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09-05 投稿



godchild 发音

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godchild 中文意思翻译



godchild 网络释义

n. 教子(名义上的儿子)

godchild 词性/词形变化,godchild变形


godchild 相似词语短语

1、moonchild ─── 月亮之子

2、godhood ─── n.神格;神性;神的地位

3、godship ─── n.神性;神格

4、grandchild ─── n.孙子;孙女;外孙;外孙女

5、godlily ─── 虔诚地

6、godhead ─── n.神性;上帝

7、manchild ─── 曼奇尔德

8、child ─── n.儿童,小孩,孩子;产物;子孙;幼稚的人;弟子;n.(英)蔡尔德(人名)

9、godchildren ─── n.教子(名义上的儿子)

godchild 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A male godchild. ─── 教子一男性教孩

2、someone having a relation analogous to that of a male sponsor to his godchild. ─── 有类似支持他的教子的关系。

3、Regarding her, the helping the husband godchild is she later life. ─── 对于她来说,相夫教子就是她以后的生活了。

4、A female godchild. ─── 教女一女性教孩

5、Quarter have side " old dragon godchild " , " 3 this world open safe " wait for lucky design. ─── 侧面刻有“老龙教子”、“三阳启泰”等吉祥图案。

6、They regard that it can prove their ability.On the contrary, majority of women prefer to help the husband godchild. ─── 因为当时是想这么和他说要求的:不是在南京上大学,北京或者上海为佳,因为在身边的人会缠着,太麻烦;

7、In 1635 he married Maria van Balen, daughter of the painter Hendrick van Balen and godchild of Peter Paul Rubens. ─── 他于1635年结婚,玛丽亚车巴伦,亨德里克的画家面包车巴伦和鲁本斯契的女儿。

8、Quarter have side " old dragon godchild " , " 3 this world open safe " wait for lucky design. ─── 侧面刻有“老龙教子”、“三阳启泰”等吉祥图案。

9、In investigation, plute people to photograph wife (husband) the attention of godchild is spent very low. ─── 调查中,富豪们对相妻(夫)教子的关注度甚低。

10、And Gong Fu, a hooter is before marriage, husband of the side after marriage becomes famous, godchild grows up, it is god-given chastity daughter instead. ─── 而红拂,婚前倒是个妓女,婚后帮夫成名、教子成人,反而是难得的贞女。

11、The result it can be imagined, politely refuses opposite party good intention in home helping the husband godchild's Wang Fei. ─── 结果可想而知,在家相夫教子的王菲婉言谢绝对方好意。

12、Even today, godparents will often give shoes to their godchild on this occasion. ─── 即使是今天,教父教母给教子的礼物仍常常是鞋。

13、In the wedding ceremony scene, Wang Nan indicated once more, after “marriage, we must have a child as soon as possible, I am good because of the home helping the husband godchild. ─── 在婚礼现场,王楠再次表示,“结婚后,我们要尽快有个小孩,我好在家相夫教子。”

14、Even today, god parents will often give shoes to their godchild on this occasion. ─── 即使是今天,教父教母给教子的礼物仍常常是鞋。

15、9 see joke: The rustic teacher that Gao Feng became all one's life, the one's pupils or disciples below Yo countless, keep a faulty stroke in calligraphy or painting on godchild however unexpectedly. ─── 9看笑话: 高风当了一辈子的乡村教师,育下桃李无数,不料却在教子上留下败笔。

16、The traditional destiny of photograph husband godchild cannot chain this woman flourishingly life. ─── 相夫教子的传统命运无法锁住这女子蓬勃的生命。

17、The traditional destiny of photograph husband godchild cannot chain this woman flourishingly life. ─── 相夫教子的传统命运无法锁住这女子蓬勃的生命。

18、godchild [either a boy or girl] ─── 教子

19、Women don't have a push-and-go as strong as men, most of who prefer a life to assist and godchild. ─── 女人的事业心没有男人这么重,大多数还是想相夫教子的过日子。

20、The last of the Five yet remains, godchild, and your father stirs. What will you do? ─── 最后一个五裔还活着,神之子,而你老子也开始醒啦!你打算怎么做?

21、But, chen Jinglin has method of his a godchild however. ─── 可是,陈京琳却有自己的一套教子方法。

22、He was a county runner and also a bailiff, but sinceOld Qin's son was his godchild he often came to the village to visit their family. ─── 因秦老的儿子秦大汉拜在他名下,叫他干爷,所以时常下乡来看亲家。

23、The person who baptises contracts spiritual relationship with the one who is baptised, also the godparents with their godchild. ─── 答:付洗的、同领洗的,代父、代母同他的代子代女给神亲;

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