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09-05 投稿



straightforward 发音

英:[stre?t'f??w?d]  美:[,stret'f?rw?d]

英:  美:

straightforward 中文意思翻译




straightforward 网络释义

adj. 简单的;坦率的;明确的;径直的adv. 直截了当地;坦率地

straightforward 短语词组

1、straightforward self-defense ─── 直截了当的自卫

2、straightforward shop ─── 直截了当的商店

3、straightforward product ─── 直截了当的产品

4、straightforward corruption ─── 直截了当的腐败

5、straightforward question ─── 直前问题

6、straightforward way ─── 直截了当的方式

7、straightforward association ─── 直截了当的联想

8、straightforward crossword clue ─── 简单的纵横字谜线索

9、straightforward manner ─── 直截了当的态度

10、straightforward synonym ─── 直截了当的同义词

11、straightforward synonym thesaurus ─── 直白同义词库

12、straightforward shooting denver ─── 直接射击丹佛

straightforward 词性/词形变化,straightforward变形

名词: straightforwardness |副词: straightforwardly |

straightforward 相似词语短语

1、straightforward task ─── 直截了当的任务

2、straightforwardly ─── adv.直截了当地;正直地

3、strong forward ─── 强劲的前进

4、tight forward ─── 紧紧向前

5、straightforwards ─── adv.笔直地;坦率地

6、straightforth ───

7、straight road ─── 笔直的道路

8、straightforward way ─── 直截了当的方法

9、straightforwardness ─── n.坦率

straightforward 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、First of all, it is worth stressing that it is by no means straightforward to judge how much protection is actually being imposed. ─── 首先,有必要强调,我们无法直接判断出有多少保护主义措施真正得到实施。

2、A wide selection of bedroom furniture in an attractive, straightforward design. ─── 充满魅力、设计简洁的卧室家具外观,提供给您广泛的选择。

3、Cost Resources are not thought of as something that accrues at a rate, but rather as straightforward costs. ─── 不要认为成本资源按费率累算而将它们当作简单的成本。

4、He likes to be straightforward in doing things. ─── 他办事喜欢干脆。

5、They were greatly drew by his frank, straightforward manner. ─── 他们被他坦白直率的态度吸引住了。

6、The explanation of this phenomenon is straightforward. ─── 对这个现象的解释是简单的。

7、This definition of the balance of payments account is straightforward enough. ─── 国际收支平衡表的这一定义是相当明确的。

8、A straightforward trot with light springy action and strong hindquarters drive. ─── 向前小跑时,步伐轻快有力,主要依靠后肢发力。

9、Adding actions to views pull-down menu, the common editors toolbar, and pop-up menus is nearly as straightforward. ─── 向视图的下拉菜单、公共编辑器的工具栏以及弹出菜单添加操作基本上很简单。

10、Debt consolidation is the simplest and most straightforward way of dealing with debt. ─── 债务整理是最简单、最直接的方式,解决债务。

11、Kids' straightforward and not faking is actually a good thing. ─── 其实小孩子的率直和不虚伪是很好的呢!

12、The difficulty is not great and the translation shall be straightforward. ─── 困难不大,翻译应该直接了当。

13、The basic methods of ethnographic interviewing are simple, straightforward, and very low tech. ─── 人种学调查的基本方法简单直观,并且不需要什么高科技。

14、Frank. Er; frank. Est; Open and sincere in expression; straightforward. ─── 坦率的,真诚的坦率而真诚的表达的;率直的不加掩饰的快乐。

15、Chinese residential and park design projects tend to be very straightforward. ─── 中国的住宅和园林设计项目倾向直观化。

16、Their responsibility is straightforward. ─── 他们的职责是明确的。

17、He seemed impressed by her informed, straightforward answers. ─── 对了如指掌、坦白直率的回答,他似乎颇受感动。

18、Richardson 's second free kick, after the interval, was more straightforward as he drilled his shot past Schwarzer. ─── 理查德森下半场的任意球线路简单一点,他的射门已经穿越了舒瓦泽尔的十指关。

19、Perfecting CPA was not as straightforward as it sounds. ─── 不过,欲登CPA之化境也非如前述那麽直接。

20、When you know the ropes this job is quite straightforward. ─── 你知道干这事的窍门,干起来就相当顺利。

21、Straightforward of the northern and subtle sensibility of the south have found the optimum combining site here. ─── 在这里,北方人的粗犷和南方人的细腻找到了最佳的结合点。

22、The center chief still had a bushy beard and was just as straightforward as ever. ─── 大胡子主任胡子还是那么浓密,性情还是那么直率。

23、One straightforward way is to use many scalers and many registers. ─── 一个直接途径就是用很多定标器和很多记录仪。

24、The Syntax of analytic functions is rather straightforward in appearance. ─── 分析函数的句法非常简单。

25、Perl, which uses straightforward syntax, data types and structures, is fairly easy to learn. ─── Perl采用简单明了的语法、数据类型和结构,所以学习相当容易。

26、The compliance rate nearly tripled, to 50 percent, compared with the straightforward zoo trip request. ─── 同 意 的 比 例 与 直 接 提 出 游 动 物 园 的 请 求 相 比 , 几 乎 提 高 了 三 倍 , 达 到 了 50% 。

27、Straightforward algebra leads to the integral equation quoted above. ─── 上面引用了简单代数的积分方程。

28、The iteration over the preprocessed tokens is relatively straightforward. ─── 对预处理单词的迭代是比较简单的。

29、He is honest and straightforward, he will tell us everything he thinks. ─── 他这人有什么说什么,为人耿介。

30、We do everything aboveboard and straightforward and never hehind closed doors. ─── 做任何事,我们都是光明正大的,从不偷偷摸摸。

31、He was principled and 5)straightforward in my world of dishonor and lies. ─── 在我那满布谎言和耻辱的世界里,他是如此有原则和正直。

32、Aaron: Of course, because I am very straightforward. ─── 亚纶?当然有啊?我是一个很直接的人。

33、The justification for summary administrative powers is straightforward. ─── 即决行政权的理由简单明了。

34、Treat him like a sincere and straightforward. ─── 他一想待人诚恳,光明磊落。

35、The first question he asked me was quite straightforward. ─── 他向我提出的第一个问题相当简捷。

36、UML class diagrams are designed to be straightforward to read. ─── UML类图设计为一种可直接阅读的形式。

37、In general, the design procedure is not straightforward and will require trial and error. ─── 一般说来,设计过程不是一帆风顺的,而需要反復试验。

38、Merging the synchronization classes into the shared class is a straightforward process. ─── 将同步类合并到共享类是一个简单的过程。

39、The instructions are reasonably straightforward. ─── 说明还算简单易懂。

40、His straightforward, modest manner took into camp everybody he knew. ─── 他爽直而谦虚的态度使所有认识他的人都上了当。

41、With all the odd and folkloric derivations included in these pages, I thought I had better include a few that are very straightforward and unambiguous. ─── 在以前的许多文章中,我们已讲述了若干古怪的民间传说似的词的派生用法,现在我想最好讲一些意思明确的词。

42、They are straightforward, but belong in other chapters. ─── 他们是笔直的,但是在其他的章节中属于。

43、For the simple cases like English, the character-to- glyph mapping may be straightforward. ─── 对于像英文这样的简单情况,字符到符号的映射可能非常直观。

44、She is a dame, stoked by a straightforward, unsentimental confidence, determined to wring every ounce out of everything that she does. ─── 她容貌俊俏,自信坚强,做事直截了当,从不感情用事,凡事都全情投入,尽享个中的每分精彩。

45、Modifying the template to execute the desired kernel code is relatively straightforward. ─── 修改模板来执行期望的内核代码相对也比较简单。

46、A straightforward way to implement multithreaded applications is to associate a lightweight process with each thread. ─── 一种实现多线程程序最直接的方法就是用一个轻进程关联每个线程。

47、When I was young, an honest and moral life seemed like a straightforward goal. ─── 在我年轻的时候,过上真正的,有道德的生活看起来是非常明确坦率的目标。

48、The early years Beckham spent in the US were far from straightforward for some of those who worked closely with him. ─── 对于那些在工作上和贝克汉姆有密切接触的人来说,贝克汉姆在美国的头几年绝不是一帆风顺的。

49、RSS is a straightforward way for you to keep up-to-date with the latest news from CHP. ─── RSS是一种让你能时刻紧贴生防护中心最新消息的简易途径。

50、Assignment of primitives is quite straightforward. ─── 对主数据类型的赋值是非常直接的。

51、At the busy front desk of JPL, security clearance was straightforward. ─── 一到JPL繁忙的前台,就直接进行安检。

52、SAX generally offers better performance on sizeable documents and DOM generally offers more straightforward code. ─── SAX通常为大文档提供了好的性能,而DOM通常提供了更直接的代码。

53、They took a straightforward route to the lake. ─── 他们走了一条笔直通向湖的路。

54、Speer made the most straightforward impression of all. ─── 在这一伙人中间,斯佩尔给人以最直率的印象。

55、An application consisting of tens or hundreds of classes would not be so straightforward as the one demonstrated here. ─── 包含成百上千个类的应用程序不会像这里演示的程序那样简单。

56、In many cases, the API specified in the get_bindingDetail message is straightforward. ─── 在许多情况下,在get_bindingDetail消息中定义的API是直接的。

57、Setting up a detector electronics system is straightforward because standardized building blocks can be bought. ─── 因为可以买到标准化单元电路,所以要安装探测器电子学系统是简单的。

58、You're not going to deny that all my life, I've been hardworking, decent, respectable and straightforward. ─── 你不会否认我这一辈子干活努力、正派体面,受人尊敬而且光明正大吧?

59、Servo installation is straightforward, utilizing standard servo wheels. ─── 伺服安装很简单,利用标准伺服轮子.

60、She is very blunt, very straightforward, and very honest. ─── 她直言不讳,非常坦率,也非常诚实。

61、The efficiency is lower in the relativistic region, and it is straightforward to calculate it. ─── 在相对范围内,效率更低,这可以直接计算。

62、She was straightforward, loyal and brave. ─── 她单纯、诚实,而又勇敢。

63、He's a straightforward man and told everything he'd seen. ─── 他是个直性子 把看到的事儿都捅出来了。

64、He was dependable, straightforward, the boy next door. ─── 他是个可靠、坦率的邻家男孩儿。

65、As you are about to see, it is fairly straightforward to make this chart a little more handsome. ─── 正如您将要看到的,使此图表更美观一点相当容易。

66、In many cases,the API specified in the get-bindingDetail message is straightforward. ─── 在许多情况下,在“get-bindingDetail”消息中定义的API是直接的。

67、The rest of the signals are straightforward. ─── 其余信号端则是一目了然的。

68、His creative aesthetic was as straightforward as it was demanding: Whatever you do, do it full-bore, full time. ─── 他创造性的艺术就跟他所要求的那样直接:无论你做什么,竭尽全力的做,废寝忘食的做。

69、Frank; straightforward; blunt. ─── 坦率; 直接的; 毫不含糊的

70、He has always liked this straightforward, outspoken youngster. ─── 他喜欢这个小伙子,心直口快,有啥说啥。

71、The problem sets should be fairly straightforward. ─── 习题会是比较直接了当的。

72、The compliance rate nearly tripled,to 50 percent,compared with the straightforward zoo trip request. ─── 同意的比例与直接提出游动物园的请求相比,几乎提高了三倍,达到了50%。

73、The attractions of fair-value accounts are straightforward. ─── 公允价值会计的吸引力是显而易见的。

74、She was a widow in her early thirties, clean, straightforward, energetic and meticulous. ─── 她是三十二三岁的寡妇,干净,爽快,做事麻利又仔细。

75、Stick with a straightforward chicken shish kebab and you cannot go wrong. ─── 坚持一个简单的鸡肉烤羊肉串,你不能出错。

76、He was vigorous, hardy, intelligent and straightforward. ─── 他有活力,能刻苦,睿智而正直。

77、The Graphics Sub-System is pretty straightforward. ─── 图形子系统的概念非常直观易懂。

78、The event-handling code is pretty straightforward. ─── 事件处理代码非常简单。

79、Open and sincere in expression; straightforward. ─── 坦率的,真诚的坦率而真诚的表达的;率直的

80、As you can see, the Channel class is nothing more than a straightforward JavaBean that describes information contained in the stanza. ─── 如上所示,Channel类无非是一个直观的JavaBean,它描述包含在节中的信息。

81、The distribution of free food would appear to be a straightforward solution to the immediate problem of starvation. ─── 免费分配粮食似乎是解决饥荒这一急迫问题的直接了当的方法。

82、For governments, rich or poor, the solution seems straightforward. ─── 不论穷国或富国政府,解决的办法看起来只有一条路。

83、He's a straightforward man, and told everything he'd seen. ─── 他是个直性子, 把看到的事儿都捅出来了。

84、But he was also incredibly straightforward,and quick to ask advice and give it. ─── 但他特别直率,善于征求别人意见,也乐于提供建议。

85、Crystallizing the protein is not a straightforward procedure. ─── 将蛋白质结晶化并非是一个简单的过程。

86、Brother is a straightforward really, I made some people are not grasp the rock. ─── 兄弟果然是个爽快人,我周某人不是不开窍的石头。

87、The procedure for copying items in Solution Explorer is straightforward. ─── 在解决方案资源管理器中复制项的过程十分简单。

88、This sounds straightforward but is far from it. ─── ”这听起来简单,但实际上远非如此。

89、His personality is stiff and straightforward. ─── 他个性就是这么板直。

forward, ahead,straight的区别?




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