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09-05 投稿


acerbic 发音

英:[?'s??b?k]  美:[?'s?b?k]

英:  美:

acerbic 中文意思翻译



acerbic 网络释义

adj. 尖刻的(等于acerb);酸的;辛辣的

acerbic 短语词组

1、acerbic wit ─── 尖刻的机智

2、acerbic root ─── 酸根

3、acerbic definition ─── 尖刻的定义

4、acerbic replies ─── 尖刻的回答

5、acerbic defined ─── 尖刻的定义

6、acerbic define ─── 尖刻的定义

acerbic 词性/词形变化,acerbic变形

异体字: acerb |副词: acerbically |

acerbic 相似词语短语

1、amebic ─── adj.阿米巴的;变形虫的

2、aceramic ─── adj.没有陶器的

3、ascorbic ─── n.抗坏血酸;adj.治坏血症的;抗坏血的

4、alembic ─── n.净化器具;蒸馏器

5、acetic ─── adj.醋的,乙酸的

6、aerobic ─── adj.需氧的;增氧健身法的

7、acerbity ─── n.酸,涩;刻薄

8、unacerbic ─── 无忧无虑的

9、acerb ─── adj.尖锐的;酸涩的;尖酸刻薄的

acerbic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Do not make overweight or acerb object direct pound exterior;to exceed big or overweight household utensils cannot long; ─── 台面表面尽量保持干燥,耐火板、台面避免长期浸水,防止开胶变形。

2、The playwright allows an acerbic tone to pierce through otherwise arid or flowery prose. ─── 剧作家允许在枯燥或华丽的散文中插入刻薄的语调。

3、What is acerb wet verrucous earlier symptom? ─── 尖锐湿疣初期症状是什么?

4、Among those in the audience was expected to be Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, an acerbic critic of U.S. foreign policy who has previously challenged Bush to a debate. ─── 与会者中包括伊朗总统马哈茂德·艾哈迈迪-内贾德,他一贯严批评美国的对外政策,此前曾向布什发出挑战,要求进行辩论。

5、To this, 9 cities interior feels naturally " acerb " . ─── 对此,九城内部自然深感“酸涩”。

6、All component Ying Guang of stair is slippery, fruity, did not highlight, acerb part, the person that lest be opposite,use is caused innocently harm. ─── 楼梯的所有部件应光滑、圆润,没有突出的、尖锐的部分,以免对使用者造成无意的伤害。

7、The contradiction with much little ground of our country person is quite acerb, the income of the farmer still is less than the half of townsman. ─── 我国人多地少的矛盾相当尖锐,农民的收入还不到城市居民的一半。

8、Methods Increase the jelly melts working procedure over and over again for,and in acerbic condition,compare the collect rates with the present productive technology. ─── 方法在原技术基础上,增加了反复冻融工序,于酸性条件下对猪脾转移因子进行提取,比较现行工艺及改进工艺的提取率。

9、Current, vast rural area a miniature production basically exists 3 problems: The first, the family manages the acerb contradiction with big market. ─── 目前,广大农村一家一户小规模生产主要存在三个问题:第一,家庭经营与大市场的尖锐矛盾。

10、And taste the life that acerbic, sweet, bitter, spicy, and salty. ─── 品尝着人生五味。

11、Acerb wet verrucous infection is very fast! ─── 尖锐湿疣感染很快!

12、Venereal and main it is urethritis of sex of gonococcus of syphilis, clap, blame, acerb bleb of wet wart, genital, soft chancre, AIDS. ─── 性病主要是梅毒、淋病、非淋菌性尿道炎、尖锐湿疣、生殖器疱疹、软下疳、艾滋病等。

13、In the development process of this year, medium and small businesses was faced with more acerb contradiction on capital. ─── 在本年度的发展过程中,中小企业在资金上面临了更加尖锐的矛盾。

14、Want to notice not to let a clog pound its surface additionally, or with surface of acerb article score. ─── 另外要注重不要让重物冲击其表面,或用尖锐物品刻划表面。

15、Written after a short visit to the UK (his first), his essay is not just witty and acerbic, it is humblingly observant. ─── 此文写于他(首次)短暂访问英国之后。他的散文不仅诙谐尖刻,其观察之细致入微也足以令人汗颜。

16、Chou sent back an acerbic note accusing us of seeking to enmesh the People's Republic in the Vietnam problem ─── 周恩来回复了一封尖刻的信,指责我们想把中华人民共和国纠缠到越南问题中去。

17、At times, the playwright allows an acerbic tone to pierce through otherwise arid or flowery prose(Alvin Klein)See Synonyms at bitter ─── 有时,剧作家在枯燥或华丽的散文中插入刻薄的语调(阿尔文 克莱因)参见

18、At the beginning of reforming 1978, below the condition of structure of onefold agriculture economy, the contradiction of labour force and land natural resources is very acerb. ─── 改革之初的1978年,在单一农业经济结构的条件下,劳动力与土地资源的矛盾极为尖锐。

19、Think: Revolution of the 3rd industry namely the person that the prime cause of zoology revolution depends on 18 century be being caused before and the zoology crisis with acerb and contrary nature; ─── 认为:第三次产业革命即生态革命的根本原因在于18世纪以前造成的人与自然尖锐对立的生态危机;

20、"a deserved reputation for sarcastic, acerbic and uninhibited polemics" (Burke Marshall). ─── “他的臭名应该得到极为讽刺的、尖酸的和无限制的攻击” (伯克·马歇尔)。

21、Perhaps the most luxury to be considered by Mitsui Real Estate Development in the Fashion Valley 34-storey residential acerbic Castle Peak Park Building. ─── 也许最豪华的要算是由三井不动产开发,位于时尚住宅涩谷的34层高青山公园大楼。

22、Some sitting implement blow resembles when sailing upstream acerb chirp sound. ─── 有的坐便器上水时就像吹响了尖锐的哨音。

23、Those stories happened when one is young and rash are like freshly sliced lemons, and the acerbic fragrance they give out immerge slowly into the lines of history. ─── 年少轻狂的故事,像一片片刚切下的新鲜的柠檬,散发出青青涩涩的清香,在岁月的字里行间淡淡飘逸。

24、The acerbic singer with the raw voice and an often cynical view on modern life released his final album, The Wind, just two weeks ago. ─── 就在两周以前,这名嘲讽乐派歌手还用他那伤感的嗓音,和对现代生活不懈的观念发行了他人生中的最后一张专辑——《风》。

25、Acuteness wet wart is the infection as a result of acerb wet verrucous virus, cause the benign proliferation of skin mucous membrane. ─── 尖锐湿疣是由于尖锐湿疣病毒的感染,导致皮肤粘膜的良性增生。

26、One acerbic blogger calls her “Obama's bitter half”. ─── 有一位尖刻的博客将她称为“让奥巴马痛苦的另一半”。

27、But as system of socialist market economy build and develop, the contradiction that the country's existing ox produces relation and productivity progress is increasingly acerb also. ─── 但随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和发展,农村现有的牛产关系与生产力发展的矛盾也日益尖锐。

28、They will usually be the one with a crippling addiction and an acerbic sense of humor. ─── 他们常常会有严重的癖嗜和尖刻的幽默感。

29、No matter be to read, the job or all night libertinism, the eye regular meeting when staying up late because lamplight is other perhaps element and feel particularly easily acerb with exhaustion. ─── 无论是读书、工作还是彻夜玩乐,熬夜时的眼睛常会因为灯光或者其他因素而特别容易感到酸涩和疲劳。

30、Instead, viewers will be sucked in by the complexity of the issues being considered, as well as by the characters' personalities, particularly that of the acerbic and often hilarious Dr. ─── 而且,观众不仅会被复杂的剧情吸引,也会被人物的性格打动,尤其是那位尖刻而歇斯底里的豪斯医生。

31、Current, the contradiction between our country population, resource, environment is very acerb, and predict won't apparent inside quite long period alleviation. ─── 目前,我国人口、资源、环境之间的矛盾是非常尖锐的,而且预计在相当长的时期内不会明显的缓和。

32、The author is engaged in food producing already 20 years, often can be heard in period of time or see " milk has not sold water " report, the sort of acerb psychology cannot Yan Yu. ─── 笔者从事食品生产已20年,一段时间里经常可以听到或看到“牛奶卖不过水”的报道,那种酸涩的心理不可言喻。

33、side keen want to choose pliable obtuse angle as far as possible, in case horn of acerb desk and chair lets run everywhere the child dash against of angle. ─── 桌椅角要尽量选择圆滑的钝角,以防尖锐的桌椅角让到处奔跑追逐的孩子撞上。

34、At times,the playwright allows an acerbic tone to pierce through otherwise arid or flowery prose(Alvin Klein)See Synonyms at bitter ─── 有时,剧作家在枯燥或华丽的散文中插入刻薄的语调(阿尔文·克莱因)参见

35、Come nearly a few years, as urbanization process accelerate, make this one contradiction increasingly acerb, make the world each traffic issue that big city exists generally. ─── 近几十年来 ,随着都市化进程的加快 ,使这一矛盾日益尖锐 ,成为世界各大城市普遍存在的交通问题。

36、"At times, the playwright allows an acerbic tone to pierce through otherwise arid or flowery prose" (Alvin Klein) ─── “有时,剧作家在枯燥或华丽的散文中插入刻薄的语调”(阿尔文·克莱因)。

37、a deserved reputation for sarcastic, acerbic and uninhibited polemics(Burke Marshall. ─── 他的臭名应该得到极为讽刺的、尖酸的和无限制的攻击(伯克 马歇尔)。

38、Mr Foster goes through this with acerbic thoroughness. ─── 福氏在记述这部分内容时,叙述详尽,用语尖刻。

39、British writer Samuel Johnson published an acerbic letter to Lord Chesterfield rebuffing his patron for neglecting and declining support. ─── 英国作家塞缪尔·约翰逊发表了一封致切斯特菲尔德勋爵的讽刺信,斥责其赞助人忽视并且拒绝支持他。

40、However this is not acerb, the contradiction that cannot coordinate. ─── 然而这并不是尖锐的、不可协调的矛盾。

41、But members of the public armed with camera phones, text messages, email and acerbic wit have sought to fill the void. ─── 但是用摄像手机、文本短信、电子邮件以及尖酸的言辞武装起来的公众则在努力地填补这一空白。

42、Had done the myopia of surgery of accurate element laser, the eye is acerb, dot what eyedrop is better? ─── 做过准分子激光手术的近视眼,眼睛酸涩,点什么眼药水好些呢?

43、to study the result shows the city changes development and farmland area to reduce presence, and the source that the contradictory increasingly acerb; ─── 研究结果表明城市化发展与耕地面积减少存在着明显的负相关性,而且二者的矛盾日益尖锐;

44、An iced red wine will have a more tannic acid character than those in chilled room temperature.So, it tastes acerbic. ─── 一瓶经过冰镇的红酒,比清凉室温下的红酒丹宁特性会更为显著,因而味道较涩。

45、The warning came in an interview that mixed self-confidence, defiance, bitterness and acerbic wit. ─── 他是在接受采访时作出上述警告的,期间透着自信、蔑视与不满,还有一些尖刻的俏皮话。

46、when mistakes happened, they thought of themselves first and refused to commit an error and became so upset, nervous or acerbic that hard to cooperate with. ─── 一碰到错误,他们先想到的是自己,拒不承认自己的错误,或情绪低落,或大发雷霆,成为有刺得人,难以相处。

47、The letter was written in her usual acerbic style. ─── 这封信是用她惯常的尖刻语调写的。

48、I always feel tired out recently, the eye is a bit acerb, a bit red still, inject passes second liver vaccine, won't be second liver, whether reply ─── 最近我总觉得疲惫,眼睛有点酸涩,还有点红,注射过乙肝疫苗了,不会是乙肝吧,能否回答

49、Angry, acerbic argument was virtually unknown. ─── 这样吹胡子瞪眼睛,舌剑唇枪的激烈争吵,可以说还从未有过。

50、an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose; ─── 与其他华丽的散文不同的尖刻的语气;

51、Metal of choose and buy is compound when furniture, whether is the section that should notice a metal handled smooth, have lay risk easily without acerb part. ─── 选购金属复合家具时,应注重金属的断面是否处理光滑、有无尖锐部分易生危险。

52、We are facing the grim situation with acerb contradiction of supply and demand of crisis of silvan natural resources, lumber. ─── 我们面临着森林资源危机、木材供需矛盾尖锐的严重局面。

53、The carrying capacity that well and truly computation dispatch a vehicle stands and adapt ability, can contradict with volume in carry increasingly acerb today, more appear particularly important. ─── 准确地计算出车站的通过能力和改编能力,在运能与运量矛盾日益尖锐的今天,更显得尤为重要。

54、acerbic adj. ─── 苦涩的;

55、We write acerb negativity which is fun to write and read. ─── 我们在反面的评论中提高自己的名声,取悦读者。

56、"From Soviet to Putin and Back" is an encyclopedic history of Russia's oil industry, peppered with acerbic remarks about its politics. ─── 《从苏维埃到普京及以后》是一部百科全书式的俄罗斯的石油工业史,其中夹杂着对政治的尖刻评论。

57、My world is lively and pure, like the island in cc relaxed sea wind stroke passes, light much mediumer of opaque silky, peony of natural and graceful abandoned acerb tactility, be close to easily. ─── 我的世界活泼纯净,如西西里岛清爽的海风拂过,轻快中多了粉质的柔滑,雍容牡丹舍弃了尖锐的触感,易于亲近。

58、a deserved reputation for sarcastic,acerbic and uninhibited polemics(Burke Marshall. ─── 他的臭名应该得到极为讽刺的、尖酸的和无限制的攻击(伯克·马歇尔)。

59、I also noticed that, while I loved Maida's witty, acerbic description of her own career struggles, she tended to talk in circles. ─── 我还注意到,虽然我喜欢Maida对自己事业做出富有机智、苦涩的描述,但是她的话总在绕圈。

60、In addition, local reaching systemic immunity force to drop also is the common cause that causes acerb wet verrucous recrudesce. ─── 此外,局部及全身免疫力下降也是导致尖锐湿疣复发的常见原因。

61、Horn of desk and chair should choose to make pliable obtuse angle as far as possible, in case horn of acerb desk and chair lets run everywhere the child dash against of angle. ─── .桌椅角要尽量选择制成圆滑的钝角的,以防尖锐的桌椅角让到处奔跑追逐的孩子撞上。

62、Avoid area of acerb implements cut, do not throw butt on the floor or set too very hot thing directly, avoid to procrastinate as far as possible move heavy furniture. ─── 避免尖锐器物划伤地面,不要在地板上扔烟头或直接放置太烫的东西,尽量避免拖动沉重的家具。

63、Furthermore, the Chongqing Morning News deliberately,chose the most acerbic comments from Kubin's interview in isolation. ─── 而且,重庆早报故意只挑选顾宾访谈稿中最尖刻的评论。

64、He was acclaimed for his acerbic wit and repartee. ─── 他以自己尖刻的风趣和巧妙的应答迎来喝彩。

65、The contradiction of acerb supply and demand in rural market promotes agricultural industrialization research to the forward position of agricultural economics. ─── 农村市场中尖锐的供求矛盾把农业产业化研究推向农业经济学的前沿。

66、The 1.8-metre-long great drawers, full of goods also need to be pushed back one lightly, lithe without acerbic sense, signifying its ramp quality reliability. ─── 巨大的1.8米长的抽屉,装满物品也只需轻轻一推即可还原,轻盈而毫无涩感,足见其滑轨质量的可靠性。

67、Of compound floor maintaining is very simple, want when to remember only: Need not acerb thing is brushed delimit blow (reckon everybody is hated to part with) , avoid to destroy wear-resisting layer; ─── 复合地板的保养是很简单的,只要记得几点:不用尖锐的东西擦划刮(估计谁都舍不得),避免破坏耐磨层;

68、They were both heavyset and inclined toward a projection of light amusement, although hers seemed more acerbic. ─── 他们都很粗壮,并且心理投影都倾向轻娱乐,尽管她的看起来更尖刻。

69、If the clap patient with too long wrapping incorporates at the same time acuteness wet wart, bring about acerb wet verrucous recrudesce more easily. ─── 包皮过长的淋病患者若同时合并尖锐湿疣,更容易导致尖锐湿疣复发。

70、Touch when puncture needle when the nerve root of pathological changes, can cause sudden acerb ache. ─── 当穿刺针触及病变的神经根时,会引起突发的尖锐疼痛。

71、One, turn part of all acerb yin and yang into fruity round part, whole space can appear very modest, very soft beauty. ─── 一、把所有尖锐的阴阳角变成圆润的圆角,整个空间会显得很谦虚、很美丽。

72、Ghani, clad in a traditional white cape and tunic, was acerbic and provocative. ─── 穿着传统白色披肩和长罩衫的盖尼显得尖刻并富有煽动性。

73、To Everyman, the commonnest still is to inspect exhaustion, feel the eye is acerb be about to drip eyedrop will alleviate, but this also should assign an account, drop eyedrop is not all-purpose. ─── 对于普通人来说,最常见的还是视疲劳,觉得眼睛酸涩就要滴眼药水来缓解,但是这也要分原因,滴眼药水并不是万能的。

74、Zhou Hong 祎: You did a lot of research to this industry, the topic is very acerb also. ─── 周鸿祎:你对这个行业做了很多研究,话题也很尖锐。

75、But it hadn't been mature to take on blooming and fruiting,doing that was a burden for it ,so its fruits were too acerbic to eat and sometimes a group of children attacked it with stones . ─── 但由于这棵树还未成熟,便承担开花结果的责任,累得弯了腰,结的果实也酸涩难吃,还时常招来一群孩子石头的袭击。

76、In daily life, because eat raw too too acerb, citric more attitude are with lemon piece, the configuration of lemon juice, citric skin participates in cooking. ─── 日常生活中,因为生吃太过酸涩,柠檬更多的姿态是以柠檬片、柠檬汁、柠檬皮的形态参与烹饪。

77、But her blog, an acerbic critique of the hypocrisies of life on the communist-led island might have made her just that. ─── 而在其博客中,桑切斯针对这个共产主义岛国上虚美隐恶的生活所发表的尖锐批判,却使她身陷囹圄。

78、4.An outbreak of acerbic name-calling has been aggravated by accusations of hacking and espionage by opposition parties, which led this week to the dramatic resignation of the Liberal Party secretary. ─── 由于遭到反对党有关骇客和间谍的指控,爆发的尖酸辱骂已经恶化,该指控还导致本周自由党部长的戏剧性辞职。

79、Often developed sullen and acerbic character traits. ─── 经常暴露出郁闷和尖刻的性格特征。

80、My Criminal Law professor, Steve Duke, was a witty, acerbic man and a fine teacher with whom I later did a seminar on white-collar crime. ─── 我的“刑法”教授是史蒂夫·杜克,他是一个风趣、尖刻的人,是个好老师,我后来与他一起摘了一个关于白领犯罪的讨论会。

81、Then, the financial jest with acerbic only zealous those past economist, what had become American at one's leisure today is newfangled. ─── 于是,那些过去只有尖刻的经济学家热衷的金融笑话,今天已经成为了美国人茶余饭后的最新流行。

82、Edmound Bacon We started work, and I wanted to communicate to the stupid public in the most acerbic fashion I possibly ─── 我们开始工作,我想以最尖刻的方式同愚蠢的公众交流,以

83、an acerbic remark, tone, etc ─── 尖刻的话﹑ 腔调等.

84、Chou En-lai sent back an acerbic letter ─── 周恩来回复了一封尖刻的信。

85、Whether that effort is made acerbic says Qingpiao are assembled on irrational structure, such tap water is not in use, the pressure is great, easy leakage. ─── 无论是觉得费力发涩还是手感轻飘,都说明装配结构不合理,这样的水龙头在使用中不是出水不好,就是水压大时容易漏水。

86、The letter was written in her usual acerbic style. ─── 这封信是用她惯常的尖刻语调写的。

87、People asks the reform current situation, desire that raises living standard is very strong, do not accelerate economic development, all sorts of societies are contradictory very will acerb. ─── 人民群众要求改革现状、提高生活水平的愿望十分强烈,不加快经济发展,各种社会矛盾就将十分尖锐。

88、You shouldn't speak such acerbic words. ─── 你不应该讲如此尖酸的话。

89、But should notice to avoid moisture and too too acerb, hot goods as far as possible the attaint to the floor. ─── 但要注重尽量避免潮湿和过于尖锐、过烫的物品对地板的损坏。

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