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09-05 投稿



hallucinate 发音

英:[h??lu?s?ne?t]  美:[h??lu?s?ne?t]

英:  美:

hallucinate 中文意思翻译




hallucinate 网络释义

vt. 使产生幻觉vi. 出现幻觉

hallucinate 词性/词形变化,hallucinate变形


hallucinate 相似词语短语

1、hallucinates ─── vt.使产生幻觉;vi.出现幻觉

2、hallucinative ─── 幻觉的

3、to hallucinate ─── 产生幻觉

4、hallucinants ─── n.引起幻觉的事物

5、hallucinated ─── vt.使产生幻觉;vi.出现幻觉

6、hallucinant ─── n.引起幻觉的事物

7、hallucinating ─── v.使产生幻觉(hallucinate的ing形式)

8、hallucination ─── n.幻觉,幻想;错觉

9、hallucinator ─── n.有幻觉的人

hallucinate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I began to hallucinate so hard that the buildings that were behind me started to look like big animal heads. ─── 快结束时我开始产生非常强烈的幻觉以至于我觉得身后的建筑看起来像巨型动物的头。

2、Why would I hallucinate that? ─── 为什么我会幻想到这个?

3、He'd never expected to hallucinate them. ─── 他从没有预料到自己会对此产生幻觉。

4、On top of that, to hallucinate a unit only costs 40 energy, which is much cheaper than the original StarCraft's cost of 100 energy. ─── 最重要的是,现在制造幻象只需要消耗40点能量,比星际1里同技能消耗100能量要更实惠。

5、If your body temperature reaches forty degrees, you may hallucinate. ─── 如果体温高达四十度,你可能会产生幻觉。

6、Consequently, they come to those articles about how to set a right target and hallucinate that this article will grant them success. ─── 我们可以选择不甘于平凡,也可以选择生活得很自然。

7、1. Drug addicts often hallucinate. ─── 吸毒成瘾的人常常产生幻觉.

8、After being lost in the desert for five days, Bill began to hallucinate. ─── 在沙漠中迷路五天后,比尔开始使产生幻觉。

9、It is only for my occasional obsession of egotism that I begin to hallucinate that people want to understand me better so I shall provide one such channel. ─── 这对我来说也是困难的,因为我每个字都是用心写出。我也不希望将来的我看到一个不真切的自己,尽管,历史往往如此。

10、After being sleepless for more than 48 hours, I began to hallucinate. ─── 在48个多小时未合眼后,我开始产生幻觉。

11、Tamitha, though, began to hallucinate. ─── 然而塔米莎开始产生幻觉。

12、After being lost in the sea for six days, John began to hallucinate. ─── : 在海上迷失六天后,约翰开始产生幻觉。

13、A remorseless assassin suffers severe head trauma and begins to hallucinate, becoming haunted by her victims. ─── 如果你喜欢该音乐或影片文档等资源,应该尊重知识产权,打击翻版,去购买正版;

14、Hunger made him hallucinate. ─── 饥饿使他产生了幻觉。

15、Drug addicts often hallucinate. ─── 吸毒成瘾的人常常产生幻觉。

16、Szechtman and his colleagues imaged the brain activity of eight very hypnotizable subjects who had been prescreened for their ability to hallucinate under hypnosis. ─── 泽兹曼等人为八位高度催眠受试者的脑部活动显影。

17、People who drink more than 7 cups of coffee a day tend to hallucinate more than less caffeine-driven colleagues, according to a study published Wednesday. ─── 根据周三公布的一项研究报告,一天喝咖啡超过7杯的人相比喝咖啡较少的同事更倾向于产生幻觉。

18、Jason: Don't you think "hallucinate" is a bit strong? ─── 杰森:你不觉得幻觉这个词用的太过了?

19、After being lost in the desert for five days, Bill began to hallucinate. ─── 在沙漠中被遗失五天以来之后,比尔开始使产生幻觉。

20、Keywords hallucinate mushroom;naked psilocybin;hallucinogenic toxins; ─── 致幻;裸盖菇素;蘑菇;致幻毒素;

21、Yet talk of cycles has led economists to hallucinate all kinds of fictitious oscillations in economic markets. ─── 然而,对周期的谈论,使经济学家们对经济市场中所有想象中的摆动都产生了幻觉。

22、After being sleepless for more than 48 hours, I began to hallucinate ─── 在48个多小时未合眼后,我开始产生幻觉。

23、A listener writes: Dear A Moment of Science, I recently read about how drinking as many as seven cups of coffee per day can make me hallucinate. ─── 一位听众来信说道:亲爱的科学一刻节目,你们好!我最近读到这样一条消息,说每天喝七杯咖啡会让人产生幻觉。

24、Five coffees a day or more were 'enough to increase their tendency to hallucinate, ' the team discovered. ─── 研究小组发现,每天五杯的咖啡饮用剂量“足以增加产生幻听的倾向”。

25、Yes a heart can hallucinate ─── 是的,如果心对爱饥渴

26、I will not eat spider plants and hallucinate behind the toilet. ─── 我决不吃完吊兰,然后躲到马桶后面发癔症.

27、We see inventive camera shots, some playful ones showing 1900’s hands on the keyboard in multiples: the man plays so fast that we hallucinate extra sets of hands. ─── 我们看到了富于创意的摄影镜头,1900的双手很调皮地在琴键上以重影的方式出现。他弹奏得太快了,以致使观众产生幻觉,看到多余的手。

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