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09-05 投稿



populate 发音

英:[?pɑ?pjule?t]  美:[?p?pjule?t]

英:  美:

populate 中文意思翻译



populate 同义词

glory | regard | vogue | attractiveness |fame | esteem | acceptance | recognition | admiration | reputation | approval | status

populate 反义词


populate 词性/词形变化,populate变形


populate 短语词组

1、populate assay queue ─── 填充分析队列

2、populate area ─── 填充区域

3、populate mongoose ─── 猫鼬

4、populate a ─── 填充

5、populate definition ─── 填充定义

6、populate aggregate ─── 填充聚合

7、populate 3d ─── 填充3d

8、populate select with ajax ─── 用ajax填充select

9、populate defined ─── 填充定义的

10、populate and animate ─── 填充并设置动画

11、populate a important need ─── 填充重要需求

12、over-populate vt. ─── 使人口过剩; ─── 使人口过密

13、populate and ─── 填充和

14、populate define ─── 填充定义

15、populate areas ─── 填充区域

16、populate as ─── 填充为

17、populate a place ─── 填充一个位置

18、populate auto detected configs ─── 填充自动检测到的配置

populate 相似词语短语

1、copulates ─── vi.交配;交媾;adj.连接的;联合的;结合的

2、repopulate ─── vt.使人重新住入

3、populace ─── n.大众;平民;人口

4、populated ─── adj.有人口居住的;(印刷集成电路板)安装有元件的;粒子数增加的;v.居住于……中;构成……的人口(populate的过去式和过去分词)

5、copulate ─── vi.交配;交媾;adj.连接的;联合的;结合的

6、-populated ─── adj.有人口居住的;(印刷集成电路板)安装有元件的;粒子数增加的;v.居住于……中;构成……的人口(populate的过去式和过去分词)

7、populates ─── 居住于

8、copulated ─── vi.交配;交媾;adj.连接的;联合的;结合的

9、depopulate ─── vt.使人口减少;vi.人口减少

populate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For example, you can use one of the overloaded DateTime constructors to populate a Date variable using the desired combination of components. ─── 例如,能够以期望的组件组合使用重载的DateTime构造函数之一来填充Date变量。

2、Populate a DataSet from a Database ─── 从数据库填充数据集

3、Last week it was reported that perhaps as many as 250 people had been killed in clashes between the Rizeigat and Misseriya, two Arab nomadic tribes that populate the area around the Nuba mountains. ─── 上周,据报道大约250人在里宰加特部落(Rizeigat)和弥斯瑞雅部落(Misseriya)冲突中丧生。这两部落同属阿拉伯游牧部族,并且同住在努巴山附近。

4、We have tried to present in this book an accurate and up-to-date picture of the scientific community and the people who populate it. ─── 大意是说:在本书中我们已经尽了很大努力以提供有关科学社区和居住于社区内的人们的精确和最新图片。

5、” Its five sections give access to art and culture, gastronomy, artisans, fashion and style, and feature photographs of the characters who populate the city and offer these delights. ─── 五个章节分别介绍了艺术和文化、美食、手工艺、时装设计和风格、特点的照片,谁的字符填充城市和提供这些美味。

6、Some of offspring of this lineage left Africa to populate the entire globe. ─── 一些这个世系的后代离开了非洲,他们在世界各个角落定居了下来。

7、To populate the instance name field. ─── 以填充实例名字段。

8、kT Well when it's like this, the temperature is so low that there's not nearly enough thermal energy to populate any of these states. ─── 在这儿,And,kT,is,here。,当它像这样,温度这么低,以至于没有足够的热运动,能使分子跃迁到不同的能态。

9、Large, fast-swimming predatory fish such as swordfish, sharks, and bluefin tuna populate this zone. ─── 大型、快游的肉食性鱼类如剑鱼、鲨鱼、篮鳍、鲔鱼等游居于此地带。

10、A problem occurred when the wizard attempted to populate the cluster hive. ─── 向导试图填充群集配置单元时发生错误。

11、How to: Populate Documents with Data from a Local Database File ─── 如何:用本地数据库文件中的数据填充文档

12、The populate commands are available from the Insert menu. ─── 从插入菜单可使用填充译文命令。

13、The following code example demonstrates how to populate the ─── 下面的代码示例演示如何填充

14、Inspiration comes from the gentleman's outfitters, barber's and hatteries which populate London's Jermyn Stand Saville Row (shops that reek of tradition and refinement). ─── 其设计灵感源自英国绅士们、 理发师的服装。

15、You will have to populate OLE Object, attachment, and multi-valued lookup fields either in Datasheet view or in Form view, because a data collection process cannot add these values. ─── 因为数据收集过程不能添加“OLE对象”、“附件”和“多值查阅”值,所以您必须在“数据表”视图或“窗体”视图中填充这些字段。

16、and settlers were needed to populate new towns and develop commerce.There was the space for religions communities to practice their faith in peace and comparative isolations. ─── 后面的内容则是作者从农业、工业和宗教三方面给出的移民原因。

17、For example, if you are loading data into a star schema, you can build a separate package to populate each dimension and the fact table. ─── 例如,如果将数据加载到星型架构中,则可以生成一个单独的包来填充每个维度和事实数据表。

18、Contains a collection of data commands and a data connection that are used to communicate with the underlying database and populate a data table. ─── 包含一个数据命令的集合和一个数据连接,它们用于与基础数据库通信和填充数据表。

19、When your code handles this event, you can populate desired cells with values of your choosing. ─── 在代码处理此事件时,可以用选择的值填充所需的单元格。

20、Populate a Common Base Event ─── 填充通用基础事件

21、Algae microorganisms in the water over populate overpopulate because of the nutrientsurplus nitrogen.The algae take much of the oxygen from the water.Fish and other ogrnizames organisms die. ─── 例如,墨西哥湾因为氮肥过量水藻大量繁殖,而且夺取了水中大量的氧气,以至鱼类及其他生物大量死亡。

22、It will allow you to reproduce your now intelligent life form and populate this planet. ─── 它会让你变得聪明有创造力,而你可以和夏娃来点有深度的谈话。

23、In the nineteenth century the catch-cry in Australia was 'Populate or Perish' and in contemporary Australia the migration program maintains modest population growth. ─── 十九世纪,我们的口号是“不生育便灭亡”;在当代,澳大利亚的移民计划保持了人口的适度增长。

24、Last but not least, excessive use of mobile phones means much less chance of face-to-face interactions with the people who populate their real lives. ─── 最后但并非最不重要的是,过度使用手机意味着与生活在现实生活中的人们面对面交流的机会大大减少。

25、Duri ng the past three years, WAP had been s o popul ar before i t was i gnor ed by t he publ i c. ─── 在过去的3 年中,WAP(无线应用协议)曾经红极一时,又很快被冷落一旁?

26、In those cases, you can use the Test Runs window to populate the Test Results drop-down list with the test runs that you want. ─── 在这种情况下,可以通过“测试运行”窗口用所需的测试运行来填充“测试结果”下拉列表。

27、This method is used to gather the data from each of the fields on each page of the wizard and populate a domain object. ─── 中,用这个方法收集向导的每个页面上每个域中的数据并把它们填充到一个域对象中。

28、Qingdao HNA Oilfield Machinery Co., Ltd.offer a full line of Fluid End Expendables for popul... ─── 发布者:徐亮所在地:山东青岛市行业:机械及行业设备职位:业务主管工作年限:

29、The French began to populate the island in the 15th century. ─── 法国人于15世纪开始迁移到这个岛。

30、Each function is called in turn with an Item from the array and should return the content with which to populate the corresponding cell. ─── 按照顺序使用来自数组的Item逐个调用每个函数,并用返回的内容填充对应的单元格。

31、Create a layer super type for your view model classes and use action filter to populate common things into it . ─── 为你的视图模型类编写一个父类层,并用过滤器来构成它的公共部分。

32、Instead they may have been the forebears of heat-loving bacteria that color the steamy geyser pools in Yellowstone National Park and populate submarine volcanoes. ─── 他也勉强承认,那声名远播的化石可能不是行光合作用的生物,而是嗜热细菌的前身;这些细菌使得黄石国家公园热气蒸腾的间歇泉水池及海底火山显得色彩缤纷。

33、We believe Excel Populate is the best option for oscommerce sites, but we are open to alternatives if you know of a better product. ─── 我们相信,Excel的填充是oscommerce网站的最佳选择,但我们是开放的替代品,如果你知道一个更好的产品。

34、Create a table in a database and populate it with the custom field or fields that you want to appear in the Field Templates pane. ─── 在数据库中创建一个表,并用要显示在“字段模板”窗格中的自定义字段填充该表。

35、Researchers still have much to study in the billions of whirling disks that populate our universe. ─── 在这些充斥整个宇宙的无数旋转圆盘上,还有许多有待研究的课题。

36、6.Almost every year, the number of people to populate a town, decamp to what seems like another country, to live like some ancient civilisation for one weekend of the year. ─── 几乎每年,都会有大量人群离开自己住的地方拥入一个小镇,仿佛建立了自己的国家一般,以原始人的方式度过一个周末。

37、As an alternative, you can also populate the Windows Address Book with information about recipients before you send an e-mail message to them using Outlook Express. ─── 另外,也可以在使用Outlook Express向收件人发送电子邮件之前,将与收件人有关的信息填充到Windows通讯簿中。

38、There are nearly enough Chinese named Zhang Wei to populate the city of Pittsburgh. ─── 估计在中国叫张伟这个名字的人数能够有匹兹堡人的人口那么多。

39、Algae micro organisms microorganisms in the water over populate overpopulate because of the surplus nitrogen. ─── 因为大量氮肥使水藻类微生物在水中过量生长。

40、"I would hope that he would look beyond the Circuit Courts of Appeals, which now populate the Supreme Court, and pick someone with greater world experience," he said. ─── 他说:“现在,最高法院的法官大多来自联邦巡回上诉法院系统,我希望总统能把眼光放到这个系统以外,挑选一位更具国际经验的人。”

41、The data to populate these forms is often stored in a relational database which needs to be rendered in an exact position on the form. ─── 填充表格的数据通常存储在关系型数据库中,在输出的表格中,必须将它们显示在准确的位置上。

42、From there, we populate the new row using update methods. ─── 在这里,我们使用更新方法来填充新行。

43、For example, a plot command, following a subplot command, will populate the sub-plot specified in the subplot command with the plot specified in the plot command. ─── 例如,一个绘图命令在子曲线图命令后,将对子曲线命令所指定的子曲线图上使用绘图命令。

44、At the same time,some of the old tensions remain,with ethnic conflicts in Bosnia and Somalia reminding the revolutionaries and the traditionalists that wars will continue however many chips and computers may populate the world. ─── 同时,一些原有的紧张局势将依然存在,波斯尼亚和索马里的种族冲突不时提醒革命党人和传统主义者:不管世界上充斥着多少芯片和电脑,战争都将继续下去。

45、Oxigen microl organism Algae microorganisms in the water over populate the cause overpopulate because of the surplus of nitrogen. ─── 她说不同的国家在地区,环境,气候和人口需要的基础上需要不同解决办法。

46、The SQL statements in build_consol. Sql create and populate the emp and cust tables in the consolidated database. ─── build_consol.sql中的SQL语句创建并填充统一数据库中的emp表和cust表。

47、Molecules formed elements, elements formed substances and so on, in a continuous process during eons in the Wheel of Time, until they became the stars and galaxies that populate the Universe. ─── 分子成为基本要素,构造出物质,如此等等。在时间车轮运转的持续进程中,直到它们成为星星和那些构成宇宙的星云系。

48、The query used to populate a cursor's work table when the cursor is opened. ─── 在打开游标时用于填充游标工作表的查询。

49、Limo drivers, ultra-marathoners, vagabonds, and a distraught novelist-to-be populate the pages of these gritty stories. ─── 轿车司机,超马拉松,流浪汉和一个心烦意乱的小说家将要填充坚韧不拔的故事,这些网页。

50、A reef also serves as a nesting ground for fish eggs and larvae that eventually populate fish habitats. ─── 一个暗礁也可作为巢窝用给鱼产卵和幼虫最后构成鱼的栖息地。

51、When you use the Table Wizard to create tables and populate them with the fields you specify, the wizard sets a variety of properties for each field. ─── 在使用“表向导”创建表并用您指定的字段填充它们时,向导为每个字段设置了各种属性。

52、It is only when you fill, or populate, a database with data in tables that it starts to serve a purpose. ─── 只有在使用表中的数据填充数据库后,数据库才会有用。

53、They come in all s sizes -- from a few of hundreds hundred students to nof enough to populate a city. ─── 他们各种规模的都有,从几百人的规模到人数多得足可构成一座城市。

54、After that, a few small populations left Africa to populate the rest of the world. ─── 在那之后,少数人离开非洲,移居到世界其他地方。

55、The FAST button brings up a dialog that lets you quickly populate your report with text and data labels using drag and drop simplicity. ─── FAST 按钮产生的对话允许您使用拖放功能快速将您的报告装上文本和数据标签。

56、The Items property is used to populate the combo box drop-down list with a selection of titles. ─── Items属性用于填充带有标题选项的组合框下拉列表。

57、Text accepts a string that is used to populate the disclaimer message that is added to an e-mail message. ─── Text接受字符串,该字符串用于填充添加到电子邮件中的免责声明邮件。

58、Populate the input as shown in Figure 20. ─── 填充输入,如图20所示。

59、Add config option (always_populate_raw_post_data) which when enabled will always populate $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA regardless of the post mime type ─── 增加了配置参数(always_populate_raw_post_data),允许情况下,无论任何post 类型,都捆绑 $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA

60、Convenience function, along with the ID of a table to populate and an array of functions. ─── 便捷函数,同时还有要填充的表的ID和一个函数数组。

61、They come in all sizes -- from a few hundred students to enough to populate a city. ─── 各种规模的都有,从有学生几百名到学生的数量多的可以住下一个城市。

62、In 1493, 2000 Jewish children were taken to Sao Tome to populate the islands. ─── 圣多美和普林西比过去一直是葡萄牙殖民地。

63、The book is a protest against that sort of development - against white-collar culture and the educational system designed to populate it. ─── 克劳福德的这本书是对上述情况的一种抗议——抗议白领文化和形成这种文化的教育体系。

64、populate a continent ─── 向大陆移民, 居住于大陆

65、Use tools to populate data. ─── 使用工具来生成测试数据。

66、Pruning is an important domain of decision tree induction,which can simplify and populate decision trees and avoid overfitting. ─── 决策树剪枝的作用是简化决策树,提高决策树的泛化能力,避免对训练集的过适应,是决策树学习中的重要研究内容。

67、Event to populate the nodes. ─── 事件填充节点。

68、In the game, you design life-forms that grow into tribes and populate a planet, which you can also design. ─── 在该游戏里,你设计生命,让它成长为部落居住在你也能设计的星球。

69、How to: Populate List Web Server Controls from a Data Source ─── 如何:从数据源填充List Web服务器控件

70、This sort of plot would not be very interesting if it wasn't for the characters, so it's imperative that Bujold populate her story with interesting people. ─── 如果不是因为那些角色,这样的情节不会很有趣,因此布约德必须让他的故事中充满有趣的人物。

71、"Tiny bands of early humans, forced apart by harsh environmental conditions, coming back from the brink to reunite and populate the world," he added."Truly an epic drama, written in our DNA. ─── 他补充说“早期人类由于恶劣的自然环境,被迫分成若干个小组,后来重新聚集、繁殖,这真是一部书写在我们dna中的史诗。”

72、The purpose of developing sports career in China is to populate the sports among people, increase their corporeity and prevent all kinds of diseases such as SARS and so on. ─── 中国发展体育事业的目的是在人们中普及体育运动,增强他们的体质,预防诸如“非典型肺炎”等各种疾病。

73、In this step, you will read the data from the bound controls and populate a table in your Word document. ─── 在此步骤中,将从绑定控件中读取数据,然后填充Word文档中的一个表。

74、Populate the table The SqlCommand class uses the EXECUTE statement to run a procedure that retrieves rows from the Northwind database and add them to the NW_Seafood table. ─── 填充表SqlCommand类使用EXECUTE语句运行一个过程,从Northwind数据库检索行并将它们添加到NW_Seafood表。

75、These cells have the ability to migrate long distances, allowing chromatophores to populate many organs of the body, including the skin, eye, ear and brain. ─── 之后这些细胞长距离的移动到各处(细胞迁移),使后来的皮肤、眼睛、耳朵与大脑等部位,都有色素细胞的存在。

76、Conservatives populate the Republican Party and are considered to be on the right (as in direction, not necessarily correctness) side of the political spectrum. ─── 共和党内大有人在,被认为是政治派别上的右翼,当然只是说方向,不一定是说正确。

77、Object. For instance, applications often use data binding to populate ─── 例如,应用程序经常利用数据绑定来填充

78、To oblige idling artists we populate public squares with famous men. ─── 为满足虚度光阴的艺术家我们把名人雕像聚集公共广场。

79、To populate the network, the liability claims department had to collect, organize and edit the materials counsel had amassed over years of past litigation. ─── 为了利用这个网络工作,债务索赔部门不得不收集、整理和编辑法律顾问在过去很多年的诉讼中积累起来的资料。

80、First to populate (and protect) his planet, and then to deploy on opponents planets. ─── 先繁殖(还有保护)他的卫星,然后部署到敌人的卫星上。

81、All sea life upon Earth originates from these two breeding tanks in which those species that could flourish went on to populate all oceans. ─── 地球上所有海洋生命都起源于这两个培育槽,在其中那些物种能繁荣,接着居住于所有海洋。

82、How to: Populate Word Tables with Document Properties ─── 如何:用文档属性填充Word表

83、In this case, each brand name will populate inside a select box form field as shown in the highlighted area within the UIGR application screen capture below. ─── 在这种情况下,每个品牌名都将填充字段中的一个选择框,如下方UIGR应用程序屏幕捕获中的高亮显示区域所示。

84、In one of the articles that I wrote about RSS, I discuss how to create and populate an RSS file through a form. ─── 在我很多文章其中的一篇我写了RSS的相关内容。

85、For example, if you are writing Visual Basic code to programmatically populate a report and you want to know more about adding a background picture or watermark to the report. ─── 例如,编写 Visual Basic 代码以程序方式填充报表,并且想了解如何向报表添加背景图片或水印。

86、When you populate Active Directory with user objects in an organization that includes an earlier version of Exchange, the user objects in Active Directory do not include Exchange-specific attributes. ─── 如果组织中包括Exchange的早期版本,那么,在使用该组织中的用户对象填充Active Directory时,Active Directory中的用户对象将不包括Exchange专有属性。

87、The types provided in the types parameter can be used to populate a list box with the available types. ─── 参数中提供的类型可用于填充包含可用类型的列表框。

88、In order to populate this user's local database, an OCA will typically include some data synchronization capabilities. ─── 为了填充这个本地数据库,OCA程序通常都会包括一些数据同步能力。

89、In general, it will take decades or centuries of the combined work of many experimenters to adequately populate the space available to a theory. ─── 一般地,将一个理论扩张到足够的空间需要几十年甚至上百年间大量实验的共同工作成果。

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