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09-05 投稿


extinguishing 发音

英:[?k?st??ɡw????]  美:[?k?st??ɡw????]

英:  美:

extinguishing 中文意思翻译



extinguishing 词性/词形变化,extinguishing变形

动词现在分词: extinguishing |名词: extinguishment |形容词: extinguishable |动词过去式: extinguished |动词过去分词: extinguished |动词第三人称单数: extinguishes |

extinguishing 同义词

destroy | take away | carry off | quell | eradicate | eliminate | exterminate | stub out | annihilate | put | smother | decimate | terminate | out | suppress | outshine | obscure | get rid of | end | crush | put out | eclipse | crush out | press out | damp | overshadow | surpass | douse | show up | do away with | snuff | blow out | wipe out | snuff out |quench

extinguishing 短语词组

1、fire extinguishing apparatus ─── 灭火设备

2、fire extinguishing tube ─── 灭火管

3、extinguishing medium ─── 灭火药剂

4、fire extinguishing agent ─── [化] 灭火剂

5、extinguishing pulse ─── 熄火[消除]脉冲

6、fire extinguishing bomb ─── [化] 灭火弹

7、fire extinguishing appliance ─── 灭火设备

8、extinguishing product ─── 灭火产品

9、fire extinguishing equipment ─── 消防设备灭火设备

10、fire-extinguishing plant ─── 灭火装置

11、fire extinguishing pump ─── [化] 消防用泵

12、extinguishing coefficient ─── 消光系数,衰减系数

13、extinguishing vapour ─── 灭火蒸气

14、fire-extinguishing equipment ─── 灭火设备消防设备

15、extinguishing mechanism ─── 灭火机构

16、self-extinguishing ─── [化] 自动灭火

17、fire-extinguishing ─── 灭火

18、extinguishing inhibition ─── 灭火抑制

19、fire-extinguishing foam ─── 泡沫灭火剂

extinguishing 反义词

kindle | light |ignite

extinguishing 相似词语短语

1、extinguishment ─── n.熄灭;消灭;失效;偿清

2、extinguished ─── adj.熄灭的;灭绝的;v.熄灭;灭绝(extinguish的过去分词)

3、extinguishes ─── vt.熄灭;压制;偿清

4、extinguish ─── vt.熄灭;压制;偿清

5、extinguishants ─── n.灭火剂

6、extinguisher ─── n.灭火器;消灭者;熄灭者

7、distinguishing ─── adj.有区别的;v.区别;表现突出(distinguish的ing形式)

8、extinguishant ─── n.灭火剂

9、extinguishers ─── n.[安全]灭火器(extinguisher的复数);灭火者

extinguishing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Safety: To ensure sufficient fire extinguishing equipment and first-aid materials. ─── 安全:确保拥有足够的灭火设备及紧急急救箱。

2、Researchers have previously shown that damage to the insula can dramatically extinguish a smoker's need for nicotine. ─── 岛叶皮质是大脑深层负责过滤身体的生理状态和需求的区域。科学家在之前的研究中曾发现破坏岛叶皮质会极大降低吸烟者对于尼古丁的需求。

3、To extinguish or conceal all lights that might help enemy aircraft find a target during an air raid. ─── 在空袭中熄灭所有可能帮助敌机寻找目标的灯火。

4、The fire extinguishing measures adopted in coal mining area are introduced.It has made good result. ─── 介绍了单一煤层采区发火时采用的灭火措施并收到了良好的效果。

5、If ignition takes place at the source of the leak, do not try to extinguish the flame unless the supply of flammable gas can be stopped. ─── 如果泄漏的源头起火,除非能够切断易燃气体供应,否则不要试图灭火。

6、Extinguishing a fire without eliminating the flammable gas supply can result in an accumulation of the gas and a possible explosion. ─── 没有切断易燃气体供应而灭火可能导致气体的积累和可能的爆炸。

7、But rather than extinguishing the magnetic field completely, the reversed flux patches created a weak field with a complex mix of polarities during the transition. ─── 但在过渡期间,这些反向通量斑块并不会完全消除磁场,而是形成一个综合了复杂极性的微弱磁场。

8、Please extinguish your cigarette when the 'no smoking ' signs lights up . ─── 当"禁止吸烟"的指示灯亮时,请您熄灭香烟。

9、Sprinkler systems or fire protection water should be used only to cool cylinders, not to extinguish the fire. ─── 喷淋系统或消防用水只能用来冷却钢瓶,不能用来灭火。

10、Carbon dioxide is nonflammable and is an extinguishing agent for Class B &C fires. ─── 二氧化碳是不可燃的,它是用于B类或C类火灾的灭火剂。

11、There isn't enough darkness in the world to extinguish the light from one small candle. ─── 世界上的黑暗尚不足以吹熄一跟蜡烛的光芒。

12、Kindle not a fire that you cannot extinguish. ─── 不能熄火休点火。

13、Allow wood to burn completely to ash.Put out fires with water, not dirt.Dirt may not completely extinguish the fire. ─── 尽量让木材充分燃烧成灰壮,用水而不是用灰土熄灭火种,灰土也许不能完全扑灭它而留下残火。

14、The laboratorytests showed that they are good for extinguishing spontaneous combustion of wasteheap when they are in proper proportion. ─── 实验室试验表明,在一定的配比下它们具有良好的阻燃性。

15、It is found that during the vacuum chamber extinguishing courses,a great deal of X-radiation are released from the vacuum interrupter. ─── 一般认为,在进行真空灭弧室的出厂耐压试验时不会产生危及人体健康的X射线,但这忽略了两个非常重要的因素,即过小的开距和较高的外施电压。

16、The self-igniting characteristic of ore and the fire extinguishing method that uses watery grout in Tongshan Copper Mine are presented. ─── 介绍了铜山铜矿矿石自燃发火特征及用稀水泥浆阻燃灭火的方法。

17、the function of each fire extinguishing system in a fire disaster shall be confirmed through fire characterization design. ─── 即通过消防性能化的设计来确认各灭火系统在火灾中的作用。

18、To extinguish(a fire, for example) by cutting off air. ─── 封火,灭火通过隔绝空气来熄灭(如火等)

19、Nothing can extinguish his faith in human nature. ─── 什么都不能破坏他对人类本性的信仰。

20、The lighting and extinguishing of the Olympic Flame symbolizes the opening and closing of the Olympics. ─── 奥运圣火的点燃与熄灭象征着奥运会的开幕与闭幕。

21、It closed over her forehead like nightfall extinguishing the western glow. ─── 它掩映在她的额上,好象苍冥的暮色,笼罩着西方的晚霞一样。

22、But who can describe the thousand means of extinguishing the moccoletto? ─── 但谁能列举出那成千上万种熄灭长生烛的方法呢?

23、"That night a memorable event occurred, due, no doubt, to the imprudence of some servant who had neglected to extinguish the lights. ─── “那天夜里发生了一件很大的意外事故,无疑的是由于某个仆人的疏忽,没有把灯熄灭而引起的。

24、The reason is that it was believed black represented water then and could extinguish fire. ─── 只有故宫的皇家图书馆---文渊阁的屋顶是黑色的。

25、His behaviour extinguish the last trace of affection she have for him. ─── 他的这种行为使她对他的最後一丝爱慕之情荡然无存。

26、A wind shrieked through the chamber, flattening and extinguishing the torches. ─── 一阵风尖叫着穿过房间,把火把的火焰压平、熄灭。

27、Extinguish yourself at her feet, my heart. ─── 停息吧,你的心,仆伏在她脚前,

28、Bangladeshi firefighters and citizens tried to extinguish a fire in the capital, Dhaka. ─── 孟加拉国,达卡:孟加拉国的消防员和民众正试图扑灭大火.

29、She deliberately tried to extinguish that light in her eyes, but it shone despite of her in her faint smile. ─── 她有意想把她眼睛中的光芒熄灭掉,然而那光芒却事与愿违地又在她隐隐的笑容中闪露出来。

30、Coup d: pyrotechnics, ash or extinguish the burning of the matches, and so, sometimes in the left Qiaogen furniture finish. ─── 妙招四:烟火、烟灰或未熄灭的火柴等燃烧物,有时会在家具漆面上留下焦痕。

31、Previous studies have shown that these receptors are involved in extinguishing unpleasant memories such as those related to fear. ─── 先前的研究指出这些受体参与消除不愉快的记忆,比如关于恐惧的记忆。

32、If you have a cookout, extinguish coals with water and discard them in a designated receptacle. ─── 如果你要进行野炊,请结束后用水熄灭煤炭,然后把它扔在指定的容器里。

33、Without using water or foam as extinguishing media, it is a kind of product has no pollution and frozen which exempts water supply and drainage design. ─── 不用水或泡沫等灭火介质,对环境和变压器无污染,不冻冰阻塞,免除了消防给排水设计及相关配套设施。

34、The paper introduces how to extinguishing fire of throughout shafts by the comprehensive direct fire-fighting methods. ─── 介绍采用"综合直接灭火法"处理穿层井筒自然火灾的方法、灭火实例及灭火效果。

35、Use extinguishing media suitable for the combustible materials involved in the fire. ─── 使用适用与着火的可燃材料的灭火介质。

36、You may extinguish a nation, But not the love of liBerty. ─── 你可以消灭一个国家, 但不能消灭对自由的热爱。

37、They tried to extinguish the flames. ─── 他们竭力要把火焰扑灭。

38、Heavy rain showers washed the battlefield during the early evening, extinguishing many of the 400 burning tank hulks that were arrayed in front of the German lines. ─── 在第二天清晨,暴雨冲刷着战场,熄灭了在德军阵地前燃烧的400辆坦克残骸。

39、It will unlock a range of associated Shell upstream projects and extinguish routine gas flaring in its Nigerian operations. ─── 它将带来与壳牌相关的一系列上游项目,并将消除尼日利亚工厂运营中常规气体的放空。

40、Heavy rain can't extinguish a warmly heart! ─── 大雨浇不灭一颗燥热的心!

41、Smoking is forbidden . Please extinguish your cigarettes. ─── 吸烟是禁止的,请你把烟熄掉。

42、A. Most individuals have no formal training in how to extinguish fires. ─── 大多数的人都没有受过灭火的正规培训。

43、I would appreciate it if you would extinguish your cigarettes in keeping with the solemnity of the occasion. ─── 为了能与这庄严的气氛相一致,如果你能熄灭香烟的话,我将很高兴。

44、Study the simulating method of trifluoromethane fire extinguishing system by a software. ─── 软件进行三氟甲烷灭火系统模拟方法的研究。

45、Products: Fixed Carbn Dioxide Fire Extinguishing Installation. ─── 产品:固定式二氧化碳灭火装置。

46、The success of single-phase auto-reclosure depends on the extinguish of secondary arc. ─── 单相自动重合闸能否成功很大程度上取决于潜供电弧是否快速熄灭。

47、The reason is simple: no degree of chilliness in the air can extinguish the book's incredible warmth and humour. ─── 原因很简单:空气中的寒意无法驱散书中那不可思议的激情和幽默。

48、With a fuel fire it is very easy to completely utilize all of the fire suppressant available on one truck, without extinguishing the fire. ─── 在燃料起火的情况下,有可能用完一卡车的灭火剂而不能控制火情。

49、Fixed firefighting systems - Components for gas extinguishing systems - Part 13: requirements and test methods for check valves and non-return valves. ─── 固定的消防系统。气体灭火系统用元件。第13部分:止回阀的要求和试验方法。

50、Use the Extinguishing Mixture near the eternal flame in the Alonsus Chapel to remove the Light's protection. Be prepared to fight anyone who may attempt to defend the chapel. ─── 在阿隆索斯小礼拜堂的永恒火焰旁边使用熄灭合剂来瓦解圣光的防护。准备好与任何试图保卫小礼拜堂的人战斗。

51、The fixed foam/gas fire extinguishing system is operational. ─── 固定式泡沫/气体灭火系统正常。

52、The under-liquid foam extinguishing system is safe,reliable and easy to put out a fire with a low cost, its defect is leakage in the check valve. ─── 与液上喷射泡沫灭火系统相比,液下喷射泡沫灭火系统具有安全可靠、灭火速度快、节省投资等优点,但却存在单向阀易渗漏问题。

53、Even the darknessof the whole world cannot extinguish the light of one smallcandle! ─── 全世界的黑暗也不能使一支小蜡烛失去光辉!

54、Boil over leads to the difficulty in extinguishing and controlling the crude oil tank fire. ─── 在原油储罐火灾中,沸溢的发生致使火灾事态难以控制和扑救。

55、Extinguish all smoking materials, flames, or other ignition sources in working or storage areas. ─── 在工作或贮存地方必须消除熄灭任何冒烟物质,火焰,或其他引火源。

56、A helicopter carries water to extinguish a wildfire burning close to El Arenal, Spain on July 30, 2009. ─── 一架载水扑灭大火燃烧近埃尔阿雷纳尔,西班牙在2009年7月30号。

57、Accounting or financial process of reducing an amount by periodic payments or write-downs. Refers to liquidation, writing off or extinguishing of a debt over a period of time. ─── 一种会计核算方法,即在一定时间内按照使用年限将固定资产、无形资产的成本分期折旧,逐渐减低应付的费用。例如,工厂资产的折旧、自然损耗的折旧。

58、A man tried to extinguish the "eternal flame" burning under the Arc de Triomphe by sitting on it. ─── 一位仁兄坐在凯旋门下的“永恒火焰”上,想要熄灭这把火焰。

59、If I am a torch without extinguishing, it is you that give me light of youth. ─── 假如我是不灭的火炬,那是您给了我青春的光亮!

60、New products manufactured by Xing hua Suo Long fire extinguishing agent Co. Ltd. ─── 兴化锁龙消防药剂有限公司新品简介。

61、What we need to do is to take effective measures to extinguish negative influence of the securities inv... ─── 因此必须采取有效措施,消除证券投资基金对证券市场的负面作用,促进证券市场健康、稳定的发展。

62、Then she quietly closed her phone, extinguishing the light. ─── 随后,她静静地关上手机,光线消失在黑夜中。

63、Perfect understanding will sometimes almost extinguish pleasure. ─── 完全的理解有时几乎会使乐趣消失.

64、To start or use a backfire in extinguishing or controlling a forest fire. ─── 在熄灭或控制森林大火蔓延中燃起或使用逆火。

65、P3-type,6 type foam fire extinguishing agent applicable to oil fields, airpoets and other oil fire and general fire solids. ─── 6型泡沫灭火剂可适用于油田,飞机场等油类火灾和一般固体物质火灾。

66、In auto mode, the fire extinguishing system can only be initiated after it receives either the temperature signal or fire accident signal. ─── 在自动状态下,灭火系统接收到温度或一氧化碳任意一路火灾信号后才能启动。

67、You have vandalized my heart, raped my soul and torched my conscience. You thought it was one pathetic, bored life you were extinguishing. ─── 你摧残了我的心,蹂躏我的灵魂,焚毁了我的良知。你以为熄灭的不过是一个可怜和无聊的生命。

68、Tending to extinguish or make extinct. ─── 使灭绝,使消亡趋于灭绝或使灭绝的

69、Safety: High flash point, flammable, without explosivity. Foam, dry powder, dry ice, steam and water can be used for extinguishing fire. ─── 安全性:闪点较高,可燃,爆炸性:无。着火时,用泡沫、干粉、干冰、蒸汽、水等灭火。

70、IPA drying prevention and CO2 automatic fire extinguishing devices. ─── IPA防燥及CO2自动灭火装置。

71、Merchantmen had to be content with extinguishing their cabin lights, muting the radios, and hoping for the best. ─── 商人们被迫熄灭他们的船舱灯光,实行无线电沉默,然后祈祷最好的运气。

72、The author considers that the way of resonance ground of arc extinguish coils is of a higher sensitivity for ground protection. ─── 作者认为,消弧线圈谐振接地方式有着较高的接地保护灵敏度。

73、Franz replied that he had left him at the moment they were about to extinguish the moccoli, and that he had lost sight of him in the Via Macello. ─── 弗兰兹回答说,他是在长生烛快熄灭的时候离开他的,后来就混到玛西罗街的人群里不见了。

74、One key application is extinguishing cockpit fires. ─── 一个主要的应用是扑灭驾驶舱的火焰。

75、Fractions, Decimals &Percents. Extinguish the flame with the right answers to fraction, percent and decimal problems. ─── 分数,小数及百分数:回答正确的答案,帮助熄灭火烧。

76、It would extinguish equality and opportunity. ─── 它将压制平等的机会。

77、The principle of arc-suppression coil with three phases and five columns,and theory of power frequency extinguishing arcing were introduced. ─── 介绍了三相五柱式消弧线圈的工作原理,单相电弧接地过电压的工频熄弧理论。

78、I would appreciate it if you would extinguish your cigarettes in keepingwith the solemnity of the occasion. ─── 为了能与这庄严的气氛相一致,如果你能熄灭香烟的话,我将很高兴。

79、You may extinguish a nation,but not the love of liberty. ─── 你可以消灭一个国家,但不能消灭对自由的热爱。

80、You have vandalized my heart, raped my soul and torched my conscience, you thought it was one pathetic boy's life you were extinguishing. ─── 你们摧残了我的心灵,强奸了我的灵魂、快速燃尽了我的良知。你们正在熄灭一个可悲男孩的生命。

81、It contains a fireproof lining to extinguish cigarettes and lock in odour. ─── 它还含有耐火内衬,以熄灭香烟,并锁定气味。

82、The two aims of the Party are to conquer the whole surface of the earth and to extinguish once and for all the possibility of independent thought. ─── 党有两个目的,一个是征服整个地球,一个是永远消灭独立思考的可能性。

83、FZN25 and FZRN25 series can realize one off operation of isolation clearance and are extinguishing chamber clearance. ─── FZRN25可实现隔离断口和灭弧室断口的一次性操作。

84、Forces of the Wyrm and the Weaver are gathering for the next assault to extinguish the dwindling tribe and defile the last of the Pure Lands. ─── 妖蛆和秩者的力量开始聚集,他们想毁灭正在衰亡的部族,污染最后一片纯洁的土地。

85、The extinguishing equipment can be placed directly in the protected areas, it is mobile, easy to install. ─── 可直接放置于防护区内,具有可移动,方便安装的特点。

86、Some have suggested that there was also water damage from the extinguishing of the fire. ─── 一些已经暗示了在灭火的过程中,也受到了水的破坏。

87、Lord, if we incite the prejudicial fire ashes, which exactly want to extinguish by your shedding life, please have mercy on us! ─── 主啊,若我们煽起了偏见的余烬,也就是你舍命为要将之熄灭的,求你怜悯我们吧!

88、It means trying to use a cup of water to extinguish a fire of cart. ─── 字面的解释就是用一杯水去救一车着了火的木材.

89、The fire vehicle driven by itself-probing extinguishing and fire fighting robot won many international prizes at Hongkong、Genevese、London,etc. ─── 企业自主研发的无人驾驶车-侦察灭火消防机器人获中国国家专利,并于2002年获香港、日内瓦、英国伦敦、世界尤里卡国防发明博览会奖等多个国际奖项。





freak [fri?k]



bizarre [b??zɑ:(r)]

看过《生活大爆炸》的小伙伴应该很熟悉这个单词,它的意思类似于weird,比如说怪异的举动,可以表达为bizarre behaviour

abnormal [?b?n??ml]






Relating to or affected with an antisocial personality disorder that is usually characterized by aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior.心理变态的与一种通常以侵犯性,变态,犯罪或反道德行为为特征的反社会人格病症有关的或患有此种病症的

A person lacking or having progressively lost normative biological or psychological characteristics.精神变态者,身心不健全者缺乏或逐渐丧失了规范的生物特征或心理特征的人A mental deviation or aberration.神经错乱或精神变态

Of, relating to, or characterized by psychopathy.精神变态的精神变态的,与之相关的,有精神变态特征的

Of, relating to, or practicing sexual perversion.性变态的性变态的,与性变态有关的,或体验性变态的

Leather types; a leather bar. 性变态类型;性变态者惠顾的酒吧

psychotherapy that seeks to extinguish or inhibit abnormal or maladaptive behavior by reinforcing desired behavior and extinguishing undesired behavior.加强合理行为的训练来抑制变态行为的一种心理治疗。

abnormal psychology变态心理学 doctrine of metamorphosis变态学说It marks the reappearance of McCarthyism, active in the United States during the 1950s, and reflects the aberrant personality of some American politicians hostile to China's development and becoming powerful. 这是美国50年代麦卡锡主义幽灵的重现,是美国一些反华政客仇视中国发展和强大的变态心理的表现。

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