One of the lakes along the trail abounds in grayling, surface feeders with long dorsal fins. ─── 阿拉斯加图片。睡莲-地毯池塘边缘格雷林湖小径,在苏厄德以北,阿拉斯加。其中之一的湖沿着小径盛产河鳟,游水觅食的鸭和长背鳍鱼。

22、Fishing for grayling in Norwegian lakes has caused a similar pattern in these fish. ─── 在挪威捕河鳟也导致这种鱼类也带来同样的变化。

23、Photo of the Day: Exquisite Earth "A water lily carpeted pond edges Grayling Lake Trail, north of Seward, Alaska. ─── " 意译:每日一图:绝妙的地球。“一群水百合地毯池塘边缘褐色蝶类湖的踪迹,北部的苏厄德,阿拉斯加。

24、Mr Grayling said: "The Prime Minister appears to have used the Queen's Flight for the majority of his holidays over the years. ─── 格雷林说:“在过去几年里,首相在节假日出游似乎都在使用女王的专机。

25、Above all, Mr Grayling seeks to uphold the values of the Enlightenment, of which the most important is freedom of speech, the freedom that supports all other freedoms. ─── 首要的是,格雷林试图维护启蒙运动的价值,其中最重要的便是支撑起其它所有自由的言论自由。

26、Grayling's faux pas, his violation of politically approved etiquette, was not an isolated example. ─── 葛瑞林的失礼,他对于政治正确礼仪的冒犯,绝不是一个孤立的例子。

27、Chris Grayling, his Tory opposite number , quickly responded with a chilling promise to confiscate the bicycles of bad teenagers. ─── 其保守党对手克里斯·格雷林迅速回应以没收不良少年单车的嘲讽。

28、A water lily-carpeted pond edges Grayling Lake Trail, north of Seward, Alaska. One of the lakes along the trail abounds in grayling, surface feeders with long dorsal fins. ─── 意译:阿拉斯加图片画廊。睡莲在毛毯池塘边格雷林湖小径,北部苏厄德,美国的阿拉斯加。一个湖泊沿古道在格雷林比比皆是,湖表面饲料用于喂养长背鳍鱼。

29、mountain whitefish;Arctic grayling;lake sturgeon; ─── 射杀以下种类的鱼trout;

30、grayling | satyr ─── 眼蝶

31、Arctic grayling ─── 北极茴鱼

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