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09-05 投稿



gramercy 发音

英:[ɡr??m??rsi]  美:[ɡr??m??si]

英:  美:

gramercy 中文意思翻译



gramercy 网络释义

int. 不得了!;多谢!

gramercy 短语词组

1、Gramercy Park Hotel ─── 格莱美公园酒店

2、Gramercy Park ─── 格莱美公园

gramercy 相似词语短语

1、gradely ─── adj.端庄的;可敬的;优秀的

2、gamers ─── n.游戏玩家

3、gramary ─── n.魔法,魔术

4、amerce ─── v.罚款;惩罚

5、framers ─── n.制宪者;筹划者(framer的复数)

6、cry mercy ─── 发发慈悲吧

7、remercy ─── 重熔

8、grapery ─── n.葡萄园

9、framer ─── n.组成者;筹划者

gramercy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、city' of New York extended only as far as city Hall Park. Gramercy Park was a swamp, and two streams came together in what is now Times Square. ─── 纽约“市”的范围,最远只到达现在的市府公园,格拉·莫西公园还是一片沼泽,而在如今的时代广场,两条溪流合而为一缓缓流过。

2、As we uncorked several bottles at Gramercy Tavern, the deal was struck with hugs and handshakes. ─── 当我们在Gramercy餐馆(GramercyTavern)开瓶庆祝时,这笔交易以拥抱和握手圆满敲定。

3、James Ryan, an employee at Danny's Cycles in Gramercy also said Citi Bike is a good option for people to ease into biking in a city famed for its traffic jams and aggressive drivers. ─── 丹尼自行车公司的员工 James Ryan 也表示,在一个以交通拥堵和好斗的司机而闻名的城市,花旗自行车是人们轻松骑车的好选择。

4、The content of this page is from the GRAMERCY port or GRAMERCY customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自GRAMERCY港口或GRAMERCY海关的进出口公司目录;

5、Guests also receive special access to the exclusive, gated Gramercy Park for a morning stroll ($5, 000; gramercyparkhotel. com ). ─── 客人清晨到格拉梅西公园散步的时候,还会的得到一个特别独一无二的门控密码。

6、While I was staying in the Gramercy Park, I had the hotel do my laundry and I ate room service if I didn't want to go out, so I had less reason than usual to jump back to Stanville. ─── 当我还在恩泽园时,我让酒店帮我干衣的,如果我不外出的话我就吃酒店服务餐。所以我较平时更没有理由回去史丹威。

7、The Armory Show is the successor to the highly acclaimed Gramercy International Art Fairs that attracted thousands to their New York, Los Angeles and Miami shows between 1994 and 1998. ─── 军械库展吸引了数千人来到到纽约,继承了1994年和1998年期间举办的迈阿密展和芝加哥展在世界艺术博览会上的高声誉。

8、Robert Koenigsberger of Gramercy, an emerging-market hedge fund focused on distressed investing, insists it is best to look elsewhere. ─── Gramercy是专注不良投资的新兴市场对冲基金,其RobertKoenigsberger坚持认为投资方最好将视线转移别处。

9、Cayce, Edgar Edgar Cayce : The Modern Prophet: Four Volumes in One, Gramercy Books, 1990. ─── 埃德加.凯斯--现代预言家(四卷合订本,包括原单行本“埃德加.凯斯论转世”

10、Some of Bohr's clients today were his customers when he was a captain at Gramercy Tavern in New York. ─── 波尔现在的一些客户是他在纽约GramercyTavern餐厅工作时的用餐客人。

11、For many years, Gramercy has been developing and manufacturing fine jewelry for many of the well known jewelry wholesalers and retailers in the United States. ─── 多年来,格兰美思一直为众多美国知名的珠宝批发和零售商提供珠宝设计和产品。

12、The content of this page is from the GRAMERCY port or GRAMERCY customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自GRAMERCY港口或GRAMERCY海关的进出口公司目录;

13、We then spent the evening at the MS 104 Playground for the Gramercy Park National Night Out with the folks from the neighborhood. ─── 黄昏时间我们又在MS 104操场上与周边居民共同庆祝格莱美西公园的全民狂欢夜。

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