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09-05 投稿



inviolability 发音

英:[?n?va??l??b?l?ti]  美:[?n?va??l??b?l?ti]

英:  美:

inviolability 中文意思翻译



inviolability 短语词组

1、inviolability of personal freedom ─── [法] 人身自由不可侵犯

2、personal inviolability ─── [法] 人身的不可侵犯性

3、inviolability of domicile ─── [法] 住宅不可侵犯

4、inviolability of territory ─── [法] 领土不可侵犯

5、inviolability of consular premises ─── [法] 领事馆房产的不可侵犯权

6、inviolability of diplomatic envoys ─── [法] 外交使节的不可侵犯权

7、inviolability of property ─── [法] 财产不可侵犯

8、inviolability of the person ─── [法] 人身不可侵犯

9、inviolability of forntiers ─── [法] 边界不可侵犯

10、territorial inviolability ─── [法] 领土的不可侵犯性

inviolability 相似词语短语

1、inevitability ─── n.必然性;不可逃避

2、invincibility ─── n.无敌;不可战胜

3、invariability ─── n.不变;不变性;安定性

4、violability ─── 违反性

5、invisibility ─── n.看不见;看不见的东西;难看见

6、inviolably ─── adv.不可侵犯地

7、inviability ─── n.不能存活

8、inoculability ─── n.注射;接种

9、ensilability ─── 青贮能力

inviolability 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Countless people stand, to heart within the inviolability of their motherland, in the dark, in the stigma, struggle they shed blood. ─── 无数仁人志士挺身而出、前仆后继,为了心中神圣不可侵犯的祖国,他们在黑暗中摸索,在屈辱中抗争他们抛头颅、撒热血。

2、Along with the "inviolability of private property" into the Constitution, the protection of private property formal legal recognition to the people the gift of private property activities increased. ─── 随着我国将“私有财产不受侵犯”写入宪法,私有财产的保护正式得到了法律的认可,人们赠与私有财产的活动日益增多。

3、7.On such a basis, traditional international law seeks the value of nations, such as independence, equality, autonomy, territorial integrity, inviolability, etc, which presents as sovereignty. ─── 传统国际法追求的是国家价值,即独立、平等、自治、领土完整和不可侵犯等,集中表现为主权原则。

4、Then, despite the supposed inviolability of the Bitcoin itself, there are multiple security issues. ─── 其次,尽管比特币本身具有不可侵犯的特性,仍然存在很多安全问题。

5、On The Status Of Jus Rerem For State Properties--Jurisprudential Basis For "The Inviolability Of State Property" Not Being Compiled In Jus Rerem ─── 论国家财产的物权法地位--"国家财产神圣不可侵犯"不写入物权法的法理依据

6、Declaration on the maintenance of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of the frontiers of the States Members of the Commonwealth of Independent States; ─── 维持独立国家联合体成员国主权、领土完整和边界侵犯的宣言;

7、Because of his belief in the inviolability of God’s word, Abraham hung on to the promise and acted upon it. ─── 亚伯拉罕相信上帝的话语是神圣不可侵犯的,他抓住上帝的应许,并按照应许行事。

8、Civil law is the basic law of a civil society, and its essential concept is the inviolability of civil rights. ─── 民法作为市民社会的基本法,其基本观念是私权神圣。

9、The supposed inviolability of quantum cryptography rests on a set of assumptions that do not necessarily carry over into the real world. ─── 量子密码术的不可侵犯性,是建立在真实世界里不见得成立的一组假设上。

10、inviolability of forntiers ─── [法] 边界不可侵犯

11、inviolability of property ─── [法] 财产不可侵犯

12、The principle at stake was the inviolability of a sovereign state, not the creation of a democracy in the aggressor country. ─── 其刹车的原因是主权国家的神圣不可侵犯,而不是在侵略者占领的国家建立民主。

13、Civil law is the basic law of a civil society, and its essential concept is the inviolability of civil rights. ─── 民法作为市民社会的基本法,其基本观念是私权神圣。

14、The private residence of a diplomatic agent shall enjoy the same inviolability and protection as the premises of the mission. ─── 外交代表之私人寓所一如使馆馆舍应享有同样之不得侵犯权及保护。

15、Declaration on the Inviolability of Frontiers; ─── 边界不可侵犯宣言;

16、inviolability of private right ─── 私权神圣

17、Now the democratic world is in the process of removing that protection, while the autocrats rush to defend the principle of sovereign inviolability. ─── 民主世界现在正在竭力除掉这道防线,而专制政体则奋起保卫“国家主权不容侵犯”这一原则。

18、They seem to take English as the inviolability of what, or what difficult to treat these things. ─── 他们似乎把英文当作什么神圣不可侵犯的,或什么艰难无比的东西来看待。

19、personal inviolability ─── 人身不可侵犯权

20、It was agreed that the reporters and the right to inviolability of personal safety, property management imperative norms. ─── 大家一致认为,记者的采访权及人身安全不容侵犯,规范物业管理刻不容缓。

21、Representatives of a power which estranges them from society, they have to be given prestige by means of special decrees, which invest them with a peculiar sanctity and inviolability . ─── 他们作为日益同社会脱离的权力的代表,必须用特别的法律来取得尊敬,由于这种法律,他们就享有了特殊神圣和不可侵犯的地位了。

22、would similarly benefit for users: ( A) no longer has a parking space occupied trouble to ensure the inviolability of ownership of parking spaces; ─── 同样也会为用户带来利益:(1)不再有车位被占的烦恼,保证车位所有权不受侵犯;

23、But for a government so fiercely insistent on the inviolability of its own sovereignty, this was a big step. ─── 但是,对于一个如此强烈坚持国家主权不可侵犯的政府来说,这已经算是迈出了一大步了。

24、inviolability of premise ─── 房地的不可侵犯性

25、6.The inviolability of sovereignty allows no country special privilege to interfere in the international affairs of other countries or impose its will upon others. ─── 国家主权神圣不可侵犯,任何国家都没有干预他国内部事务、把自己的意志强加于人的特权。

26、inviolability of the person ─── [法] 人身不可侵犯

27、inviolability of territory ─── [法] 领土不可侵犯

28、inviolability of domicile ─── [法] 住宅不可侵犯

29、And the undertaking of other owners of small Xianglinquan inviolability of guarantee. ─── 而承诺书,系小区业主对其他相邻权不受侵害所作出的保证。

30、inviolability of personal freedom ─── [法] 人身自由不可侵犯

31、The lucid and attractive noodles permit but the capital letter wear to let the person rise to respect of noble and inviolability of dignity. ─── 清丽的面容却大写着让人起敬的高贵与不可侵犯的尊严。

32、"Whether the painting is a scene memory or symbolic structure into account, are sufficient to show the dignity and inviolability of his father. ─── 无论这幅画是一种记忆性的情景还是象征性的虑构,都足以说明父亲的威严和不可侵犯。

33、And it stated the Security Council's intention "to take as appropriate all necessary measures" to guarantee the inviolability of the Iraq-Kuwait border. ─── 这项决议还陈述了安理会的目的是“采取各种合适的必要措施”确保伊拉克和科威特边界不可侵犯。

34、The ancient people considered the blood,amnionic fluid,lochia and etac as filthy and ominous materials,which will desecrate the inviolability,and drew up much abstinence of lunaria and birth. ─── 古人认为从女阴里流出的血液、羊水、胎衣等是污秽的、不祥的,会亵渎神明,故为之制订种种月经禁忌和生育禁忌。

35、"Its Basic principle was that "all men are Born free and equal in rights,"specified as the rights of liberty, private property, the inviolability of the person, and resistance to oppression. ─── 资本主义财产权利体系创新之处在于确立了独立的私人产权,实现了私有财产神圣不可侵犯和行使私人财产权利自由的原则。

36、On Inviolability of National Property ─── 论国民财产神圣不可侵犯

37、He has a right to inviolability, as well as the trumpeter, bugler or drummer, the flag-bearer and the interpreter who may accompany him. (HR, art. 32. ─── 军事使者有权不受侵犯,其陪同之号手、号兵或鼓手、旗手以及翻译人员亦同。

38、territorial inviolability ─── [法] 领土的不可侵犯性

39、They all carry a Tibet knife long or short upon the waist,which shows a sense of inviolability. ─── 他们腰间都佩带一把或长或短的藏刀,有种不可侵犯的感觉。

40、inviolability of diplomatic envoys ─── [法] 外交使节的不可侵犯权

41、This is the inviolability of Party consolidation. ─── 这是整党的严肃性。

42、There should be limitation for judicial intervention in school administration because of the inviolability of the basic rights of students and the rules of school administration. ─── 由于学生基本权利的不可侵犯性与学校自主管理的教育规律,司法介入公立学校管理存在一定的限度。

43、We as long as let him know us is an inviolability. ─── 我们只要让他知道我们是不可侵犯的。

44、The supposed inviolability of quantum cryptography rests on a set of assumptions that do not necessarily carry over into the real world. ─── 量子密码术的不可侵犯性,是建立在真实世界里不见得成立的一组假设上。

45、The third boast was not one you would ever hear from the lips of Chinese diplomats.A belief in the inviolability of Chinese sovereignty is often not just their cardinal principle, but their only one. ─── 最后一点,坚持中国主权不容侵犯,中国外交官是不会这么说的,但它不仅是中国的基本原则,更是必须遵守的唯一原则。

46、diplomatic inviolability ─── 外交不可侵犯权

47、Article 7 Consumers shall, in their purchasing and using commodities or receiving services, enjoy the right of the inviolability of their personal and property safety. ─── 第七条 消费者在购买、使用商品和接受服务时享有人身、财产安全不受损害的权利。

48、The essence of civil law idea is justice,and its core incarnate inviolability of private right,equality of personality and autonomy of will. ─── 民法理念的内涵丰富,其本质是正义,其核心表现为私权神圣、人格平等和私法自治。

49、(b) inviolability for all papers and documents; ─── 乙、所有文件的不可侵犯;

50、He shall enjoy personal inviolability and shall not be liable to arrest or detention. ─── 领事信使人身不受侵犯,不受逮捕或者拘留。

51、A belief in the inviolability of Chinese sovereignty is often not just their cardinal principle, but their only one. ─── 中国主权神圣不可侵犯绝不仅是他们的基本原则,而是他们的唯一原则。

52、But for a government so fiercely insistent on the inviolability of its own sovereignty, this was a big step. ─── 但是,对于一个强烈坚持主权不可侵犯的国家来说,这种承诺是向前迈了一大步。

53、inviolability of consular premises ─── [法] 领事馆房产的不可侵犯权

54、Agreement concerning the Sovereignty,Independence,Territorial Integrity and Inviolability,Neutrality and National Unity of Cambodia ─── 关于柬埔寨主权、独立、领土完整及其不可侵犯、中立和国家统一的协定

55、inviolability of credit ─── 债权不可侵性

56、the autonomy of private law; autonomy of will; inviolability of private droit; equality of private droit; civil criterion; civil law; civil code; ─── 私法自治是私法的最高原则和本质要求。本文对其涵义、历史发展及功能进行了论述,说明这一原则对我国民法典制定的价值。

57、Rapid high-tech development in the process, Promote the main character, protection of human dignity, life, and freedom and personal inviolability of rights, is the law with the mission of China. ─── 摘要在日新月异的高科技发展过程中,弘扬人的主体性,保障人格尊严、生活自由、个人权利之不可侵犯,是民法学与时俱进的使命。

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