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09-05 投稿



indulgently 发音

英:[?n?d?ld??ntli]  美:[?n?d?ld??ntli]

英:  美:

indulgently 中文意思翻译



indulgently 反义词


indulgently 同义词

benevolent |tolerant | forbearing | generous | easygoing | lenient | fatherly | kind | compassionate | permissive | understanding | forgiving | soft

indulgently 短语词组

1、self-indulgently ─── 任性地; 自我放纵地

indulgently 词性/词形变化,indulgently变形

副词: indulgently |

indulgently 相似词语短语

1、indigently ─── adv.贫乏地;穷困地

2、indulgingly ─── 放纵地

3、insurgently ─── adv.汹涌地;造反地

4、fulgently ─── 轻轻地

5、overindulgently ─── 过分放纵

6、indolently ─── adv.怠惰地;不痛地

7、effulgently ─── 热情洋溢

8、indulgency ─── n.赦免;放纵;任性(等于indulgence)

9、indulgent ─── adj.放纵的;宽容的;任性的

indulgently 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To treat indulgently; baby. ─── 溺爱地对待;纵容

2、But that doesn't mean that the government can indulgently let the market determine it. ─── 这并不表明政府对此可以放任不管 ,一切由市场运作。

3、in an indulgently voluptuous manner. ─── 以一种放纵的、逸乐的方式。

4、Najib smiled at him indulgently and said, "Come on over when you feel like it." ─── 纳吉布放任地对他笑着说,“你什么时候想来就过来。”

5、"It's all right." Belinda smiled indulgently. ─── “没什么。”比琳达宽容地笑了笑。

6、"Newland must stay till he has quite thrown off his cold, " said Mrs. Welland indulgently; ─── “纽兰必须呆在这儿,直到彻底治好感冒,”韦兰太太疼爱地说。

7、To ignore deliberately or indulgently; disregard. ─── 忽略:有意或故意地忽略;忽视。

8、"How do you make out that George Washington was the first man?" asked the teacher, smiling indulgently ─── “你怎么知道乔治·华盛顿是第一个男人呢?”老师问道,宽容地微笑着。

9、So I went back home.My mother smiled gently and indulgently, at the same time, she demonstrated that her theory was true. ─── 所以我回了家,我的妈妈可爱而宽容的笑了,同时,妈妈也证明了她的理论是对的。

10、To treat indulgently;baby. ─── 溺爱地对待;纵容

11、A luxuriously rich body moisturizer with an indulgently thick texture for you to smooth over your body whilst enjoying the popular White Musk fragrance. ─── 含白麝香香味、可可油、乳油木果油、芝麻油、羊毛脂、甘油等成分,可深层滋养肌肤、防止水分流失。

12、Asked the teacher, smiling indulgently." ─── 老师问道,宽容地微笑着。

13、I like the specialty which very much I go study now, even indulgently one day to be possible to read MBA, if really must read, that is how many year later matter, I did not know. ─── 尽管昨晚很夜才睡去,但是我还是早早就起床了,我特别自己可以忙碌起来,真正地忙碌,我会觉得很开心。

14、To ignore deliberately or indulgently,it is became the usual action.IN fact,The reality of the situation hit me and I felt my stomach tighten. ─── ....好的一面,是有人会跟他走得更近,发现你真的是我的好朋友,经过一番磨砺之后,我确认你对我是真心的。

15、To treat indulgently; baby. See Synonyms at pamper ─── 溺爱地对待;纵容

16、However, you have acted towards us, O Lord our God, indulgently and with great tenderness, ─── 虽然如此,上主,我们的天主!你对待我们实在宽宏大量,无限仁慈,

17、in an indulgently luxurious manner. ─── 以放纵、舒适的方式。

18、in an indulgently luxurious manner. ─── 以放纵、舒适的方式。

19、and sing indulgently when I want to; ─── 我喜欢想唱时的放声歌唱。

20、"How do you make out that George Washington was the first man?" Asked the teacher,smiling indulgently. ─── “你怎么知道乔治·华盛顿是第一个呢?”老师问道,宽容地微笑着。

21、These boys sloped up to the stage in their tatty blazers, with long hair flapping while their cultured parents clapped indulgently. ─── 这些男孩穿着破旧的运动夹克懒散地走上台,披头散发,与此同时,他们有教养的父母则溺爱般的鼓着掌。

22、to laugh indulgently ─── 宽容地笑

23、To ignore deliberately or indulgently; disregard. ─── 忽略有意或故意地忽略;忽视

24、"You wilful girl!" scolded her mother, indulgently. ─── “你这个任性的姑娘

25、To ignore deliberately or indulgently;disregard. ─── 忽略有意或故意地忽略;忽视

26、These boys sloped up to the stage in their tatty blazers, with long hair flapping while their cultured parents clapped indulgently. ─── 这些男孩穿着破旧的运动夹克懒散地走上台,披头散发,与此同时,他们有教养的父母则溺爱般的鼓着掌。

27、To ignore deliberately or indulgently; disregard. ─── 忽视把…置于脑后;忽视。

28、Hung-chien berated him for spoiling things.Miss Sun only smiled indulgently like a mother looking on while her children fuss ─── 鸿渐骂他糟蹋东西,孙小姐只是笑,像母亲旁观孩子捣乱,宽容地笑。

29、" asked the teacher, smiling indulgently. ─── 老师问道,宽容地微笑着。

30、"You wilful girl!" scolded her mother, indulgently ─── “你这个任性的姑娘!”她的母亲带着宽容的心情申斥道。

31、If it expands indulgently,it will block the continuable development of local government,increase the gap between city and rural area and bring about all kinds of social contradictions. ─── 任其蔓延与发展,必将严重制约地方经济的可持续发展,加剧城乡经济社会发展差距,诱发各种社会矛盾。

32、I was indulgently advised to give the kids what they wanted unless I wished my son to be socially ostracised. ─── 有人建议我不要给孩子他们想要的任何东西,除非我希望我的孩子将来不被社会所接受。

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