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09-05 投稿



promulgation 发音


英:  美:

promulgation 中文意思翻译



promulgation 短语词组

1、date of promulgation ─── [经] 公布之日

promulgation 词性/词形变化,promulgation变形

动词过去分词: promulgated |动词现在分词: promulgating |动词过去式: promulgated |名词: promulgation |动词第三人称单数: promulgates |

promulgation 相似词语短语

1、promulgator ─── n.发布者;传播者

2、promulgates ─── vt.公布;传播;发表

3、promulgating ─── v.传播,发表;公布(法律)(promulgate的现在分词)

4、procuration ─── n.代理;获得;委任;拉皮条;佣金

5、propagation ─── n.传播;繁殖;增殖

6、prolation ─── 生产

7、promulgated ─── v.发布,公布;宣传;散布(promulgate的过去式和过去分词)

8、promulgate ─── vt.公布;传播;发表

9、prolongation ─── n.延伸;延长部分;[经]延期

promulgation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、image promulgation ─── 形象传播

2、From quantum mechanics to Pauling's theory of resonance: promulgation and evolution of scientific ideas ─── 从量子力学到鲍林的共振论:科学思想的传播与进化

3、Aymara leaders enact a spiritual ritual after the promulgation of the new Constitu-tion in El Alto, Bolivia, on Feb. 7, 2009. ─── 2月7日,在玻利维亚的埃尔阿尔托,艾马拉印第安人在新宪法颁布仪式结束后举行传统仪式。

4、The director instigates promulgation honored guest Cheng Long to telephone to Feng Xiaogang, to deceive him not to win a prize. ─── 主持人怂恿颁奖嘉宾成龙给冯小刚打个电话,骗他没有得奖。

5、The adjustMent and development of the economic patlem in the forest zone of the upper reach of Changjiang River after the promulgation of "emergency code" ─── "禁伐"后长江上游林区的经济结构调整与发展

6、Keywords hydraulic fracture;flow property;layer media formation;irregularity promulgation;three dimension fluid field;laminar simulation;useful research results; ─── 关键词水力压裂;流动特征;层状介质;不规则传播;三维流场;层流模拟;流态转换;

7、Information Promulgation System ─── 信息发布系统

8、The promulgation of hospital antibiotic policies and their practice, accomplishment ─── 医院抗生素应用政策的制定、实施和成效

9、His claim that the first appearance of the court aviso was in Tang dynasty has been the basic statement for supporting the study of the history of Chinese news promulgation. ─── 他关于邸报“唐时已有”的论断,迄今仍是支撑中国新闻传播史研究的基本课题之一。

10、Pending the drafting and promulgation of relevant rules and regulations, the current ones should continue to apply to all other units. ─── 在制定和颁布完善的条例以前,一切非试点的基层单位,一律执行原来的制度。

11、information promulgation ─── 信息传播

12、The Earliest Law Transformation in China's History--The Promulgation and Argument of Statutory Law in Spring and Autumn Period ─── 中国历史上最早的一次法律变革--春秋成文法的公布及争论

13、For nothing like it has been conducted in our Party since the promulgation of the general line ─── 因为从总路线发布以来,我们的党还没有这样一次辩论。

14、The main function of university is knowledge promulgation and the main function of research institute is knowledge innovation. ─── 摘要大学主要承担着知识传播的作用,而科研机构的主要职能是知识创新。

15、The laws listed in Annex III shall be applied locally by way of promulgation or legislation by the HKSAR. ─── 凡列于附件三的法律,由香港特别行政区在当地公布或立法实施。

16、As noted, SIPs are to provide for attainment of a NAAQS within 3 years of the date of its promulgation. ─── 同样引人瞩目的,州政府执行计划提供了一个达到国家空气质量标准的时限:自标准公布之日起3年。

17、Placed the media in a relatively quiet location can eliminate the interference of noisy environment to create an excellent effect for media promulgation. ─── 以相对封闭及安静的场所作为媒体落地位置,排除了嘈杂环境的干扰,达到了良好的媒体传播效果。

18、The code of criminal court promulgation carry out hereafter,the not guilty predicts outcome the principle to be a basic principle to settle down indeed. ─── 刑事诉讼法颁布实施以后,无罪推定原则作为一项基本原则确定下来。

19、The agency in charge of construction shall fix the front lot line of the construction after the promulgation of the abovementioned road system map. ─── 前项道路系统图经核定公布施行后,建筑主管机关应即规定建筑物之境界线。

20、date of promulgation ─── [经] 公布之日

21、The fact that compliance may be difficult or even impossible for some sources does not excuse promulgation of the required implementation plans ─── 一些污染源在遵守规章中即使遇到困难或无法遵守,也不能拖延所规定的实施计划的颁布。

22、announcing, announcement, proclamation, promulgation, pronouncement, preaching ─── 宣布。宣告。公告。


24、Those companies which have not applied must go through the formalities within one month of promulgation of these Measures. ─── 尚未申请的,一律在本办法下发之日起一个月内补办手续。

25、In the state's financial stake in corporate incentive and employee stock ownership before the promulgation of the policy, companies can not implement equity incentive plan, or ESOP. ─── 在国家对金融企业股权激励和员工持股政策颁布之前,各公司不得实施股权激励或员工持股计划。

26、The report of typical characters is a unique divarication in China's news promulgation, occupying an important position at all times. ─── 摘要典型人物报道在中国新闻传播中独树一帜,一直占据举足轻重的位置。

27、39. While Congress did not consider cost to be irrelevant to BPT, it clearly intended it to be a less significant factor than in the promulgation of BCT limitations. ─── 尽管国会并不否认成本在“最佳实用技术”标准中的作用,但很显然企图使成本在“最佳控制技术”限制规定中成为一个不那么重要的因素。

28、He also claimed that recent differences with the Maoists would not affect the promulgation of the interim statute or the formation of an interim government. ─── 他还说,最近和毛主义者之间的分歧不会影响临时法令的颁布和过渡政府的成立。

29、It is well known the there is a great effect on the fracture promulgation and shapes by property of fracture fluid in the hydraulic fracture during the hydraulic operations. ─── 在水力压裂过程中,缝内流体的流动特征对裂缝的延伸和形态具有很大的影响。

30、XIII. This proposal shall be interpreted by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and the Intellectual Property Rights, and come into force after 30 fays upon promulgation as a reference. ─── 十三、本意见由外经贸部和知识产权局负责解释,并自公布之日起30天后参照执行。

31、The promulgation of ISO 9000 International Standards (2000 Version) has attracted much attention from related organization and their members around the world. ─── 2000版ISO9000族国际标准的发布,引起了全世界各有关组织和人员的普遍关注。


33、Though the software industry start later in our country, industry internationalization has made some progress after the promulgation of some hortative policy. ─── 我国软件产业的起步较晚,但是,近年来在产业国际化的进程中逐渐取得了一些成绩。

34、The Circular shall come into force as of the date of promulgation. ─── 四、本通知自发布之日起施行。

35、The established laws and decrees are still in effect until the promulgation of the new ones. ─── 在新的法规没有公布之前,成法依然有效。

36、Banzai as a formal ritual was established in the promulgation of the Meiji Constitution in 1889 when university students shouted banzai in front of the emperor's carriage. ─── 万岁作为一个正式的仪式成立于颁布明治宪法在1889年时,大学生高呼万岁前的辇。

37、In China the promulgation of every intellectual property law was followed by widespread publicity through the media and distribution of large quantities of educational videotapes and separate editions of the law. ─── 在中国,每一部知识产权法律的颁布,都有广播电台、电视台和报刊等新闻传媒广为宣传,并大量出版单行本和有关录像教育片等。

38、The promulgation and implementation of the Audit Law has formed the basic framework of audit legal system and conducted the practice of audit supervision into a legalized track. ─── 审计法的颁布实施,确立了我国审计法律体系的基本框架,使审计监督工作纳入了法制化轨道。

39、The provisions specified in sub-paragraphs 1 and 2 of the preceding paragraph shall apply to minor children on the date of the promulgation of the amendment of this Law. ─── 前项第一款及第二款之规定,于本法修正公布时之未成年人,亦适用之。

40、The promulgation and enforcement of accounting stardards in enterprises,implying that Chinese accountancy is beginning to conform with standard international accountancy. ─── 《企业会计准则》的颁布与实施,从根本上规范了企业会计工作,表明我国会计开始与国际会计惯例接轨。

41、This amendment shall come into effect as of the date of promulgation. ─── 九、本修正案自公布之日起施行。

42、Studying and Realization of Information Promulgation of Land Evaluation ─── 土地估价信息公示的研究与实现

43、National laws relating to defence and foreign affairs as well as other matters outside the limits of the autonomy of the HKSAR may be applied locally by way of promulgation or legislation by the HKSAR. ─── 与防务、外交及其他在香港特区自治范围以外的事务有关的全国性法律,可以由香港特区公布或自行立法,在香港施行。

44、IV. This Amendment shall come into force as of the date of promulgation. ─── 四、本修正案自公布之日起施行。

45、Summit period will hold the grand Asia hotel gold olive awards star light main road promulgation magnificent ceremony. ─── 峰会期间将举办盛大的亚洲酒店业金橄榄奖星光大道颁奖盛典。

46、Chinese name of legal document in pinyin [translated or shortened name in English] (enacting/adopting authority, promulgation date, effective date) (P.R.C.). ─── 中文法规名称的汉语拼音[英文翻译](制定或颁布权力机关,发布日期,生效日期)(P.R.C.),即:

47、Article 42 This Law shall take effect from the date of promulgation. ─── 第四十二条本法自公布之日起施行。

48、Promulgation of New Chinese Distilled Liquor Standard ─── 中国蒸馏白酒新标准的颁布实施

49、Implementation of other provisions in respect of exemptions from or reductions of enterprise income tax promulgated or approved for promulgation by the State Council. ─── 九)在国务院已经发布或者批准发布的其他规定中有关免征、减征企业所得税的规定。

50、Furthermore, with the promulgation of the policy, the central government made it a part of the general line to transform the traditional production relationship in townships and rural areas. ─── 另外,在酝酿采取统购统销政策时,中央政府一开始就把它纳入到过渡时期总路线中云,以便对城乡传统生产关系进行改造。

51、The characteristics of image promulgation of jewelry enterprise are introduced. ─── 摘要介绍了珠宝企业形象传播的特点。

52、Based on this notional continuum advanced, mandatory reporting and promulgation of corporate social responsibility and stakeholder value creation are also addressed. ─── 基于这种一体化的观点,着重梳理了国外企业社会责任和股东价值创造标准的颁布情况与强制报告要求。

53、For investments in the kind made before the promulgation of this law the State Council will work out rules to deal with them. ─── 本法施行前,商业银行已向非银行金融机构和企业投资的,由国务院另行规定实施办法。

54、Promulgation of Internet Database Application Based on IDC ─── 在Internet上发布基于IDC的数据库信息

55、An Analysis of the Economic and Educational Background for the Promulgation of "Building a Learning-Model Society" Policy ─── "学习型社会"政策出台的经济和教育背景分析

56、promulgation theory ─── 传播学

57、law will go into effect on the day if its promulgation. ─── 本法自公布之日起施行。

58、LX) The provision shall be implemented as of the promulgation date. ─── 六十)本规定从颁布之日起施行。

59、51.Thus, Congress intended that cost would occupy a different role in EPA's promulgation of BPT limitations than it would in the promulgation of BCT because of the different aims of the two standards. ─── 因此,国会的意图是,在环境保护局的“最佳实用技术”与“最佳控制技术”限制规定中,成本的作用是不同的,因为这两种标准的目的是不同的。

60、The Law on Lawyers was implemented on Jan. 1, 1997. It is the first revision to the law since its promulgation. ─── 律师法于1997年1月1日起施行。这是该法颁布以来的第一次修改。

61、His promulgation of the policy proved to be premature. ─── 他颁布那项政策的时机被证明是不成熟的。

62、Promulgation of Impact Wave in Multilayer Structure ─── 冲击波在多层结构中的传播

63、Letter of Promulgation ─── 公告函件

64、Circular on Promulgation of Procedures for Public Offering Review of the China Securities Regulatory Commission ─── 中国证监会股票发行核准程序

65、CCTV:First Driving Force of Brand Promulgation ─── CCTV:品牌传播第一驱动力

66、Since the promulgation and implementation of our criminal law in 1997, there have been disputes about the legislation of tax evasion. ─── 自从1997年我国刑法典颁布实施,关于偷税罪立法的许多问题在学界就一直存在激烈的争议。

67、Periodicals should constantly expand their promulgation of information so as to extend the extension of the informational property. ─── 学术期刊在发展过程中应不断扩大信息传播途径,以此拓展其信息属性的外延。

68、The laws listed therein shall be applied locally by way of promulgation or legislation by the Region. ─── 凡列于本法附件三之法律,由香港特别行政区在当地公布或立法实施。

69、Especially the promulgation of Rules of Rural Five Guarantees Supporting legislated the institution. ─── 尤其是《农村五保供养工作条例》的颁发,更使这一制度纳入了法制化的轨道。

70、In 1991, with the promulgation of a new University Charter, UEA was officially renamed the University of Macau, and this new public institution made the nurturing of local Macao talent its prime objective. ─── 1991年新大学章程颁布,东亚大学正式转名为公立的澳门大学,并以培养澳门人才为目标。

71、Announcement is hereby given that this Announcement is comes into effect on the day of promulgation. ─── 本公告自公告之日起施行。特此公告。

72、The law shall be enforced to the letter upon its promulgation ─── 宣布之后就立即依法执行

73、The secularization and entertainment-orientation presented in their promulgation exerts both positive and negative effects on the construction of harmonious culture. ─── 它们于传播中所表现的世俗化、娱乐性特征,对和谐文化建设既发挥了积极作用,也造成了一定的负面影响。

74、These Provisions come into effect as of the date of promulgation. ─── 九、本规定自发布之日起执行。

75、China has agreed to transform its system of laws and regulations through transparency, opening rules to comment before promulgation and to court review afterward. ─── 中国已同意用透明手段改革法律法规体系,法规颁布之前要公开征询意见,之后送交法院审议。

76、Its promulgation market a new stage in the standardization and legalization of China's invoice management work. ─── 它的颁布,标志着我国发票管理工作在规范化、法制化方面迈上了一个新台阶。

77、oral promulgation ─── 口头传播

78、The following national laws shall be applied locally with effect from 1 July 1997 by way of promulgation or legislation by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: ─── 下列全国性法律,自一九九七年七月一日起由香港特别行政区在当地公布或立法实施。

79、As noted, SIPs are to provide for attainment of a NAAQS within 3 years of the date of its promulgation. ─── 同样引人瞩目的,州政府执行计划提供了一个达到国家空气质量标准的时限:自标准公布之日起3年。

80、Building Standard Design Atlas of Near Promulgation by Construction Department ─── 天津市近期颁布实施的标准与规程

81、Sweden Institute compares with him to have Cicero literary talent Caesar big emperor (Promulgation Refined language). ─── 瑞典学院把他比作具有西塞罗文才的凯撒大帝(《颁奖辞》)。

82、Both covenants have now been passed into domestic law, and will go on to President Chen for promulgation. ─── 两个条款皆以通过并将由陈总统颁布实施。

83、We look forward to the introduction of new binding rules to replace the old,that is,to the promulgation of a common programme and the establishment of revolutionary order. ─── 我们欢迎建立一套新的约束代替旧的,这就是颁布共同纲领,建立革命秩序。

84、The promulgation explained how it could service its debt. ─── 公布解释说为什么他能承担债务。

85、Circular of the State Council Concerning the Promulgation of the List of Luyashan Mountain National Nature Reserve and Other National Nature Reserves ─── 国务院关于发布芦芽山等国家级自然保护区名单的通知

86、strengthen legal promulgation and education to enhance the legal awareness and idea of the public; ─── 加强法制宣传和教育,增强公民的法律意识和法制观念。

87、promulgation sleigh ─── 传播技巧

88、The promulgation of the Methods and Detailed Rules has provided a legal basis for further attacking law-breaking acts related to invoices. ─── 《办法》和《细则》的颁布,为进一步打击发票违法行为提供了法律依据。

89、The central bank functions of the People's Bank of China has been continuously strengthened ever since 1984 when the People's Bank of China started to function solely as the central bank,especially after the promulgation of the ─── 1984年,人民银行专门行使中央银行职能以来,特别是1995年《中国人民银行法》颁布后,人民银行的中央银行职能不断强化。

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