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09-05 投稿



ethnical 发音

英:[?eθn?k?l]  美:[?eθn?k?l]

英:  美:

ethnical 中文意思翻译



ethnical 网络释义

adj. 种族的(等于ethnic);人种的;人种学的

ethnical 短语词组

1、ethnical psychology ─── 民族心理学

2、ethnical civilizations ─── 民族文明

3、ethnical costume ─── 民族服装

ethnical 词性/词形变化,ethnical变形

副词: ethnically |

ethnical 相似词语短语

1、nonethnical ─── 非电子的

2、ethical ─── adj.伦理的;道德的;凭处方出售的;n.处方药

3、etherical ─── 以太的

4、technical ─── adj.工艺的,科技的;技术上的;专门的

5、ethnically ─── adv.人种上;民族上

6、ethnics ─── n.[人类]人种学(ethnic的复数形式)

7、ethnic ─── adj.种族的;人种的

8、centonical ─── 半圆形

9、tetanical ─── 强直性

ethnical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His girl friend is of the Benglong ethnic minority. ─── 他女朋友是崩龙族人。

2、Are a branch of the ethnic Hani minority. ─── 哦,没问题。走吧。是哈尼族的一个分支。

3、Ethnic minorities' traditional culture is protected and flourishing. ─── 少数民族传统文化得到保护和光大。

4、Yunnan sauce has local ethnical features, such as fine looking, bright color, savory, mellow, salty and delicious. ─── 云南酱民族地方特色鲜明,具有形美、香溢、色艳、味醇、咸鲜的特点。

5、What may have been the relative length of these ethnical periods is also a fair subject of speculation. ─── 人类文化上的这些阶段的相对长度究竟是多少?这也是一个值得推敲的问题。

6、In Romania some 7% of the population are ethnic Hungarians. ─── 在罗马尼亚,大约7%的人口是匈牙利族。

7、A member of a Rajput ethnic group predominant in Nepal. ─── 廓尔喀人在尼泊尔占大多数的拉其普特人中的一支

8、Does she look like a Bai ethnic girl? ─── 你看她是不是有白族姑娘的影子?

9、Wedding custom is a cultural phenomenon, indicating rich ethnical cultural psychology. ─── 婚俗是一种文化现象,它本身蕴涵了丰富的民族文化心理。

10、China is a united country of many ethnic groups. ─── 中国是一个统一的多民族国家。

11、To become open to members of all races or ethnic groups. ─── 废除种族隔离向所有种族开放。

12、Have you heard any songs of the Bao'an ethnic minority? ─── 你听过保安族的民歌吗?

13、China is a unitary multi-ethnic country jointly created by its people of all ethnic groups. ─── 中国是全国各族人民共同缔造的统一的多民族国家。

14、Three-fourths are ethnic Sinhalese. ─── 3/4是僧伽罗人。

15、Its crude methods of doing so often heighten ethnic tensions. ─── 它的种种粗陋的做法常常加剧民族紧张。

16、She begins to sing the folk song of Daur ethnic group. ─── 她唱起了达斡尔族民歌。

17、The fifth route is for Xishuangbanna tropical rain forest and Dai ethnic folklore. ─── 五是西双版纳热带雨林和傣族风情游。

18、The fine traditional cultures of ethnic minorities are being preserved. ─── 少数民族的优秀传统文化受到保护。

19、I heard Cham people are muslim, and they are ethnic minority. ─── 占族是个少数民族,另外我听说占族的族人们都是穆斯林。

20、Look, it's a silver ornament of the ethnic She people. ─── 您瞧,就是这畬族银饰。

21、Wheeler felt that they were too..."Ethnic" is the word she used. ─── 并且她告诉我,他说他更愿意我戴一对更素一点,更小一点,更美国化的耳环。

22、The Yi ethnic group is an ethnic minority inhabiting the southwest of China. ─── 彝族是分布在我国西南方的一个少数民族。

23、The She ethnic group has a long history. ─── 畬族是中国的一个古老纯朴的民族。

24、The exhibition celebrated ethnic differences. ─── 展览会公开赞美了种族差异。

25、Family planning is also advocated among the ethnic minorities. ─── 对少数民族,国家也实行计划生育。

26、All ethnic groups are epual. ─── 各少数民族一律平等。

27、Safeguarding equality among ethnic groups and promoting their unity. ─── 保障民族平等,促进民族团结。

28、How does the power of nation and different ethnical and interest groups get involved and select memories to be presented by the museum? ─── 而国家权力及不同的族群团体又是如何介入、选择并透过博物馆来建构集体记忆?

29、Vaguely ethnic, but beyond that, indeterminate. ─── 很难判断他是什么人种。

30、The Yugoslav Army was wracked by ethnic divisions. ─── 南斯拉夫军队被种族主义拖累了。

31、Iraq is plagued with a volatile mix of religious and ethnic groups. ─── 伊拉克深受不同宗教团体与种族间的不安情势所苦。

32、Ethnic minorities' educational level is continuously rising. ─── 少数民族教育水平不断提高。

33、Protection of the Right to Freedom of Religious Belief for Ethnic Minorities. ─── 对少数民族宗教信仰自由权利的保护。

34、The Indian family of America, unlike any other existing family , exemplified the condition of mankind in three successive ethnical periods . ─── 美洲的印第安种族不象其它任何现存的种族,他们为人类文化顺序相承的三个阶段的社会状态都提供了例证。

35、The Yi ethnic group has many branches. ─── 彝族的支系甚多,

36、Their family are all from the Qiang ethnic minority. ─── 他们一家子都是羌族人。

37、The state also educates all citizens in the unity of all ethnic groups. ─── 同时,国家还在全体公民中广泛开展各民族大团结的宣传和教育。

38、The educational and ethnical standards of the whole society have been raised. ─── 全社会文明程度进一步提高。

39、Polymorphisms of Y-chromosome STR loci in Chinese ethnic groups. ─── 中华民族群体Y-染色体STR多态性研究

40、It is a folk style savory food adored by all three ethnic groups. ─── 三大民族都喜爱的特色民间小吃。

41、American culture, different from those of other countries, is of strong ethnical flavour and unique style. ─── 美国文化具有浓郁的民族气息和自己独特的风格。

42、By 1964,the Chinese government had identified another 15 ethnic groups. ─── 到1964年,中国政府又确认了15个民族。

43、China has 56 different ethnic groups. ─── 中国有56个民族。

44、They said: the world of ancient ethnic war, the brigade will have in Qinghai. ─── 全世界的古部战族,都曾在青海会旅。

45、Adherence to equality and unity among ethnic groups. ─── 坚持民族平等团结。

46、His tutor is from the Pumi ethnic group. ─── 他的家庭教师是普米族人。

47、An ethnic Kurd spoke about the military action in his village in the 1980s. ─── 一个库尔德人说在1860年在他的村子里发生了军事行动。

48、There are 55 ethnic minorities in China. ─── 中国有55个少数民族。

49、The life of ethnic minorities has improved greatly. ─── 少数民族人民生活明显改善。

50、All ethnic groups in Longlin County 14 km south-cold water. ─── 在隆林各族自治县城南14公里冷水山。

51、First, it is a seamless integration of ethnic factors and regional factors. ─── 一是民族因素与区域因素的有机结合。

52、The ethnic costumes you are wearing are so beautiful! ─── 他是我的搭档,渊源。你们穿的兄弟民族服装真好看啊!

53、"I am really into ethnic and retro items. ─── “我真的迷上了民族工艺品。

54、Comedy funeral is an ancient ethnic convention in tha region. ─── 喜丧是该地区的一个古老的民族习俗。

55、Muzabu minorities and the Tuareg ethnic group. ─── 少数民族有姆扎布族和图阿雷格族。

56、The Hani ethic group is one of the ethnic minorities in China. ─── 哈尼族是中国的一个少数民族。

57、Ancestors of the Zhuang ethnic group had a frogas a totem. ─── 壮族的先民曾以青蛙作为图腾。

58、China is a united multi-ethnic country which is composed of 56 ethnic groups. ─── 中国是一个统一的多民族国家,由56个民族组成。

59、Don't use ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscenity, etc. ─── 不要诽谤中伤他人,对他人的隐私有恰当的保护。

60、It may be further shown that this is not due to any ethnical peculiarity of the languages concerned. ─── 或许可以进一步表明,这不是由于相关语言的任何种族的特性。比如说,它不是日耳曼精神的产物。

61、A national minorities regional autonomy system is practiced in places where ethnic minorities gather and live. ─── 各少数民族聚居的地方,实行民族区域自治制度。

62、Ethnic minorities' folkways and customs are fully respected. ─── 少数民族的风俗习惯受到充分尊重。

63、Some just cater for needs based on this ethnic factor. ─── 其中一些正是为满足因种族原因而产生的需求。

64、The state itself runs a number of ethnic institutes and schools. ─── 国家兴办了一批民族院校。

65、Oh, I know the Hani ethnic group. ─── 哎,哈尼族我知道。

66、Our school has students from different ethnic backgrounds. ─── 学校的学生有着不同的种族背景。

67、In the mind of the Dai ethnic group, it stands for auspiciousness and beauty. ─── 在傣族人民心中是祥瑞与美丽的象征

68、It implies losing ethnic difference and forming one large society. ─── 宏观文化意味着种族差异的消失和更大的社会的形成。

69、Favoring ethnic minority areas in appropriating funds from the central budget. ─── 中央资金重点向少数民族地区倾斜。

70、In the history of Myanmar, the ethnical relationship has always been very complicated. ─── 从缅甸联邦形成的历史来看,其民族关系一直是非常复杂的。

71、Comparatively fast growth in ethnic population. ─── 少数民族人口有较快增长。

72、They sort of looked alike, though not of the same ethnic makeup. Maybe their energy was similar. ─── 他们看上去很像同一类人,但气质有些不同,也许他们的力气都那么大,我在想。

73、Foster the Ability to Develop by Itself in Sichuan Ethnic Areas. ─── 四川民族地区自我发展能力建设问题。

74、Ethnic minorities' right to autonomy is protected by laws and regulations. ─── 少数民族的自治权利得到法律和制度的保障。

75、With its ethnical features and living flavour, the traditional sports of Zhuang Nationality has a long history and abundant contents. ─── 壮族传统体育文化源远流长,内容丰富,富有民族特色和生活气息。

76、Ethnic Chinese preponderate in the population of Singapore. ─── 在新加坡的人口中,华人居多数。

77、Is a part of the wedding customs of the She ethnic group. ─── 畬族婚俗中的一个环节。

78、The state safeguards the freedom of the ethnic minorities to utilize and develop their own languages. ─── 国家保障少数民族使用和发展本民族语言文字的自由。

79、The *authorities have ruled against racial and ethnic quotas. ─── 当局已下令,禁止种族与族裔的配额。

80、should pay attention to ethnical Language's influence when researching on ethnical culture. ─── 研究民族文化不能忽视民族语言的影响。

81、This music would sound more ethnic if you played it in steel drums. ─── 如果你用钢鼓演奏, 这首乐曲将更具民族特色。

82、Ethnic background continues to be a factor influencing the affluence of a family. ─── 家庭种族背景仍然是影响家庭经济状况的关键因素。

83、China Ethnic International Economic Cooperation Co. ─── 中民国际经济合作公司。

84、The Poverty Alleviation Program for Ethnic Minorities and Minority Areas. ─── 少数民族和民族地区扶贫开发。

85、Ethnic character, background, or affiliation. ─── 属于少数民族种族特性、背景或关系

86、Great efforts are yet to be made to improve the life of ethnical populations in remote areas. ─── 偏远山区少数民族人民的生活还有待改善。

87、Like any other anamorphosis of language, the black people English is a symbol of an ethnical group and its social culture. ─── 黑人英语与其他变体一样是一个民族身份的象征,是一个民族社会文化的象征。

88、A member of a particular ethnic group, especially one who maintains the language or customs of the group. ─── 具有该种族语言、风俗的成员某一特定种族集团中的一员,尤指保持着这一集团的语言或风俗习惯的成员

89、A logion of Karl Marx suggested "More ethnical, more global". ─── 如马克思所言:“越是民族的东西,就越是世界的东西”。


ethnic 英[?eθn?k] 美[??θn?k] adj. 种族的,部落的; 某文化群体的; n. 少数民族的成员; [网络] 族群; 族裔; 少数民族; [例句]There are still several million ethnic Germans in Russia. 俄罗斯境内仍有数百万德国人。 [其他] 复数:ethnics 形近词: ethnoc


ethnic 和 racial 是两个词义内涵有差别的词。尽管 ethnic 和 racial 是近义词,都可以用于“种族”、“民族”,但这两个词却各有所指,很多情况下并不能相互取代。racial 是生物学词汇,用于与人种相关的描述。比如,亚洲东部人同属一个 race(人种),从起源到进化发展有着与非洲人、欧洲人、美洲人、中东人,甚至亚洲南部和西部人不同的地球区域和体格形态。

ethnic 是社会学词汇,指不同人群的语言、文化习俗、生活方式,乃至认知方式和价值体系。

这些方面的不同标志着人群的不同,即不同的“民族”(ethnic groups)。

同一个 race 里可以有多个不同的 ethnic groups。

比如,亚洲有一百多个民族,但人种却不足十个,分布在48个国家和地区里。仅中国就有56个不同的民族。racial differences 是指“人种差异”,而 ethnical differences 指“文化差异”。 racial differences 为基因所致,无法改变,但 ethnical differences 可以通过交流互习进行融合。

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