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09-05 投稿



dismission 发音

英:[d?'sm???n]  美:[d?'sm???n]

英:  美:

dismission 中文意思翻译



dismission 同义词

disband | send packing | disdain | liberate | terminate | release | write off | brush aside | fire | eject |discharge | displace | usher out | remove | reject | brush off | sack | give the sack | eliminate | disregard | drop | depose | ignore | justify | let go | can | send away | dethrone | cashier | discount | push aside | free | throw out | retire | send | expel | away | dissolve | set aside | unseat | give notice | force out | shelve

dismission 词性/词形变化,dismission变形

形容词: dismissible |动词现在分词: dismissing |动词过去分词: dismissed |动词过去式: dismissed |名词: dismission |动词第三人称单数: dismisses |

dismission 反义词


dismission 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Being in charge of human resources of sub-company, including recruitment, training, examination, transferring and procedures of dismission . ─── 负责分公司人事工作,包括人员的招聘、培训、考核、移动及离职手续的办理;

2、Do not dismiss your dreams. To be without dreams is to be without hope. To be without hope is to be without purpose. ─── 不要摒弃梦想,没有梦想就没有希望,没有希望就没有目标。

3、Also, the government agreed to dismiss fraud charges against his son. ─── 同时,政府同意解除不利于其子的诈欺控诉。

4、Dismission, recalling in accordance with the act. ─── 三依本法之规定解职、罢免或撤免者。

5、Hungarians dismiss this as paranoia. ─── 匈牙利人把这种态度解读为偏执。

6、More likely you would dismiss him as a conman or a fantasist. ─── 你更可能会以为他不过是一江湖骗子或幻想家。

7、He tried without success to dismiss her/her memory from his thoughts. ─── 他尽量不去想她,然而无济於事。

8、"Mr. O'Hara, you must dismiss Jonas Wilkerson." Gerald exploded. ─── "杰拉尔德先生,你得把乔纳斯 - 威尔克森开除。"

9、Don't try to crash in on me, or I'll dismiss you. ─── 别想占我的便宜,否则我会开除你。

10、Click OK to dismiss the message. ─── 单击“确定”关闭该消息。

11、Let us dismiss the subject and talk of something else . ─── 咱们别考虑这件事了,说点别的吧。

12、He was prone to dismiss himself as "that well-known crackpot". ─── 他常自嘲为“那个著名的怪人”。

13、A good few people dismiss the idea as sheer nonsense. ─── 不少人认为这种想法是胡说八道。

14、Click OK to dismiss the test connection results message. ─── 单击“确定”关闭测试连接结果消息。

15、I need to consummate my dismission procedure and transact few matters about the certificate of HR in my former company in Shenyang! ─── 我想回沈阳到原单位完善一些离职手续,办理一些人事证明,需要请假。

16、It's not feasible to dismiss him. ─── 不可开除他。

17、The arbitration court has announced the award to dismiss the action. ─── 仲裁法庭已宣布驳回起诉。

18、Bethink ere thou dismiss us. ─── 在你打发我们走以前再请仔细考虑一下吧。

19、But Mikulski aides dismiss such talk. ─── 但密库斯基对此矢口否认。

20、Before you dismiss your dreams, wait until they've come true. ─── 在放弃梦想之前,先内心要冷静思考。

21、Will they dismiss Woods for stealing the money? ─── 他们会不会因为伍兹偷钱而把他开除?

22、host: I am just asking you for your impression because you seem dismission that he could not even compete with you. ─── 主持人:我就是问你现在对大克的印象如何,因为你曾经认为大克根本无法与你相抗衡,对他不屑一顾。

23、The same hui pu, two years ago have been around that strong women Carly Fiorina was Hewlett-Packard dismission. ─── 同样的惠普,在两年前曾经徘徊不前,以至于女强人卡莉·菲奥莉娜被惠普董事会解聘。

24、Dismiss, for example, “some niggles, some feelings of fatigue,” he said. ─── 他说,比如去除“一些吹毛求疵,一些疲劳感”。

25、There 's need for you not to dismiss him . ─── 你务必不要辞退他。

26、Though he had stolen from his employers, they did not dismiss him, out of consideration for his family. ─── 他虽然偷了雇主的东西,出于对他家庭的考虑,没有解雇他。

27、The boss intimidated him of dismission, but it was only a bully. ─── 2. 老板威胁说要解雇他,但这不过是恐吓而已。

28、He tried without success to dismiss the memory of her from his thoughts. ─── 他试图把她忘掉,但做不到。

29、His unpunctuality served as an excuse to dismiss him. ─── 他不遵守时间被作为撵走他的借口。

30、With a graceful lift of her hand, she dismiss him. ─── 她轻盈地一抬手把他打发走了。

31、Do not dismiss you dreams To be without dreams is to be withouthope.To be without hope is to be without purpose. ─── 不要摈弃梦想,没有梦想就没有希望,没有希望就没有目标。

32、A. Your bad behaviour obliges me to dismiss you. B. I'm obliged to dismiss you because of your bad behaviour. ─── 你的恶劣表现逼使我把你开除。

33、Do not say, "It is morning," and dismiss it with a mane ofyesterday. ─── 不要说:"这是早晨",别用一个"昨天"的名词把它打发掉。你第一次

34、The number, office term, appointment and dismission of member representatives, directors and supervisors. ─── 九会员代表及理事、监事之名额、权限、任期及选任与解任。

35、Do not say, "It is morning," and dismiss it with a mane of yesterday. ─── 不要说:“这是早晨”,别用一个“昨天”的名词把它打发掉。

36、When to dismiss a incompetent subordinate? How? ─── 如何开除一个不称职的下属?

37、It was decided instead that the Foreign Secretary should dismiss Hitler's gesture in a broadcast. ─── 于是决定改由外交大臣通过广播拒绝希特勒的姿态。

38、Book and newspaper dismiss inside the room to be everywhere. ─── 书和报纸散在房里到处都是。

39、The doctor urged the patient to dismiss all worries from her mind and take a good rest. ─── 医生劝那位病人排除一切忧虑好好休息。

40、If you receive this error message, just dismiss the dialog box, start the server, and redo the step you were on. ─── 如果你发现弹出这个错误消息对话框,忽略它并在启动服务器后重新执行上面的步骤就可以了。

41、It followed that Air NZ's decision to dismiss Ms Hudson was unjustified. ─── 因此,纽航对哈德森所做出的解雇决定是不合法的。

42、Do not say, “It is morning,” and dismiss it with a mane of yesterday. ─── 不要说:”这是早晨”,别用一个”昨天”的名词把它打发掉。你第一次

43、The arbitration court have announce the award to dismiss the action. ─── 仲裁庭已宣布驳回起诉。

44、Do not say, "It is morning," and dismiss it with a mane of esterday. ─── 不要说:“这是早晨”,别用一个“昨天”的名词把它打发掉。你第一次

45、I don't see where you can dismiss the continual occurrence and re-forming of certain great ethical ideas in history. ─── 历史上就有某些伟大的道德观念,会不断变换形式,一再出现,不知你将置之于何地?

46、The employees lived in terror of the boss, who had not only borne down on them but could also dismiss them at any time. ─── 员工们对老板怕得要死,老板不仅经常整他们,而且还随时可能解雇他们。

47、It is too simplistic, however, to dismiss the culture as brainwashing. ─── 不过,将谷歌的公司文化贬为洗脑可就过于简单化了。

48、When he threatened to dismiss me I called his bluff. ─── 他威胁要把我解雇,我就对他说“你敢!”

49、Rather than dismiss it as a fluke, they will try every way possible to find it. ─── 他们就会像猫爪一样紧盯着目标,然后尝试各种可能的方法找到它,解决它。

50、Othello. Get you to bed on the instant; I will be returned forthwith: dismiss your attendant there: look it be done. ─── 奥瑟罗你快进去睡吧;我马上就回来的。把你的侍女们打发开了,不要忘记。

51、If you persist in making trouble, the company may be forced to dismiss you. ─── 如果你坚持找麻烦,公司可能不得不解雇你。

52、Let us dismiss our troubles . ─── 咱们别想这些烦人的事了。

53、Factory has the right to dismiss the employees who ask leaving more times that influence the work. ─── 事假过多而影响工作的,工厂有权辞退。

54、She tried to be cheerful, to dismiss all care, to take pleasure in the daylight, the flowers, the baby. ─── 她尽力找痛快,把一切麻烦都不放在心上,从阳光、花儿和婴孩身上觅取快乐。

55、Other executives think the Japanese influence will be less dramatic and dismiss the automobile analogy, saying that manufacturing cars is a far cry from the creative nature of Hollywood's endeavors. ─── 其他高级职员认为日本的影响不会那么大,认为不能与汽车相提并论。他们说制造汽车与好莱坞的创造性企业截然不同。

56、To dismiss the guy just because he forgot to post a letter is a bit hot. ─── 仅仅是因为那小伙子忘记投寄一封信就把他解雇,未免有点不讲道理。

57、Do not say, "it is morning, " and dismiss it with a mane of yesterday. ─── 不要说:“这是早晨”, 别用一个“昨天”的名词把它打发掉。

58、All his other trials he could dismiss and forget, but how could he ever forget that rickshaw? ─── 以前的一切辛苦困难都可一眨眼忘掉,可是他忘不了这辆车!

59、If they try to dismiss you,they'll have the union to reckon with. ─── 如果他们想解雇你,他们就不得不与工会打交道。

60、While class dismiss, ready to related study thing of the stanza lesson. ─── 下课时,准备好下节课的相关学习用品。

61、Don't wait until they dismiss you, when it will be too late. ─── 别等到他们开除你,那时一切都太晚了。

62、If you persist in causing trouble, the company may be forced to dismiss you. ─── 如果你坚持制造麻烦,公司可能不得不解雇你。

63、Dismission of directors and/or supervisors. ─── 三理事、监事之解职。

64、Yeah, BOCOG declared its dismission last week. ─── 是的,上周解散了。

65、As a consequence of your bad work I am forced to dismiss you. ─── 因为你工作不好,我被迫解雇你。

66、Let's dismiss the subject and talk of something else. ─── 咱们别考虑这件事了,说点别的吧。

67、Don't dismiss your dreams. To be without dreams is to be without hope; to be without hope is to be without purpose. ─── 六、不要放弃梦想。没有梦想就没有希望,没有希望生活就没有了意义。

68、Damned!You irresponsible bastard,get teady for your dismission! ─── 可恶,你这溜班的混球,准备开除吧!

69、Most experts now dismiss the idea of a rapidly eroding U.S. industrial base. ─── 大多数专家不同意认为美国的基础工业正在迅速流失的说法。

70、People who know Mr Reinemund well dismiss such speculation. ─── 了解雷蒙德的人都不懈于此种推测。

71、This is not to dismiss doubts over the readiness of the two newcomers. ─── 但是这些并不能摒除对这两个新成员资格的怀疑。

72、Well, I will dismiss my chariot, and go with you. ─── 好吧,我把车子打发回去,跟你一起走。

73、Some of them dismiss the very idea as“ insensitive”. ─── 一些民主党人以该问题“无关紧要”为由避而不谈。

74、His department-English-and the Dean of Arts and Sciences had voted to dismiss him. ─── 他本系-英语系-和文理学院院长全表决要辞退他。

75、Mr. O`Hara.You must dismiss Jonas Wilkerson. ─── 夏先生,你必须开除伟基信.

76、thesis include:Discussing the relevance of high-skilled talents'job satisfaction and dismission inclination. ─── 本文对目前研究较少的高技能人才工作满意度和离职意愿的相关性进行了探讨。

77、Kastner was incredulous and sought to dismiss Gauss. ─── 卡斯特纳不相信并且企图赶走高斯。

78、Do not say, “It is morning”, and dismiss it with a name of yesterday. ─── 不要说“这是清晨”,然后用一个“昨天”的名词来摈弃它。

79、She did her best to dismiss the thoughts. ─── 她尽力打消这些想法。

80、Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace. ─── 主啊!如今可以照你的话,释放仆人安然去世;

81、Good Heaven, what was there to dismiss! ─── 天啦,那样的事有什么值得计较的!

82、The innovative points in this thesis include: Discussing the relevance of high-skilled talents'job satisfaction and dismission inclination. ─── 本文对目前研究较少的高技能人才工作满意度和离职意愿的相关性进行了探讨。

83、If you let the quality of the products down. I'll dismiss all of you. ─── 如来你们使产品质量下降,我将把你们所有的人都解雇掉。

84、He threatened to dismiss me from my job, but it's all bluff. ─── 他威胁说要解雇我,但是这不过是恐吓而已。

85、She tried to dismiss him from her mind. ─── 她试图把他忘掉。

86、Let's dismiss and return in an hour. ─── 咱们休会,一个钟头后再回来。

87、They dismiss the Brahmins as sweet and thin. ─── 他们斥责绅士派文人的华丽和纤弱。

88、reasons account for dismission such as concept, psychology, work environment, personal quality, etc. ─── 离职原因有观念问题、心理问题、工作氛围问题、自身素质问题等。

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