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09-05 投稿


changer 发音

英:['t?e?n(d)??]  美:['t?end??]

英:  美:

changer 中文意思翻译



changer 网络释义

n. 转换开关装置;改变者(change的名词形式)

changer 词性/词形变化,changer变形


changer 短语词组

1、intermix record changer ─── [电] 复式换片器

2、synchronous frequency changer ─── [电] 同步变频机

3、gender changer ─── [计] 阴阳变换头

4、auto-changer n. ─── 自动换片(电)唱机

5、tap changer ─── [电] 分接头变换器

6、sign changer ─── [计] 符号变换器

7、phase changer ─── [电] 换相器

8、money-changer n. ─── 货币兑换商;[金融] 钱币兑换器;银行家;金融家

9、money changer ─── 货币兑换商 [经] 钱庄, 兑换商, 钱币兑换器

10、current changer ─── [化] 换流器

11、frequency changer ─── [计] 变频器

12、information rate changer ─── [电] 讯息速率改变器

13、record changer ─── [电] 记录改变器

14、air speed changer ─── 空气速度调节器

15、speed changer ─── [化] 变速器

16、automatic record changer ─── [电] 自动改变器

17、both sides automatic changer ─── [电] 两面自动翻片机

18、on-loaded tap changer ─── [电] 有载换接器

19、changer pole ─── [医] 换极器

changer 相似词语短语

1、chancer ─── n.笨拙的人;敢冒任何风险的人

2、changed ─── adj.改变的;变化的;v.改变(change的过去式和过去分词)

3、clanger ─── n.过失;荒唐的错误

4、changers ─── n.转换开关装置;改变者(change的名词形式)

5、changes ─── n.变化,改变(change的复数);v.改变;交换(change的第三人称单数形式)

6、hanger ─── n.衣架;挂钩;绞刑执行者;n.(Hanger)人名;(英)汉格

7、chanter ─── n.吟唱者;唱弥撒的神父;风笛的笛管;骗卖者;n.(Chanter)人名;(法)尚特尔;(英)钱特

8、change ─── v.改变,转变,(使)不同;(使)变换;替代,更换;交换;货币兑换;将……换成零钱;退还;n.变化,改变;替代物;换洗衣物;零钱,硬币;换乘;全新体验;新月相的出现

9、channer ─── n.(Channer)人名;(英)钱纳

changer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Study of Conversion Speed of Polarization Changer ─── 变极化器变换速度研究

2、The opposition made a last ditch stand to try to get the government to changer its policy. ─── 反对派作最后一次抵抗,试图使政府改变其政策。

3、For fashion victims of every kind, "pre-purchase validation" could be a game-changer. ─── 对于所有的时装奴而言,“购前验效”的做法将会成为游戏的变革者。

4、Our production include: mobile flash of incoming telegram, mobile flashlight, all kinds of mobile accessories and products by gum、 PVC、 ironware, mobile changer, mobile battery and more than3000 kinds production. ─── 产品系列包括:手机来电闪、手电筒、种树脂、胶、金等手机饰品配件及成品、机充电器、机电池等3000多种产品。

5、RITA: Oh, no. It's time to changer your diaper. ─── 丽塔:哦,天哪。该给你换尿布了。

6、No doubt the developments are scary, but the crisis may serve more as a cautionary tale than the big game-changer over nuclear power. ─── 事态发展无疑令人惊恐,但此次危机可能更大程度上会起到警醒的作用,而不会颠覆整个核电行业。

7、This paper describes the application of frequency changer in filter,coal washer and GZG Feeder. ─── 介绍了变频器在加压过滤机、洗煤机、给料机中的应用。

8、Dust Filter System Reformation on Comber with Frequency Changer ─── 利用变频器改造梳棉滤尘系统

9、That's hardly a game changer. ─── 这个决定几乎成为了一个游戏的改变者。

10、Effect of Tap Changer on Transformer Winding Resistance Measurement ─── 分接开关对变压器绕组电阻测量的影响

11、Schonander rapid biplane film changer ─── 双相快速换片装置

12、Application of Frequency Changer in Agitation Equipment Design ─── 变频调速装置在搅拌设备设计中的应用

13、Using ABF Wallpaper Changer you can: ─── 使用沛富墙纸更换,您可以:

14、frequency changer speed governing ─── 变频调速

15、Pour changer de quai, il faut emprunter le passage souterrain. ─── 前往其他站台,请走地下通道。

16、For more information about Electric motors, Frequency changer or Slip ring motors please call the company WOELF . ─── 在生产商和服务商WOELF出色的网页上可以找到价廉物美的频率变换器,电动机,集电环(绕线)型转子电动机、绕线转子异步电动机。

17、Does the frequency changer frequently report exterior hyperpyrexia, what the reason is? How the winter and does the summer exterior temperature difference value establish? ─── 变频器经常报外部温度过高,原因是什么?冬季和夏季的外部温度差值如何设定?

18、The central proceed u-nit (CPU) is one-piece computer 8039. 8 Bit A/D changer is ADC0809. ─── 中央处理器采用单片机8039。 8位A/D转换器为ADC0809。

19、Hence adaptations which were sometimes difficult and from which the Changer's clients extricated themselves as best they might. ─── 因此要求都合身有时是困难的,只得由“更换商”的主顾自己迁就了事。

20、frequency in velocity changer ─── 变频调速器

21、Non, Monsieur, vous devrez changer a Paris. ─── 不是的,先生,您需要在巴黎换车。

22、non-reversible frequency changer ─── 不可逆变频器

23、automatic X-ray cut film changer ─── X射线自动换片机

24、variable ratio frequency changer ─── 可变频率比变频器


26、Someone who changer your life just by being part of it. ─── 人们作为你生活的一部分而改变着你的生活。

27、The article briefly introduces the control mode of the converter tap changer control system, which is including manual control and automatic control, and explain their control characteristic. ─── 在介绍换流站分接头控制系统的控制模式:手动控制和自动控制时,分别对两者的控制特性进行说明。

28、Its extended platform included an inline Die Co-Ordinator 1060 die registration system and honeycombed chase changer for registering foil stamping and embossing dies to printed sheets. ─── 其扩展平台包括一个内置模具统筹1060年死亡登记系统和蜂窝追逐登记换铝箔冲压模具和压花印刷表。

29、A new kind of constant pressure water-supply system composed of a single-chip computer and frequency changer is introduced. ─── 介绍了一种用变频器和单片机组成的恒压供水系统的设计方案,给出了控制器的硬件结构及控制原理框图。

30、Oh, no. It's time to changer your diaper. ─── 哦,天哪。该给你换尿布了。

31、By means of a SCADA system, an operator at a dispatch center can cause operations such as the opening and closing of breakers, the starting and stopping of condensers, and the changing of the taps on transformers with load tap changer. ─── 借助于SCADA系统,运行人员可在调度中心进行操作,如断路器的分闸和合闸,调相机的起动和停止,改变有载分接开关变压器上的分接头。

32、This paper introduces application of frequency changer in oxidation ditch of sewage treatment plant of Qibing in Hebi Some problems are pointed out in the application of frequency changer. ─── 介绍了变频器在鹤壁淇滨污水处理厂氧化沟中的应用,指出了变频器在应用中应注意的几个问题。

33、Having fluid columns inside a fixed width container makes the template very flexible. If we add width changer buttons, we only need to change one value. ─── 在可流动列内部嵌入一个固定宽度容器会增加延展性,如果我们加入改变宽度的按钮,我们只需要改变一个宽度值就成了。

34、Our dominant products are loss-in-weight gravimetric feeder, gantry pelletizer, pneumatic screen changer, etc. ─── 主导产品:计量喂料机、龙门切粒机、挤出机换网器等。

35、Two methods of interfacing between A/D changer and single chip microcommputer. ─── 单片机A/D转换接口的两种实现方法

36、Products Brand:G5 Products:TYRE AIR/NITROGEN INFLATOR,TYRE CHANGER,WHEEL BALANCER. ─── 品牌:G5产品:氮气机,充气机(枪),拆胎机,平衡机。

37、Optimum Design of a Three-Phase Frequency Changer ─── 变频器滤波参数的优化设计

38、Design and Test for Model CK-1C Telemetry Signal Changer or Matcher ─── CK-1C遥测讯号变换器的设计与试验

39、Changer un doute en certitude ─── 使怀疑变为确信

40、The entrepreneurs are demanded to take on creator, accelerator, sustainer and changer, accordingly, the demands to their capacity should be very different. ─── 在这四个阶段,企业家分别担当了创建者、加速者、维持者、变革者等不同的角色。相应地,各阶段对企业家个人能力的要求也会迥然有别。

41、Sanchez-Perez automatic film changer ─── 一种快速自动换片机

42、A New Three-Phase Pipe-Type Tap Changer ─── 一种新型三相管型分接开关

43、An inveterate changer of decor. ─── 坚决要改变布景的人

44、Starting a little under $30,000 for the base model, it offers merely one option, a $3,100 Technology Package with an especially-advanced navigation system, a CD changer and an upgraded audio system. ─── 出发不到$30000的基础模型,它只是提供一个选择,一个三千百美元技术封装,特别是先进的导航系统,CD转换和升级的音响系统。

45、ATC (Automatic Tools Changer) ─── ATC

46、"Probably, for at least a short amount of time, it could have been a game changer, until a counter was developed for it, " Dobrenz said. ─── Dobrenz说“也许只须再多一丁点儿时间,它就担当游戏逆转者了。直到它的克星被发明。”

47、both sides automatic changer ─── [电] 两面自动翻片机

48、Other Facility: Transfers, Travel desk by C&K. Valet, Authorised money changer, E-mail, Banquet &conference facilities, Secretarial services. ─── 冰箱室,旅行服务台货币兑换商,电子邮箱,宴会及会议设施,秘书服务。

49、He made great efforts to construct better financial system by drawing economic policy in favor of money changer,banning corrupt rules,sparkpluging mercantile transacting with official help. ─── 他制订有利于当商、钱商的经济政策,取缔官方勒费的陋规,倡导官助商办,努力营造良好的金融秩序。

50、Manufacturing of customised, standard and label cables - Multipolar connexions - CD changer... ─── 分类标题:电缆汽车收音机...

51、One student called PengMeng ,he knew that HouYi's wife,ChangEr,have sone thing that,can let people become immortal! ─── 一个叫蓬蒙的学生,他知道后羿的妻子嫦娥有一样可以使人长生不死的东西!

52、A tape changer is not required when backing up to a hard disk. ─── 在备份到硬盘时不需要磁带更换人。

53、Now, however, the company is confronting a game-changer that Mr Lafley had not foreseen: a global economic downturn. ─── 不过,宝洁现在面临一个Lafley先生当时没有预料到的游戏颠覆者:全球经济衰退。

54、silicon controlled reversible changer ─── 可控硅逆变器

55、Problem Parsing that Should be Noticed in Using Frequency Changer ─── 变频器在使用时应注意的问题解析

56、Usage of the frequency changer and its problems diagnostic ─── 变频器的使用及故障诊断

57、synchronous frequency changer ─── 同步变频器

58、Internal changer of hierophant is the most important part of supervising mechanism in the various factors that influence the effect of supervising mechanism. ─── 在影响导师制工作成效的诸因素中,导师的内在改变是重中之重。

59、RITA: Oh, no. It's time to changer your diaper. ─── 丽塔:哦,天哪。该给你换尿布了。

60、This action triggers the motor to pull the bill into the money changer. ─── 使得兑换机把它吸进机内,然后开始兑换程序。

61、When the frequency changer has malfunction, power frequency is adopted, and the motor speed is nonadjustable. ─── 万一变频器出现故障时,可工频驱动,转速不可调。

62、For more information about Electric motors, Frequency changer or Slip ring motors please call the company WOELF. ─── 在生产商和服务商WOELF出色的网页上可以找到价廉物美的频率变换器,电动机,集电环(线)转子电动机、线转子异步电动机。

63、Adopting guide cylinde instead of guide slide plate, the improved bobbin changer w... ─── 且外观笨重,给安装、维护及调整带来不便。

64、synchronous-asynchronous frequency changer ─── 同步非同步变频器

65、AN ADDRESS CHANGER FOR VAX-11/780 COMPUTER SYSTEM ─── VAX-11/780计算机系统的地址转换机构

66、biplane automatic cut film changer ─── 双向自动单片换片器

67、Tuncay OC.Thomsons Abadi B. Cephalometrie evaluation of The changer in patients wearing complete dentures A ten year longtime study[J]. J Pronsthe Dent 1984;51(2):169. ─── 任贤云,管玉堂,何勇.长期使用总义齿重新制作义齿的特点[J].临床口腔医学杂志,2000;(2):61增刊.

68、various specifications and patterns of quick screen changer ─── 各种规格、形式快速换网器

69、The effect of tap changer on transformer winding resistance measurement is discribed.Some suggestions on the measurement are made. ─── 叙述了分接开关对变压器绕组电阻测量的影响,并对该项测量提出了一些建议。

70、Two practical methods are introduced to renovate the power transformer with no-load tap changer into that with on-load one. ─── 介绍了改造电网大型无载调压变压器为有载调压变压器的两种常用方式。

71、Default of On-load Tap Changer in Transformer and its Treatment ─── 变压器有载分接开关缺陷产生的原因及处理

72、two-plane cut film changer device ─── 双面散页片换片装置

73、frequency changer substation ─── 变频器分站

74、SILVER 552 Tyre Changer for mounting / demounting andinflation of drop center rim, tubeless tyre and tyre withgripping ring of 14”- 26” size of truck , farming vehicle andpassenger car. ─── 久良 SILVER 552 轮胎拆胎机兼拆胎、装胎于一体,适用于14”-26”的卡车、农用车、客车、工程车等的深凹槽轮辋、真空胎、有压环的轮胎的拆装。

75、"We need a game-changer like the green revolution was for agriculture, " he said. ─── 他说,“我们需要像农业的绿色革命一样的转换器。”

76、single plane rapid film changer ─── 单平面快速换片机

77、Discuss and Calculate for Transition Resistance of Tap Changer ─── 分接开关过渡电阻匹配的探讨与计算

78、Changer, general symbol. Right-click for frequency changer or pulse inverter. ─── 变换器,常规符号。右击指定变频器或脉冲反相器。

79、The principle,con st ruction and control/protection system of thyristor on-load tap changer are intro duced,and its future of development is viewed. ─── 介绍了一种晶闸管有载分接开关的运行原理、结构组成及其控制保护,展望了该种分接开关的发展前景。

80、Use the SITEST program to calibrate the nozzle changer ─── 依照程序对吸嘴进行校准

81、Headquartered in Regensburg of Southern Germany, the REINHAUSEN Group (former named as MR Group) is the biggest and most famous on-load tap changer manufacturer in the world. ─── 公司简介:总部位于德国南部累根斯堡的莱茵豪森集团(ReinhausenGroup,前称MRGroup)是全世界最大、最著名的有载分接开关制造企业。

82、This paper stresses the application condition of the high voltage frenquency changer in the Datang Luohe Power Plant, and compares electricity consumption conditions. ─── 介绍了高压变频器在大唐洛河发电厂的应用情况,对其节电情况进行对比。

83、adjusting transformer on-load tap changer ─── 分接头改变

84、The 2010 floods, however, are a game-changer. ─── 然而,2010年的洪水是游戏规则颠覆者。

85、Frequency changer by means of electric current for calculation limitation. ─── 因变频器以电流为计算限制。

86、When the U. S. began to field the technology, officials described it as a "game changer" in the fight against Afghan IEDs. ─── 美国开始占领技术领域,官员形容其为“抵抗阿富汗IED的游戏改变者”。

87、His mother, Mrs.Yang had to send him to a missionary school in other village, but Er Dong run away from this school, at the same time, he eloped with a young girl who is Yang changer. ─── 二冬的母亲杨氏把他送到外地的教会学校,二冬从那里逃了出来,带着一个叫杨嫦娥的女孩子私奔。

88、Shift Contact Mechanism of Three-Phase Pipe-Type Tap Changer ─── 三相管型开关的动触头机构

89、"Invalid Changer Number - Should contain only digits. ─── "无效的更改器编号 - 应该只含有数字。



















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