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09-05 投稿


Austrian 发音

英:[???stri?n]  美:[??stri?n]

英:  美:

Austrian 中文意思翻译




Austrian 网络释义

adj. 奥地利的;奥地利人的n. 奥地利人

Austrian 词性/词形变化,Austrian变形


Austrian 短语词组

1、austrian cinnabar ─── [机] 碱式碳酸铅

2、austrian audio hi ─── 奥地利音频hi

3、austrian empire ─── 奥地利帝国

4、Austrian monetary unit ─── [网络] 奥地利货币单位

5、austrian author peter handke ─── 奥地利作家彼得·汉德克

6、Austrian capital ─── [网络] 奥地利首都

7、austrian audio x ─── 奥地利音频x

8、austrian people ─── 奥地利人

9、austrian dishes ─── 奥地利菜

10、Austrian's reaction ─── [医] 奥斯特里恩氏反应(鉴别伤寒眼部反应)

11、War of the Austrian Succession ─── [网络] 奥地利王位继承战争

12、Austrian pine ─── [林] 南欧黑松;奥地利松树

13、austrian school ─── 奥地利学派

14、austrian airlines ─── 奥地利航空公司

15、austrian audio ─── 奥地利音频

16、Franco-Austrian War ─── 法奥战争

17、Austrian schilling ─── 奥地利先令( ─── 奥地利货币单位)

18、austrian oak ─── [机] 澳栎, 奥地利橡树

19、Austrian winter pea ─── [网络] 奥地利冬豌豆

Austrian 相似词语短语

1、aularian ─── 奥里亚语

2、Neustrian ─── 纽斯特里安

3、Austrians ─── n.奥地利人(Austrian的复数形式)

4、Mousterian ─── n.莫斯特文化;莫斯特人;adj.莫斯特时代的;旧石器时代中期的

5、Austrian ─── adj.奥地利的;奥地利人的;n.奥地利人

6、austral ─── adj.南的,南国的;南方的,南部的;n.(Austral)(英、葡)奥斯特拉尔(人名)

7、palustrian ─── 帕卢斯蒂安

8、Austria ─── n.奥地利

9、Istrian ─── 伊斯特拉

Austrian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Austrian won comfortably to book a place in his first final of the year. ─── 奥地利人轻松的一场胜利让他今年第一次进入了决赛。

2、Various Austrian parties also welcomed Israel's readiness to normalize its diplomatic ties with Austria. ─── 奥地利各政党都对以准备同奥恢复正常外交关系表示欢迎。

3、He is going to fly Austria next week. ─── 下个星期他将飞往奥地利。

4、Austria, a land-locked state, lies in the southern half of central Europe. ─── 奥地利位于中欧南半部,是一内陆国家。

5、He skis in Austria every winter. ─── 他每年冬天都在奥地利滑雪。

6、Please don't confuse Australia with Austria. ─── 别把澳大利亚和奥地利混淆了。

7、Is Austria going to apply for membership of the EU? ─── 奥地利打算申请加入欧洲联盟?

8、Cancellation policy according to conditions of the Austrian Hotel Association. ─── 取消政策将可能依照房类而有所不同。请同时查阅客房描述。

9、At some level, every Austrian since has seen himself as a student of Menger. ─── 在某种程度上,每个奥地利经济学家都将自己视为门格尔的学生。

10、CET is used only during winter months in Austria. ─── CET在奥地利只在冬天使用。

11、The inn is a river in Switzerland, Austria and Germany. ─── 因河流经瑞士,奥地利和德国。

12、A would-be robber was arrested after he tried to hold up his local town hall, mistaking it for a bank, Austrian police said Wednesday. ─── 周三,奥地利警方发布消息说,一名劫匪误将镇公所当作银行并欲实施抢劫被逮捕。

13、Germany annexed Austria in 1938. ─── 1938 年德国吞并了奥地利。

14、Russia tried to induce Austria to extend her time limit. ─── 俄国想说服奥地利放宽时间限制。

15、His orchestra became the officia1 dance orchestra for Austrian court balls. ─── 他的乐队成为奥地利宫廷舞会的正式舞曲乐队。

16、His Austrian grandfather was an opera singer who abruptly upped and left his wife in Vienna. ─── 他的奥地利祖父是位歌剧演员,这位演员突然出人意料地离开了他撇在维也纳的妻子。

17、Don't confuse austria with [and] australia. ─── 不要把奥地利与澳大利亚弄混淆了。

18、The Austrian composer, Schubert, was born in Vienna. ─── 奥地利作曲家舒伯特出生于维也纳。

19、Leopold I of Babenberg became margrave of Austria in 976. ─── 公元976年巴奔堡的利奥波德一世成为奥地利侯爵。

20、Austria lies to the southeast of Germany. ─── 奥地利位于德国东南。

21、Franz Josef I becomes Emperor of Austria. ─── 1848年,弗朗茨·约瑟福成为澳大利亚的皇帝。

22、A city of southwest Austria west-southwest of Salzburg. ─── 因斯布鲁克:奥地利西南的一座城市,在萨尔茨堡西南偏西。

23、The wounded included seven Germans--five of them are women, an Austrian man and a Slovak national. ─── 伤者包括七名德国人--其中包括五名妇女,一名奥地利男子和一名斯洛伐克人。

24、The joint is not swollen at the moment, but the Austrian will rest for a couple of days and go back to training on Thursday morning. ─── 关节病不再肿胀,但是奥地利人要休息几天,并且在周二回复随队训练。

25、Don' t confuse Austria and / with Australia. ─── 不要把奥地利跟澳大利亚弄混淆了.

26、Any of several small coins of low value formerly used in Austria and Germany. ─── 十字币旧时在奥地利和德国使用的一种低面值小硬币

27、On 18th April, 2001 the last bi-metal 50 Schilling coin before the Euro was issued by the Austrian Mint in Vienna. ─── 2001年4月18日,欧元启用前的最后一枚双金属50先令硬币在位于维也纳的奥地利造币厂诞生了。

28、Resistance as they fought their way up to Austria for two years. ─── 在向奥地利挺进的两年时间里,他们遭遇了极为猛烈的抵抗。

29、Friendship between Austria and France must be cemented by marriage. ─── 奥地利和法国的友好关系必须依靠婚姻来维系。

30、He was born in Salzburg, Austria, the 4th largest city in Austria. ─── 他出生在奥地利第4大的城市萨尔茨堡。

31、He participated in the development of Austrian government standards for Web services. ─── 他参与了奥地利政府Web服务标准的制定。

32、Whether he had died or still lingered in the dungeons of Austria was not known. ─── 他究竟是已离人世,还是仍被关在奥地利的地牢里,谁也不知道。

33、Austrian authorities inspecting random samples found a small amount of the substance in a milkshake at a restaurant in Graz. ─── 奥地利政府随机检查了一部分样品,在格拉茨一个中国餐馆的奶昔中发现微量三聚氰胺。

34、Schilling: A basic unit of currency in Austria. ─── 先令,奥地利基本货币单位。

35、Most welcome to Germay or Austria. ─── 只要认真去体会,平凡的事也可能蕴藏很深的情意。

36、Don't confuse Austria and Australia. ─── 不要把奥地利跟澳大利亚弄混淆了。

37、His features are strong and masculine, with an Austrian lip and arched nose, his complexion olive. ─── 他的仪表威武英俊,有着奥地利人的嘴唇、鹰钩鼻子、棕黄色面皮。

38、Mobil, Connect Austria and Tele. ─── Mobil,ConnectAustria和Tele.

39、The 23rd Congress is held in Graz, Austria in 1992. ─── 国际健联第二十三次会议于1992年在奥地利的格拉茨召开。

40、In record time he crossed the border into Austria. ─── 在记录时间他穿过了边界进入奥地利。

41、My Garden in Graz, Austria... ─── 园子图片 Flowers, Garden.

42、It was not long before the whole country rose and drove the Austrian soldiers from their homeland. ─── 不久,全国人民便奋起反抗,把奥地利军队从他们的国土上赶了出去。

43、Five Austria Kinking Healthy body welcome you joining! ─── 五奥康祺健身欢迎您的加入!

44、On May 16, Liebherr GAK won the Austrian National League Championship for the first time in its 102-year club history. ─── 5月16日,利勃海尔GAK在其102年的俱乐部历史上首次获得奥地利国家锦标赛冠军。

45、Do you believe there is anything specifically Austrian about your texts? ─── 你相信奥地利人对于你的作品有一种特定的东西在里面吗?

46、The Festival's Grand Prix, the 2nd highest award, went to The Piano Teacher, by Austrian director Michael Haneke. ─── 仅次于最高奖金棕榈奖的第二大奖电影节评委会大奖被奥地利导演迈克尔-哈尼克的《钢琴手》获得。

47、The Austrian speaks German, and I speak it, too. ─── 奥地利人讲德语,我也能讲这种语言。

48、A city of southern Austria southwest of Graz. ─── 克拉根福奥地利南部一城市,位于格拉茨西南。

49、To a strong degree, this was the fate of the entire Austrian School in the Germanic countries. ─── 这很大程度上是整个奥地利学派在德语国家的命运。

50、Austrian women receive $700 a month for three years when they have their first child. ─── 奥地利妇女在生育第一个孩子后,连续三年每月可获得700美元。

51、Austrian Embassy Regional Bureau for Dev. Coop. ─── 奥地利大使馆区域办事处的发展。合作。

52、The chef pampers you with typical Tyrolean dishes and Austrian cuisine. ─── 取消政策:如果在入住日7天之前取消预订酒店将不收取费用。

53、The drive wheel of the world's strongest military machine was grasped by an Austrian street agitator. ─── 世界上一支最强大的军队的指挥权,落到一个奥地利街头鼓动者的掌握之中。

54、One was killed along with an Austrian, a Canadian and a Finn. ─── 和一个澳大利亚人,加拿大人,一个芬兰人一起丧生(被杀)。

55、Located in southern Austria, Kitzbuhel is a paradise for skiers. ─── 位于奥地利南部,是滑雪运动爱好者的天堂。的意思。

56、But Austrian Wurz, 35, told Germany's Sport Bild: "I am the third driver. ─── 但伍尔兹奥地利,35,对德国体育画报:“我的第三车手.

57、The entire country rose up and drove the Austrian soldiers from their homeland. ─── 全国人民奋起反抗,把奥军从他们的国土上驱逐出去。

58、Beijing remnant Austria village dining Minister Xu Yuwei said. ─── 北京残奥村餐饮部长徐玉伟如是说。

59、Don't confuse Austria with Australia. ─── 别把奥地利误认为澳大利亚。

60、Welcome to my private homepage, my name is Werner Englisch, Austrian Citizen. ─── 大家好!我是维雅南英力士(奥地利人)。欢迎游览我的私人网站!

61、The core of truth in the Austrian theory needs to be discovered. ─── 奥地利学说的中心真理需要找出来。

62、Sanctions were also imposed on two Indian companies and an Austrian firm. ─── 两家印度公司和一家奥地利公司也被制裁。

63、Williamson. Austria Hungary and the Origins of the First World War. ─── 《奥匈帝国与第一次世界大战的起因》。

64、Austria is famous for its music. ─── 奥地利以音乐而闻名。

65、Silent Night was written in 1818, by an Austrian priest Joseph Mohr. ─── “平安夜”这首歌写于1818年。作者是奥地利牧师约瑟夫·摩尔。

66、That tradition is said to have started when an Austrian man gave a a diamond ring tothe woman he wanted to marry. ─── 据说这一传统来源于一位奥地利男子送了一枚钻石戒指给他想娶的女人的故事。

67、When is a muscle-bound Austrian megahunk with an accent thicker than a gallon jug of molasses as American as baseball and apple pie? ─── 一个肌肉发达、带有浓重口音的奥地利壮汉何时会像棒球和苹果派一样成为美国的象征呢?

68、Word of Mozart's talent reached Vienna, the capital of Austria. ─── 关于莫扎特的天才的事迹传到了维也纳,奥地利的首都。


70、The trouble with the Austrian Parliament, he first thought, was that it did not have a German majority. ─── 他首先想到的是,奥地利国会的问题在于,日耳曼人未占多数。

71、Austrian College: 1010 Vienna, Reichstratsstr 17; f.1945. ─── 奥地利学院:维也纳;1945年成立。

72、An unemployed Austrian man has sawn off his left foot, apparently to avoid being found fit enough to go back to work, the Sky News reported. ─── 据天空新闻报道,奥地利一名无业男子锯掉了自己的左脚,这明显是为了避免被认定身体健康适合工作。

73、Lanny recollected the beautiful Austrian country through which he had passed . ─── 兰尼回想起他经过的美丽的奥地利国家。

74、Don't confuse Australia with Austria. ─── 别把澳大利亚跟奥地利混了。

75、He also attacks the Austria Pama's tax cut policy. ─── 他也抨击奥巴马的减税政策。

76、He told how the Duke of Austria had abused him. ─── 他厉述了奥地利公爵虐待他的情况。

77、Variations on an Austrian Folk Song Op. ─── 五、奥地利民歌主题变奏曲。

78、He was pleased to be in Austria, close to his beloved wife. ─── 他很高兴住在奥地利,因为离他所锺爱的妻子很近。

79、The Austrian Arnold Schoenberg invented a new method of composition. ─── 奥地利作曲家阿诺德·舍恩伯格创造了一种新的作曲方法。

80、You confused Australia with Austria. ─── 你把澳大利亚和奥地利搞混了。

81、"At first, I thought he was making a bad joke," Austrian broadcaster ORF quoted the woman, Helga Aichwalder, as saying. ─── 受到威胁的妇女海尔加·艾克瓦尔德说:“一开始,我还以为他是在开一个恶劣的玩笑。”

82、In recent years the Austrian economy has outperformed most other industrial economies. ─── 近年来奥地利的经济已经超过了其他大多数的工业经济。

83、Then she served in embassies in Estonia, Austria and Turkey. ─── 之后还曾供职于美国驻爱沙利亚、奥地利和土耳其的大使馆。

84、Napoleon divorced his French wife in order to marry an Austrian princess. ─── 为了娶一位奥地利公主,拿破仑和他的法国妻子离了婚。

85、The456 th Bomber Group, based in Italy, had gone into Austria. ─── 基地在意大利的第456轰炸机组刚刚飞进奥地利。

86、Located in southern Austria ,it is a paradise for skiers. ─── 位于奥地利南部,它是滑雪运动爱好者的天堂。

87、What did Prussia and Austria contend about in their last war? ─── 在上一场战争中普鲁士和奥地利争夺的焦点是什么?

88、In the battle, allied French and Sardinian troops defeated the Austrian army. ─── 在战争中,法国和撒丁(岛)击败了奥地利军队。

89、Gretel:You must all come to Austria soon.You must come skiing ... ─── 你们一定要很快到奥地利来.你们要来滑雪.

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