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09-05 投稿



inhibiting 发音

英:[?n?h?b?t??]  美:[?n?h?b?t??]

英:  美:

inhibiting 中文意思翻译



inhibiting 短语词组

1、age-inhibiting addition ─── [机] 防老化添加剂

2、foam inhibiting agent ─── [化] 抑泡剂; 阻泡剂

3、inhibiting signal ─── [计] 禁止信号

4、inhibiting phase ─── [医] 抑制相

5、inhibiting growth ─── 抑制生长

6、inhibiting pigment ─── 防蚀颜料

7、somatotropin release inhibiting fac ─── 生长激素释放抑制FAC

8、inhibiting gene ─── 抑制基因

9、inhibiting hormone ─── 抑制激素

10、inhibiting rig ─── 抑制钻机

11、gum inhibiting ─── 口香糖抑制

12、inhibiting action ─── [化] 抑制效应

13、inhibiting antibody ─── [医] 抑制性抗体

14、inhibiting substance ─── 抑制剂,阻化剂

15、somatotropin release inhibiting factor ─── 促生长激素释放抑制因子

16、inhibiting input ─── [计] 禁止输入

17、growth inhibiting factor ─── [医]生长抑制因子

18、molt-inhibiting hormone ─── [化] 蜕皮抑止激素

19、signal inhibiting ─── [计] 禁止信号

inhibiting 反义词


inhibiting 词性/词形变化,inhibiting变形

现在分词:inhibiting 原型:inhibit

inhibiting 同义词

introverted | shy | reserved | subdued | withdrawn |frustrated | self-conscious | reticent | repressed

inhibiting 相似词语短语

1、exhibiting ─── 展览;陈列

2、inhibitive ─── adj.抑制的;禁止的

3、inhibitions ─── n.抑制;压抑;禁止

4、adhibiting ─── vt.贴;让进;用药等

5、inhibition ─── n.抑制;压抑;禁止

6、inheriting ─── 继承

7、disinhibiting ─── 解除抑制的

8、inhabiting ─── vt.栖息;居住于;占据;vi.(古)居住;栖息

9、cohibiting ─── 同居

inhibiting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The ability of humoral antibodies to inhibit tumor growth varies with different cell types. ─── 体液抗体抑制肿瘤生长的能力因细胞类型不同而异。

2、These suggest that CATC has the effects of inhibiting angiogenesis and tumor cells. ─── 上述结果说明CATC既能直接抑制肿瘤细胞生长,又能抑制血管生成切断肿瘤的营养供应,具有潜在的肿瘤治疗价值。

3、L-NAME and indomethacin were ineffective in inhibiting the vasodilating action induced by Ipt(P > 0.05). ─── L-NAME、吲哚美辛均不能抑制盐酸埃他卡林的舒血管作用(P>0.05)。

4、RSP-R can also inhibiting the hemolysis of mice red blood cell as well. ─── 另外,RSP-R还可抑制大鼠红细胞氧化溶血程度。

5、high cost of borrowing is inhibiting investment by industry in new equipment. ─── 高昂的借贷成本正抑制行业对新设备的投资。

6、Both T0 and CyA were capable of inhibiting ConA induced proliferation of T cells. ─── T0 和CyA都能抑制ConA诱导的人外周血T淋巴细胞增殖。

7、Piperine may prevent the formation of cholesterol gallstone through inhibiting the lithogenic role of APN. ─── 以上结果表明胡椒碱主要通过降低肝APN的表达及胆汁APN酶的活性 ,抑制APN的促成石作用而预防胆固醇结石的形成。

8、In fact, it sort of does the opposite, by gumming up the works and inhibiting the metabolic process. ─── 事实上,有那么一点正好相反,胶原会聚集在一起抑制新陈代谢过程。

9、Any accumulation should be periodically removed or at least minimized, to avoid inhibiting heat transfer to the liquid. ─── 应周期性地清除或至少最小化任何累积,从而避免抑制到液体的传热。

10、Al~3+, Sn~2+ and Ca~2+ can inhibit nonenzymatic brown of Jujube pulp. ─── Al~(3+)、Sn~(2+)和Ca~(2+)可抑制枣浆非酶褐变。

11、The use of wax to inhibit ozone deterioration probably goes back to 1881. ─── 使用蜡来抑制臭氧劣化可追溯到1881年。

12、ACV can inhibit proliferation and induce erythrodifferentiation of K562 cells. ─── ACV对K562细胞具有抑制增殖和诱导分化作用,该结果可为慢性粒细胞白血病的治疗探索新的途径。

13、His presence inhibit me from asking question. ─── 他的在场使我怯于提问。

14、What situations inhibit you from being yourself? ─── 为什么你不能做决定呢?

15、Capable of preventing infection by inhibiting the growth of microorganisms. ─── 不受传染的能够通过抑制微生物的生长来防止传染的

16、However, the further research to find the target of clove inhibiting RFB egg hatching is continually going forward. 8. ─── 8 丁香与薏苡仁同贮防治赤拟谷盗的生化分析表明:薏苡仁是赤拟谷盗的适合寄主。

17、What are the Steps to Inhibit Bubbles From Forming in the Detector Flow Cell? ─── 如何排除流动相中的气泡?如何排出流动池中的气泡?

18、LPS can inhibit the apoptosis of PMNs. ─── LPS对PMNs的凋亡有抑制作用。

19、The inhibiting order was SBA 1600mg/kg>Eth 200mg/kg>HCL 1800mg/kg>MH 1600mg/kg>NaOH 200mg/kg. ─── 其对洋葱鳞茎抑制效果顺序为:山梨酸1600mg/kg>乙烯利200mg/kg>盐酸1800mg/kg>青鲜素1600mg/kg>氢氧化钠200mg/kg。

20、The methods of inhibiting walnut rancidity were put forward to extend the shelf life of walnut kernel. ─── 并对如何有效的抑制核桃仁酸败提出了一些解决方法,以便于人们对核桃仁的酸败进行控制。

21、You should inhibit wrong desires and impulses. ─── 你应当抑制不正当的欲望和行动。

22、In fact, it sort of does the opposite, by gumming up the works and inhibiting the metabolic process. ─── 事实上,有那么一点正好相反,胶原会聚集在一起抑制新陈代谢过程。

23、He uses the power of nature to damage and inhibit his enemies. ─── 他使用自然之力去伤害并抑止他的敌人。

24、SARS coronavirus nucleocapsid protein could inhibit protein translation. ─── SARS冠状病毒N蛋白抑制蛋白翻译。

25、Irbesartan was found to be effective in lowering blood pressure and inhibiting left ventricular hypertrophy. ─── 厄贝沙坦具有明确的降压作用,并有抑制左室肥厚的作用。

26、An expensive folly could significantly inhibit our economic growth. ─── 一个价值奋发的愚蠢的行为可能严重阻碍我国经济的增进。

27、Prostaglandin is the dilation of blood vessels and inhibit platelet function. ─── 前列腺素具有扩张血管和抑制血小板作用。

28、To understand the role of lubrication in inhibiting wear it is necessary to understand the nature of the wear itself. ─── 为理解润滑油对于金属表面的的保护作用,首先要了解表面磨损的种类。

29、Chinese gallnut water extract may inhibit the vitality of the plaque biofilm. ─── 五倍子水提取物在较短的时间内就能对生物膜中的细菌产生一定的杀伤效应,使其活性下降。

30、Aryl disulfides, for example, inhibit polyolefin oxidation. ─── 例如芳基二硫化物可抑制聚烯烃的氧化。

31、NaCl can inhibit the growth of HP3 and slow the degradation of ABAS. ─── NaCl的存在抑制菌体的生长并降低溴胺酸降解速度 .

32、To coerce or inhibit by or as if by threats. ─── 威胁通过威胁或近乎威胁强制或禁止

33、This inhibiting of flow oscillations adds stability to the combustion chamber. ─── 对流动振荡的这种抑制作用提高了燃烧室的稳定性。

34、The low credit ratings given to Asian bond issuers are inhibiting the development of the debt market in Asia. ─── 亚洲发债体所得的信贷评级一般偏低,对亚洲债券市场的发展造成障碍。

35、Grease flange threads of body to inhibit rust or corrosion. ─── 在阀门法兰螺纹处涂上油脂,防止生锈或腐蚀。

36、At present,drugs can prevent osteolysis from three aspects,they are inhibiting bone resorption of osteoclast,affecti... ─── 基因治疗骨溶解和其他方法也在研究中。

37、LBP can prevent AFL though inhibiting the hepatocyte CYP2E1 expression markedly. ─── LBP抑制CYP2E1基因及蛋白表达,减轻脂质过氧化作用,有效的治疗AFL。

38、The experiment results in laboratory showed that ARJ had good performance in increasing viscosity, lubricity, and inhibiting a-bility. ─── 对ARJ进行了室内性能评价,实验结果表明,ARJ具有较好的增粘性、降滤失性、抑制性及润滑性。

39、Nimodipine can inhibit the expression of VEGF and PDGF to a certain extent. ─── 尼莫地平在某种程度上能抑制VEGF及PDGF的表达。

40、Why didn't you inhibit him from doing that? ─── 为何你不阻止他做那种事?

41、In the Hep-2 cell system,the ED50 of ACV in inhibiting the hyperplasia of HSV-2 333 strain was 10.85ug/ml. ─── 在Hep-2细胞系统中,ACV对HSV-2333株增殖抑制的ED50为10.85ug/ml。

42、Roundtable: Does Your City Promote or Inhibit Business Incubation? ─── 圆桌会议:你所在城市提升或抑制孵化器?

43、Scapegoats are sought to blame for things that go wrong - inhibiting creativity and learning. ─── 对犯下的错误经常要找替罪羊去承担责任,这实际上破坏了创造和学习的范围。

44、Description: It is effective in preventing acnes, killing acarids, inhibiting oil secretion and clarify pores. ─── 可有效抑制粉刺形成,祛除螨虫,减少面部油脂分泌,疏通毛孔。

45、An experimental study on the inhibiting effect of Shenmai Injection on endothelial cell proliferation. ─── 参麦注射液对恶性肿瘤化学药物治疗增效减毒作用的临床和实验研究。

46、Swishing green tea around the mouth may inhibit cavity-causing bacteria. ─── 以绿茶漱口可能抑制导致牙齿空洞的细菌。

47、Thus we regarded that resveratrol was one of the main active components in GKEs on inhibiting FAS. ─── 我们认为白藜芦醇是葡萄皮提取物中抑制FAS的主要成分之一。

48、MMC could effectively inhibit the cell growth in a time-dependent manner. ─── MMC具有良好的抗肿瘤作用,呈明显的时间依赖性。

49、They passed a law to inhibit people from parking in the street. ─── 他们通过一项法令以阻止人们在街上停车。

50、The cost of EDA tools also plays a role in inhibiting open hardware development and design. ─── EDA工具的成本也约束了开放硬件开发和设计。

51、The inhibiting time of myc-AUG AS-ODN was shorter than that of myc-CRD AS-ODN. ─── myc-AUG AS-ODN抑制滑膜细胞增殖的起效时间早于myc-CRD AS-ODN。

52、The exogenous CGRP can inhibit pulmonary hemorrhage induced by ET-1. ─── 外源性CGRP有拮抗ET-1致肺出血的作用。

53、GBE can also inhibit rabbit platelet aggregation induced by ADP and promote the disband of the aggregated platelets. ─── 体外能抑制高、低浓度ADP诱导的血小板聚集,并对低浓度ADP诱导的血小板聚集有促进解聚作用。

54、Mutants reduced growth and sporulation and had better inhibiting effects to target pathogens. ─── 在适合度上,诱变菌株的菌丝生长量有所下降,而在产孢能力、重寄生能力方面则高于出发菌株。

55、Antibodies were used in the macrophage system to inhibit cathepsin D. ─── 巨噬细胞系统中使用了抗体来抑制组织蛋白酶D。

56、STI571 could induce leukemia cells of ANLL into terminal differentiation by inhibiting c-kit tyrosine kinase. ─── STI571对急性非淋巴细胞白血病原代细胞有诱导向同系终末分化的作用,对c-kit酪氨酸激酶有明显的抑制作用,且与药物浓度相关。

57、To warm the body,they narrow,decreasing blood flow and inhibiting heat transfer. ─── 为了温暖人体,这些毛细管就会变窄缩小,减少血液流动,抑制传热。

58、Growing pools of dangerously radioactive water and deposits of plutonium have been inhibiting access to important parts of the plant. ─── 逐渐增加的放射性水和钚废弃物已经被控制远离工厂的重要部分。

59、GbE can inhibit apoptosis in neuronal cells. ─── GbE对神经细胞凋亡有抑制作用

60、Higher salt concentrations alone may inhibit ion uptake. ─── 单单只是盐浓度高就会阻碍离子吸收。

61、D-mannose did not inhibit hemagglutination. ─── D-甘露糖不能抑制血凝。

62、Airborne soot and dirt from the impact blanketed Earth, inhibiting photosynthesis and triggering mass extinction of species. ─── 撞击产生的烟尘和灰尘覆盖了地球,抑制了光合作用,引发了物种的大规模灭绝。

63、CpG-N ODN could inhibit the surface binding and internalization of CpG-S ODN. ─── CpG-N ODN对CpG-S ODN在hPBMC细胞表面的结合和内化具有抑制作用。

64、DCs have ability to prime or tolerize T lymphocytes, thereby initiating or inhibiting immune responses. ─── DC可引起T细胞活化和耐受从而启动和抑制免疫反应。

65、Both T1+ (1.5 mmol /L) and Mn2+ (3mmol/L) could inhibit DAD and TA. ─── TI~+(1.5mmol/L)及Mn~(2+)(3mmol/L)可抑制DAD及TA。

66、And that means some of the old structures that were inhibiting their ability to progress have to be reworked. ─── 而这就意味着改善一些抑制他们能力发展的陈腐体制。

67、The inhibiting machanism of halophytic seeds by salinity is also discussed. ─── 并讨论了盐度抑制盐生植物种子的机理。

68、Aspirin has been recognized as inhibiting normal platelet function and the mechanism has been clearly delineated. ─── 人们发现阿斯匹林有抑制正常血小板的功能,且这种机制曾有人清楚地描述过。

69、To inhibit,block,or disrupt the action of(an enzyme or other biological agent). ─── 使减活化抑制、阻碍或破坏(酶或其它生物剂)的活动。

70、It may either inhibit or enhance the enzyme activity. ─── 别构酶可以抑制或增强酶的活力。

71、HHS can inhibit the activation of local RAS in hemorrhagic shock. ─── HHS可抑制失血性休克时组织中的RAS的激活。

72、To inhibit,block,or disrupt the action of(an enzyme or other biological agent. ─── 使减活化抑制、阻碍或破坏(酶或其它生物剂)的活动

73、ROP is closely related to the imbalance of angiogenesis factor and blood vessel inhibiting factor. ─── ROP与血管生长因子及血管抑制因子比例失调密切相关。

74、It's a two-component epoxy rust-inhibiting primer containing zinc phosphate corrosion inhibiting pigment. ─── 含有磷酸锌防腐蚀颜料的环氧双组份防锈底漆。

75、At the same time inhibiting the activity of tyrosinase, the skin whitening. ─── 同时抑制酪氨酸酶的活性,美白肌肤。

76、The TFPI is capable of binding to the TF thereby inhibiting its effects. ─── TFPI能通过其与组织因子的结合而抑制其作用。

77、Hirudoid/Hirudoid forte inhibit enzymes that cause tissue degeneration. ─── 喜疗妥乳膏/特强喜疗妥乳膏能抑制导致组织分解代谢的酶。

78、Dr.Farrar added: "Up until now, interferon has always been appreciated for its role in inhibiting virus infections. ─── Farrar补充说:”直到现在人们仍然主要关注干扰素在抑制病毒感染中的作用。

79、Inhibiting effects of 3 antioxidants on contamination and browning of tissue culture of Acer ginnala Maxim. ─── 3种抗氧化剂对茶条槭(Acer ginnala Maxim.)组织培养污染及褐化的影响

80、The inhibiting effect of pirenzepineis weaker than atropine. ─── 哌仑西平的抑制作用弱于阿托品。

81、The experimental results show that this algorithm detects the image corner exactly and plays a good role for inhibiting noises. ─── 实验结果表明该算法能够准确的找到图像的角点,对噪声起到了有效的抑制。

82、These conditions don't have to inhibit your good time. ─── 不必让这些讨厌的事情影响你,

83、It apparently does this by inhibiting the release of neurotransmitters, chemicals that carry nerve impulses from one neuron to the next. ─── 它显然是通过抑制神经递质的释放来做到这一点的。神经递质是一种将神经冲动从一个神经元传递到另一个神经元的化学物质。

84、A drug used in the treatment of hypertension that functions by inhibiting the enzymes that activate angiotensin. ─── 卡普多普瑞尔一种用于治疗高血压的药物,该药通过抑制激活高血压素的酶起作用

85、Typically, a circuit that is"false" is neutral or in the"inhibit" state. ─── 典型的“假”电路是中性的或处于“禁止”态的电路。

86、Hirudoid/ Hirudoid forte inhibit enzymes that cause tissue degeneration. ─── 喜疗妥乳膏/强喜疗妥乳膏能抑制导致组织分解代谢的酶。

87、It was found that the nickel complex was the most effective in inhibiting the photofading of the cyanine dye. ─── 并发现镍络合物能有效地抑制菁染料的光退色。

88、While inhibitors of LOX,nPG and NDGA can inhibit ethylene production. ─── 外施LOX代谢产物茉莉酮酸、愈创木酸亦可促进乙烯释放,而LOX抑制剂对乙烯释放有抑制作用。

89、Disapproval is as strong an inhiBiting force as the threat of punishment. ─── 对于顺从的小孩,父母的反对是与惩罚的威胁具有同样强烈的抑制力量


英音 [ in'hibit ] ; 美音 [ in'hibit ]





同义词:conquer,curb,stamp down,subdue,suppress。


Successive inhiBition


humic acid;blend;scale inhibition;corrosion inhibition


These impulses inhibit the production of melatonin.


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