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09-05 投稿


emancipated 发音

[ ?'m?ns?,pet?d]

英:  美:

emancipated 中文意思翻译



emancipated 网络释义

adj. 被解放的v. 解放;使…获得自由(emancipate的过去分词)

emancipated 词性/词形变化,emancipated变形

名词: emancipator |动词过去式: emancipated |动词过去分词: emancipated |动词现在分词: emancipating |形容词: emancipative |动词第三人称单数: emancipates |

emancipated 短语词组

1、emancipated from ─── 使不受束缚解放摆脱

2、emancipated meaning ─── 解放的意义

3、emancipated wife on twitter ─── 在推特上解放了妻子

4、emancipated states ─── 解放国家

5、emancipated adult ─── 解放的成人

6、emancipated at 14 14 ─── 岁就被解放了

7、emancipated minor ─── [法] 脱离父母而独立生活的未成人

8、emancipated minors ─── 被解放的未成年人

9、emancipated minor definition ─── 未成年人解放定义

emancipated 相似词语短语

1、mancipates ─── 曼奇帕茨

2、emancipates ─── vt.解放;释放

3、mancipated ─── 已完成

4、emancipate ─── vt.解放;释放

5、unemancipated ─── 未获解放的;未获自由的

6、emancipating ─── vt.解放;释放

7、mancipate ─── 约束

8、emaciated ─── adj.瘦弱的;憔悴的;v.憔悴;消瘦下去(emaciate的过去分词)

9、emancipator ─── n.释放者;解放者

emancipated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Therefore, measures should be taken in these ways: the control mechanism and tools of money supply should be changed, the function of market should be emancipated to determine money supply. ─── 我国货币供给的控制机制与控制工具应作调整,应充分发挥市场在货币供给过程中的决定作用。

2、And it was quite a moving thing to see women with bound feet, who hitherto had not been allowed outside the home, toddling around the stage and acting out the part of an emancipated female. ─── 昔日轻易不出家门的小脚妇女,居然也登台扮演放了足的女角,在舞台上蹒跚迈步。看到这样的情景的确使人深受感动。

3、Microsoft's Windows 2000 will arrive with a feature sheet rich in added manageability, scalability and the means for Windows networks to be emancipated from reliance on NetBIOS. ─── 微软的windows 2000将带着在增加可管理性、可扩展性和把windows网络从依赖NetBIOS(网络基本输入输出系统)中解脱出来等方面的丰富特性来到这个世界。

4、Dalai's "Middle Way" is to restore his past heaven and put millions of already emancipated serfs back to the dark cage. ─── 达赖所追求的“中间道路”,就是要恢复他昔日的天堂,就是要把获得翻身解放的百万农奴重新打入黑暗的牢笼。

5、minds not sufficiently emancipated, the Zhuzhou real estate development is the concept behind the "bottleneck" is the largest gap with the developed areas. ─── 思想不够解放,观念滞后是加快株洲房地产发展的“瓶颈”,是我们与发达地区最大的差距。

6、In Marlowe's interpretation, human subjectivity is emancipated from the hereditary convention of Elizabethan society. ─── 在马娄的诠释下,得知人的主体性从伊莉莎白时代的社会规范中解放开来。

7、emancipated student ─── 独立的学生

8、Our resolve to proceed this way shows that we have really emancipated our minds and shaken off the fetters of erroneous "Left" policies that have hampered our work over the years. ─── 下决心这样做,表明我们真正解放了思想,摆脱了多年来“左”的错误指导方针的束缚。

9、16th President of the United States; saved the Union during the Civil War and emancipated the slaves; was assassinated by Booth (1809-1865). ─── 第16届美国总统;在内战中拯救了美联盟,解放了奴隶;被布斯暗杀(1809-1865)。

10、She is an emancipated woman. ─── 她是一位不受束缚的女性。

11、He was a native African, and by the help of God he emancipated a whole ship-load of his fellowmen on the high seas. ─── 他在非洲土生土长。在上帝的护佑下,他在公海解救了整整一艘船的同胞弟兄。

12、That war preserved the Union and emancipated the slaves. ─── 那场战争保住了联邦政府,解放了奴隶。

13、Women are still struggling to be fully emancipated. ─── 妇女仍在为彻底解放而斗争。

14、At that time, emancipated the mind was a significant political issue. ─── 在当时,解放思想是一个重大的政治问题。

15、Not to conceal anything, the three first were more experienced, more heedless, and more emancipated into the tumult of life than Fantine the Blonde, who was still in her first illusions. ─── 不瞒大家说,起头的三个人,都比金发美人芳汀有经验些,放得开些,在人生的尘嚣中阅历多些,芳汀却还正做她初次的情梦。

16、Corinth was a city founded by emancipated slaves and these former salves and their descendants established a wealthy Roman colony where evidence of self-promotion was replete. ─── 哥林多城是由获释放的奴隶所创立。这些前身奴隶与他们的后裔建立富裕的罗马帝国社区。在这社区 ,自我提升的现象,比比皆是。

17、IN the emancipated souls, there are attributes like absolute knowledge, absolute bliss, absolute potentiality, absolute vision, formlessness, existence and extension. (620 ─── 在一个解脱的灵魂中具有绝对的知识,绝对的福祉,绝对的潜力,绝对的先知、无形、存在以及拓展。

18、Political Role of the Domestic and Emancipated Slaves in the Late Roman Republic and Early Roman Empire ─── 罗马共和末期和帝制初期家奴、被释奴在政治上的作用

19、Adapted from the works of his "Homesickness", "emancipated song," "Mercedes-Benz in the Prairie" and other music for the "erhu music and the performing arts nine demands," a book and the "erhu Etudes", and other basic materials. ─── 他创作改编的作品有《怀乡曲》、《翻身歌》、《奔驰在千里草原》等曲,编著有《二胡曲九首及其演奏艺术要求》一书及《二胡练习曲》等基础教材。

20、10. 16th President of the United States; saved the Union during the Civil War and emancipated the slaves; was assassinated by Booth (1809-1865). ─── 第16届美国总统;在内战中拯救了美联盟,解放了奴隶;被布斯暗杀(1809-1865)。收藏指正

21、Slaves were not emancipated until 1863 in the United States. ─── 美国奴隶直到1863年才获得自由。

22、By introducing reform and opening up,we have greatly emancipated productivity in China. ─── 在改革开放下,我们在中国极大地解放了生产力。

23、So we canceled the order and adopted propaganda methods and the people emancipated their feet by themselves. ─── 后来我们撤消了那道命令,改用宣传教育的办法,结果群众就自动把小脚解放了。

24、a modern woman; emancipated women ─── 新女性

25、In fact, the current debate about whether practice is the sole criterion for testing truth is also a debate about whether people's minds need to be emancipated. ─── 目前进行的关于实践是检验真理的唯一标准问题的讨论,实际上也是要不要解放思想的争论。

26、often mocked as Miss Nancy by the more emancipated ─── 常被比较豪放的人讥为娘娘腔的男人

27、Some are born in the womb; evildoers arise in hell; righteous ones go to heaven; those without taints are completely emancipated. ─── 有些人投生母胎,邪恶者堕入地狱,正直之人上生天界,无烦恼者入般涅槃。(注:在此投生于母胎是指投生作人。无烦恼者即是阿罗汉。

28、Catholics were emancipated in 1792. ─── 天主教徒在1792年获得了解放。

29、“We choose to think of ourselves as emancipated,” Fisher said. “We're working our way up to slacker.” ─── “我们想把自己的日子过的消遥自在,”费蛇耳说。“我们做的是懒鬼工作。”

30、The washing machine has emancipated housewives from a great deal of drudgery. ─── 洗衣机已经使家庭主妇们从一大堆辛苦的工作中解脱出来。

31、an emancipated young woman(= one with modern ideas about women's place in society) ─── 一位思想解放的年轻女士

32、Out of thirty million farmers, nearly twenty million have become politically self-conscious.Eighty per cent of the people have been emancipated from two thousand years of feudalism. ─── 在三千万农民之中,近二千万群众具有了一定的政治觉悟,百分之八十的人巳摆脱了二千年来封建主义的束缚。

33、This day was only the first of many similar ones for the emancipated Mole, each of them longer and full of interest as the ripening summer moved onward. ─── 对于新从地下居室解放出来的鼹鼠,这一天,只是一连串相伴的日子的开端。

34、They immediately hit two urgent calls to 120 even after carefully to the Song river name emancipated and ease her pain. ─── 两人赶紧给120连打两个加急电话,之后小心翼翼地给宋潇翻身,缓解她的疼痛。

35、4.In 1989,Barrymore finally managed to lay her addictions aside,a personal triumph she celebrated by becoming legally emancipated at age 15. ─── 1989年,巴里莫尔终于设法戒掉了不良嗜好,15岁的她以合法的自由之躯欢庆这次自我胜利。

36、China's reform and open policy, promoted the thought fully emancipated, original monotonous black, the ash, the blue color are substituted for multi-colored. ─── 中国的改革开放,促进了思想大解放,原来单调的黑、灰、蓝色被五彩缤纷取代。

37、Developers violated the law, ranging from people throughout the country with floor to shoot first will be severely punished, itself, the general will be confronted deep source, aeon not emancipated. ─── 地产商犯了法,不等全国人民拿板砖拍,先就会被严惩、狠打的,一般都会被弄个深陷囹圄,永世不得翻身。

38、She was young, had bobbed hair and emancipated feet. ─── 她留着一头短发,而且还是一双“解放脚”。

39、emancipated minor ─── [法] 脱离父母而独立生活的未成人

40、He emancipated himself from bad habits. ─── 他戒掉了他的恶习。

41、The condition of being emancipated. ─── 解放被解放的状态。

42、They do not see man fully emancipated under their present policy. ─── 他们知道他们现在推行的政策还不能使人民得到彻底解放。

43、16th President of the United States; saved the Union during the Civil War and emancipated the slaves; was assassinated by Booth (1809-1865) ─── 第16届美国总统;在内战中拯救了美联盟,解放了奴隶;被布斯暗杀(1809-1865)

44、It was an age in which the human intellect, newly emancipated, had taken a more active and a wider range than for many centuries before. ─── 当年正处于人类智慧初获解放的时代,比起以前的许多世纪,有着广阔得多的天地任其驰骋。

45、emancipated serfs ─── 翻身农奴

46、These emancipated serfs mostly became artificers; and lived by exchanging the produce of their industry for the surplus food and material which the soil yielded to its feudal proprietors. ─── 这些获得了解放的农奴大都成了工匠,用自己的产品换取封建主土地上生产出的剩余粮食和原料以此为生。

47、In thisway his spirit is emancipated. ─── 由此,他的灵魂获得解脱。

48、Emancipated Peasant ─── 翻身农民

49、Following World War II, the people of many countries under colonial rule were emancipated and won independence. ─── 第二次大战以后许多殖民地国家的人民获得了解放和独立

50、This machine emancipated us from hard work. ─── 这个机器把我们从繁重的工作中解放出来。

51、"and now he was emancipated from that world of obstraction, false security, parents and material excess, the thing that cut Chris off from the truth of his existence." ─── 推荐电影的时候不喜欢说太多,怕误导别人..这是一部充满智慧的电影,或者说,是一部太过有智慧的电影..

52、based on market inertia, the so-called "non-mainstream" project if it does not take "non-mainstream" forces, cut it emancipated. ─── 基于市场惯性,所谓“非主流”项目如不采取“非主流”的操盘方式,断难翻身。

53、The washing machine has emancipated housewives from a great deal of drudgery. ─── 洗衣机已经为家庭主妇们解除了一大堆辛苦的工作。

54、Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation emancipated slaves in the Confederate states. ─── 林肯的解放宣言解放了南部联邦的奴隶。

55、The bishop, though temporally emancipated from his wife, was not yet enthralled to Mr. Slope. ─── 主教虽然暂时从妻子的手中解救出来,却还没有给斯洛普先生所奴役。

56、He was a native African, and by the help of God he emancipated a whole ship-load of his fellowmen on the high seas. ─── 他在非洲土生土长。在上帝的护佑下,他在公海解救了整整一艘船的同胞弟兄。

57、They emancipated women from slavery. ─── 但通常指妇女、女性或黑奴的解放,如

58、"Today is the tireless commitment to improving the social status of people, declining levels Naozhewan not matter just before emancipated delinking the poor, how can talk about the subject now? ─── 对于今天正孜孜不倦地致力于提高社会地位的国人来说,等级下降可不是闹着玩的事,好不容易才翻身脱了贫,怎么能再跌回去呢?

59、Americans and Europeans will not like some of the choices made by newly-emancipated citizens. ─── 这些刚刚获得自由的公民所做出的某些选择,不会令美国和欧洲感到满意。

60、Lincoln insisted that the slaves should be emancipated. ─── 林肯坚决主张解放奴隶。

61、Emancipated from the petty prejudices and narrow views of a locality by its elevated position and comprehensive sphere of observation, its advice would naturally carry much authority; ─── 由于它所处地位高,观察范围广,不为一个地方的琐细偏见和狭隘眼光所局限,所以它的通报自然就带有很大的权威;

62、Are women now fully emancipated(= with the same rights and opportunities as men)? ─── 现在妇女已经彻底解放了吗?

63、3.In thisway his spirit is emancipated. ─── 就这样,他的灵魂得到了释放。

64、If you are an adult or an emancipated minor, talk to your doctor about Advance Directives. ─── 意思似乎明白,就是离家独立的未成年人。可法律上是这么说吗(中国有这样的相关法律吗)

65、After the collapse of the equal-field system, farmers were gradually emancipated from close state control; ─── 农民在均田制崩溃后,逐渐从国家的严密控制中解放出来;

66、The reform and the open policy has also further emancipated the minds of the people. ─── 不搞改革,不坚持开放政策,我们指定的战略目标就不可能实现。这是一个关,这个关必须过。

67、1.Most deputies of the tibetan nationality to the congress were emancipated serfs and slaves, as well as patriots from the upper strata and religious figures. ─── 参加大会的藏族代表绝大多数是翻身农奴和奴隶,也有上层爱国人士和宗教界人士。

68、This means that many cities in the country thriving, but Beijing has spiritless residential secondary market, and finally usher in a "big emancipated" one day. ─── 这意味着在国内许多城市红红火火、而在北京却死气沉沉的住宅二级市场,终于迎来了“大翻身”的一天。

69、Labor-saving devices have emancipated women from kitchen drudgery . ─── 许多节省劳力的设备于妇女摆脱掉乏味的厨房杂役。

70、Four light buildings, automatically emancipated bed, wearing military sleeping bags on the body, the Housing activities, heat preservation barracks ─── 四层轻质楼房,自动翻身床,可以穿在身上的军用睡袋,活动房,保温营房

71、When people's minds aren't yet emancipated and their thinking remains rigid, curious phenomena emerge. ─── 思想不解放,思想僵化,很多的怪现象就产生了。

72、Beijing's winning site, fashionable " emancipated show" -- Peking man seems to favour a legend house. ─── 北京的烂尾盘,时髦“翻身秀”――北京人似乎偏爱带有传奇故事的房子。

73、The "live test business" under the impact of "second line" shops emancipated change Xiangbobo ─── 受"住禁商"规定的影响"二线"商铺翻身变香饽饽

74、First, emancipated the mind to correct party's ideological line, from “left” the mistake walked, has opened the reform and open policy prologue. ─── 第一,解放思想端正了党的思想路线,从“左”的错误走出来,开启了改革开放的序幕。

75、Is it Emancipated to Want a 16-Inch Waist? ─── 16英寸腰围和妇女解放有什么关系?

76、It was an age in which the human intellect, newly emancipated, had taken a more active and a wider range than for many centuries before. ─── 当年正处于人类智慧初获解放的时代,比起以前的许多世纪,有着广阔得多的天地任其驰骋。

77、Develops in the activity emancipates the mind big discussion, by the thought fully emancipated, promotes the rural work big development. ─── 在活动中开展解放思想大讨论,以思想大解放,推动农村工作大发展。

78、In our country,the female have emancipated greatly since the founding of P.R. ─── 新中国的建立使中国女性得到了巨大的解放。

79、The reform emancipated forestry productivity greatly, the reforestation, forest protection, economic development of woodland at the village is with unprecedented enthusiasm. ─── 改革极大地解放了林业生产力,全村造林、营林、护林、发展林地经济的积极性空前高涨,兴林有希望,富民有奔头。

80、The village was emancipated, and the villagers all jumped for joy singing loudly for liberty. ─── 山村解放了,村民们都欢跳起舞,为自由而高歌。

81、we don't study the ways in which women can be emancipated, or the family system set right, but instead we rave about wife-sharing and free love; ─── 不去研究女子如何解放、家庭制度如何救正,却去高谈公妻主义和自由恋爱;

82、In this way his spirit is emancipated. ─── 他的精神就是这样解放了的。

83、This fired the people with soaring enthusiasm for building a new China and a new life, emancipated the social productive forces and set the economy on the track of unprecedented growth. ─── 这就极大地激发了人民群众建设新中国和新生活的积极性,解放了社会生产力,使社会经济以中国历史上空前的速度心。

84、"It was an age in which the human intellect, newly emancipated, had taken a more active and a wider range than for many centuries before." ─── 当年正处于人类智慧初获解放的时代,比起以前的许多世纪,有着广阔得多的天地任其驰骋。

85、In beehives and conical bras they tottered along, eating chips, giggling, aggressively emancipated, loud and lippy, out for it and up for it. ─── 穿着蜂窝状的衣服和圆锥内衣,他们走路蹒跚,吃着薯片,笑着,积极解放,声音大又话多,一会为这一会为那。

86、Aesthetics: Bound-Up in History and Emancipated in Criticism ─── 美学:历史上的捆锁与批判中的释放

87、Lincoln emancipated the slaves. ─── 林肯解放了黑奴。

88、I'm sure you two emancipated females will take this in your stride . ─── 我相信你们两位摆脱束缚的女性会从容地对付此事的。

89、But one life was taken, and the whole were emancipated, and the vessel was carried into Nassau, New Providence. ─── 帆船最后驶住新普罗维登斯的拿骚。

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