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09-05 投稿


funicular 发音

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英:  美:

funicular 中文意思翻译




funicular 网络释义

n. 索道缆车adj. 索状的;纤维的

funicular 词性/词形变化,funicular变形

名词复数: fungi |

funicular 短语词组

1、funicular lymphoma ─── 索状淋巴瘤

2、funicular definition ─── 缆索定义

3、funicular railroad ─── 缆索铁路

4、funicular distribution ─── [机] 纤维纤分布

5、funicular railway n. ─── 缆索铁路, 登山铁道

6、funicular polygon ─── [机] 索多边形

7、funicular ornament ─── 缆绳饰

8、funicular railway france ─── 法国索道

9、funicular myelitis ─── [医] 束性脊髓炎

10、funicular artery ─── [医]精索动脉,睾丸动脉

11、funicular bellows sound ─── [医] 脐带杂音

12、funicular hydrocele ─── [医] 精索水囊肿

13、funicular stage ─── 圆形舞台

14、funicular railway italy ─── 意大利索道铁路

15、funicular joint ( ─── 膜翅目昆虫)索节

16、funicular myelosis ─── [医] 索性脊髓 ─── [变性]病

17、funicular los angeles ─── 洛杉矶缆索

18、funicular hernia ─── [医] 精索突出

19、funicular tram ─── 缆车

funicular 相似词语短语

1、furcular ─── 叉突的

2、canicular ─── adj.酷暑期的;天狼星的

3、funiculi ─── 精索;脐带

4、cuticular ─── adj.[昆]表皮的

5、funiculars ─── n.缆索铁道;adj.用缆索牵引的;绳索的;绳索张力的

6、auricular ─── adj.耳的;耳状的

7、funiculus ─── n.索状细带;细绳

8、funiculate ─── adj.有细索的

9、genicular ─── adj.生在关节上的

funicular 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The funicular track beside the entrance of Kuanyin Temple, Ta-Hsi, Tao-Yuan County. ─── 桃园县大溪镇莲座山观音寺入口处旁的登山索道铁路。

2、funicular hernia ─── [医] 精索突出

3、funicular cell ─── 索细胞

4、funicular stage ─── 蜂窝水阶段

5、A ride on the Chaumont funicular affords panoramic views. ─── 坐上肖蒙缆索游客们可以观赏到全景。

6、9 a.m.- Take the Peak tram funicular railway up to Hong Kong Island's Victoria Peak. ─── 上午9点 - 乘坐山顶电缆车到达香港岛的太平山。

7、Results There were 35 cases with varicocele, 36 with spermatitis, 25 with funicular hydrocele and 3 with tumor of spermatic cord, all of which had specific characteristics. ─── 结果精索静脉曲张35例、精索炎36例、精索鞘膜积液25例及精索肿瘤3例,各有其声像图特征表现。

8、We enjoyed scenery and greeted with other classmates when we on the funicular. ─── 在缆车上,我们欣赏了风景并和其他的同学打招呼。

9、funicular line ─── 索线

10、The latter option, according to Hong Kong Tourism Board Publicity and Promotions Manager Lillibeth Bishop, is a “perpendicular funicular” that “feels like a thrill ride when you're going down. ─── 根据香港旅游推广和宣传部门的管理人员里里柏斯说,后一种选择是竖直的缆车轨道,当你乘坐在那上面下降的时候,你会感觉到非常刺激。

11、Later I take the funicular train, with its outstanding panoramic views. ─── 后来我乘缆车观赏了全景式的景观。

12、Hong Kong's other 'tramway' is a cable-hauled funicular railway operated by the Peak Tramways Company Limited from Central to The Peak. ─── 香港的另一种"电车"是由山顶缆车有限公司经营的缆车。

13、Six people decide to walk back down the mountain,but the rest of the party used the funicular. ─── 六个人决定走下山,但其余的人乘索道缆车。

14、funicular curve ─── 悬链线短曲线

15、A funicular was carrying ten cheerful tourists to the peak. ─── 索道当时载着10位兴高采烈的游客来到山顶。

16、funicular water ─── 索状水

17、a funicular polygon ─── 索多边形

18、There is also a tramway serving as a local distributor on the northern shore of the Hong Kong Island and a funicular tramway running between Central (Garden Road) and the Peak. ─── 另外,还有作为区域性运输系统而行走于港岛北岸的电车,以及连接港岛中区花园道和山顶的缆车。

19、funicular artery ─── 精索动脉, 睾丸动脉

20、funicular cord ─── 菌纤索

21、funicular cellular cell ─── 索性细胞性细胞群

22、radical operation for funicular hydrocele ─── 精索鞘膜积液根治术

23、hydrocele funicular ─── 精索鞘膜积液

24、funicular ornament ─── 缆绳饰

25、Then, we had taking the funicular. ─── 然后,我们乘坐了索道缆车。

26、funicular process ─── 精索突

27、The tumor is lobulated under microscope, some immature Sertoli cells were arranged as either amorphous plaques, funicular, broad beam, nest, solid or hollow tubules; ─── 结果该例肿瘤位于左侧阔韧带内。镜下肿瘤呈分叶状,有不成熟的支持细胞排列呈片块状、不规则形或条索状、宽梁状、巢状、实性或空心的小管;

28、funicular railroad ─── 缆索铁路

29、posterior funicular nucleus ─── 后索核

30、One of the antidromic responses of these neurons to dorsal and dorsolateral funicular stimulation disappeared when dissection between the two funiculi reached the segments of C_(7)-T_(4). ─── 这些神经元对刺激背索抑或背外侧索的逆向反应,在C_(7)-T_(4)节段的背索和背外侧索被分隔开时消失。

31、funicular myelopathy ─── 束性脊髓病

32、Carrying out the fundamental and traveling facilities, to finish the building of the walking path, funicular, visitor reception center, to become an AAA level of scenic spot. ─── 进行基础设施和旅游设施建设。

33、Quite well situated by the Montjuic funicular 100 metres from Paral.ell Metro and 10 minutes walk from Raval / Plaza Espanya/15 mins from Ramblas. ─── 没有休息厅或其它公共场所。酒店附近有剧院、酒吧和饭店,但是很容易就能到繁华的中心地带,所以我没有去过那些地方。

34、The bodies of most nitrergic neuron were small, arranged as funicular form or scattered. ─── 多数神经元胞体较小,呈索状排列或散在分布;

35、funicular ( railway)car ─── 缆索车

36、The five rail systems include a heavily-used mass transit system, a busy suburban railway, a modern light railway, a traditional street tramway and the Peak funicular railway. ─── 本港共有5个铁路系统,计有使用率很高的地下铁路集体运输系统、繁忙的郊区铁路、现代化的轻便铁路、传统的电车,以及山顶缆车。

37、Hong Kong's other'tramway'is a cable-hauled funicular railway operated by the Peak Tramways Company Limited from Central to The Peak. ─── 香港的另一种“电车”是由山顶缆车有限公司经营的缆车。

38、funicular railway ─── n. 缆车

39、Funicular hernia of umbilical cord ─── 脐带的脐带疝

40、funicular car ─── 缆索车缆车

41、The study, application and prospect of peripheral nerve functional funicular orientation ─── 周围神经功能束鉴别的研究、应用及展望

42、Atop Victoria Peak, reachable via a funicular, are great views as well as Peak Tower, a shopping complex. ─── 意译:香港城市生活:图片美术馆。在维多利亚的山顶上,可以乘坐缆车到达,好极了的视野以及山顶的塔,一个购物复合体。

43、We enjoyed scenery and greeted with other classmates when we on the funicular . ─── 在缆车上,我们欣赏了风景并和其他的同学打招呼。

44、A song telling about the funicular of Vesuvio ─── 一首关于意大利维苏威火山索道的歌曲

45、Venice: a new alternative urban transportation solution on funicular ─── 威尼斯:实施新的索道式交通系统

46、This funicular railway extended to the peak of the mountain. ─── 缆车延伸到山顶。

47、funicular (railway) ─── 缆索铁路, 登山铁路

48、The results showed that the two exhaustion exercise methods could both induce exercise stress ulcer with gastric mucosa bleeding or canker in dot or funicular shapes. ─── 结果:力竭性游泳运动和力竭性跑台跑运动都可导致大鼠胃粘膜呈点状或条索状的出血或溃烂,产生运动应激性溃疡;

49、funicular distribution ─── 纤维状分布

50、Funicular railroad: The mountaineering railroad's one kind, the similar cable car's compartment hauls by the cable, walks on the rail. ─── 缆索铁路:登山铁路的一种,类似电车的车厢以缆索拖拉,在钢轨上行走。

51、Haifa Underground Funicular Railway: Haifa. opened 1959. ─── 海法地下电缆铁路:海法;1959年开放。

52、Hong Kong's other tramway is a cable-hauled funicular railway operated by the Peak Tramways Company Limited from Central (Garden Road) to the Peak. The 1.4-kilometre line began operation in 1888 and was modernised in 1989. ─── 香港的另一种“电车”是由山顶缆车有限公司经营的缆车。缆车线全长1.4公里,从中环(花园道)直达山顶。该线在一八八八年投入服务,并曾在一九八九年进行现代化工程。

53、Funicular hernia of spermatic cord ─── 精索疝

54、funicular bellows sound ─── [医] 脐带杂音


56、funicular hydrocele ─── 精索鞘膜积液精索鞘膜水囊肿精索水囊肿

57、funicular myelosis ─── [医] 索性脊髓[变性]病

58、funicular myelitis ─── [医] 束性脊髓炎

59、Follow the funicular to fun. ─── 缘索道而上前去尽兴吧。

60、You can hike up or ride the funicular to the 900-year-old castle. ─── 游客们可以徒步登上或搭乘缆车到有900年历史的旧城堡。

61、Funicular indirect inguinal hernia ─── 精索腹股沟斜疝

62、JFTA Japan Funicular Transport Association ─── 日本钢索交通协会

63、The massive octagonal structure contains 10 rooms, 2 baths, and is accessible only by a funicular. ─── 巨大的八边形结构,包括10个房间两间浴室,只有乘坐缆车可以进入。

64、Hong Kong's other tramway is a cable-hauled funicular railway operated by the Peak Tramways Company Limited from Central (Garden Road) to the Peak. ─── 香港的另一种“电车”是由山顶缆车有限公司经营的缆车。缆车线全长1.4公里,从中环(花园道)直达山顶。

65、This summer I want to take my son on the funicular railway which runs up the mountain to the top of the castle gardens. ─── 这个夏天我想带我儿子乘坐缆车到山顶上的城堡花园去玩。

66、Although it is not possible to devise a single shape that is funicular for all multiple loading , the effects of bending can be minimized by careful design. ─── 虽然构想为所有多装货是缆索铁路的唯一形状是不可能的,弯曲的作用可以由仔细的设计减到最小。

67、funicular machine ─── 静力试验机

68、funicular joint ─── 索节

69、funicular bellows sounds ─── 脐带杂音

70、The cable shape in the bridge’s completion state is not parabolic, nor catenary.It is between parabola and catenary.Actually it is funicular polygon closer to the catenary. ─── 3)在成桥状态时主缆的线形既不是抛物线,也不是悬链线,而是介于抛物线与悬链线之间,更接近于悬链线的索多边形。

71、Funicular railroad: The mountaineering railroad's one kind, the similar cable car's compartment hauls by the cable, walks on the rail. ─── 缆索铁路:登山铁路的一种,类似电车的车厢以缆索拖拉,在钢轨上行走。

72、Trolley system design of the large-tonnage funicular crane ─── 大吨位缆索吊机中跑车系统的设计

73、a funicular machine ─── 吊重机

74、funicular traction ─── 缆索牵 引

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