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09-05 投稿



Pompeii 发音

英:[[p?m?pe?]]  美:[[pɑm?pe, -?pe?]]

英:  美:

Pompeii 中文意思翻译



Pompeii 词性/词形变化,Pompeii变形

名词复数形式:pompeii 原型:pompeii

Pompeii 短语词组

1、lost world of pompeii ─── 庞培失落的世界

2、bastille pompeii ─── 巴士底庞贝

3、vesuvius pompeii nights ─── 维苏威庞贝之夜

4、Pompeii worm ─── [网络] 庞贝虫

5、last supper in pompeii ─── 庞培最后的晚餐

6、fullery of stephanus in pompeii ─── 庞贝斯蒂芬斯的富勒

Pompeii 相似词语短语

1、pompilid ─── 蛛蜂

2、Pompeian ─── adj.(古意大利)庞培城的

3、pompelo ─── 葡萄柚

4、pompiers ─── n.救火梯;消防队员;adj.救火员用的

5、Pompeii ─── n.庞培(意大利那不勒斯附近一古城)

6、pompelos ─── 庞培洛斯

7、pomoeria ─── 西红柿

8、pompless ─── 蓬蓬的

9、Pompeiian ─── 庞贝

Pompeii 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Today it is possible to visit Pompeii and walk down the streets and still see the figures in the same positions as they were when the ash enveloped them over 1900 years ago. ─── 如今,人们可以参观庞贝城。沿着它的街道仍然可以看到那些被挖掘出来的人还保持着1900多年前被火山灰埋葬时的姿态。

2、the recent excavations at Pompeii ─── 最近在庞培城的发掘

3、The town of Pompeii lay hidden and forgotten until 1631 when Vesuvius erupted again and workers discovered some Roman coins. ─── 庞贝城深藏于地下被人们遗忘了,直到1631年维苏威火山再次爆发,工人发现了一些罗马时代的硬币。

4、In just 24 hours it spewed 4 billion tons of pumice,rock and ash into the sky,burying the twin towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum under 25 metres of volcanic debris. ─── 小普利尼对这次惊天大灾难的描述至今仍存在。通过其描述,现场掘出的尸体及工艺品,提供些叫人可望但不可及的线索,使庞贝城最后一天跃然于今。

5、Both Pompeii and Loulan became lost civilizations about 2,000 years ago. ─── 庞贝和楼兰大约在2000年前均已成为失落的文明。

6、and how many cities are entirely dead, so to speak, Helice and Pompeii and Herculaneum, and others innumerable. ─── 又有多少城市,比如赫利斯、庞培、赫库莱尼恩以及别的不可计数的城市被完全毁灭。

7、"Compared with the Greek one, the Roman theater was smaller. at Pompeii, two excellent examples of the Roman theater built in 80 B. C. still stand." ─── 与希腊戏剧相比,罗马剧场规模较

8、In just 24 hours it spewed 4 billion tons of pumice, rock and ash into the sky, burying the twin towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum under 25 metres of volcanic debris. ─── 仅二十四小时,火山就向天喷出四十亿吨浮石、岩石和灰烬,让庞贝城及赫库兰尼姆双城深埋于火山岩屑二十五米下。

9、Pompeii was overwhelmed by a vast accumulation of dust and ashes. ─── 庞贝湮没在一巨大的尘土和灰烬堆里。

10、The fame of Ephesus ruin is just about next to the city of Pompeii at the foot of Italy's volcano Mt.Vesuvius. ─── 以弗所废墟的盛名大概仅次于意大利维苏威火山下的庞贝城。

11、In the narrative, the clouds of ash obscured the sun, which means that the people of Pompeii couldn't see the sun because the clouds of ash were in the way. ─── 在文中,灰云遮住了太阳。意思是庞培的人们看不到太阳,因为太阳被火山灰挡住了。

12、The entire Pompeii city was destroyed by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D. ─── 整个庞贝城在公元79年维苏威火山的一次喷发中被摧毁。

13、Today I saw the ancient Roman city of Pompeii as it was 2,000 years ago. ─── 今天,我亲眼看到了2000年前保存下来的古罗马城市--庞贝。

14、1. Behind the city of Pompeii stood the4000-feet Mount Vesuvius. ─── 庞培城的后面矗立着4000英尺高的维苏维火山。

15、Pompeii disappeared after the volcano erruption. ─── 火山爆发后庞贝城消失了。

16、A. D.79 Mount Vesuvius in Italy, which and been dormant for centuries, erupted and Pompeii, a prosperous Italian city, was buried. ─── 休眠了数百年的意大利维苏威火山爆发,繁华城市庞培被埋。

17、When Pompeii was discovered - with all of its nude statues, they were quickly moved off to The Secret Museum in Naples. ─── 发现庞贝古城的时候,大量随之出现的裸体雕塑,被快速的转移到了拿坡里的秘密博物馆。

18、Tomorrow we are off to Naples to visit the museum that houses many of the treasures from Pompeii ─── 明天我们将去那不勒城,参观收藏有许多庞贝城宝藏的的博物馆

19、But last year 7.4% fewer people visited the Doge's palace in Venice than in 2007, and attendance was down by 3.8% at Florence's Uffizi gallery and 12.4% at Pompeii. ─── 但是,去年参观威尼斯总督府的人数较2007年减少了7.4%,同样的,佛罗伦萨乌菲兹美术馆和庞贝古城的参观人数也各自减少了3.8%和12.4%。

20、It is through his account and the tantalising clues revealed through the bodies and artefacts excavated from the site,that the last day of pompeii has been brought to life. ─── 庞贝居民力抗迎面而来的灾祸,并被迫做出最终会影响到其命运的选择。

21、this painting is probably a portrait of two important people of ancient pompeii: a married couple from pompeii. it shows how realistic some of the paintings of ancient roman times were... ─── 两千多年前的画像,直至今天,色彩还如此鲜艳,人物形象还如此栩栩如生。它表明了古代罗马时期一些画像已经达到了多惟妙惟肖的程度。

22、The long, hot summer of AD 79 starts like all those that have gone before it - but soon you will wish you were anywhere but in Pompeii! ─── 公元79年,漫长炎热的夏天像往年一样到来了——但是很快你就会希望老天可以将你送到任何地方,只要不是庞培城就可以!

23、Form the excess of the colosseum to the eerie remains of Pompeii it is impossible to escape its links with this once mighty society. ─── 从罗马竞技场到举世闻名的庞贝遗址,这里的每一处角落都散发着这个历史古国的神奇魔力。

24、Though the ruins of the ancient city of Pompeii, Italy are enormous in scope, not a single guard watches over them, showing how much tourists here respect the law. ─── 义大利的庞贝古城范围虽大,却见不到任何的执法人员,显示游客都很愿意守法。

25、the ancient city pompeii ─── 庞贝古城

26、Seaside resorts located at Pompeii and Herculaneum afforded citizens the opportunity to escape to their vacation villas in order to avoid the summer heat of Rome. ─── 位于庞贝和赫库兰尼姆的海滨度假胜地为市民提供了机会,他们可以逃离到自己的度假别墅,以避开罗马夏季的炎热。

27、No one can predict the future.The people of Pompeii were certainly no exception. ─── 人类无法预知未来,庞贝城的居民当然也不例外。

28、This paper expounds the writing style on Pompeii , especially on its techniques in its arrangement and its vivid language. It will give us useful help when reading it. ─── 本文阐述了一文的写作风格,尤其是其在布局谋篇上的技巧及语言的灵活多变,为读者阅读此文提供了有益的帮助.

29、2)All over Pompeii,people lay down on beds of pumice stones,overwhelmed by the gas,and death came quietly to them. ─── 在整个庞贝城,人们躺在浮石床上,被毒气笼罩,死亡悄悄向他们走来。

30、“Whole cities have been destroyed,” he replied; “for instance, Herculaneum and Pompeii.” ─── “整座整座的城都被埋掉呢!”他回答道,“庞贝和赫尔库拉楞姆就被埋掉了!”

31、As a nation with long history, Italy has many ancient sites such as Colosseum,Leaning Tower of Pisa,Pompeii, and so on. ─── 意大利历史悠久,有许多古代遗迹,象古罗马竞技场、比萨斜塔、庞贝古城等等。

32、The Last Day of pompeii ─── 庞培城的最后一天

33、Pompeii: the ancient Roman once more time ─── 庞培:再现古罗马风采

34、the ruins of Pompeii ─── 庞贝城的遗迹.

35、The entire Pompeii city was destroyed by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D.. ─── 整个庞贝城在公元79年 维苏威火山的一次喷发中 被摧毁.

36、In some ways Pompeii was to Romans as modem Bournemouth is to Londoners. ─── 摩擦很明显是运动的阻力,所以常被认为是讨厌的东西。

37、Pompeii is a dead city. No one has lived there for nearly two thousand years----not since the summer of the year A. D. 79, to be exact. ─── 庞培是一座死城。确切的说自从公元79年的那个夏天开始,两千年来没有人在这里生活过。

38、57. visit Pompeii every year to learn more about the ancient world. ─── 参观庞培城以求更多地了解古老的世界。

39、Pompeii‘s graffiti includes insults, love declarations, and political satire. ─── 庞贝的涂鸦包括侮辱言辞、爱情宣言和政治嘲讽。

40、a volcano in southwestern Italy on the Mediterranean coast; erupted in 79 AD and buried Pompeii; last erupted in 1944. ─── 位于地中海岸意大利西南部的火山。

41、The Last Days of Pompeii ─── 庞培城的末日;庞贝末日, n. 《庞培城的末日》,爱德华·乔治·布尔沃-利顿(Edward George Bulwer-Lytton)著

42、To go to Pompeii today is to take a trip backward in time. ─── 如今,游览庞贝就好像进行一次时光旅行。

43、We are in Italy now, and tomorrow we are visiting Pompeii. ─── 我们现在到了意大利,明天将参观庞贝。

44、Dowry the road from the grove was a villa so Roman it looked as if it had been dug up from the ruins of Pompeii. ─── 在通向柑橘林的大路那头不远的地方有一座别墅,是古罗马式的建筑,看上去简直像是从庞贝城的废墟里挖掘出来的一样。

45、Two years ago the government declared a state of emergency for Pompeii but it lasted only a year. ─── 2年前,意大利政府曾宣布庞贝古城进入紧急状态,但这种状态仅持续了一年。

46、We know that the streets of Pompeii carried a lot of wheeled traffic, because there are deep grooves where the wheels have worn away. ─── 我们知道庞贝城的街道承载了大量轮运交通,因为在那些车轮已经消逝的今天,它们深深的车辙还保留着。

47、In 1997, the Pompeii Archaeological Zone was listed as a World Cultural Heritage. ─── 1997年,庞贝考古区被世界文化遗产收录。

48、They were likely hired by one of the city's elite, perhaps a Roman official wanted Pompeii-like interior to remind him of home. ─── 他们很可能是被这个城市的其中一个精英雇佣的,也许是一位罗马官员想要庞培式的内部装饰,好让他怀念家乡。

49、Last Day of Pompeii ─── 宠贝的末日

50、The volcano collapsed higher roof-lines and buried Pompeii under many meters of ash and pumice, and it was lost for nearly 1700 years before its accidental rediscovery in 1748. ─── 火山使得城内建筑坍塌,并将庞培城掩埋于数米深的灰烬和轻石之下。这座古城消失了近1700年,于1748年偶然间被再度发现。

51、And Let the students enjoy a piece of video about the disappearance of Pompeii and get the students to say somethimg about what they have seen. ─── 把学生很自然地引入到新课中,同时激发了他们学习课文内容的兴趣。

52、Their sweet dessert wine was so popular that amphorae bearing their insignia were found during excavations in Pompeii, hundreds of miles to the south. ─── 他们的饭后甜酒十分受欢迎,甚至在南方几百哩外的庞贝城,我们到现在仍可发掘出标有他们记号的双耳陶瓶.

53、This painting is probably a portrait of two important people of solar lighting:A married couple from Pompeii. ─── 两千多年前的画像,直至今天,色彩还如此鲜艳,人物形象还如此栩栩如生。

54、Over time, the city of Pompeii was excavated and made into a tourist site. ─── 随着时间流逝,庞贝城被挖掘出来,并建构成一个观光胜地。

55、Pompeii: The city that became a time capsule ─── 庞培??一座变成时间胶囊的城市

56、Do you think, fair Ione, that it is only at Pompeii that I have learned to value you? ─── 可爱的伊俄涅,你以为我只是到了庞贝之后才懂得器重你吗?

57、We've been uncovering ruins at the famous ancient city of Pompeii for several years. ─── 我们这几年一直在试着揭开著名古城庞培的废墟之谜。

58、Tomorrow we are off to Naples to visit the museum that houses many of the treasures from Pompeii. ─── 明天我们将去那不勒斯参观藏有许多来自庞贝的宝物的博物馆。

59、Nothing lives in Pompeii except crickets and beetles and lizards. ─── 在庞培城里除了蟋蟀、甲壳虫和蜥蜴外,没有别的生物。

60、Today I saw the ancient city of Pompeii as it was 2000 years ago. ─── 今天我看到和2000年前样子一样的古庞贝城。

61、Excavation efforts, which started in the middle of the 18th century, brought into light the Italian city of Pompeii that had been buried in volcanic ashes. ─── 1900多年前,意太利维苏威火山空前大爆发,把庞贝城深埋于厚达数十米的火山灰中。

62、So in1860, the Italian archaeologist Giuseppe Fiorelli was made director of the Pompeii dig. ─── 于是,1860年意大利考古学家朱赛佩·奥雷利受命担任了庞贝古城遗址发掘工作的总指挥。

63、The overgrown ruins of Pompeii stretch into the horizon, providing a glimpse into the flourishing urban life of its citizens before the devastating eruption of Mount Vesuvius. ─── 杂草丛生的庞贝古城废墟一直延伸到地平线,隐隐可以感受到在维苏威火山(意大利西南部)毁灭性爆发前,庞贝市民繁荣兴旺的都市生活。

64、26#May 1984—New Discoveries at Pompeii and Herculaneum ─── 5月——庞贝和赫库兰尼姆的新发现

65、Turn back the clock between, whether in ancient Rome palaces, or in the ancient city of Pompeii, people can vaguely looking to leave it in long years of imprint. ─── 时光倒流之间,无论是在古罗马宫殿里,还是在庞贝古城中,人们都可以依稀寻觅到它在漫长岁月中留下的印记。

66、They had started to uncover the ancient city of Pompeii. ─── 他们想重现庞培古城。

67、Pompeii - The Last Day recreates the greatest natural disaster of the ancient world - the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, almost 2000 years ago in AD79. ─── 庞贝古城-最后一天重现了古代最惨烈的自然灾难。那是公元七十九年,也就是差不多二千年前,维苏威火山大爆发。

68、A new trouble was in store for Pompeii. ─── 一场新的灾难即将向庞培袭来。

69、“It's like the last days of Pompeii,” he said of the bribe-taking that consumed roughly a tenth of his costs, the same proportion, he said, as criminals extorted in the 1990s. ─── 他谈及贿赂的数额大约要占去十分之一的项目费用,跟1990年代黑帮的勒索的比例差不多。

70、"reapers" ? as in more than one? They only gather like this at times of great catastrophe -- Chicago fire, san francisco quake. Pompeii. ─── 死神?,好像不止一个?在大灾难的时候,他们才会这样聚集起来-,芝加哥的大火,旧金山的地震。,庞培。

71、It was from that feeling that you chose your summer retreat at Pompeii? ─── 你是出于这种考虑,才到宠贝来避暑的?

72、Pompeii, a hustling and bustling city in ancient Rome, was deeply buried by the volcanic ash when the Vesuvius Volcano erupted. ─── 庞贝古城,这个古罗马曾经繁华的象征,被深深的掩埋在维苏威火山灰中。

73、Pompeii is like a "time capsule" preserving a frozen moment in history. ─── 庞培古城如同一粒时间胶囊,保存了历史上一段被封存了的瞬间。

74、But nearly half of Pompeii is still buried! ─── 但庞贝城几乎还有一半还在地下!

75、54. Do you think, fair Ione, that it is only at Pompeii that I have learned to value you? ─── 可爱的伊俄涅,你以为我只是到了庞贝之后才懂得器重你吗?

76、So if we are using Pompeii, it coers its loads as a tool to speak about the relatiity of architecture in situ. ─── 如果我们引用庞贝,那么我们就是同时在提到庞贝的建筑和环境的关系。

77、Pompeii' s graffiti includes insults, love declarations, and political satire. ─── 庞贝的涂鸦包括侮辱言辞、情宣言和政治嘲讽。

78、Wall painting in Pompeii ─── 庞培壁画

79、The best preserved examples exist in Pompeii and reflect the street life of that city before its destruction. ─── 在庞贝就保存着最好的实例,它们反映了这座城市在毁灭前的市井生活。

80、This morning we went to a lecture about Pompeii. ─── 今天上午我们听了一个关于庞贝的讲座。

81、She tours the museums of Naples and Pompeii, immersing herself in the Neapolitan fascination with the dead and noticing how many women are pregnant; ─── 她游览那不勒斯和庞贝的博物馆,埋头于对死者的强烈爱好并且注意多少妇女怀孕;

82、Tomorrow we are off to Naples to visit the museum houses many of the treasures from Pompeii. ─── 明天我们将前往那不勒斯,去参观那座收藏了许多来自庞贝城的宝物的博物馆。

83、For an example, the most flourishing city of Pompeii in ancient Roman Empire had been praised as a beautiful garden. ─── 例如古罗马帝国最繁荣的城市庞贝,曾被誉为美丽的花园。

84、The discoveries made by the excavation at Pompeii tell volumes regarding the life of the people of that buried city. ─── 发掘庞贝城所取得的种种发现向人们揭示了大量有关这座被掩埋的城市的居民生活情况。

85、The site so far provides photographs and plans of the forum at Pompeii, focusing in particular on the buildings running down the east side. ─── 迄今为止,网站提供庞贝广场的照片和平面图,特别集中于东边的附属建筑。

86、One of the most popular tourist sites in Italy,Pompeii was viewed by nearly two million visitors last year. ─── 庞贝是意大利有名的旅游景点之一,因此去年有将近二百万人参观了那个地方。

87、After the volcano exploded 18 hours, volcanic chippings buried the city of Pompeii.The deepest is about 19 meters.In this way Pompeii suddenly disappeared in its top period of material civilization. ─── 火山爆发18个小时后,火山碎屑将整个庞贝城掩埋,最深处竟达19米,庞贝就这样突然消失在它物质文明的巅峰期之中。

88、Pompeii, AD 79 ─── 庞贝城,公元79年。

89、Pompeii is no longer a buried city. ─── 庞培不再是地下城了。

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