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09-05 投稿


confessor 发音

英:[k?n?fes?r]  美:[k?n?fes?(r)]

英:  美:

confessor 中文意思翻译



confessor 词性/词形变化,confessor变形


confessor 短语词组

1、Edward the Confessor n. ─── 忏悔者爱德华

2、confessor book ─── 忏悔书

3、confessor define ─── 忏悔者定义

4、confessor fit ─── 忏悔装

5、confessor logo ─── 忏悔者标志

6、confessor 40k ─── 忏悔者40k

7、confessor eve ─── 忏悔者伊芙

8、confessor band ─── 忏悔乐队

9、St. Edward the Confessor ─── [网络] 圣爱德华;爱华

10、Saint Edward the Confessor ─── [网络] 圣爱德华教会

confessor 相似词语短语

1、compressor ─── n.压缩机;压缩物;收缩肌;[医]压迫器

2、confession ─── n.忏悔,告解;供认;表白

3、confessoress ─── 忏悔者

4、confessed ─── adj.坦白的,认罪的;众所公认的,不容怀疑的,公开的,众所周知的;v.坦白;承认(confess的过去式和过去分词)

5、colessor ─── 科尔森

6、confess ─── vt.承认;坦白;忏悔;供认;vi.承认;坦白;忏悔;供认

7、confessions ─── n.自白,招供;忏悔录(confession的复数形式)

8、confesses ─── vt.承认;坦白;忏悔;供认;vi.承认;坦白;忏悔;供认

9、confessors ─── n.忏悔者;为信教而被迫害的教徒

confessor 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Probably one of the most commonly used sentences in the Bible-and very useful, whether you're speaking to a liar or a confessor. ─── 也许这是在圣经里最常出现的一句话,无论是对一个说谎的人,还是对一个忏悔者说,都是非常适合的。

2、The eldritch giant confessor presented here had the following ability scores before racial adjustments and Hit Dice ability score increases: Str 12, Dex8, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 13. ─── 邪术巨人笃信者在进行种族调整和生命调整前即拥有以下属性:力量12,敏捷8,体质14,智力10,感知15,魅力13。

3、Confessor: You decided to face me, you are really determined to put it? ─── 忏悔者:你决定面对我,你真的下定决心了吗?

4、Most time, the result of an argument is that they both convinced that they are absolutely right.(Confessor Zhang said, it's useless to argue. ─── 十之八九,争论的结果是双方比以前更相信自己绝对正确。(庄子曰:“辩之无益。”)

5、a person who repents for wrongdoing (a Roman Catholic may be admitted to penance under the direction of a confessor). ─── 为罪恶行为而忏悔的人(罗马天主教徒被允许在接受忏悔的人的指导下忏悔)。

6、father confessor ─── n. [天主教]听告解的神父, 听人倾诉私衷的人

7、He was one of the churchwardens at St Edward the Confessor's. ─── 除署名文章外,本站文章均来源于网络,或网友提供。

8、and, had it been regular to have enjoyed such a plurality, he might have held the office of confessor to the jail in commendam with that of executioner. ─── 他痛苦地向四周望望,不由惊奇地看到,甚至在那一时刻,他的难友们也仍然保持着坚忍的冷漠表情。

9、His father is a pious confessor. ─── 他父亲是个虔诚的圣徒。

10、Kent is not a regular confessor. ─── 肯特不是个定时忏悔的人。

11、foolish sheep that makes the Wolf his confessor. ─── 蠢羊才向狼忏悔。

12、Theophanes The Confessor Saint ─── 圣狄奥法内斯

13、The oldest is probably the sapphire, which is set to been one of the ring by Edward the Confessor nearly a thousand years ago. ─── 最古老的可能是此颗蓝宝石,它曾经镶嵌在忏悔者爱德华的一枚戒指上。

14、Confessor: You decided to face me, you are really determined to put it? ─── 忏悔者:你决定面对我,你真的下定决心了吗?

15、Fox Confessor Brings The Flood ─── 虔诚的信教的狐狸带来的鲜血

16、Might I your scribe and your confessor be. ─── 我可以你和你的忏悔神父是抄写员。

17、It was called "tariffed" penance because of the proportion established between gravity of the sin and the type of penance imposed by the confessor. ─── 这种忏悔被称作“关税” 忏悔的原因是,罪的严重性与听忏悔者所给予的忏悔形式之间构成比例。

18、Edward the Confessor Built a Norman-style church (consecrated 1065) on the site of an older church there; this was pulled down in 1245 by Henry III (except for the nave) and replaced with the present Gothic-style abbey church. ─── 英格兰王忏悔者爱德华在原址上重建了一座诺曼风格教堂(建于1065年);1245年亨利三世将爱德华所建教堂除中堂外全部拆除,采用当时的尖拱哥德式重建,是为现存的修道院教堂。

19、1. Many year ago a group of confessor build this church. ─── 很多年以前,一群不畏受难的基督徒修建了这座教堂。

20、he took a Jesuit confessor, and went to high mass and to vespers. ─── 于是他供奉一个耶稣会教士做他的忏悔教士,还去做大弥撒和晚祷。

21、He swore to his confessor that his soul would not rest until he returned the gold to God. ─── 他向听他忏悔的神父发誓说,他的灵魂将永远得不到安息,直到把那些黄金归还给上帝为止。

22、When William Rufus first built Westminster Hall it was called the New Hall to stop it being confused with the Old Hall built by Edward the confessor ─── 威廉·鲁弗斯当初建造西敏斯特大厅时,把它称作新厅,以区别于撒克逊王爱德华建造的旧厅。

23、I stand there for a few moments in the twilight, horrified to think that now I've become confessor to my neighbor. ─── 在暮色中我又站了一会儿,一想到自己成了邻居的忏悔者就感到非常恐怖。

24、The ministry leader usually wears a number of hats in the course of a day: pastor, preacher, confessor, caregiver, teacher, counselor, administrator, father, mother, sister or brother. ─── 该部领导通常身穿了一些帽子过程中的一天:牧师,传教士,忏悔,医护人员,教师,辅导员,管理员,父亲,母亲,姐妹或兄弟。

25、Edward, the Confessor ─── 忏悔者爱德华

26、It's a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor. ─── 忏悔神父让狼当,才是地道大蠢羊。

27、"'A person, whose confessor I am,' replied he, 'and who entertains a high regard for me, applied to me a short time since to procure him a confidential servant. ─── ‘有一个人,我是他的忏悔师,’他回答说,‘他相当尊敬我,不久以前,他请我给他找一个可靠的仆人。

28、Confessor: One who confesses faith in Christianity in the face of persecution but does not suffer martyrdom. ─── 基督教信徒:指在迫害面前声称信仰基督教但并未殉道者。

29、The confessor will hear confessions in English and French ─── 这个神父可以听取用英语和法语做的忏悔。

30、It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor. ─── [谚]蠢羊才向狼忏悔。

31、Confessor:One who confesses faith in Christianity in the face of persecution but does not suffer martyrdom. ─── 基督教信徒:指在迫害面前声称信仰基督教但并未殉道者.

32、The first known royal palace to occupy Parliament’s site was Edward the Confessor’s (c1065). ─── 在议会大厦所在地所建的第一所已知的王宫,属于忏悔者爱德华(1065年)。

33、57.Deceive not your physician, confessor, or lawyer. ─── 不要欺骗你的医生,神父,或律师。

34、He was their adviser, confidant and confessor. ─── 他是他们的顾问、知己和倾诉对象。

35、King Edward III the Confessor ─── 爱德华三世

36、Edward the confessor had designated William as his successor in 1051. ─── 1051年爱德华指定威廉为他的继承人

37、A person performing penance under the direction of a confessor. ─── 忏悔者,苦修者在忏悔的神文指导下行忏悔的人

38、A man condemned to death is listening to his confessor in the tumbrel. ─── 巴黎的孩子嚷了起来:“他和吃教门饭的讲话。

39、false confessor ─── 虚假供认者

40、English: It is better to be a martyr than a confessor. ─── 中文:与其作忏悔者,不如作殉道者。

41、thou art a comfortable man in such cases when a confessor is not to be had. ─── 他还来不及顾盼一下,就已经被几个着奇装异服的男人和女人围住。

42、Edward the Confessor. ─── 忏悔者爱德华。

43、The Pere Lachaise cemetary (Father Lachaise Cemetery) on the eastern edge of the city, is named after the Jesuit Father Lachaise, King Louis XIV's confessor. ─── 拉雪兹神父公墓的名字来源于路易十四的虔悔神父,他所住的房子是1682年耶稣会在过去一座小教堂的位置上重建的。

44、The woman had obtained a new confessor. ─── 这位妇女换了一个告解神父。

45、Each of them, from time to time, kissed the crucifix a confessor held out to them. At this sight alone Franz felt his legs tremble under him ─── 阿尔贝的脸色白得象他的衬衫一样了,他机械地丢掉了他的雪茄,虽然那支雪茄还没抽到一半。

46、a person who repents for wrongdoing (a Roman Catholic may be admitted to penance under the direction of a confessor) ─── 为罪恶行为而忏悔的人(罗马天主教徒被允许在接受忏悔的人的指导下忏悔)

47、He swore to his confessor that his soul would not rest until he returned the gold to God. ─── 他向听他忏悔的神父发誓说,他的灵魂将永远得不到安息,直到把那些黄金归还给上帝为止。

48、The Confessor power Steadfast Soul is now self-only and has had an increase on damage absorbed ─── 改变圣徒的坚固灵魂本体并增加吸收伤害量

49、It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor ─── 笨羊才向狼忏悔

50、“Yes, I understand,” replied his confessor. ─── “是的,我明白,”他的听供人答道。

51、2043. It is better to be a martyr than a confessor. ─── 与其作忏悔者,不如作殉道者。

52、There is not one of those women, Egyptian, Turkish, or Greek, whom here you call 'good women,' who do not know how, by means of chemistry, to stupefy a doctor, and in psychology to amaze a confessor. ─── 埃及,土耳其,希腊的女人,就是你们在此称之为‘好女人’的那些人,她们都知道该如何在药物学上使医生们吓得目瞪口呆或在心理学上惊倒忏悔师们。”

53、19. When Edward the Confessor died, the Witan chose Harold, Earl of Wessex, as king of England. ─── 爱德华死后,贤人会议决定推选威塞克斯伯爵哈罗德为英国国王。

54、An early confessor in Burma ─── 缅甸早期信仰告白者

55、It was a foolish sheep that made the wolf his confessor. ─── 傻羊认狼作神父。

56、8. It is better to be a martyr than a confessor. ─── 与其做忏悔,不如做殉道者。

57、The conflict between clerical and secular authorities came to a head with an assassination attempt on the king, organised by a family to whom Malagrida acted as confessor. ─── 牧师与当局的斗争最后发展为对国王的暗杀。马拉格里达将自己装扮成受迫害的教徒,并和他的追逐者一起策划了暗杀。

58、My mother once said, Poor dear, if only you had a good Dominican confessor, you wouldn’t be in such a fix! ─── 我母亲曾对我说,小可怜,假使你是个好的多明我会(天主教)忏悔者的话,你也就不至于如此困难了!

59、Edward the Confessor ─── 爱德华(忏悔者)(约1004-1066),英国国王(1042-1066)

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