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09-05 投稿



trivalent 发音

英:[[tra?'ve?l?nt]]  美:[[tra?'ve?l?nt]]

英:  美:

trivalent 中文意思翻译



trivalent 短语词组

1、trivalent element ─── [医] 三价元素

2、trivalent radical ─── [化] 三价基; 三价根

3、trivalent alcohol ─── [化] 三元醇

4、trivalent live oral poliomyelitis vaccine ─── [网络] 三价活口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗

trivalent 词性/词形变化,trivalent变形

名词: trivalence |

trivalent 相似词语短语

1、tetravalent ─── adj.[化学]四价的

2、tervalent ─── adj.三价的(等于trivalent)

3、univalent ─── adj.[化学][生物]单价的;单价染色体的

4、ambivalent ─── adj.矛盾的;好恶相克的

5、trivalency ─── n.三价;有三价不同的原子价

6、prevalent ─── adj.流行的;普遍的,广传的

7、divalent ─── adj.化合物二价的;染色体二价的

8、trivalence ─── n.三价

9、bivalent ─── adj.二价的

trivalent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Shenzhen (excellent) Ante Precision Industry Co. , Ltd. specializes in plastic plating, green trivalent chromium plating. ─── 深圳市(卓越)安特精密工业有限公司专业致力于塑胶电镀、环保三价铬电镀。

2、Influence of Trivalent Copper on Electrical Conductivity and Its Characterization ─── 三价铜对导电性能的影响及其表征

3、black trivalent chromium electroplating ─── 三价黑铬电镀

4、a trivalent metalloid element; occurs both in a hard black crystal and in the form of a yellow or brown powder. ─── 一种三价非金属元素,或呈坚硬的黑色晶体状,或呈黄色或棕色粉末状。

5、Trivalent chromium electroplating not only can reduce pollution obviously and save pollution treatment cost, but also can improve the quality of electroplating products. ─── 三价铬电镀不仅可明显减少电镀对环境的污染,节省大量的污染治理费用,而且还可提高电镀产品的质量。

6、trivalent rare-earth molecular vapor laser ─── 三价稀土分子蒸气激光器

7、a trivalent metalloid element; occurs both in a hard black crystal and in the form of a yellow or brown powder ─── 一种三价非金属元素,或呈坚硬的黑色晶体状,或呈黄色或棕色粉末状

8、Trivalent chromium plating can be divided into chloride and sulfate systems. ─── 三价铬电镀分为氯化物体系和硫酸盐体系。

9、"Paper-cut for window decoration " doing in taking a course already savor " flow it is trival, difficult to handle affairs " suffering. ─── “窗花”在办照过程中已经尝到了“流程繁琐、办事困难”的苦处。

10、There is integral connection between the double objects and the trivalent verbs.Only ravel the connection of the two, we can know more about the double objects. ─── 双宾语句和三价动词有着密切不可分割的关系,只有弄清两者之间的关系才能进一步了解双宾句的句法性质。

11、Keywords Trivalent chromium;Parameter;Coating;Electrodeposition; ─── 三价铬镀铬;工艺参数;铬镀层;电镀;

12、The hazards of hexavalent chromium electroplating, and the benefits of trivalent chromium electroplating were analyzed. ─── 分析了六价铬电镀的危害及三价铬电镀的优点,以及三价铬电镀取代六价铬电镀带来的效益。

13、Trivalent chrome passivation ─── 三价铬钝化

14、trivalent chromium electrodeposition ─── 三价铬电沉积

15、Only the busy people can make a available time most easyly,because they know which is important, no mantter how busy they are,how trival the things are,they also can have time. ─── 任何时候,如果别人所说的关于你或你所作的事,让你感到不安,那是因为在某种程度上,你对自己的这个方面也有些怀疑。

16、The effects of the components of trivalent chrome passivation bath on the appearance and corrosion resistance of the passivating film are investigated. ─── 三价铬蓝白钝化对环境污染小,但钝化液成分较复杂,钝化膜耐蚀性及外观不如六价铬钝化膜。

17、Chromium-Nickel Alloy Electroplating Technology of Trivalent Chromium System ─── 三价铬体系电镀铬-镍合金工艺

18、A general equation to calculate single-bond radius R(l) of actinides is derived on the basis of the equation of trivalent actinides. ─── 在三价锕系元素单键半径 R(1)公式的基础上,建立了计算锕系元素单键半径R(1)的普遍公式,验证了该公式的适用性。

19、Shoemaking industry is with technological process trival, labor is concentrated, origanization construction is complex and celebrated. ─── 制鞋工业是以工艺流程繁琐,劳动密集,组织机构复杂而著称。

20、trivalent hydrocarbon radical ─── 三价烃基

21、Kinetics Mathematics Model of Trivalent Chromium Electrodeposition ─── 三价铬电沉积的动力学数学模型

22、The major advantages and disadvantages of trivalent chromium electroplating were introduced. ─── 介绍了三价铬镀铬的主要优点与缺点。

23、trivalent sodium antimonyl gluconate ─── 三价葡萄糖酸锑钠

24、When measure the antibody response, the trivalent vaccine could produce comparatively high titre of the antibody, include AGP antibody of IBD (7. 42lg2), HI antibody of ND (9. 24lg2) and HI antibody of EDS76 (9. 18lg2). ─── ND HI抗体效价达9.24log2; EDS76HI抗体效价达9.18log2。

25、After trivalent chromium was oxidized and became hexavalent chromium, titanium can be precipitated and separated from chromium-nickel-vanadium solution under ammonia condition. ─── 在一定条件下使三价铬氧化成6价铬,再在氨性条件下使钛沉淀,大量铬、镍留在溶液中。

26、To prevent measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella, MMRV vaccine can be used instead of trivalent MMR vaccine and monovalent varicella vaccine. ─── 为了预防麻疹、腮腺炎、德国麻疹、水痘,MMRV疫苗用于取代三合一的MMR治疗加上水痘疫苗;

27、trivalent manganese titration ─── 三价锰滴定法

28、trivalent chromium passivation coating ─── 三价铬钝化膜

29、Formate-A acid system was a sulfate trivalent chromium plating process with low concentration. ─── 甲酸-羧酸A体系是一种低浓度的硫酸盐三价铬电镀工艺。

30、a trivalent radical derived from glycerol by removing the three hydroxyl radicals ─── 一种三价基,由丙三醇去掉三个羟基获得

31、relating to compounds in which arsenic is trivalent. ─── 关于含有砷的化合物,尤指含有三价砷。

32、Now I wanna talk about the some trival things happening aroud me during these days. ─── 哒哒地跑下楼去找宿管阿姨买充值卡。“阿姨,我要买手机充值卡。”

33、Keywords zincate plating;trivalent chromium;passivation film; ─── 关键词镀锌;三价铬;钝化膜;

34、Research of Influence Factors for the Deposition Velocity of Trivalent Chromium Electroplating ─── 三价铬电解液镀铬沉积速度的影响因素研究

35、trivalent chromium sulfate plating ─── 三价铬镀铬

36、A rare silvery (usually trivalent) metallic element,brittle at low temperatures but liquid above room temperature,occurs in trace amounts in bauxite and zinc ores. ─── 一种稀有的银色金属元素(通常为三价),低温下易碎,室温以上呈液体状,量少,矾土和锌矿石中含有。

37、trivalent chromium iridescent passivation ─── 三价铬彩色钝化

38、Trivalent chromium passivation possesses as good performance as hexavalent chromium passivation, but the toxicity related to trivalent chromium passivation is only one percent of the latter one. ─── 三价铬钝化在许多方面具有与六价铬钝化类似的性质,而毒性只有六价铬的百分之一。

39、It was studied that the graphite-based lead dioxide anode which had been electrochemically activated was used to electrogenerate trivalent cobalt ion by means of coulometry at ambient temperature. ─── 以库仑分析法为研究手段,考察了在室温下经电化学活化的石墨基二氧化铅阳极电生三价钴的条件及其应用。

40、Keywords Trivalent chromium plating;Decorative deposit;Functional deposits; ─── 三价铬电镀;装饰性镀层;功能性镀层;

41、The experimental results indicated that the anodically deposited material was composed of (trivalent and tetravalent) manganese oxide, manganese hydroxide, and structural water. ─── 分析结果发现阳极沈积物质乃由(三价与四价)氧化锰、氢氧化锰以及结构水所组成;

42、a hard ferromagnetic silver-white bivalent or trivalent metallic element; a trace element in plant and animal nutrition. ─── 一种二价或三价金属元素,坚硬的银白色铁磁体,植物动物营养中的微量元素。

43、One means of accomplishing this end is to add trivalent cations to the water. ─── 实现这一目的的一种方法是将三价阳离子加入水中。

44、Minimum 5 years experience in electroplating of metal parts, with at least 1 year focusing on trivalent chromium plating. ─── 最少5年金属零部件电镀工作经验,至少1年三价铬电镀经验;

45、Galvanic, zinc coating, trivalent black zinc coating, tin plating, trivalent zinc coating,... ─── 分类标题:钢材和金属镀锌|钢材和金属热处理...

46、The International Coordinating Group (ICG) on Vaccine Provision for Epidemic Meningitis Control has provided 178,000 doses of trivalent vaccine for a mass vaccination campaign. ─── 为控制流行性脑膜炎提供疫苗国际协调小组已为大规模预防接种运动提供178,000份三价疫苗。

47、trivalent chromium electroplating ─── 三价铬电镀

48、trivalent aqueous parainfluenza vaccine ─── 三价水剂副流感疫苗

49、It seemed that they were trival things to you On the contrary I was moved deeply in my heart, Figuring out your consideration and gentle character. ─── 一些细小的生活琐事,在你来说是微不足道的,相反,在我的内心深处却深深感动,感受到你对我的体贴和温柔。

50、Vacancy defect structure and dielectric properties of trivalent basic ion in (Sr,Ca)TiO_3. ─── 三价阳离子固溶的(Sr,Ca)TiO_3基瓷的缺位结构与介电性能

51、The average frequency was 0.036 for univalent,9.18 for bivalent,0.036 for trivalent,0.80 for quadrevalent and 0.38 for hexavalent. ─── 其平均频率分别为单价体0.036,二介体9.18,三价体0.036,四价体0.80,六价体0.38。

52、Manufacturers have still had to produce the usual “trivalent” vaccine for this year's seasonal flu, plus a wholly different vaccine for the more deadly H1N1 strain. ─── 制药商仍然要生产治疗普通季节性流感的三价流感疫苗,如今又多了项任务,那就是生产对抗致死性H1N1型流感的疫苗。

53、trivalent oral poliovirus vaccine ─── 三价口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗

54、Primary study of trivalent chromium plating and DSA anode ─── 三价铬镀铬工艺及其新型阳极的初步研究

55、Trivalent arsenic was more clastogenic than pentavalent arsenic. ─── 三价砷的致染色体畸变作用大于五价砷。

56、The history of trivalent chromium electroplating was looked back. ─── 回顾了三价铬镀铬的历史。

57、a trivalent radical derived from glycerol by removing the three hydroxyl radicals. ─── 一种三价基,由丙三醇去掉三个羟基获得。

58、Keywords Trivalent chromium,chromium-iron alloy,electrodeposition; ─── 三价铬;铁铬合金;电沉积;

59、O-A-Asia Ⅰ trivalent inactivated vaccine ─── O-A-AsiaⅠ型三价灭活疫苗

60、They do not like trival and Philistine carve to act the role of, do not like barpque modelling, do not like make public " halfback " and too heavy " classic " . ─── 他们不喜欢繁琐而俗气的雕饰,不喜欢怪异的造型,不喜欢张扬的“前卫”和过于沉重的“古典”。

61、live oral trivalent polivoirus vaccine ─── 口服脊髓炎质炎活疫苗, 三价口服脊髓灰质炎活疫苗

62、Keywords trivalent chromium;bright blue passivation;zinc electroplating; ─── 三价铬;蓝白钝化;电镀锌;

63、Keywords trivalent chromium;Fe-Cr alloy;glycine; ─── 三价铬;铁铬合金;甘氨酸;

64、Cr-Ni Alloy Electroplating Technology in Trivalent Chromium Bath and Coating Performance ─── 三价铬体系铬-镍合金电镀工艺及镀层性能的研究

65、Keywords trivalent chromium;brightener;electrodeposition; ─── 三价铬电镀;光亮剂;电沉积;

66、A Study of Hard Chromium Plating in Trivalent Chromium Bath and Its Performance ─── 三价铬电镀硬铬及镀层性能的研究

67、Role of Complexant in Trivalent Chromium Plating Baths ─── 三价铬镀液中配体的作用

68、He speaks: "Real work is very trival frowziness, think without everybody at all so theatricalize. ─── 他调侃道:“实际工作是很繁琐很闷的,根本没有大家想的那么戏剧化。”

69、Not only big articles need to be stored but also pay attention to your trival small items, they would bring you a big headache as well. ─── 不单单是大东西大物体需要贮藏,同时千万不要忽略你身边的一切零碎物品。没有规则、缺乏整理、积少成多,同样会为你带来不胜的烦恼。

70、trivalent cations in water treatment is alum (aluminum sulfate). ─── 在水处理中三价阳离子通常来源于明矾(硫酸铝) 。

71、He hopes to have a world trival. ─── 他希望能有一次环球旅行。

72、trivalent chromium bright blue passivation ─── 三价铬蓝白色钝化工艺

73、With declaring dutiable goods software is exemple, nowadays, trival drawback applies for a program to need to expend a few to be finished in the evening no longer, and need only a few short hour. ─── 以报税软件为例,如今,繁琐的退税申请程序不再需要耗费几个晚上来完成,而只需短短几个小时。

74、Polio Trivalent Vaccine - First Dose ─── 三型混合小儿麻痹剂-第一次

75、We are accupied with work and trival things so it seems that we have no time to think about life itself. ─── 不少以前的观念,对事情的态度,在现在看来,都是有待修正的。

76、Of or containing trivalent nickel, Ni3+. ─── 含三价镍的有或含三价镍的,Ni3+

77、Keywords trivalent chromium plating inert ligand hydrogen evolution; ─── 三价铬电镀;惰性配体;析氢反应;

78、transuranic trivalent elements ─── 三价元素

79、Chromium is widely distributed in nature, organisms mainly trivalent form of chromium. ─── 铬在自然界中广泛分布,生物体中主要以三价铬的形式存在。

80、Up-Conversion Luminescence of Trivalent Erbium Ions Doped Zirconium Oxide ─── 二氧化锆纳米材料中三价铒离子的上转换发光

81、Keywords Trivalent chrome passivation;Acrylic resin;Galvanized steel; ─── 三价铬钝化;丙烯酸树脂;热浸镀锌;

82、One relatively recent technique which has found some favor involves the inclusion of soluble trivalent antimony derivatives in the slurry during mixing. ─── 一种比较近代的、人们好采用的技术是在混合过程中加入可溶性的三价锑衍生物。

83、The recombinant virus was developed for the next two or trivalent vaccine price, providing a convenient selection. ─── 重组病毒的获得为下一步研制二价或多价疫苗的筛选提供了方便。

84、trivalent chromium eleetroplating solution ─── 三价铬电镀液

85、a trivalent metalloid element; occurs both in a hard black crystal and in the form of a yellow or brown powder. ─── 一种三价非金属元素,或呈坚硬的黑色晶体状,或呈黄色或棕色粉末状。

86、Hexavalent chromium is the most toxic form, the toxicity of trivalent chromium than 100 times. ─── 六价铬是毒性最大的形态,其毒性比三价铬高100倍。

87、Electrochemical Mechanism of Trivalent Chromium Electrodeposition ─── 三价铬还原电沉积机理

88、Former silkworm raises link much, trival, amount of labor is big, involving much again is physical labor, make.. ─── 原蚕饲养环节多、繁琐、劳动量大、又涉及大部分是体力劳动,使得...

89、trivalent chromium plating bath ─── 三价铬镀液

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