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09-05 投稿



emulating 发音

英:[?emjule?t??]  美:[?emjule?t??]

英:  美:

emulating 中文意思翻译



emulating 词性/词形变化,emulating变形

动词过去分词: emulated |动词第三人称单数: emulates |动词现在分词: emulating |形容词: emulative |动词过去式: emulated |名词: emulator |副词: emulatively |

emulating 相似词语短语

1、elating ─── vt.使…欢欣;使…兴高采烈;adj.得意的

2、peculating ─── vi.盗用,挪用(公款等);vt.盗用,挪用(公款等)

3、emulations ─── n.[计]仿真;竞争;效法

4、simulating ─── n.模拟;假装

5、adulating ─── v.奉承,谄媚;过分称赞(adulate的现在分词)

6、ambulating ─── vi.走动;步行;移动

7、regulating ─── vt.调节;校正(regulate的现在分词)

8、cumulating ─── vt.累积;堆积;vi.累积;adj.累积的;堆积的

9、tremulating ─── 颤抖

emulating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Dongguan wants to learn to burn dried meat.Salt ? h chicken.Where do duck neck and Hot and Sour Rice Noodles play emulating good? ─── 您的位置:我也知道 >地区 >广东 >东莞市 >东莞想学烧腊.盐焗鸡.鸭脖和酸辣粉去哪里学好啊?

2、This is often a result of emulating extensibility in a relational database. ─── 这通常是仿效关系数据库中可扩展性的结果。

3、"Copying or emulating heroes is true power learning. And that is why when someone like O.J. Simpson falls from grace, there is such a huge outcry." ─── 模仿或赶超大英雄确实是一条很好的学习途径。所以,当像辛普森这样的人物名誉扫地时,人们会感到巨大的震惊和不安。

4、So far, machines have a pretty hard time emulating creativity, arbitrary enough not to be predicted by a computer, and yet more than simple randomness. ─── 为止,机器在模仿创造力方面有相当困难的时间,它们的随机性足以让计算机无法预测,但也不仅仅是简单的随机性。

5、Emulating Natural Forest Landscape Disturbances: Concepts And Applications ─── 天然森林景观仿效干扰:概念与应用

6、This shield of dairy ingredients has a natural emulating effect and prevents rancidity of the fat. ─── 这样就使该产品具有始终不变的成分,且易溶解和易消化。

7、But emulating Geely's pursuit of Volvo won't necessarily be as beneficial to Chinese predators or their potential prey. ─── 但是效仿吉利意欲收购沃尔沃的行为不见得对中国的猎手或他们潜在的猎物有益。

8、I refer you to one of the tennis myths "emulating the pros" for an explanation of this concept. ─── 而且我建议你去找网球神话中的那篇“模仿专业球手”作为例子。

9、She became a pop culture icon with millions of women emulating her flamboyant hairstyle. ─── 她成为流行文化的标志,数百万女性模仿她艳丽的发型。

10、The human emulating this archetypal patterning will be quite the accomplished businessperson. ─── 这类原型模式者会是一个很成功的商人。

11、The Painting Institute is a drawing organization with research, creation, viewing, emulating, and communications as its main activities. ─── 画院是一个以研究、创作、观摩交流为主要活动的绘画机构。

12、Keywords acrylate;organosilicone;polymer emulsion;rheological property;polymerizable emul sifier; ─── 丙烯酸酯;有机硅;聚合物乳液;流变性能;反应性乳化剂;

13、His fame grew further and wider with time to the extent that countless numbers of people today are emulating him.Consequently, everyone has become a Mr. ─── 他的名誉愈传愈远,愈久愈大,无数无数的人,都学他的榜样,于是人人都成了一个差不多先生。

14、Eveningwear for both women and men completed the show, with representations from Fuentacapala and Marcelane in fantasy scenes emulating "samurai", Empire and Regency styles. ─── 男女睡衣展使用了梦幻般的仿效日本军国时期和英国摄政时期的风格表演来结束了本次展出。

15、"Emulating Dazhai on Agriculture" ─── 农业学大寨

16、And while fewer non-Americans are likely to listen to our advice, many would still benefit from emulating certain aspects of the Reagan model. ─── 同时为数不多的外国人有可能听从我们的建议,然而许多人仍能从模仿里根模式的某些方面获益。

17、"Emulating Da-Zhai on Agriculture" Campaign ─── 农业学大寨运动

18、Shevchenko believes Jose Mourinho's side have the potential to go all the way to the final and win, emulating his 2003 success with Milan in the process. ─── 舍甫琴科相信何塞.穆里尼奥的球队拥有一路往前到决赛然后胜利的潜能,模仿2003年他在米兰的成功过程。

19、By emulating the swirling of wasteland cyclones, Gerk can whirl self like a tornado and spin his axes to tear the enemy with the power of storm. ─── 藉由模仿荒野龙捲风的迴旋,葛克将能如同飓风般地旋转自己,并以暴风的力量用双斧撕裂敌人。

20、Although Christmas is not the retailing extravaganza here that it is in the United States, the market was busy on the eve of the holiday with Chinese shoppers emulating the Western tradition. ─── 尽管圣诞节不是这里的零售狂欢日,但市场也忙忙碌碌,挤满了效仿西方传统的中国购物者。

21、The difficult brought about from new Characters could be relieved greatly if mandarin phonetics be use to replace part of the Characters emulating sound-exclamations. ─── 如果用国语注音符号代替,就会减少许多新字带来的困难。

22、You test an uninstalled component by emulating the actions performed by Delphi when the component is selected from the palette and placed on a form. ─── 当在组件栏上的被选择组件放置到设计界面上时,就可以通过Delphi运行测试。

23、Even watching a replay of the WR is not the same as actually following a guy who is faster then you and emulating his/her lines. ─── 观看世界纪录回放和在实际中跟随一位比你更快的车手是不同的。

24、She said women should not wear white clothes during Haj and Umrah because that would be emulating the ihraam clothes that men wear during pilgrimage. ─── 她说妇女不应该在正朝和副朝期间穿白色的衣服,因为那是在仿效男人在朝圣期间所穿的戒衣。

25、From "Emulating" to "Innovating"--Pursuing and Effecting to the Innovation of the Literature Idea of Song Qi ─── 从"体规画圆"到"自名一家"--试论宋祁的文学思想对创新精神的追求及其影响

26、secondly, we must use the practical teaching tactics such as reading and reciting, savouring and appreciating, exploring and researching, performing, viewing and emulating、trying writing etc. ─── 其次要采用朗读背诵、 品味欣赏、探究研讨、表演观摩、创作尝试等相应的文学作品教学策略,同时向课外延伸,利用第二课堂,通过各种载体进行文学教育;

27、Centering on the history distinction stage by stage, the launched cause, the "Da-Zhai spirit", and the history evaluation of "Emulating Da-Zhai on Agriculture" campaign, academic circles set off an enthusiastic discussion. ─── 围绕“农业学大寨”运动的历史分期、发动原因、“大寨精神”以及“农业学大寨”运动的历史评价问题,学术界展开了广泛的讨论。

28、Emulating experiments have proved that the algorithm which proposed is correct and feasible in the field of copyright protection, data distinguish, data checks, user follow and secrecy communications. ─── 在版权保护、数据鉴别、数据检测、用户跟踪以及保密通讯等领域有着广泛的应用前景。

29、Study of Angle Measurement Optoelectronic Model on Emulating Polarization-Sensitive Compound Eye of Insect ─── 仿昆虫复眼偏振敏感测角光电模型研究

30、Of course, I am not suggesting that all enterprises follow this example, except that this spirit is worth emulating. ─── 当然我并不是说所有的企业都要这样办,但是用这样的精神办企业,是值得学习的。

31、In that way, you are emulating high spiritual qualities and reflecting the unconditionally loving Divine Presence within you. ─── 这样一来,你提高了心理素质,也就反映出神圣临在你内心的无条件的爱。

32、emulating reactance ─── 模拟电抗

33、The creators of the RainSky think Nature has it right, emulating the streaming curtain of a waterfall. ─── 还有它的“雨量”大小是可以调节的,再加上水流出口淡蓝色的光线,极具梦幻效果。

34、Over the past 10 years the country has seen its second industry, textiles, nudge closer to sugar cane and has set its sights on emulating two other dynamic islands: Hong Kong and Singapore. ─── 在过去10年里,毛里求斯的第二种产业纺织业逐步赶上蔗糖业。 毛里求斯现已着眼于仿效另外两个生机勃勃的岛屿:香港和新加坡。

35、Emulating broken or missing parts of an assembly diagram. ─── 模拟组装图的损坏或缺少部分。

36、Emulating the processor is slower but can produce better compatibility. ─── 模拟处理器的速度会更慢,但是可以带来更好的兼容性。

37、The exchanging platform and the reform pageant--to record the seminar on viewing and emulating the Maths instruction in the Secondary VTE Schools all over the country ─── 交流的平台改革的盛会--记全国中等职业学校数学教学观摩研讨会

38、The foreign troops student after observing and emulating the exercise returns to school, will launch the seminar, after each person must submit observes and emulates the exercise report. ─── 外军学员在观摩演习返校后,将展开专题讨论,每人要提交一份观摩后的演习报告。”

39、Carry forward the spirit of Dazhai, agriculture Emulating Da-Zhai "slogan has been spread to the end of the 70s. ─── 大寨精神得到发扬,农业学大寨”的口号一直流传到70年代末。

40、Virtual serial ports created by VSPD XP work exactly the same as real ports in your system managing all signal lines and emulating baud rate. ─── 虚拟端口通过 VSPD XP 创建,就像真实端口那样在你的系统中正确地进行管理所有的信号线和模拟波特率的工作。

41、We shall have no compunction in throwing overboard our ancient manners, nor any in emulating their lack of courtesy. ─── 我们将不再对自己遗忘祖国传统礼仪而感到羞愧,却急于弥补他们谦恭有礼的缺失。

42、The answer to the Senegal conundrum is of course “both”: the best players leave, and the dream of emulating them motivates many others to take their place. ─── 因此,塞内加尔球员问题的答案是:都有可能。优秀的球员离开,而希望赶超他们的球员则留下。

43、Newborn entrance begins , respects teachers and attaches importance to education namely, being able to "be taught regards , student emulating good by teacher" creates the fine atmosphere. ─── 新生入学开始,即尊师重教,可以给“教师教好、学生学好”创造良好的气氛。

44、Keywords bicontinuous microemulsion;emul sion polymer-ization;microstructure;structur e control;review; ─── 双连续相微乳液;乳液聚合;微观结构;结构控制;综述;

45、Address Bar Protection Every window, whether it's a pop-up or standard window, will present an address bar to the user, helping to block malicious sites from emulating trusted sites. ─── 地址栏保护所有窗口,无论是弹出窗口,还是标准窗口,都将显示一个地址栏以帮助阻止恶意站点伪造受信任站点。

46、On the face of it, it seems as if most Asian nations are still emulating this western model. ─── 从表面上看,大多数亚洲国家似乎仍在仿效这一西方模式。

47、Newly developed dimusification aid can be used together with optimized dimulsifier,and have better effect of dimulsification for oil emul... ─── 新研制的破乳助剂与优选的破乳剂复配使用,对含聚合物原油乳状液具有较好的破乳效果,脱水率明显提高,水色明显变清。

48、In addition long wave infrared, medium wave infrared and short wave infrared images have been used in emulating as examples. ─── 文中以长波红外图像、中波红外图像、短波红外图像为例进行了仿真。

49、The following Windows application demonstrates the use of the BeginExecuteXmlReader method, executing a Transact-SQL statement that includes a delay of a few seconds (emulating a long-running command). ─── 下面的Windows应用程序演示BeginExecuteXmlReader方法的用法,并且执行一条包含几秒钟延迟的Transact-SQL语句(模拟长时间运行的命令)。

50、Some women took their extra income and spent it on luxury goods, embracing the flapper culture of the 1920s and emulating a bourgeois lifestyle. ─── 有些女性用她们那些额外的收入去买奢侈的物品,包括19世纪20年代那现世的风俗以及效仿资产阶级的生活方式。

51、Nature is only emulating your own behavior in association with the mass extermination of mankind on the part of mankind. ─── 大自然只是仿效你们自己的行为:即由人类自身屠杀大多数人类的行为。

52、CAD emulating software: Provide with CAD emulating software for Slub Yarn Spinning system. ─── CAD仿镇软件:随机赠送竹节纱CAD仿镇软件。

53、How much further should the United States go in emulating Asia? ─── 美国在效仿亚洲教学模式的道路上还要走多远?

54、Emulating common GUI elementswill increase usability. ─── 运用通用的图形界面元素将会增加可用性。

55、Of course,I am not suggesting that all enterprises follow this example,except that this spirit is worth emulating. ─── 当然,我并不是说所有的企业都要这样办,但是用这样的精神办企业,是值得学习的。

56、You can use almost any major drawing program for emulating pencil drawings. ─── 你可以使用几乎所有绘图程序模拟铅笔绘图。

57、Do you dream of emulating those goalkeepers and one day playing in a Champions League final? ─── 你是否梦想成为这样的门将,并且有朝一日可以在冠军杯决赛上表现。

58、The human emulating this archetypal patterning will be “holier than thou” and preach extreme morals, especially surrounding sex. ─── 这类原型模式者将会“比你还要圣洁”,并会鼓吹极端道德,尤其围绕性而言。

59、Testing the CreditApproval component will now cause an invocation of the CreditHistory and CreditAgency component rather than emulating the interaction. ─── 现在,测试CreditApproval组件将导致调用CreditHistory和CreditAgency组件,而不会模拟交互。

60、accompaniers' viewing and emulating ─── 同伴观摩

61、"You'll have business students saying all I'm doing is emulating the behavior I'll need when I get out in the real world. ─── 经贸专业毕业生通常会说,‘当身处现实社会中,我所做的一切都是从别人那里效仿我所需要的行为方式。”

62、Think of yourself as emulating a dolphin diving. ─── 想象您在模仿成一只正在潜水的海豚。

63、Cement mortars are modified by mixing styrene-acrylic ester(SAE) copolymer emul sion which is used as modifier. ─── 用苯乙烯-丙烯酸酯(SAE)共聚乳液作为改性剂对水泥砂浆进行改性。

64、To answer her question, the US was following, or at least emulating, China long before Mr Rove arrived in the White House. ─── 如果要回答她这个问题的话,其实早在罗夫进入白宫很久之前,美国就在追随、或者至少说是在效仿中国。

65、A kind deed worthy of emulating ─── 善行足式

66、The system of DLIA is established in TMS320C6701EVM hardware board which is a type of high-performance emulating and valuating module. ─── (3)通过DSP芯片的片上外设Mcbsp0串口发送到音频CODEC,经D/A转换成模拟信号发射到被测目标;

67、The Fellowships formalize regional research ties in the key areas of science, engineering and medicine, emulating the academic relationships which have long linked Western universities. ─── 这些学者规范了核心科研领域的区域研究的纽带,如工程学、医学等,加强了与西方大学有着长期联系的科研关系。

68、None of them are of my mother, who I am emulating. ─── 其中没有我自杀而死的母亲。

69、Emulating Nature ─── 法自然

70、For information about emulating register_globals being On or Off, see this FAQ. ─── 更多关于模拟register_globals为on或off的信息,请见此FAQ。

71、Finally, with the emulating results under ANSYS, the locations of different piezoresisters were elementarily located.Chapter 3 presents the principle of the piezoresistance effect. ─── 第三章首先介绍了压阻效应的基本原理,然后结合应力分析结果,分析了该探针的工作原理并对力敏电阻的分布位置进行了优化。

72、emulating watermark ─── 伪码水印

73、This academic thesis holds that the research of "Emulating Da-Zhai on Agriculture" campaign has achieved spectacular achievements in the past two decades. ─── 摘要近十几年来,“农业学大寨”运动的研究取得了令人瞩目的成绩。

74、Since then, the rise of China's rural areas the "Emulating Da-Zhai Agriculture" campaign, our country agriculture Dazhai became a banner front and self-reliance, a shining example to work hard. ─── 此后,全国农村兴起了“农业学大寨”运动,大寨成为当时我国农业战线的一面旗帜和自力更生、奋发图强的光辉榜样。

75、Research of Emulating Method of Logistics Management System in View of GLS ─── 企业绿色营销绩效的灰色系统综合评价研究

76、Even the mighty Compaq is emulating Dell by building some machines to order. ─── 即使是康柏这样的大公司也在模仿戴尔建立起某种订购机制。

77、The following Windows application demonstrates the use of the BeginExecuteNonQuery method, executing a Transact-SQL statement that includes a delay of several seconds (emulating a long-running command). ─── 下面的Windows应用程序演示BeginExecuteNonQuery方法的用法,并执行一个包含几秒钟延迟的Transact-SQL语句(模拟长时间运行的命令)。

78、Men and women in our country are emulating the trends in Europe and America, by indulging in emotional love and sexual desires, dating causally, and chasing after the opposite sex; ─── 我们男女效法欧风美雨,恣情纵欲,随便谈恋爱,随便追求异性,作为一个时髦的东西。

79、Chapter four concentrates on Su Shi’s appreciation of life through emulating Tao by writing “Tao responsory” literatures. ─── 第四章集中关注苏轼以和陶创作为载体,在学陶过程中得到的人生领悟。

80、That means emulating the long-established high-speed (more than 110 m.p.h., or 177 km/h) passenger-rail systems in Europe and Asia. ─── 这意味着,在高速铁路方面(时速超110公里,或177公里),美国要赶上起步较早的欧洲和亚洲的水平。

81、The possibilities of producing something entirely new by emulating nature's very wide crosses are enticing ─── 用自然界的非常广泛的杂交方法创造出全新植物种的可能性是诱人的。

82、The digital computer can exercise control more rapidly than traditional analogue controllers, emulating Proportional, Integral and Derivative (PID) control and other methods as required. ─── 传统的模拟控制器模拟比例、积分、微分(PID)和其它根据要求而定的方法,数字计算机则可比传统的模拟控制器更快地实施控制。

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